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Group sees budget progress

Thursday, Sep 24, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Emily Miller at Voices for Illinois Children…

Today in an Illinois House Committee lawmakers discussed SB2046, a bill appropriating funds for social service programs, and Voices for Illinois Children heard a different tone from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

It seems that a growing number of lawmakers are listening to providers in their districts who are unsure how they will keep their doors open in the face of this budget impasse. There appears to be a growing understanding of the vital role these providers play, and a recognition that these services are worth paying for.

While SB2046 appropriates funds to pay for services, the promise of funding runs pretty shallow when you take into account the fact that Illinois lacks the revenue to make good on that promise.

Voices was very encouraged to hear Representative Tryon say in his remarks before the committee that the time to have a revenue discussion is now.

He wondered aloud how that conversation starts. We hope it just did.

I hate to say it, and I really hope I’m wrong, but I just don’t think things will move forward until some sort of major calamity happens - and maybe not even then.

…Adding… From comments

Calamity isn’t enough. Then will come the blame game and then someone will have to clearly lose the blame game before this thing starts to resolve itself. Calamity will at best mark the end of the beginning and not the beginning of the end.


  1. - Just saying... - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 12:55 pm:

    Let’s see…

    The courts have been deciding what bills the state has to pay because “leadership” on both sides can’t…LEAD!

    Meanwhile, the truly needy, homeless; special needs children; veteran assistance programs etc. have no idea how they’re going to continue providing assistance due to the lack of a state budget.

    The courts had to adjudicate a decision about of all things, the governors’ schedule because the governor refused FOIA requests.

    Meanwhile, our debt continues to grow and “leaders” on both sides refuse to take responsibility and be accountable for the mess that they continue to expand.

    When will the General Assembly members have enough courage to collectively rebel against their masters in order to, at the very least, force agreement on many of the issues they both agree, including the unfortunate need for additional resources to fix this growing mess?

    What an absolute shame and total embarrassment this has become. I fear that you may be correct Rich. It might have to wait for a major calamity ugh!

  2. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 12:55 pm:

    I hope you’re wrong too. But if you’re right, then I hope the major calamity that needs to happen is the proposed property tax hike in Chicago and not something tragic.

  3. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 12:58 pm:

    I don’t believe a calamity would cause Calamity Bruce to change his tune. It seems that this governor strives for calamity, so seeing it would be expected by him.

  4. - Tournaround Agenda - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:00 pm:

    The collapse of the state’s entire social services infrastructure seems to be the biggest calamity looming on the horizon. I’m not sure if even that will be enough.

  5. - Just Because - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:06 pm:

    what happens next week Oct 1 when there is no state budget and no federal budget. will the link system (food stamps) still be funded?

  6. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:07 pm:

    I suspect the major calamity is already happening among social service providers and their clients. Those are core state functions that just happen to be privatized.

    They need to get away from the one-off anecdotal stories and pull it all together from a statewide perspective: how many layoffs (and new unemployment claims), how many programs shut down, how many citizens turned away.

  7. - Frenchie Mendoza - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:07 pm:

    I’ve mentioned the calamity, too — but my theory is that Rauner is waiting for this. The calamity — i.e., death of someone — will give him cover to — for the moment — ditch the agenda.

    The calamity will also be politicized by the gov’s staff of grass bowls as proof that Rauner can lead in a time of crisis.

  8. - Honeybear - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:09 pm:

    100% agree. It’s going to be something bad. I mean national news bad before they even begin to start really talking.

  9. - illinoised - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:10 pm:

    It will take a calamity. In my opinion, Rauner planned this budget impasse before ever taking office.

  10. - The Captain - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:12 pm:

    Calamity isn’t enough. Then will come the blame game and then someone will have to clearly lose the blame game before this thing starts to resolve itself. Calamity will at best mark the end of the beginning and not the beginning of the end.

  11. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:14 pm:

    TC is probably right.

  12. - From the 'Dale to HP - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:23 pm:

    Would 5,000 teachers being laid off at Christmas do the trick? Or is that not bad enough?

  13. - Democratic Response - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:26 pm:

    Chuck Sweeney has an excellent editorial in today’s Rockford Register Star about the issue.

  14. - Anon221 - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:27 pm:

    Wordslinger- “They need to get away from the one-off anecdotal stories and pull it all together from a statewide perspective: how many layoffs (and new unemployment claims), how many programs shut down, how many citizens turned away.”

    This needs to be accompanied by a state map showing where these programs are with an outlined coverage area. Red for gone, yellow for hurting, and green…. are there any “green” left?

  15. - Juvenal - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:32 pm:

    What, like a hurricane or something?

  16. - Buzzie - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:34 pm:

    I wonder how Rauner feels about how his role model, Scott Walker, has been nationally discarded? Is it enough to have him at least rethink some of his positions/actions?

  17. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:35 pm:

    ===Is it enough to have him at least rethink some of his positions/actions?===


  18. - Skeptic - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:36 pm:

    “The calamity — i.e., death of someone — will give him cover…” which if is how it shakes out,is sadly ironic given the whole nursing home scandal.

  19. - Matt - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:36 pm:

    I just want to know when the General Assembly is going to craft a special bill to fund higher ed, the forgotten slice of the Illinois budget pie. It would make me feel a lot better.

  20. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:38 pm:

    The “get the two sides to talking” about the budget narrative is fiction.

    Only one side has pre-conditions for budget talks and that is the governor.

    This fiscal crisis logically follows the whole “leveraging” strategy that the administration has been touting from Day One.

    Runaway deficits and a collapsing social service structure are the “leverage” to advance the political agenda.

  21. - filmmaker Professor - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:40 pm:

    I’ve been thinking the same thing about a calamity. But it seems to me that something is going to have to happen that will force some Repub legislators to break ranks. And I just don’t think social service crises will do that. What I see as the breaking point is when some of the state universities will have to start shutting down. It won’t happen to U of I, Urbana, because it doesn’t depend on that much state money, but somewhere like Eastern or Northern where a high % of their funding is state money. The reason that might move some Repubs is that college students are evenly distributed among all the state districts, Rs and Ds alike.

  22. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:45 pm:

    Buzzie - as I noted yesterday, Scott Walker still won three elections in four years in Wisconsin.

  23. - thoughts matter - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:50 pm:

    I am not sure what will be enough of a calamity - unless said calamity happens to someone within the inner circle of the Governor or the 4 tops extended families, or their staffs or their staffs’ extended families. It’s going to take a newsworthy event/family to break this. Someone that will be solidly middle class, except for medical issues, mental illness, or developmental issues. A senseless tragedy resulting from one someone not getting their medication, life-saving treatment. So far the concept of VETERANS not getting fed doesn’t seem to be enough to move the needle.

  24. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 1:53 pm:

    I think we’ve been thinking about this all wrong. Perhaps we need to look East for a lesson…far east. Bruce Rauner needs to have a win, or at least something to save face. If we explore that concept of face, perhaps we will find a way to give him some face without capitulating (which will never happen). If not, I don’t think a calamity is remotely enough to break the logjam.

  25. - Dr X - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 2:06 pm:

    Calamity? I prefer hordes of chaos ravaging the land.

  26. - Juvenal - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 2:26 pm:


    - University closing
    - pile-up on interstate downstate due to lack of salt
    - Delays in tax refunds

    Cynic -

    Rauner has set his ships afire. There is no face-saving compromise with him because he has defined anything that does not include his Turnaround agenda as defeat.

  27. - Mama - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 2:35 pm:

    Will Rauner drop the union- busting portion of his Turn-around agenda if a financial calamity hit IL?

  28. - Bemused - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 2:56 pm:

    To me the blame game has been a key component for some time. The fix is going to make someone look bad and be used by the other side in attack ads during the 2016 cycle.
    The bill is due and nobody wants to pick up the check.
    Calamity may lay responsibility at someone’s feet in public opinion. That may move them to action regardless of eventual blame.

  29. - Skeptic - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 2:58 pm:

    “Will Rauner drop the union- busting portion of his Turn-around agenda if a financial calamity hit IL?” I’d guess that he’d see it as a mandate for his union-busting and double-down. But then he’s u-turned before, so who knows?

  30. - Cheswick - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 3:00 pm:

    Would it be calamity enough if the highways got shut down for a week or ten days or so due to weather if we don’t have a budget allowing for salt, snow melt, overtime, and all the stuff you need to keep commerce moving in this state?

  31. - Anon221 - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 3:13 pm:

    Maybe a “Byrne Blizzard” will hit when all parties are in Springfield this winter. You know… if h#ll freezes over:

  32. - JS Mill - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 3:50 pm:

    =Scott Walker still won three elections in four years in Wisconsin.=


  33. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 4:22 pm:

    Gee, I got stuck on the words…..lawmakers are listening to providers in their districts.

    Don’t know about your lawmakers but mine seem to say one thing before the election then turn deaf to their constituents after elected. Since when do they actually represent their constituents? In my area they represent the ones with clout even if they are 1% of the electorate.

  34. - walker - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 4:52 pm:

    Reps. Tryon and Sullivan both acted today like the adult leaders they have always been in searching for bi-partisan solutions — and both are leaving the House for better pastures.

  35. - Cassandra - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 5:29 pm:

    Then I don’t think we should pay too much heed to what Tryon and Sullivan say.

  36. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 5:34 pm:

    At some point, there is no budget for the road builders.

    At some point, iDOT runs out of salt.

    At some point, the Secretary of State cannot mail out notices.

    At some point, our credit rating will be downgraded.

    But until three Republicans are ready to jump ship and vote with Democrats on the Millionaire Tax, we are stuck here.

    And it doesn’t matter how bad everything else gets.

  37. - Anon221 - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 6:12 pm:

    Ship jumping continues….

  38. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 6:18 pm:

    What’s going on at Ag? Buchen just got there.

  39. - Anon221 - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 6:23 pm:

    Just doing a “rauner” Google search, and on the second news page, there it was! WAND also had a blurb with more to come.

  40. - Anon221 - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 6:29 pm:

    According to the sj-r article, Buchen quit after Nelson was fired:

  41. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 6:43 pm:

    Buchen sounds happy, lol. Perhaps making room for a resigning legislator?

  42. - Anon221 - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 6:59 pm:

    If I were Buchen, I’d be more than happy to leave. Nelson’s resugnation(?) might just be the spark that lit his fire.

  43. - Anon221 - Thursday, Sep 24, 15 @ 7:00 pm:

    Resignation…. Sigh. So much for spellcheck.

  44. - real one - Friday, Sep 25, 15 @ 7:17 am:

    we are closing/selling (as a building only) ours. There will be 15 w/out a job.

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