Friday, Oct 23, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Several people have sent me the video clip, but I haven’t been able to get all that excited about a guy who won some Lottery money and is now whining because he hasn’t been paid and is actually suing. Get in line, pal. Plus, I didn’t think the segment was all that funny.
But, it’s easier to understand than the lack of childcare funding, or cuts to meals on wheels or MAP grants or whatever, and, as Jim Edgar said the other day it’s the little things that do you in, so it’s a national story…
Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” brought its comedic look at the news to Illinois with a feature on state government’s inability to pay lottery winners.
“Daily Show” correspondent Jordan Klepper and a camera crew traveled to Oglesby in north-central Illinois earlier this month to meet with Danny Chasteen and Susan Rick, who won $250,000 in the lottery but haven’t been paid.
The Illinois Lottery has delayed payments for all winnings exceeding $600.
As part of the comedic segment, which aired Wednesday night, Klepper hauled an oversized $250,000 check into Gov. Bruce Rauner’s office at the James R. Thompson Center in Chicago in hopes of getting Rauner to sign it. Rauner wasn’t there.
The segment is here.
- Downstate GOP Faithless - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 1:28 pm:
I tend to agree with the Lottery stuff not being newsworthy, other than from a perception issue…but, while rare to disagree with Rich Miller, it was funny!
- ihpsdm - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 1:30 pm:
Rauner would have really been embarrassed had that show had any viewers.
- Juice - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 1:34 pm:
I have a different take on the lottery issue. I feel like the suits involved may end up having significant importance of they tell the lottery they must stop selling tickets and shut down. Then there will be the two issues of the state losing millions in revenue, blowing bother hole in the budget and by finally actually maybe sending employees home. Maybe at that point some of the court permitted insanity can begin to unravel, and the parties can start to engage in getting out of this mess.
Or the judge could judge order the winning payments to be made and the insanity can continue.
- ihpsdm - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 1:38 pm:
These payments take time under “ordinary” conditions. My cousin won a million dollars from a ticket he purchased in November of 2010. He did not receive his winnings until March of 2011. The time differential cost him $20,000 as the state withholding had increased from 3% to 5% during that time.
If these payments are covered under the Illinois Pay Act, then they will get interest on top of their Winnings since it won’t get paid within 90 days.
- Amalia - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 1:44 pm:
I do think it was funny, although I ‘m not a fan of the old or new Daily Show. Colbert, however, he’s a genius!
- Concerned - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 1:55 pm:
It was good. It had a nice beat to it and I could dance to it. I’ll give it an “8.”
- Lincoln Parker - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 2:00 pm:
I thought the funniest part was when the subject admits he is still buying lottery tickets.
- stateandlake - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 2:07 pm:
Not that funny to me cause I knew where it was going…but I am sure it raised (lowered) the state’s profile with that show’s demographic…
- Casual observer - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 2:13 pm:
If you can’t afford to wait for your winnings you probably shouldn’t be playing. Just saying.
- Team Sleep - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 2:24 pm:
I have a feeling that “The Daily Show” is suffering the same fate as SNL. Yes, news will always happen and there will always be stories and people to parody. But the constant loss of talent - including the loss of the show’s longtime host - does not bode well for the long-term future. It’s hard to replace talent like Carell, Helms and Corddry.
- Qui Tam - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 2:29 pm:
It was part of Rauner’s plan to bring TV production to Illinois.
- W.S. - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 2:45 pm:
Jee whiz, boy did I think that was funny. I guess it’s just me.
- Timmeh - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 2:48 pm:
I like the Daily Show and the Noah is really good, but the segments have gone really downhill.
- Mouthy - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 2:51 pm:
If the budget impasse isn’t solved soon I’d support a statewide grassroots effort to boycott all lottery and gambling purchases. For those that say it would just put the state into a deeper hole I’d say maybe that prospect would help get the ball rolling to a solution. Selling tickets without paying winners because their’s no budget is a fraud IMO.
The federal government hasn’t passed a budget for years. Is there anything to stop the same predicament here? And if is it possible that big lottery winners will never get paid?
- Glenn - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 3:13 pm:
Would a state government that spends time finding the means for defaulting on pensions find defaulting on lottery winnings a reach?
People without pensions or winning lottery tickets might not find these issues to be very sympathy worthy, and some might even typify union members and lottery players as lowlifes, and so feel no real wrong has been done to those who are intrinsically wrong already.
- mikie maddawg - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 3:15 pm:
I’ve got news for you rich miller if you won money from the lottery you’d expect to be paid in a timely manner. I’m all for this guy suing. you are a real jerk 90% of the time!!
- Robert the 1st - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 3:18 pm:
I thought that was painfully not funny. Has the Daily Show gotten that bad without Jon Stewart?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 3:24 pm:
===you are a real jerk 90% of the time!! ===
I thought it was higher. So, thanks!!
- WhoKnew - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 3:27 pm:
The whole thing leaves me “Illinoyed”!
- illini - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 3:34 pm:
Did watch the clip and found it entertaining.
Wonder how I will handling winning the Lotto tomorrow night and having to wait!!!!!!!!!!!
I have already spent $1 - my limit.
- One of the 35 - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 3:36 pm:
I’m just waiting for a lawsuit from the family of a winner who died after winning, but before the state paid him/her.
- illini - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 3:38 pm:
Rich - great retort!
We need to keep it civil here - but beware of those conspiracy theorist that post on your site ( from several days ago ).
- zatoichi - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 3:49 pm:
The chip in the formica at the welcoming desk in the Governor’s office was classy.
- sal-says - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 4:04 pm:
If it gets more national attention to the IL foolishness and damage:
It’s Just Fine.
Keep up the good work.
- Nick Name - Friday, Oct 23, 15 @ 4:11 pm:
I’m waiting for John Oliver to do a number on us.
- Political Animal - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:37 am:
I was accused of being a Rauner plant because I support him and it’s ME who’s the conspiracy theorist? Come on man.
Anyway, I thought the skit was middling at best. The bit about marching into the Governor’s office was long and didn’t really have a punch line.
I also agree with Rich that there are a lot more sympathetic stories in this thing than someone who’s free money is being delayed temporarily.