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Monday, Oct 26, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Governor Bruce Rauner took it on the chin for several days in a row this month.

The Paul Simon Public Policy Institute’s recent poll of southern Illinoisans showed Rauner’s approval rating absolutely tanking in a region he swept last year. Just 37 percent of voters in 18 southern counties approved of his job performance, while 51 percent disapproved. The media usually reacts negatively when there’s real blood in the water, and that poll most definitely showed blood.

In both a Chicago speech and during a follow-up interview, former Republican Governor Jim Edgar called on Rauner to stop holding the budget “hostage” to his anti-union Turnaround Agenda demands, claiming the lack of a state budget is hurting Illinois. Edgar remains a popular figure with political reporters, and his statements were a cold bucket of water on the governor’s “things are going great, and if they’re not, it’s all because of House Speaker Michael Madigan” mantra.

Rauner appointed Comptroller Leslie Munger in January after popular incumbent Judy Baar Topinka passed away last year. But Munger took her benefactor to task, telling a Quad Cities audience that the governor needs to stop attacking unions. “I don’t think it’s productive,” Munger said. “I think we’ve got to work together, personally.” Munger partially walked her comments back a few days later, but she continued urging him to stop the attacks.

Chicago hotel owner Laurence Geller’s public demand to Crain’s Chicago Business that the governor and the legislative leaders come to terms was less noticed by the media but could be the most important harbinger of things to come. If enough of Chicago’s top business leaders demand an end to this fight, it’ll end.

After all that, Rauner apparently thought it was a good idea to give his House Republicans a little pep talk last week.

“We’re winning handily,” Rauner confidently told Republicans during a closed-door meeting, sources say.

And if you think that was a bit over the top, consider what he said next: “I’m stunned by how good a position we’re in.”

Rauner claimed he and the Republicans have Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan on the run and that “the entire Democrat caucus is in trouble.”

These are obviously not the words of a man who says he pays no attention to polls, as he claimed to reporters after the Simon Institute released its highly unflattering survey.

Instead, they’re the words of a guy who totally trusts his own pollster’s rosy numbers and who has put the state government’s future in the hands of consultants who have been itching for total war with the Democrats.

And the governor’s private comments are most definitely at odds with his recent public statements about the impasse. Just days ago, for instance, Rauner pronounced himself “very unhappy” with the impasse. “We’re going through some financial difficulties right now,” Rauner told some folks at the University of Illinois. “I apologize for that.”

Rauner’s private comments to his fellow Republicans last week line up far more closely with what he told a friendly Chicago Tribune editorial board earlier this year.

“Crisis creates opportunity,” he told the Tribune in April. “Crisis creates leverage to change – and we’ve got to use that leverage of the crisis to force structural change.”

The editorial board has been all-in on this theory ever since, most recently when it helpfully excoriated Edgar on the current governor’s behalf for suggesting that Rauner try to look for a “doable” resolution to the months-long impasse. The paper actually accused Edgar of advocating “surrender.”

And the Democrats, for their part, strongly believe that their long-term, privately stated goal of dragging the governor down to their own horrible polling levels to blunt his attacks is succeeding better than they could’ve ever hoped.

Their polling shows Rauner’s numbers are “dropping like a rock off a cliff,” as one top Democratic insider put it last week. An unpopular governor poses no political threat to legislators on the other side of the war.

Meanwhile, two New York credit-rating agencies have downgraded Illinois’ bonds. Working parents are losing state help with their child care and are being forced onto welfare. Meals on Wheels is cutting back service to senior citizens. Colleges and universities are being squeezed like never before. Etc., etc., etc.

But our political leaders are all convinced they’re winning, so we have that going for us.


  1. - Flynn's mom - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:27 am:

    Oh it’s winning, I miss took it for whining.

  2. - @MisterJayEm - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:31 am:

    “We’re winning handily *** I’m stunned by how good a position we’re in.”

    Is there a political parable about the captain of a sinking ship giving his crew a rousing pep talk as he sails away in his billion-dollar personal life boat?

    – MrJM

  3. - cdog - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:37 am:

    Looking forward to the group marginalizing “the Leaders.”

    When “the mission” becomes so twisted by leadership, the real work must be done by people of better character.

  4. - archimedes - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:39 am:

    “Winning isn’t everything, its the only thing.” Wrongly attributed to Lombardi - implemented by Rauner. He wants what Dems have - Dems want to keep it.

  5. - Frenchie Mendoza - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:43 am:

    Granted it’s only anecdotal, but the amount of animosity I’ve heard among my friends and colleagues toward Rauner is staggering. These aren’t uninformed folks either.

    Most of it — from what I can tell — comes from Rauner’s social service hostage taking. And then the conversation several times turned to Rauner’s wife — and talk about what, exactly, she’s doing — and why.

    Maybe Rauner knows some other folks — uninformed voters, I assume — but my takeaway over the past several weeks is that he’s far from winning — anything at all.

  6. - Joe M - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:44 am:

    “We’re winning handily *** I’m stunned by how good a position we’re in.”

    Unless Rauner has the votes to pass legislation, he is far short of winning. He can keep going around the state speaking to people who already think like him, but that does not generate votes in the General Assembly.

  7. - Anon - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:46 am:

    If the legislative leaders truly stepped up with a genuine compromise, that could serve as the sort of contrast that voters might appreciate, and certainly our state needs. With everybody dug in, uncompromising, all sides deserve disapproval. No heroes right now.

  8. - haverford - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:52 am:

    Just a gentle reminder that it’s not supposed to be about winning, it’s supposed to be about governing and helping people.

    Not sure why, but these quotes are about the most depressing part of this whole mess.

  9. - Stones - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:53 am:

    Rauner once said that he’s been successful at everything that he has ever done. Characterizing this impasse as a winning strategy shows just how phony that statement is. I don’t think anyone is going to emerge from this situation unscathed.

  10. - Mama - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:56 am:

    “But our political leaders are all convinced they’re winning, so we have that going for us.”

    OMG! Are they all smoking weed?

    The real question is, what exactly do they think they are winning? I would love to read the answer to that question.

  11. - Wordslinger - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:56 am:

    The governor doesn’t have a whole lot of respect for the brainpower in the House GOP caucus.

    Watch out if your shoes are wet and he tells you it’s raining…..

  12. - Juvenal - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:58 am:

    Crain’s chicago bunsiness editorial was another stunning victory for Team Rauner.

    And how about that expose from Kevin McDermott to the 1 million Illinoisans in the St. Louise metro-east.

    Rauner is just killing it.

  13. - Frenchie Mendoza - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:59 am:

    The real question is, what exactly do they think they are winning?

    Well, Rauner isn’t winning GA votes.

    Which is what he needs … to win.

    It’s the most backwards version of “winning” I’ve seen in a while.

    It sounds like he’s so obsessed by campaigning and poll numbers that he’s come to believe that campaigning and poll numbers are what it means to govern.

  14. - Mama - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:01 am:

    “I don’t think anyone is going to emerge from this situation unscathed.”
    The losers will be everyone who thinks they will receive reimbursement for all the unfunded expenses since July. Remember Rauners statement the other day, “Don’t count on it”.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:05 am:

    Great stuff by Rich, willing to go beyond what appears to be “happening” and looking at things beyond the “#winning” spin.

    To the Post,

    Bruce Rauner, governor of the state of Illinois, has been given 9 months to prove is capacity to govern. For me, I only had two requirements for a successful first SIX months; pass a budget, labor peace that included AFSCME. I’ll take them in that order.

    ===After all that, Rauner apparently thought it was a good idea to give his House Republicans a little pep talk last week.

    “We’re winning handily,” Rauner confidently told Republicans during a closed-door meeting, sources say.

    And if you think that was a bit over the top, consider what he said next: “I’m stunned by how good a position we’re in.”===

    It’s breathtaking to believe that Bruce Rauner, with social services crumbling, state payments required by court orders, Rauner’s Agencies, his own Rauner Administration, is crippled to do their functions, and unable to fulfill their missions and be seen as a government. This budgetary aspect, Rauner is choosing the destruction. As both Gov. Edgar, who doubled-down, and Gov. Thompson made very clear; Governors Own. They always do, have, and always will. This budgetary premise that Rauner is #Winning for the Raunerite Caucuses isn’t folly, is delusional to the required responsibilities of someone who, as governor, thinks that “leverage creates opportunity” at the real cost of what Diana Rauner made a career advocating; helping people.

    Now between the numerous Owl Hoots on The Twitter and - Louis G Atsaves - beating the drum over and over and over

    “How can you all say Rauner despises Unions, look at these agreements! Rauner isn’t anti-Union, look at his agreements!”

    Ugh. Fellas, are these the same absolute parameters that AFSCME is being offered? I’ll come back to that…

    Fellas, as Owls, how do these agreements reconcile the poison pills legislatively with the dismantling of Collective Bargaining or the ending of Prevailing Wages? See, if Rauner agrees to all the Union demands, but gets the ending of both those points, unions, all unions as functioning organized bodies will no longer exist. You both know that… right? Contracts signed, they are not ending this frontal assault to end the Labor Movement in ALL of Illinois. It’s either willfully ignorant or purposefully “misleading” (I’m being polite).

    So let’s go back to AFSCME. I’ve made it clear, elections have consequences, and AFSCME deserves what they get, zero sympathy from me. However, it’s up to them to answer “Now what?” and they have. Rauner, and the Owls, framing other Union agreements and the non-agreement with AFSCME as a reflection of the Union is embarrassingly pathetic.

    These are not the same cobtracts offered, same parameters given, same goals being realized. So, if I don’t want to be duped by the Owls, all I need to ask is one simple question; “Is the AFSCME contract the same as the others that were offered?” and to the big picture, “If Rauner isn’t anti-Labor, why does Rauner continue to demand the ending of Prevailing Wage and the dismantling of Collective Bargaining?”

    So… what does that all mean?

    Rich’s Column is what’s going on. It’s about Rauner’s definition of #Winning. Governors Edgar and Thompson believe the Governor of Illinois has a fundamental respobsibility to the people, Rauner believe he has a responsibility to an Agenda.

    The costs? The Raunerite Caucuses may pay a price, Diana Rauner’s “Ounce” may pay a price, Comptroller Munger may pay a price, even Gov. Rauner may pay a price.

    The price that is being paid is being paid by those who can’t afford to pay any price, the people of Illinois, and Bruce Rauner is fine with that, as long as the polls, he doesn’t read, se to indicate he’s #Winning.

    Agenda over People IS #Winning, no matter the simple goals I may have had, or others that show governing successfully is really what governmental #Winning should really be about.

  16. - After Further Review - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:11 am:

    How would Michael J. Madigan fare if he was not insulated in the safety of his individual representative district? Rauner is subject to statewide scrutiny and voter displeasure. If Madigan was running statewide, he would be in difficulty too. Many Illinoisans who are not his constituents blame MJM for the impasse. The Speaker cannot even agree to meet with the Governor and the other legislative leaders? C’mon.

  17. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:13 am:

    ===How would Michael J. Madigan fare if he was not===

    If you want to revert to sophomore college year, feel free. Just don’t do it here. Deal with reality.

  18. - working stiff - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:15 am:

    as usual, great statement from willy.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:15 am:

    ===How would Michael J. Madigan fare if he was not insulated in the safety of his individual representative district? Rauner is subject to statewide scrutiny and voter displeasure.===

    Now Bruce Rauner is a victim to deciding to run and be elected statewide?

    Dear goodness gracious, Rauner spent $60+ million, some, his own money in the tens of millions to be Governor. Rauner isn’t a victim.

    ===If Madigan was running statewide,…===

    He didn’t. K? Madigan didn’t. Ugh.

    ===The Speaker cannot even agree to meet with the Governor and the other legislative leaders? C’mon.===

    Madigan agreed to meet, Rauner agreed to meet, under “new” parameters.

    Please, keep up.

  20. - Union Man - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:17 am:

    Remember Saddam’s public relations officer during the invasion of Iraq? “The Republucan Guard has the Americans on the run and we have handed them a sounding defeat!”

  21. - Anon221 - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:18 am:

    Governors may “own, but we as a People do not have to keep paying their “rent”. I truly hope the Nov. 18 meeting is live-streamed and gets extremely thorough media coverage, and not just sound bites and tweets. And, it lead up to that event, more stories highlighting that human damage done by our current “Owner”. The entire focus of that meeting needs to be the Budget and not the TAR (TurnAround Reforms).

  22. - Mama - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:20 am:

    Maybe this will help:
    Definition of winning in English:
    1. Gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory in a contest or competition: a winning streak

  23. - Dome Gnome - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:21 am:

    “Mission Accomplished.” ~George W. Bush

  24. - Try-4-Truth - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:23 am:

    Here’s my prediction:

    Speaker Madigan shows up for the “Leaders” meeting (you know, the one that the Governor stole from the Go-Go’s) with a grand bargain. He unveils it there. Probably some workers comp. changes, maybe something on property taxes.

    If that happens, the Governor would have to counter. If this meeting is at all public, I the Governor will not be “winning”. If Gov. Rauner has to actually govern, he will be “losing”, not “winning”.

  25. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:24 am:

    Southern happens to “excoriate” Edgar as well. And they have a point.

  26. - DeKalb Guy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:29 am:

    Baghdad Bruce?

  27. - Facts are Stubborn Things - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:38 am:

    MJM is so far ahead of Rauner it is sad. MJM months and months ago staked out the winning position of the “number one problem facing Illinois is the budget”. MJM understood that we eventual need a budget and we won’t get a “turn around agenda” such as Gov. Rauner envisions until several more elections and then only if Dems majorities are severely reduced. MJM understand that math of 71 seats in the house as well as a supermajority in the senate. Rauner has made a huge mistake in thinking that he had real leverage in holding up the budget until he gets his agenda. It is false leverage because if his bluff is called, and it was, then he has no leverage at all because we have to have a budget. It is no different then telling your 10 year child that if he/she does not eat there green beans they won’t get to have Christmas this year…..ya right!

  28. - Percival - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:38 am:

    “The people of Illinois” (and exactly who does that refer to? 12 million people means a lot of different stories) are going to feel pain either way. Rauner didn’t create that - 20 plus years of irresponsible fiscal management did. The Gravy Train has derailed, and it’s now down to who, where and how on the pain, questions that are becoming very hard indeed, which is why no one wants to answer them because some people are going to lose, and some people are going to get hurt. I ask what you Rauner bashers see as the alternative to Rauner in bringing this state back to a future of sound footing for growth, an expanding tax base and prosperity to pay off the simply staggering bills the political / governmental class have created. We are now at the stage where political shuck and jive ends and somebody’s got to pay it - just ask the property owners in Chicago. From everything I have seen, the Democratic “plan” (c’mon Mr. Speaker - is there really any plan besides superficial modifications of “Keep Doing What We Have Done For Decades”?) ain’t it.

  29. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:42 am:

    Rauner may think he is winning but the people of Illinois are definitely losing.

  30. - VanillaMan - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:42 am:

    In my own circle of conservatives, Rauner has flamed out. Hopes they had for him, have been dashed by him.

    Right now, I’m not hearing anything positive, even from our Republican ex-governors and only other statewide office holder.

    Whatever opportunity ILGOP ever saw in this man is no longer seen.

  31. - RNUG - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:43 am:

    Gov. Rauner is winning with the 1% and the Raunerite branch of the Tea Party GOP. That’s all that matters … to him!

  32. - UIC Guy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:44 am:

    T-4-T: But which one of them will acknowledge the need for a tax increase? BVR will say: you want to do all this stuff (childcare, higher education, etc.), so you need a tax increase. If you give me XXX and get your members to vote for it, maybe I’ll sign it. MJM will say: to run this state in even in minimal fashion you need a tax increase. If you get your members to vote for it, maybe I’ll add in enough of mine.

    So where does it go from there?

  33. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:46 am:

    ===Rauner didn’t create that - 20 plus years of irresponsible fiscal management did. The Gravy Train has derailed, and it’s now down to who, where and how on the pain, questions that are becoming very hard indeed, which is why no one wants to answer them because some people are going to lose, and some people are going to get hurt.===

    Governors Own. They always do. Gov. Edgar made it quite crystal clear, at least twice. Bruce Rauner, candidate for governor, said all will be fine without the income tax staying, and Rauner was going to have more school funding…

    … Rauner chose these pains. Please, read, keep up, pay attention, and learn.

    ===…ate back to a future of sound footing for growth, an expanding tax base and prosperity to pay off the simply staggering bills the political / governmental class have created.===

    lol, if Rauner had a budget, something that signifies by monetary measurements as to what things mean… to Bruce Rauner and the Rauner Administration.

    When Rauner has a budget to show me Rauner prioroties, I’ll measure them as to what they are.

    No budget by Rauner IS Rauner not governing.

    ===From everything I have seen, the Democratic “plan” (c’mon Mr. Speaker - is there really any plan besides superficial modifications of “Keep Doing What We Have Done For Decades”?) ain’t it.===

    Example? Specific example, please?


  34. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:47 am:

    “Winning” in the court of public opinion? Apparently not. “Winning” as in creating crisis? Absolutely! “Crisis creates opportunity” This is where I’m murky on exactly what opportunity Rauner thinks is being created. An opportunity for the voters to blame everything on Madigan and the Dems he controls? Polls (with the exception of his internal ones) suggest otherwise. Perhaps the “opportunity” being created here is for everyone to see this man’s true colors. And for him to eventually concede that he grossly overestimated his power and influence.

  35. - VanillaMan - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:48 am:

    “I can’t believe how he is nothing more than another Blagojevich!” - ILGOP activist while collecting signatures for 2016 GOP candidates.

  36. - UIC Guy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:48 am:

    Percival: ==“The people of Illinois” (and exactly who does that refer to? 12 million people means a lot of different stories) are going to feel pain either way. Rauner didn’t create that - 20 plus years of irresponsible fiscal management did.==

    True, but the previous administration was actually dealing with the mess, making pension payments and (slowly) paying down the backlog of bills. Yes, we paid: services were cut, taxes were raised. But it was working. And now? Chaos. The difference: BVR.

    So no, he bears no responsibility for the long-term mess (20 years underestimates it), but he does for failing to deal with it (which is kind of his job), and making it worse.

  37. - D.P.Gumby - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:50 am:

    Brucie–the Charlie Sheen of Governors!

  38. - VanillaMan - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:56 am:

    Rauner didn’t create that - 20 plus years of irresponsible fiscal management did. The Gravy Train has derailed, and it’s now down to who, where and how on the pain, questions that are becoming very hard indeed, which is why no one wants to answer them because some people are going to lose, and some people are going to get hurt.

    “I didn’t build your car - this brand has had problems for over 20 plus years. I know I said that I could tune it up, change the timing belts, make it run better, but I think you need to just buy a new car. I won’t even pop open the hood to check because I didn’t build this car. It’s now down to who, where and how on the pain, questions about how you’ll get rid of this car and buy another one is very hard indeed. No one wants to pay for a new car. I can’t fix it. I didn’t build it. I called the corporate office to see who is to blame for your problems, but no one wants to talk to me because they probably know some people are going to lose, and some people are going to get hurt.”

    You wouldn’t accept this line of excuses from your auto mechanic, so why are you so willing to accept it from your governor?

  39. - Langhorne - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:58 am:

    –winning handily–
    Did any members dare to laugh?

    Whatever rauner is smoking, give it free to anyone with a medl mar card.

  40. - Percival - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:01 am:

    More like I ran my car in to a concrete abutment at 70 mph and now I’m mad because my mechanic is telling me I need a new car when I want him to fix this one.

  41. - cdog - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:01 am:

    The Summit will probably be the unveiling of an agreement on Revenue. Maybe tax on retirement income, a reinstatement of the 5%, and hopefully a path for a constitutional amendment for a progressive income tax. The Expense side, including some smart cuts, is easy, as has been stated before by many.

    The Revenue increase will not be flowing until Jan 1, though; thus, a SIX MONTH GOP/RAUNER-CREATED DEFICIT of $9 BILLION. How do you even climb out that hole!!!???!!!

    Smart governing there.

    As more GOP heavy weights keep weighing in, the higher the likelihood of GOP legislators and Superstars marginalizing The Winning One.

    (I bet the private sector is looking pretty good to some Superstars these days; the cost of being associated with Rauner will someday be too high for some of them. I am watching for some to start leaving. )

  42. - Wordslinger - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:13 am:

    Percival, it’s almost November. Perhaps it’s time to move beyond shallow buzz words and metaphors and get specific?

    What are the specific proposals and what is their ROI that justifies all this willful damage that is being done?

  43. - Percival - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:23 am:

    Me???? Wow. Shallow buzz describes 90 percent of the comments here about Rauner. Glad to see Madigan wants a public meeting. Good to see that he doesn’t want to turn the meeting into Public Potshot Hour at Rauner for media play, and instead wants to get down to business, roll up the sleeves, and make that back room deal we all say is needed! BTW, many angry union guys do you think the Speaker could fit in the main dining room at the Union League?

    Shallow buzz, Good Lord.

  44. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:27 am:

    Percival, how about answering the question?

  45. - A Citizen - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:27 am:

    I agree with Rauner and want him to stay the course until the g a meets us at least half way.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:28 am:

    === Shallow buzz describes 90 percent of the comments here about Rauner.===

    Wow, 90%, and not a one pointed out by you. Are they hidden?

    Your drive-by was at least in the entertaining side, lol

  47. - X-prof - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:30 am:

    There’s a good article by Brian Mackey in NPR’s Illinois Issues,, that highlights Rauner’s comments three years ago at a tax policy conference sponsored by the George W. Bush institute. He describes explicitly and in detail his vision to use social services as a wedge issue to force Democrats to choose between unions and the social safety net. These comments support the thesis of Rich’s article beyond Rauner’s comments to the Tribune editorial board. As Mackey points out, Rauner’s current selective shut-down of Illinois government fits his stated wedge-issue strategy like a glove. In terms of implementing his strategy, there is a sense in which Rauner can claim he is winning. Whether his strategy will achieve the goals he intends, and whether those goals come from sound political philosophy are entirely separate matters.

    Overall the Mackey article is balanced; the Dems take a few dings, too. My only quibble is that it advances the notion that the social services network is merely a pawn in Rauner’s attack on labor. I’m not so sure about that. The article’s first quote of Rauner, “In Illinois there’s been a long-time history of what I would call social service, social justice, a bigger role for government in the safety net than in many other states,” suggests otherwise. Given that big government is not a good thing in Rauner’s world view, his vision surely includes cuts to government funding of social service programs as well.

  48. - cdog - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:41 am:

    - A Citizen - “I agree with Rauner and want him to stay the course until the g a meets us at least half way.”

    I don’t think that is how a democracy works when your party is in the minority. When did hostage taking become such a GOP SOP?

  49. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:44 am:

    X-prof, thanks, but that was posted here days ago.

  50. - Percival - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:46 am:

    I have admit I’m not a Budgeteer. Nor do I work for Rauner or any GOP politician. So I can’t answer it off the cuff as newsmen would. I am aware of some of the cuts he wants, as you obviously are. It is pretty obvious that Rauner is going to approach this knowing he has to give in on the tax increase in return for some of the pro business agenda he is pushing, which his where his unbalanced budget came from. A “real” Rauner budget would have been a punching bag with no hope in the GA. So Rauner is playing a game of chicken But so is Madigan. Beyond that, I promise to study fast. I didn’t realize that there are pop quizzes here for those who buck the tide.

  51. - Percival - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:54 am:

    OW - read your posts.

  52. - X-prof - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:57 am:

    Sorry, Rich. Missed it.

  53. - Dilemma - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:58 am:

    @Percival - “Give in on the tax increase?”

    Again, you seem to think that democrats “want” a tax increase like it was some sort of perverse social engineering goal. Neither party wants to raise taxes, but if you look at what our obligations are and compare them to what are predicted revenue will be, certain realities exist.

    The governor isn’t giving in to taxes when he needs them as much or more than anyone else.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:59 am:

    ===I am aware of some of the cuts he wants,…===

    And they are…

    ===It is pretty obvious that Rauner is going to approach this knowing he has to give in on the tax increase in return for some of the pro business agenda he is pushing, which his where his unbalanced budget came from.===


    For the 5,790… FOURTH, time;

    A tax increase is not desired or caving in to Democrats.

    What part of that are you not understanding?

    Rauner’s own budget…requires additional revenue. Requires. K? Got it?

    ===I didn’t realize that there are pop quizzes here for those who buck the tide.===

    What, you’re now a victim now to calling out your own points? Please.

  55. - X-prof - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 11:00 am:

    Note to self: Try to keep up. :=)

  56. - Percival - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 11:01 am:

    OW, you can say it but it doesn’t make it true. I have to go now, so I freely give you the last taunt.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    ===OW, you can say it but it doesn’t make it true.===

    If I knew what you meant by this drive-by, sure, I’d mock it.

    I think that both yiu and I having no clue what you meant is hilarious all by itself.

  58. - Tommydanger - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 11:10 am:

    “Winning” and “Wedges”. The Governor demonstrate a monumentally poor grasp of the horrible optics the use of such phrases have when social safety net programs are laying off staff and closing down.

    He is a PR firm’s best/worst client: Best for billings and worst for message and client control.

  59. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 11:21 am:

    It’s like playing the lotto,everybody’s a winner till the numbers come up

  60. - Robert the Bruce - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 11:26 am:

    ==Shallow buzz describes 90 percent of the comments here about Rauner.==
    ==I didn’t realize that there are pop quizzes here==
    So no shallow buzz words but no useful knowledge is your request for our humble comments section?

    I’ll try to answer what I think is your point anyway: Yes, Illinois had big problems. Yes, Speaker Madigan was a big part of past budgets that didn’t solve them and helped create more.

    But Rauner’s delay is creating even more problems. See other threads today and last week if you need a list of those problems: no pop quizzes, promise.

    And it isn’t just liberals or unions saying this: it is two former republican governors, a republican legislator, and a Rauner-picked republican comptroller.

  61. - forwhatitsworth - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 11:35 am:

    The bad part of having a close-knit group of wimp advisers is that they only tell the boss what they think he wants to hear!

  62. - PublicServant - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 11:39 am:

    ===But our political leaders are all convinced they’re winning, so we have that going for us.===

    One out of two isn’t bad…they definitely are political.

  63. - Funny thing - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 11:40 am:

    Prevailing wage rates, normally updated monthly, haven’t been changed since July. Supposedly it has to do with the impasse, but me thinks it has to do with Rauner’s stance on it. If he can’t eliminate it, he’ll make sure wages don’t go up.

  64. - Mama - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 12:03 pm:

    ++- Anonymous - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 11:21 am:
    It’s like playing the lotto,everybody’s a winner till the numbers come up.++
    Good one!

  65. - Anon221 - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 12:04 pm:

  66. - Mama - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 12:08 pm:

    ++- A Citizen - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:27 am:
    I agree with Rauner and want him to stay the course until the g a meets us at least half way.++

    Do you only get your news from Rauner’s ads on TV? A Citizen, if you would read Capital Fax, you would know how wrong Rauner’s course is. You want the GA to meet half way to what? Hell?

  67. - Ghost - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 12:11 pm:

    love the last line, reminded me of bill murray in caddyshack….

  68. - Mama - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 12:20 pm:

    Anon221, thanks for the NY Times link. It was an interesting article.
    “Q. Is there a middle ground?
    A. Very little. Mr. Madigan says that he has met with the governor three times in recent weeks, but that the governor continues to press “nonbudget issues.” Mr. Cullerton said through a spokeswoman that there is “little disagreement that we need a balanced approach of cuts and revenues.”
    Catherine Kelly, a spokeswoman for Mr. Rauner, cited a letter that the governor sent to legislative leaders on Friday, offering to host a public meeting on Nov. 18 to discuss the budget. “Thank you for your commitment to solving this impasse,” he signed off.”
    No please!

  69. - btowntruth - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 1:04 pm:

    ““We’re winning handily,” Rauner confidently told Republicans during a closed-door meeting, sources say.”
    The man is in denial.

  70. - After Further Review - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 1:22 pm:

    Oswego Willy: remind us again that you are a Republican. Sometimes, from your postings it is hard to believe.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 1:30 pm:

    - AFR -,

    Respectfully, I’ll stand with Republicans Edgar and Thompson, as they make the same cases I’ve tried to make, as we three are Republicans.

    Rauner is a Raunerite. I’m not a Raunerite.

    Now, - AFR -, what are Edgar, Thompson, and I, what are we missing?

  72. - Flynn's mom - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 1:58 pm:

    He’s winnin’ while he’s grinin’ at all those who are losin’ their needed services. In my book, that’s sinin’.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 2:03 pm:

    (Tips cap to - working stiff -)

  74. - A Citizen - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:46 pm:

    tried to make, as we three are Republicans.
    Oh wow ow - they must be sooo proud.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 8:52 pm:

    ===Oh wow ow - they must be sooo proud.===

    I’m proud to be standing with them in their advice to Rauner.

    If I’m ever standing with you, I’ll solicit your opinion of that.

  76. - A Citizen - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:28 pm:

    Just kidd’n ow - I am never intentionally mean spirited, peace out blood - as one Repub, to a Dem.

  77. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:31 pm:

    Oh - A Citizen -

    I’m as much of a Dem as Edgar and Thompson…

  78. - A Citizen - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 9:47 pm:

    I know ow. I know - it’s okay, really! It is okay.

  79. - Ultragreen - Monday, Oct 26, 15 @ 10:18 pm:

    A Citizen: “I agree with Rauner and want him to stay the course until the g a meets us at least half way.”

    Rauner is playing a game of Chicken with a Democrat-controlled general assembly. This type of game favors members of the state legislature, not the governor.

    Members of the state legislature only have to worry about the opinions of voters in their districts. Such voters usually like their own representatives, but they hate the other guy’s representatives. Furthermore, most members of the state legislature are in safe districts, where it is practically impossible to vote them out of office and replace them with members of the other party. As a result, members of the general assembly have little reason to make unpopular compromises with this governor, especially when the Democrats have a supermajority in both the House and Senate. Instead, they are going to sit back and wait for the governor’s statewide popularity to tank (which is already happening). In this kind of battle, the governor has more to lose than the state legislature.

  80. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 1:27 am:

    - Ultragreen -
    Your point ?

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