Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner sticks to his guns, downplays November meeting, blames Democrats for impasse
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Rauner sticks to his guns, downplays November meeting, blames Democrats for impasse

Tuesday, Oct 27, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It looks like the goo-goos are gonna have to step up again and force a real meeting

Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner says he doesn’t expect a budget agreement to come out of a planned meeting next month with legislative leaders.

The Rock Island Argus reports that during a visit Monday to Rock Island, the Republican is insisting he won’t agree to a budget deal unless it includes reforms from his “turnaround agenda.”

Rauner and the Democrats have been at odds over a budget which should have taken effect July 1. The first-year governor wants changes to the business and political climates, such as tighter workers’ compensation rules and term limits for officeholders. Democratic leaders have said they want a balanced approach that includes cutbacks in spending.

The governor has said he would circulate an agenda for a Nov. 18 meeting.

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Gov. Rauner said he doesn’t expect any resolution to the budget impasse until January and doesn’t expect any agreement will come out of a planned meeting with Democratic leaders in the legislature next month. He accused Democrats of attempting to increase pressure on him by allowing the budget impasse to continue.

“They want the pressure of no scholarships for kids, they want the pressure of no childcare as a way to push the process, that’s the only explanation I can give,” Gov. Rauner said.

He remains open to discuss possible tax increases if its tied to the reforms he supports.

“I’ve said all along that I will support tax reform and some new revenues if we do it the conjunction of major structural reform,” he said.

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Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner gave no signs of giving ground in his budget fight with legislative Democrats in a visit to the Quad-Cities on Monday. […]

Last week, several groups asked that the leaders and Rauner meet, which prompted House Speaker Mike Madigan to suggest that it be public. Rauner responded that his office would organize a Nov. 18 meeting.

The governor said Monday that he has had continuous talks with leaders and that he has committed to a public meeting. But he added that he didn’t think it would result in much.

“I don’t think they’re going to offer compromises or creative solutions in front of a media negotiation,” he said. “I just don’t think that’s likely. But we can get issues on the table. We can have a good conversation.”

* More..

“There is a misperception with the media that negotiations are not happening,” said Gov. Rauner. “They have been happening now for a long time.”

Negotiations are not the problem that Rauner pointed out to the Illinois residents. Instead, Gov. Rauner pointed the finger at the state’s legislature.

“Legislature has been dragging out the process,” said Gov. Rauner.

The Governor’s ultimate goal is to push through a new budget and new reforms instead of simply raisin taxes.

“We know what we have to do. We have to have reforms,” said Gov. Rauner. “And the reforms I am pushing, true property tax relief, short term limits, re-districting, hugely popular.”



  1. - @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:42 am:


    He is who we thought he was.

    – MrJM

  2. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:46 am:

    Every time I read the daily statement from Rauner or his people, I feel ill.

  3. - @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:47 am:

    “They want the pressure of no scholarships for kids, they want the pressure of no childcare as a way to push the process, that’s the only explanation I can give,” Gov. Rauner said.

    Psychological projection, also known as blame shifting, is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others.

    “Crisis creates opportunity. Crisis creates leverage to change,” Rauner told the Chicago Tribune editorial board in April. “We’ve got to use that leverage of the crisis to force structural change.”

    – MrJM

  4. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:50 am:

    Just start right here;

    ===He (Gov. Rauner) remains open to discuss possible tax increases if its tied to the reforms he supports.===

    I can’t believe any governor is so delusional to believe they are holding back a want of Democrats to raise taxes, on purpose, and flaunting that as a “carrot”


  5. - State Engineer - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:51 am:

    –The Governor’s ultimate goal is to push through a new budget and new reforms instead of simply raisin taxes.–

    Ok governor are you raisin (g) taxes or taxing raisins?

  6. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:52 am:

    “And the reforms I am pushing, true property tax relief, short term limits, re-districting, hugely popular.”

    So now he’s not asking for limits on collective bargaining and prevailing wage reform? In one of the articles, he said bargaining reforms are “critical.” to quote him.

    “He is who we thought he was.”

    Exactly right. It’s now time for mea culpas. Those who voted for Rauner, thought they’d get something else and deeply regret it must publicly admit their mistakes. Confession and remorse can be good for them and put them on the right path, unlike the state.

  7. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:53 am:

    This is his idea of, “…we’ll take it from here.” So, let him take. Let him continue to “Bazinga”around the state touting his TAR (TurnAround Reforms). In the meantime, the other leaders should continue to work with the advocacy groups for the public meeting. More of the public deserves a balanced civics course on exactly how we got here, not the “I want my dessert first” drivel.

  8. - Jocko - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:53 am:

    While Bruce is at it, why doesn’t he asked to be referred to in the meeting as “King/Kaiser Bruce” (Swedish/German titles of nobility). Both are equally unlikely to occur.

  9. - Mouthy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:54 am:

    “You don’t get the money” say Captain Rauner, “Until you harpoon the unions”…and so the story goes on…

  10. - Keyrock - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:55 am:

    State Engineer– -Taxes on Raisins have apparently replaced magic beans in the Rauner Administration.

  11. - Relocated - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:55 am:

    Nobody would know if progress will be made than Rauner, as he is the one with the unreasonable conditions for negotiation. The good good need to stick to their guns in the idea of holding some variant on a public meeting so the source of the stonewalling can be more readily identified.

  12. - AnonymousOne - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:55 am:

    Besides seeing the negative impact on his citizens, whom he swore to represent, it’s painful to watch this delusional mental process play out in public.

    “legislature has been dragging out the process”

    Perhaps they are representing the wishes of their constituents. Who is Rauner representing ? He sounds like a petulant 2 year old with no capability of logic or reason. Embarrassing to watch.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 8:57 am:

    ===“They want the pressure of no scholarships for kids, they want the pressure of no childcare as a way to push the process, that’s the only explanation I can give,” Gov. Rauner said.===

    Governors Own. They always do.

    Gov. Rauner is holding up child care. Gov. Rauner is holding up scholarships.

    How do I know?

    Republican former Gov. Edgar told me so.

    And let’s not try to pretend this is NOT happening…

    ===… the Republican is insisting he won’t agree to a budget deal unless it includes reforms from his “turnaround agenda.”===

    “… he (Gov. Rauner) won’t agree to a budget deal unless…”

    That is a governor, Governor Rauner, choosing to own, by holding hostage a budget.

    Those are “simple” words, so I’m sure no one will be confused… Gov. Rauner owns this, all day.

  14. - zatoichi - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:00 am:

    Since budget negotiations have been ‘continuous’ and ‘happening for a long time’, it should not be very hard to give some examples of when and who’s doing the talking. BR could easily present a balanced budget as a starting point.

  15. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:02 am:

    “We know what we have to do. We have to have reforms,” said Gov. Rauner. “And the reforms I am pushing, true property tax relief, short term limits, re-districting, hugely popular.”

    Dream On - Aerosmith, enhanced by VanillaMan

    Every time when I demand my reforms
    I’ve break citizen’s souls into deforms
    Politics is zen
    When something goes wrong, blame Madigan

    Isn’t that’s my way
    Wrecking Illinois is just how I play?

    Only I around here knows
    How much better, it is to foreclose
    Only I am permitted to win
    Don’t believe me – listen to my spin.

    Half my life
    Are deals, getting richer
    I plunder like a pirate - get the picture
    You know it’s true, oh
    You’ve had it good
    So it’s time to pay my due

    Bring to me, bring all your fears
    I’ll kill off the unions, make them cry tears
    Cling to me, you petulant and jealous
    Maybe tomorrow, you will be as zealous
    Yeah, bring to me, a Democrat to smear
    The future’s good for grafters, good for a profiteer
    Cling to me, just for today
    Maybe tomorrow, you’ll be as rich as I am today

    Dream on
    Dream on
    Dream on

    Do it my way, or everyone gets it!

  16. - OutHereInTheMiddle - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:02 am:

    Notice: To save time all future statements regarding the state of budget negotiations will be replaced by links to the previous occurrence of these statements.

  17. - Stones - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:02 am:

    Great leadership, Governor! Nice way to set positive expectations.

    Unquestionably the least effective Governor of my lifetime and I go back to the Otto Kerner era.

  18. - Anon - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:03 am:

    “And the reforms I am pushing, true property tax relief, short term limits, re-districting, hugely popular.” If this is what he truly wants, it’s doable.

    Grandson of Man: You forget many that voted for him have no remorse about this what-so-ever. He’s doing exactly what he said he would do. That’s why they voted for him.

  19. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:04 am:

    ==“And the reforms I am pushing, true property tax relief, short term limits, re-districting, hugely popular.”==

    But they’re not going to have any effect on the budget.

  20. - GA Watcher - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:06 am:

    The Governor has done a good job of knowing his audiences and telling them what they want to hear. He better be careful, though. One of these days he may slip up.

  21. - anon - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:07 am:

    That drinking game where you take shots every time OW posts Bruce owns it has me very drunk by 10 each morning!!

  22. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:08 am:

    Isn’t property tax relief an empty vessel to remove Prevailing Wage from municipal and school district requirements?

    How about… Gov. Rauner propose that property tax relief without the Union Poison Pills?

    Wonder what Rauner and the Owls he controls would say about those proposals…

  23. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:09 am:

    ===has me very drunk by 10 each morning!===

    That could explain some of your comments.

    Just sayin…

  24. - Dilemma - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:13 am:

    At what point to the Democrats say they won’t vote for anything the governor wants, including taxes, until he gives them something huge? This is his budget, and until he shows up with a balanced budget, they shouldn’t vote for anything, including tax increases or anything else.

  25. - Not quite a majority - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:14 am:

    So that light at the end of the tunnel (an actual meeting that people could witness and see results) was another oncoming train. Yup, what I expected to happen.
    Kudos to anon221 for TAR (Turn ARound agenda). Can we get that in Oxford’s before the end of the year?

  26. - Streator Curmudgeon - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:14 am:

    Okay, I’m not up on the latest political slang. What does “goo-goos” mean?

  27. - Mouthy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:16 am:

    ====has me very drunk by 10 each morning!===

    That could explain some of your comments.

    Just sayin…=

    Funniest comment I’ve read in a long time..

  28. - Solid Dwight - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:17 am:

    Rauner’s strategy is working for him, even if he is the root cause of the loss of services and benefits to the most vulnerable.

  29. - Union Man - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:18 am:

    Call in talk show asked if IL has a spending or revenue problem. Repubs snd Dems agree, we have a Governor problem.

  30. - Gales Burger - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:21 am:

    ==That drinking game where you take shots every time OW posts Bruce owns it has me very drunk by 10 each morning!! ==

    If you like that, try playing the drinking game where you take a shot each time someone tries to imply the Rauner is NOT responsible. You’ll get drunk about 3X quicker!

  31. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:22 am:

    So negotiations have been going on for a long time, but don’t expect anything until January at the earliest?

    What could they possibly have been talking about all this time?

    Why does he make up that stuff? To appear reasonable?

    Multi-billion dollar deficits, starving social services, local governments and universities and stiffing Illinois businesses for an agenda of no apparent benefit that can be articulated…..

    … the appear reasonable ship sailed long ago.

  32. - Solid Dwight - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:23 am:

    It is always a little disconcerting when the newspapers report that the Democrats disagree with Rauner’s anti-union agenda. As Madigan correctly states, at each press conference, both Democrats and Republicans disagree with his plan.
    Generalizations are sometimes convenient, but they come at a price.

  33. - Slippin' Jimmy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:26 am:

    anon @ 9:07- You’re giving Booze and OW way too much ‘control’ over events in your life guy!

  34. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:26 am:

    ==At what point to the Democrats say they won’t vote for anything the governor wants, including taxes, until he gives them something huge?==

    What do they really want that’s huge? Maybe minimum wage or something, but putting that on the table is only going to make negotiations harder.

  35. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:26 am:

    When will the Republican legislators stand up to Rauner is the question. It will be when his poll numbers start to effect them. That is when things will change.

  36. - Bogey Golfer - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:28 am:

    =What does “goo-goos” mean?= It was a term coined in the 70’s or 80’s to define those Chicago aldermen or other civic leaders who did not walk lockstep with da Mayor. Short for “good government”.

  37. - Keyrock - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:29 am:

    Goo-Goo: ancient Illinois term for politically active supporters of good government, particularly in opposition to the Richard J. Daley machine. Generally found along Chicago’s lakefront. Examples could include the League of Women Voters, the old IVI, and the Kosher Nostra.

    Goo-Goo heroes would include Adlai Stevenson, father and son, Dawn Clark Netsch, and Paul Simon.

    Currently an endangered species in Illinois.

  38. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:30 am:

    To use a prolific poster’s metaphor, Democrats advocate for collective bargaining, prevailing wage, against worker comp and tort reform all of which make government more expensive requiring higher taxes. If effect they “own” the higher taxes but can’t seem to pass them permanently even when they are in total control of State Government for over a decade.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:32 am:

    ===When will the Republican legislators stand up to Rauner is the question.===

    They won’t. End of story.

    It took TWO former governors to try to give the GOP GA cover, and not one peep.

    If anything, the Owl Sandack’s tweets reinforce the utter and complete ownership of The Owl, let alone the GOP GA.

    I’ll stand with Edgar and with Thompson, but it was Edgar that just didn’t go against the grain, but went “business-personal” on Rauner and doubled down himself following his initial remarks.

    I still root for the GOP GA. I’m in their corner, hoping as you are, but I’m resigned that I’ll root for them while trying to give them solace I appreciate their predicament.

    Now, have I called them out on it…

  40. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:35 am:


    I thought he would have waited a while before throwing a wet blanket on it. I guess I give him too much credit….

  41. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:38 am:

    Somebody needs to jog my governor’s memory send him the tally of the vote on minimum wage and millionaire tax the will of the people

  42. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:40 am:

    After the primary ballot is set, I think it’s possible you could see some House GOP defections. I’d watch the town-and-gown crowd first.

    What good is Rauner’s money to you if he’s shutting down your university?

  43. - Mama - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:41 am:

    ==In the meantime, the other leaders should continue to work with the advocacy groups for the public meeting. More of the public deserves a balanced civics course on exactly how we got here, not the “I want my dessert first” drivel.==
    Anon221, I totally agree, Madigan & Cullerton need to give the public facts as to why Rauner’s TA is not good for IL.. TV news, radio & newspapers would be a good mediums for their weekly civic lessons.

  44. - From the 'Dale to HP - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:45 am:

    It’s clear that Rauner and the Frats don’t want a budget. There’s really nothing else to be said about this at this point. About 12.9 million people want a budget, but six or seven people do not. Democracy in action! (or something).

  45. - walker - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:50 am:

    Let’s see Rauner’s proposed agenda. Guaranteed it won’t be what Garrett et al initially had in mind.

    And let’s see if he’s willing to expand it based on others’ input. It will reflect if he’s firmly stuck in a position that helps maintain the impasse.

  46. - Just saying... - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:51 am:

    Dear Governor,

    Compromise is neither a strength nor weakness of leadership – it’s more a measure of maturity and experience. More experienced leaders tend to have a better gauge of when to hold resolute and when to compromise. Being able to compromise indicates an awareness of the bigger picture and the need to not always be ‘right’.

    Please become the leader we so desperately need! Which by the way is hugely popular!!!!!

    Signed, the people of Illinois.

  47. - Mama - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:53 am:

    He knows he doesn’t have to include the facts because most people won’t take time to check it out. Clarification: Insert Rauner name for “He”.

  48. - Dr X - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:55 am:

    Curious - Next year, only a majority is needed for a budget. Can the legislature/governor use this years out of whack budget proposal or do they have to wait for the budget address and a new out of balance Rauner budget?

  49. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:56 am:

    “I’ll continue the pressure of no scholarships for kids, the pressure of no childcare as a way to push the process, that’s the only explanation I can give,”


  50. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:58 am:

    ===Curious - Next year, only a majority is needed for a budget. Can the legislature/governor use this years out of whack budget proposal or do they have to wait for the budget address and a new out of balance Rauner budget?===

    They can deal Jan 1. But they won’t. You still need a veto-proof majority if the governor is going to veto the flippin’ budget.

  51. - Dee Lay - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:00 am:

    ==“We know what we have to do. We have to have reforms,” said Gov. Rauner. “And the reforms I am pushing, true property tax relief, short term limits, re-districting, hugely popular.”==

    You forgot the Millionaire’s Tax there chief. That was hugely popular, like 60% of the taxpayers popular.

  52. - Allen D - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:03 am:

    He is doing exactly what he campaigned he would do, I for one am glad he is sticking to what he promised to do.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:03 am:

    ===You still need a veto-proof majority if the governor is going to veto the … budget.===

    Yep. Correct. This.

    Unless Rauner, Cullerton, and Madigan structure the roll callS and Gov. Rauner holds up his end of the bargain and signs the agreed to budget, the processes of getting a budget do reduce the numbers to 60 and 30, but the powerful Illinois Governor’s Veto denies the “going alone” unless you have 71 and 36 on both chambers to pull that off, which is almost utterly impossible.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:06 am:

    - Allen D -,

    While I appreciate you understanding Rauner owns this, your heartlessness towards your fellow Illinoisans, as you and Gov. Rauner strive for destroying unions at the cost of people, is also noted.


  55. - RNUG - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:06 am:

    My original thought the other day was Rauner hijacked the proposed meeting so he could control both the agenda and the media reporting of it. A typical CEO move and, in this case, a pretty decent political move also.

    But once this happened, I expected absolutely nothing would get resolved in the proposed meeting.

  56. - Captain Illini - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:10 am:

    They all may have their own agenda’s, but soon mother nature will force their hands, and individual communities will force their legislators to action. Not unlike the scene in “Bugs Life” the people of Illinois will realize they need us - more than we need them, especially when the snow flies, and nobody has any salt or the funds to replenish supplies…that’s gonna be the popcorn hour!

  57. - Dilemma - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:15 am:

    @Arsenal ==What do they really want that’s huge? Maybe minimum wage or something, but putting that on the table is only going to make negotiations harder.==

    He’s the governor. It’s not supposed to be easy. All I want is a balanced budget, but apparently we shouldn’t waste a good crisis… or leverage. I see no reason why the Democrats shouldn’t start messaging that whey will vote for a balanced budget proposed by the governor so long as it contains a (insert proposal here). Minimum wage? Free puppies for children? Cloud seeding funding? Whatever. He’s the governor, make him earn it.

    The governor is trying to frame the argument as one where the democrats want to raise taxes vs. his turnaround agenda. This would be one way to re frame the argument to show what the actual priorities are.

  58. - RNUG - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:15 am:

    If we’re going with acronyms, I would prefer TAG as in Turn Around aGenda and, when assigning blame, it’s TAG, you’re it!

  59. - JackD - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:17 am:

    The Governor’s statements suggest that the “goo-goo” organizations ought to renew their call for a meeting on neutral ground.

  60. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:17 am:

    Wait..OW. Even though January brings us to 60/30 a veto must still be overridden with 71/36? Ah crap I did not realize this.

  61. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:17 am:

    –He is doing exactly what he campaigned he would do.–

    Allen D.

    –”Pushing any specific labor legislation is not my priority at all.”

    Bruce Rauner, October 2014.

  62. - JoanP - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:20 am:

    @ Streator Curmudgeon:

    It’s far from the “latest slang”!

    “Goo-goos” goes back to the days of Tammany Hall, and the City Club of New York’s reform-movement “Good Government Clubs”. It was the New York Sun that started calling them “goo-goos”, and the name entered the American political lexicon.

  63. - Anonin' - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:21 am:

    Funny TheSuperstars would bungle the meetin’ issues so quickly. Especially when they knew more favorable work comp rates news comin’ out. Very curious
    Many thought TheSuperstars would wait until the “agenda” came out and the Ds scoffed. Now they have to live with the bad polls, nasty governors, ugly facts on work comp and no hope.
    Maybe the higher ed guys were right about what they said after TheSuperstars meetin’

  64. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    Tried and true negotiating strategy: reduce expectations. Dont let dems lay the blame for no results on him (tho he fully deserves it).

    Political Messaging strategy: hit the road, avoid statehouse
    press corps, get your message out in a neutral setting.

    Agenda strategy: goldberg makes it clear it will be a syllabus on the turnaround agenda. Seven to ten turnaround topics. They are preconditions, after all. Last item “budget”. If madigan and cullerton attend, they have to put up with being publicly lectured. Their best response, after each harangue, would be to say introduce your bill and we will put it to a vote.

    Dueling agendas: maybe the dems should offer their own agenda, to show what the meeting should cover (revenue estimate, major obligations, allocatins by budget area, shortfall). I look forward to steve browns comments on the goldberg agenda.

  65. - Relocated - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:23 am:

    Can we dispense with the idea that Rauner is just doing what he said he would do. He actively mislead the electorate on his anti union stance. When some of his more frank comments on the subject were reported he disavowed them and pretended to be moderate. Balancing the rest of the states welfare on the union tipping point wasn’t advertised or promised.

  66. - Anon - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:24 am:

    I stand with the Governor in opposing raisin taxes. I am open to discussing taxes on prunes, dates, or even craisins, but raisin taxes are off the table.

  67. - illinifan - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    Joseph Stiglitz in his book “the Price of Inequality” points out that since the 80s money has shifted from the middle class to the wealthy few. He attributes this to policies being implemented that favor the rich and to the decline of the labor union movement. Fast forward to Illinois where we are being told by a person who has received his money through these favorable policies that the only way we can move the state forward is to continue to diminish the rights of members of labor unions. Just a thought as we see this ideology that has affected many of us play out in an intense way with our Illinois economy.

  68. - Elo Kiddies - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:27 am:

    If the governor believes new revenue is optional, the legislature is calling his bluff. When is the next budget address?

  69. - Streator Curmudgeon - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:29 am:

    Bogey Golfer:

    Thanks for that explanation of goo-goos.


  70. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:35 am:

    Yeah, - Honeybear -, sorry.

  71. - Jack Stephens - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    I stand with the many Illinoisans who voted for a massive expansion in Prevailing Wages for the Wealthy!

  72. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    We have heard the Governor speak of “winning” a lot lately. What is now clear is that he is not interested in governing or leading, he wants to win a game. And that game is all about avoiding blame. Blame for the current quagmire and the inevitable tax increase. The governor will only agree to the Democrats tax increase if he gets the “reforms” he insists upon. This way when he does sign the tax increase into law, he can go back to his people and say he hated doing it, but it was the price of doing business in this god forsaken state that Madigan controls.

  73. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:37 am:

    Relocated, “actively mislead” is a nice way of saying “lied.”

    To claim, as Rauner did, that “pushing any labor legislation is not a priority at all” when, in fact, it is the only priority of his administration, was a flat-out willful lie to the electorate.

    It’s possible Rauner was misinterpreted when he said he had “no social agenda.”

    Some thought he was talking about abortion and gay rights.

    Turns out, he literally meant, “no social agenda,” as in, no funding for social programs, period.

  74. - Slippin' Jimmy - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:38 am:

    @Langhorne- The purported Nov 18 meetin’ looks increasingly like a cancellin’ is comin’.

  75. - Jocko - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    Allen D (and all Raunerites),

    Just remember that sentiment the next time you see a school, police (or fire) station, or wait for your street to be cleared or repaired. We are all in this together!

    At this rate, your 911 call will go direct to voicemail.

  76. - Dilemma - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:50 am:

    Please stop calling it the “Democrat’s tax increase.” No one wants higher taxes, this is a simple issue of math. Either we need to find massive cuts or come up with more revenue. The idea that democrats are frothing at the mouth for the tax cuts they so desperately want is just asinine.

  77. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    –…he will only agree to the Democrats tax increase…–

    Did I miss something? Have the Democrats proposed a tax increase plan?

    You’re buying into the governor’s fictional narrative.

    I can’t recall an Illinois tax increase being enacted that didn’t first have the active advocacy of the governor. I don’t see that changing.

  78. - Dinsdale - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 10:52 am:

    What we have here is a failure to capitulate.
    Captain Bruce.

  79. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 11:28 am:

    So what does a “failed state” look like? I mean if we really go down. What does that look like and does anyone know what happens? What mechanisms does the federal government have?

  80. - RNUG - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 11:53 am:

    == What mechanisms does the federal government have? ==

    None really other than the power of tying Federal money to Federal mandates.

    The other choices for the Feds would be to revive the Reconstruction Era or change Illinois from a state to a protectorate or territory like Puerto Rico.

    /partly s

  81. - RNUG - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 11:55 am:

    == So what does a “failed state” look like? ==

  82. - bored now - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 12:03 pm:

    maybe — *maybe* — this will be resolved after the election in 2016. but i doubt it. this feels like a longterm crisis (standoff)…

  83. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 12:49 pm:

    –He is doing exactly what he campaigned he would do.–

    Allen D.

    –”Pushing any specific labor legislation is not my priority at all.”

    Bruce Rauner, October 2014.=

    drops mic…..walks off stage….

    Let’s not forget that part- the governor sold one big honkin’ lie there and his loyalists and the party he bought don’t have the character to call him on it.

  84. - Finally Out (and now very glad to be) - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 1:20 pm:

    It’s going to be a l-o-n-g 3 years.

  85. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 1:23 pm:

    Thanks for responding RNUG. Nice Mad Max reference. I’ve fantasized many times about Rauner and Madigan in the Thunderdome. But seriously can SCOTUS bring a state government up on contempt? or something? I imagine we are rapidly moving towards uncharted waters. I wonder if the ILSC can bring parties up. Man, I can hardly wrap my brain around it any more. The sad thing is that hardly any other state is paying attention with articles like the NYT article. I had thought that maybe some really bad national press would break it. Now I don’t think they will even notice.

  86. - Stumpy's bunker - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 2:17 pm:

    Let’s see.

    The GA leaders and Rauner agree to meet, which will cause plenty of media attention. Then Rauner grabs control of the agenda (no doubt, Runaground Agenda items up front) and predicts no progress will result from the meeting.

    Rauner, not daring to reject this meeting due to media and public pressure, found a way to ensure that the meeting is non-productive from the git-go.

    Rauner thinks this is good, that economic/social wreckage and impasse is working for him.

    Logic 101.

  87. - Archiesmom - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 3:24 pm:

    Winning? Right now I’m hoping for surviving.

  88. - illini - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 3:39 pm:

    It is always someone else that is at fault - I’ll continue traveling around Illinois spreading this falsehood and will continue pandering and speaking out of both sides of my mouth. I will continue to to be hypocritical in my public statements and my official actions. I’m rich and nothing I do will affect my lifestyle, but I will still wear my Carhart jacket and Timex watches to try to make you believe that I am a regular guy who really cares. Maybe, one of these days, I will realize that I actually have to compromise and negotiate - no, forget that it won’t happen. BVR

  89. - JoeNitro - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 3:46 pm:

    I just researched ” two-faced ” in the dictionary. Wanna guess who’s picture was there? /s

  90. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 4:03 pm:

    ==He’s the governor. It’s not supposed to be easy.==

    Read through my comment history, you’ll see I have no interest in going easy on the Governor. I’m just saying, the universe of big things that Dems want that aren’t non-starters with the Governor (similar to how RTWFL is a non-starter for them, and that’s legit) is very small. They would probably only embarrass the Governor, and that gets us no closer to a solution.

  91. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 4:12 pm:

    This just in…..illinois budget impasse comes to an end. The Raun Man just found $5.5 billion in savings by doing away with so many specialty license plates.

  92. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 4:20 pm:

    Correction…..due to license plate renewal notices not going out thru SOS, actual savings were 5.50. Oops!

  93. - Politix - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 4:46 pm:

    It’s Groundhog Day. On repeat. Over and over again.

    He uses a fascinating lack of precision in his language around the public. Happens every time - he visits a small town, everybody’s nice to him because well, he’s the governor. He gets too comfortable and his chest puffs up and he starts running his mouth. He’s got an ego problem to boot but he is just so very simple: “I’m so smart and powerful! Everyone do as I say!’

  94. - Mama - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 4:55 pm:

    Specialty license plates are big money makers so that isn’t going to happen.

  95. - Huh? - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 6:33 pm:

    So much for the November 18th meeting.

  96. - DuPage Grandma - Tuesday, Oct 27, 15 @ 9:10 pm:

    Mama, Specialty plates will be replaced with generic plates. A sticker for the cause supported will be issued for the generic plate. I think if you already have special plates you can keep them, so now is the time to get one. “

  97. - siriusly - Thursday, Oct 29, 15 @ 11:23 am:

    I’m not sure why he thinks January will be different. He keeps telling people January.

    The GA can pass whatever they want, but if he vetoes it they still need 2/3 to over-ride. That’s where we are today.

    Not sure why January is different if he does not come to the table prepared to work with them.

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