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He didn’t “narrow” anything

Wednesday, Dec 2, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We should’ve seen this coming

A long-awaited budget talk among Gov. Bruce Rauner and other Illinois leaders repeated some of the well-worn conflicts that have punctuated the lengthy impasse over state spending and ended with the promise of yet another meeting.

Rauner used his opening public comments to outline top priorities in the upcoming negotiations, calling term limits for public officials and changes to how political boundaries are drawn “easy votes” for state lawmakers.

“Let’s vote for the next generation, not the next election,” he said.

But shortly after the meeting adjourned, Rauner’s chief foil, Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan, called both the issues Republican talking points for the 2016 campaign, raising questions of whether a budget compromise is anywhere close to reality.

“I don’t think that they ought to be advancing political party positions relative to a future campaign” as part of budget talks, Madigan said.

OK, that’s pretty rich coming from Madigan. I mean, the guy has forced how many votes on his property tax freeze bill? Those “No” votes by Republicans won’t be used in mailers and TV ads? Please.

* But why do I say we should’ve seen this other stuff coming? Well, let’s go back to November 13th when the governor announced his plans for the meeting

At that point, we will allot 10 minutes for each leader to make his or her case to the people of Illinois — uninterrupted and unfiltered. While you can discuss any issues you’d like, I suggest it may be most productive for each leader to use their 10 minutes on the issues about which they feel most passionately: Speaker Madigan, balancing the budget with specific additional taxes/revenue details; Leader Durkin, the need for reform before revenue; President Cullerton, overall spending levels, pension reform and Chicago’s financial crisis; Leader Radogno, economic reforms to improve the jobs climate like workers’ compensation reform; and I will focus on term limits, redistricting reform and local control of costs and property taxes.

Emphasis added.

* As such, we can ignore this report from the Illinois Policy Institute’s news service

Illinois’ governor has narrowed his agenda to three points he says are not extreme while the leading House Democrat stuck to statements he’s made in the past.

During the much-anticipated meeting to discuss the budget impasse now in its sixth month between Republican Governor Bruce Rauner and the four legislative leaders, Rauner said he’s willing to raise taxes but wants three reforms: redistricting reform for political maps, term limits on elected officials, and a property tax freeze with local cost controls.

Several items Rauner had previously pushed for that didn’t get aired Tuesday afternoon were reforms to tort law and workers’ compensation.

C’mon, man. Talking about those three things was his plan all along. Radogno was supposed to talk about workers’ comp (which she did in private and subscribers know more).


  1. - Dee Lay - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:14 am:

    ” he’s willing to raise taxes but wants three reforms……..and a property tax freeze with local cost controls.”

    So dems, you get to raise taxes to pay for the pension ramp the GOP governors started year ago, and you get to cut the throat of a constituency with “local cost controls.”

    Six months later and the gov. still doesn’t get it.

  2. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:15 am:

    Rauner included more than just those three things, however. RTW and collective bargaining control were “subparts” of his property tax freeze talking point.

    It’ll be interesting today to see what happens to the “Brick”, and what spending auths might be added to it.

  3. - Southern Dawg - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:27 am:

    Rauner only wants to talk three things?? Each of those three things include subparts like doing away with prevailing wage and other union busting measures. There’s way more than three things the governor is wanting.

    Plus the “cost controls” he’s referring to are nothing but policies to cut wages. He believes paying people less is the solution to cutting costs. This from the same guy who says you have to pay good to get top talent. Amazing.

    This is my first comment on here. Been reading for years but can’t hold back anymore.

  4. - illinoised - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:29 am:

    I saw this coming.

  5. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:30 am:

    Bruce Rauner, the Mark Trestman of politics. Everyone knows the playbook. Even so, he is going to execute the playbook poorly. His team will lose confidence in him. And then we wait for the next three games (or years in this case) to be over so we can start fresh. Fun.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:30 am:

    To the Post,

    “Mission Accomplished”, the hijacking turned out exactly as scripted by Rauner himself.

    I’m sure Susan Garrett and Crew, the Goo-Goos who forced a governor, this governor, Governor Rauner, to engage as a governor and meet with the Four Tops and look across the table at each other… at least.

    What, is Susan Garrett, and the Goo-Good, suppose to say, “Welp, we got them to be SEEN as a working group”?

    I’ve tried to count to 60 and 30 on Prevailing Wage and Collective Bargaining, even “coupled” with a Property Tax Freeze. I can’t get “there”. Going backwards, I can’t get 11 (Dunkin’s Key belongs to Rauner now) to get to 60, and, I cabt see that 60 getting Speaker Madigan allowing that Bill, constructed as such, to the floor, let alone out of a Committee.

    I can’t get 10 Dem Senators, today, and trying to find an avenue for the Dealing Cullerton is hopeless, at best, given the atmosphere.

    My point?

    “Do the Doable”

    Workmen’s Comp is out there, ripe. Start there, give on something more, take from another part of something else.


    How completely disingenuous are you when referring to taxes not being the answer, when Rauner’s own submitted framework required, not optional, required a tax increase.

    Rauner needs revenue the same as the Democratic plan Rauner vetoed… except for that K-12 funding.

    Cullerton’s line, actually genius in defusing and placing a hidden “deferring” to Rauner… the “Surrender” gag is putting front and center…

    “Governor, lead, do what we can all agree to, then I can surrender my points, and you can surrender where you need to too.”

    If I was naive enough to believe the hijacking wasn’t going to happen, I’d be so angry and frustrated. But… I’m neither.

    I was cool with all FIVE, actually. I got what I expected, and even the after, I got a giggle from Leader Radogno on her “talking-no talking” line. She won the “post-game”

    Ok, Rauner got his meeting under the premise of the Goo-Goos. Now, “do the doable” and the anti-union musts could very well destroy the Republican Party here in Illinois, even as Raunerite Ideals shear the fabric of what was left after the Caucus Purchaces.

    So those who are watching, that the Five of you can “do the doable” because the state is far more important than agenda.

  7. - SAP - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    Out of all those items, there is at least a chance of finding common ground on Workers’ Comp.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:31 am:


  9. - ChicagoVinny - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:33 am:

    The reform we need is automatic recall elections for everyone triggered when we go six months without a budget. /s

  10. - Norseman - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:33 am:

    One of the quickest things you learn when you come to Springfield is that without credibility it’s hard to get things done. Rauner learned when he came down here how quickly he could throw his credibility out the window.

  11. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:34 am:

    Rauner-speak: property tax freeze with “local cost controls”, bec he doesnt want to say, “strangle local budgets and encourage them to gut union wages and benefits”, a real win-win.

  12. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:35 am:

    I was hoping the governor would have explained why his political agenda is worth the willful sabotage of core state government functions and the state’s fiscal position.

    You know, why stiffing Illinois businesses for billions for services rendered is good for business, how starving universities help grow the economy, how abandoning social service agencies serve the public interest, stuff like that.

    While he’s at it, just how would term limits, redistricting reform, and gutting local collective bargaining fix that $8B to $12B shortfall that’s been created for FY16?

    Contrary to math-challenged Rep. Durkin’s remarks, that shortfall is all on actions and inactions taken in the last few months, not the last 12 years.

    I don’t understand why the governor doesn’t present the ROI on his reforms, with sweet charts and graphs. I’m sure they’ve worked that all out. There must be a crazy big payoffs for this political strategy of destruction.

  13. - illinoised - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:35 am:

    The Governor needs to get to an acting coach who can teach him how to drop the “g” from all words ending in “ing”. Otherwise, he should stop the shtick, because it is annoying and obviously an attempt to ingratiate himself with us rubes.

  14. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:38 am:

    The governor is out of bounds with his three point play

  15. - Ahoy! - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:44 am:

    I think we’re still waiting on the Democrats counter offer. This is how negotiations work right?

  16. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:46 am:

    More than words, the ==take away== from this meeting that lasts is the visual from the conclusion.

    The empty microphone outside the Governor’s office, during the ==standoff== between Madigan and Rauner at the conclusion over who gets to speak last.

    But yes, progress was made. /s

  17. - Harry - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:46 am:

    OK, we’ve proven that shaming them into a pointless public meeting won’t make any difference except to waste a bit of everybody’s time. Can we please dispense with the theatrics and all just go about our business?

    At some point there will be movement and when that day finally comes, the Gov and the 4 tops can tell us all about it.

  18. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:46 am:

    Exactly why is Chicago allowed restrictions on limiting collective bargaining but the rest of the state is not. That does not sound extreme just common sense.

    What is the scenario where the Governor signs off on more money for Chicago schools without compromise from Madigan and Cullerton?

    How does a property tax freeze work without local control?

  19. - pundent - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:48 am:

    ==Workmen’s Comp is out there, ripe. Start there, give on something more, take from another part of something else.==

    This is largely a smokescreen. The governor has never articulated what he’s looking for with workers’ compensation other than vague references to “causation”. Workers’ comp by it’s vary nature is a “no fault” system. The employee gives up their right to sue and the employer in turn gains the certainty of not being held responsible for negligence and uncapped jury verdicts. All that new causation standards would do is drive up attorney fees and lengthen the amount of time it takes to get a case settled.

    The reality is that the reforms previously enacted are working, albeit slowly, and costs are coming down.

  20. - AC - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:52 am:

    Yet again, Cullerton, the adult in the room, is ignored by practically everyone.

  21. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 9:58 am:

    My self proclaimed salesman governor is now a confidence man is that how he made his money?

  22. - justacitizen - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 10:07 am:

    The only thing the Speaker heard was term limits and how he will be used as the term limits poster child for the R’s.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 10:13 am:

    - prudent -

    With Respect,

    Use the search key, Rich had a whole post devoted to - Louis G Atsaves - and his explanation/interpretation/analysis of WC.

    I’d start right there to find where movement can be found.

    Again, with respect.

  24. - walker - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 10:21 am:

    Wordslinger: But Rauner did say exactly why we need his Turnaround Agenda — “because we have to grow our way out of this debt problem.”

    Only kidding. That was in the realm of a “faith statement” about the state’s role in mythical economics.

  25. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 10:24 am:

    =Plus the “cost controls” he’s referring to are nothing but policies to cut wages. He believes paying people less is the solution to cutting costs. This from the same guy who says you have to pay good to get top talent.=

    This is precisely what Rauner means when sharing his false narrative about “local control”. He knows he cannot make it happen or does not want to wear the jacket for it but, like any politician, he will try to find someone else to do his dirty work.

    Again, where is the financial model that provides data showing major reductions in compensation and benefits for middle class jobs is good for an economy? I don’t doubt it might lower the tax burden somewhat (not much) but that isn’t going to make up for the loses.

    OW- Question, If I understand you correctly on the 60 and 30 issue you assert that the GOP needs 11 in the house? Wouldn’t Madigan want/insist more like 30 GOP yes votes for most of these things, especially a tax increase? Likewise wouldn’t Cullerton expect the same? Just curious.

    While Rauner signed the K-12 approp, schools are not getting it. There have been no MCAT payments for FY16. For our district that equates to 1/3 of our total state revenue and halfway through the fiscal year we have received zip for MCAT’s. GSA has been on time but we are hearing/speculating that will run dry in March.

    Using the “local savings” approach we would have to either slash 1/3 or our staff or reduce all compensation and benefits 23%. If we slash benefits like insurance that could put us in trouble with the IRS due to the Affordable Care Act regs.

  26. - walker - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    By next week, the only thing the voting public will remember about the meeting, will be the words “only three things.”

    Accuracy aside, it’s pretty effective to take at least five or six things (who really knows now?) and simply call them “three.”

  27. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    ===OW- Question, If I understand you correctly on the 60 and 30 issue you assert that the GOP needs 11 in the house?===

    I was referring to 11 Democratic members.

    The 47, plus Dunkin, so the 48, Rauner needs 12 Democrats, and I just plain hit 11 on my phone, not 12. Apologies.

    So the “12″ Democrats, the 47 HGOP will be all “Green”, and the Rauner-Controlled Dunkin voting key is 60.

    Plus… how can Rauner/Durkin to run that Bill to begin with?

  28. - Fed Up - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    Is Rauner financially holding captive Leaders of IL. It’s either my way, or I will financially make it very hard on you politically? If my read on this is correct; Not only did he and his Wallstreet backers buy the last election, but he is now financially threatening those that don’t support him through financing political campaigns of their opponents through Turnaround Illinois, a super PAC! Really? That’s just woefully WRONG!! We thought IL was corrupt before? Rauner takes it to an all new level!!!

    “To encourage Republican lawmakers to stick with him on tough votes, the governor has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to them. In April, ex-Rauner aides set up Turnaround Illinois, a super PAC designed to support state lawmakers who backed his agenda and “oppose those who stand in the way,” according to state filings. The group’s main contributor is Mr. Zell, the Chicago investor and Republican donor, who gave $4 million.”


  29. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 10:54 am:

    Walker, I noticed Sen. Radogno talking yesterday about how the state needs to do something about the “high cost of living.”

    I guess I owe a big thank you to Quinn, Rauner, and the GA since the price of gas at my corner station has gone from $4 to a $1.88 in the last 18 months.

  30. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 11:02 am:

    OW- Thanks for the explanation, I get it now. I am a bit slow on the uptake!

  31. - Juice - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 11:16 am:

    I wonder how a vote would go if you combined redistricting reform and moved the elections for constitutional officers back to the presidential years. Would be interesting to see how the GOP would take to that.

  32. - Anon. - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 11:29 am:

    Lucky Pierre @ 9:46 am == How does a property tax freeze work without local control? ==

    If by “without local control” you mean “without giving the locals the right to eliminate collective bargaining,” the question is nonsensical. Collective bargaining does not mean the locals have no control over what they negotiate with their unions. In fact, a property tax freeze is a very good argument for “we not only can’t give you raises, we have to cut pay or lay off some workers.”

  33. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 12:28 pm:

    = In fact, a property tax freeze is a very good argument for “we not only can’t give you raises, we have to cut pay or lay off some workers.”=

    In fact, a property tax freeze is a COMPLETELY MADE UP argument JUST LIKE OUR “SPENDING PROBLEM” for “we not only can’t give you raises, we have to cut pay or lay off some workers.”

    Fixed it.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 12:50 pm:

    (Tips cap to - JS Mill -)

    Sorry for the confusion.

  35. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 1:05 pm:

    ==Yet again, Cullerton, the adult in the room, is ignored by practically everyone.==

    Cullerton was a statesman compared to Madigan during the pension reform ==theft== talks.

    That Cullerton appeared yesterday. More like this please.

  36. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 1:39 pm:

    Maybe Senator Cullerton is ignored by everyone in the room is because they all dispute what he had to say about the frequency of their meetings. If misrepresenting what has been going on is the “adult” we are in huge trouble

  37. - Ghost - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 2:29 pm:

    local cost controls…. why double talk and conceal, its not cost control its a demand that unions can not negotiate wages and benefits and the removal of minimium wage for skilled workers and trades people! dont hide it say what it is. and its extreme.

  38. - pundent - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 3:10 pm:

    OW - I’ve read Louis’ comments and while I recognize his close connection to the Rauner administration and acknowledge that some of his ideas may have merit, there’s nothing to suggest that this represents Rauner’s plans for w/c or that any of these suggestions would bring about any significant “structural reforms”. I’d also be cautious in accepting these suggestions at face value without having more than a cursory understanding of workers’ compensation.

    With respect

  39. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 3:16 pm:

    - prudent -

    I’d make the comparison to - RNUG - and Pensions with - Louis G Atsaves - and Workmen’s Comp.

    His Post here Rich put up stands on its own as what can be done, thoughtfully. His expertise in the issue is beyond reproach.

    If you can’t accept that, that’s on you.

  40. - pundent - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 3:37 pm:

    OW - Its not that I can’t accept Louis’ comments, its that I know enough about workers’ (not workmen’s) compensation in the State of Illinois to evaluate his thoughts objectively. As I said Louis has some valid ideas but there’s nothing to suggest that Rauner or anyone else embraces any of them.


    Pundent (not prudent)

  41. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 3:40 pm:

    - pundent - (apologies)

    That’s the best I can help, but I know just by reading - Louis G Atsaves -, there’s room, it’s up to all parties to find the common ground.

    Much respect, apologies again,


  42. - pundent - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 3:49 pm:

    OW - No need to apologize. I would agree that there’s much that could be done to improve the workers’ compensation system. I’d start by looking at other states that have taken the resolution of claims largely out of the hands of attorneys, arbitrators and commissioners. While that wouldn’t necessarily be good for the Astave’s family business, it would create a far more efficient and ultimately equitable system for both employers and employees. Part of the problem that we face in Illinois is that we’ve created a very adversarial system and the so called “reformers” are just as heavily invested in the status quo. The vast majority of states in the U.S. used objective AMA disability ratings to determine permanency awards. Injured workers’ get paid quickly, employers get certainty and things are fairly quite and routine at the state industrial commission. The only people that get the short end are the bureaucrats and attorneys.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 4:19 pm:

    - pundent -

    I will say, your assessment included;

    They all can get to 60/30 on Workmen’s Comp easier with all the avenues available to find some common ground.

    Do they want to find it?

  44. - Fed Up - Wednesday, Dec 2, 15 @ 6:43 pm:

    I say that if billionaires have so much liquid cash to spend on the political playing field in the nation and invest in the politicians,they have entirely way too much personal and corporate income that could be better used through higher taxes and give back to the middle income that bailed them out of the financial crisis they created. Yes … there MUST be cuts to some spending. I don’t think anyone would disagree with that, but the revenue needed to support our bare bones programs that have seen cuts every year are devastating to the IL residents they serve.
    Throwing money at the problem is also not necessarily the answer either. BUT, you cannot spend more than you have. That’s taught in first grade!! Pointing fingers while the camera is on is also not a good faith move. Meetings? Communication? From the Governor? What is this “communication” you speak of? I believe the cameras should be on the entire meeting for one of them. If Madigan wants to sit in silence, let the people see why?

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