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Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards

Tuesday, Dec 8, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The raw vote tally and intensity of the nominations yesterday for our 2015 Steve Brown Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Government Spokesperson were pretty much split between two distinguished candidates. Oswego Willy was even torn

What has been so frustrating to anyone following Illinois government is the constant and almost predictable messaging by all the offices involved. Many times it was easy to speculate what one of the other would respond to when faced with the issue of the day, the sound bite of the moment.

What has been noticeable is this Spokesperson’s responses. While doing her job at a high level, there has been more “plain speak” coming from her than any I can think of as quickly. Sometimes it is about saying what needs to be said for your boss without being saddled with checking the boxes of what is required to be said.

I nominate Rikeesha Phelon.

Her work-product and plain speaking when asked to comment for the President and the President’s Office has been refreshing and insightful. I have also enjoyed the “gallows humor” along with subtly pointing out avenues her boss and Office feel should be the message of the moment.

Being a spokesperson is hard enough, let alone in the environment Illinois government finds itself in today. People and communications are critical in trying to get Illinois government to function. This year, Rikeesha Phelon has done an outstanding job by not being cookie cutter, but being herself, and letting the message be more about the issue, and far less about checking talking point boxes.

* OW texted me after he made that nomination and said he had another one in mind as well. I encouraged him to add it

I’d also like to include my name in calling for Lance Trover;

While dutifully working for the Governor, Lance has continued to be the constant and consistent voice in ensuring the Governor’s message is framed and making clear the position of the Administration.

Being a spokesperson is hard enough, let alone in the environment Illinois government finds itself in today. That holds true for Lance Trover, taking his lunch pail and hard hat and working tirelessly.

He has my unquestioned respect, and does the job with deft skill. Governor Rauner is being served exceptionally well by Lance Trover and deserves this award.

They’re both tremendously deserving, so they both win.

* OK, let’s move on to today’s categories…

* Best Illinois State Representative - Republican

* Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat

Remember, it’s about the intensity far more than the numbers, so make sure to explain your nominations. Also, do your best to nominate in each category. Thanks!


  1. - AlabamaShake - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 12:53 pm:

    Republican: David McSweeney - I think that everyone in Springfield was afraid of what he might be when he first got to Springfield. And, yes, he has definitely still ruffled feathers, especially in his own caucus. But he has really established himself as an independent thinker, who, while very conservative, is also interested in getting things done and doing what he thinks is right. In a year that has seen so little independence on either side of the aisle, McSweeney has actually stood out.

    Democrat: Kelly Cassidy - it was supposed to be an “easy” year for her. But she took on more big issues, as always, with marijuana, conversation therapy, etc. She continues to show that she is one of the best and smartest legislators in the building. She is extremely progressive, but it still able to build bi-partisan coalitions on tough bills.

  2. - Not Rich - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 12:58 pm:

    Representative: Mike Zalewski, he has taken on many tough issues, has worked well with all parties, and has the Speaker’s trust
    Senator: Matt Murphy, the go to guy on budget issues for the Republicans, Matt is witty, and knows how to respectfully throw a zinger and make a point without being rude..

  3. - Not Rich - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 1:00 pm:

    My bad: Senate is probably tomorrow.. Republican REP..Patty Bellock.she is sincere, hard working, and brings a voice of reason to the caucus on social service issues, that is not easy in her caucus..

  4. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 1:04 pm:

    The best Dem state rep is Jack Franks, which I know will ruffle a lot of feathers. However, after reading a lot of his proposals in the NW Herald and hearing him on the floor, the dude just gets it.

    The best GOP state rep is Ron Sandack, which I know will send Willy into a frenzy. He pays extra close attention to everything and pours over details like mad. He’s very active on social media and is one heck of a nice guy to hang out with, too. Plus he has a good sense of humor and doesn’t mind a good ribbing about his lack of hair.

  5. - nadia - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 1:11 pm:

    House Dem - Elaine Nekritz. She can be tenacious and she can be compassionate, always willing to listen and learn. Educates herself on issues. Independent, smart and strong. Can exhibit a stare that could kill.

    House GOP - Tougher choice, Mike Unes or Dan Brady, Brady gets the nod. Smart, calculating and patient. Well respected and not always singing the party line on all matters. Takes time to listen to opposing views.

  6. - Horseshoe Voter - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 1:21 pm:

    Jehan Gordon-Booth - She’s a rising star. She’s probably most notable for the CCAP issue, which she handled with grace, but she also was instrumental in getting the $85 million in education funding outside the broken formula. Not because of credit or politics. But because it was the right thing to do for kids.

  7. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 1:24 pm:

    House Dem, Carol Ammons, she came and spoke to the delegates during our Unity Breakfast at the AFSCME Council 31 breakfast. I can tell you that it meant a lot to us. She was inspiring and positive and within minutes she had us on our feet cheering and yelling like mad. It made me feel hope. The attacks against public servants are in all reality taking their toll on our spirits. It’s hard to go up against such power but that morning she made us believe that we could prevail. May God bless her.

    House GOP- Dwight Kay, for as much as I complain about him. He did give me his full attention and did not shrug me off at a recent event. It’s easy for politicians to blow people off and give them the slip. He stood solid and heard me out. I appreciated that.

  8. - There is power in a union... - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 1:26 pm:

    The best Republican state rep is Ken Dunkin…

    (Mostly snark)

    Serious answer would be Poe. Had the courage to say no to RTW.

    Democratic: Smiddy. He carried that ball on 1229 and got beat up for doing so…

  9. - Linus - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 1:26 pm:

    House GOP: David Harris. Smart, able, not doctrinaire, and not afraid to speak truth to power — an increasingly important yet frustratingly rare commodity under the dome.

    House Dem: Greg Harris. I believe he’s won this Horseshoe before, but for good reason: He remains one of the hardest-working and most committed legislators in Springfield. The new administration’s approach to human services has really demanded his attention and considerable skills, in 24/7 fashion, and he’s delivering.

  10. - That Guy - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 1:39 pm:

    Pat Verschoore is a true gentleman. He proves that bing pro union doesn’t mean anti business. He is an outstanding chair of the environment committee. If you don’t get along with Pat chances are there is something wrong with you.

    Ed Sullivan will be another huge loss to the chamber. Moderates are becoming as rare as unicorns in the capitol and it will be a huge loss to the House to see both legislators retire.

  11. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 1:54 pm:

    It may be moot given that he was just sworn-in as Auditor General, but my vote for best House Dem goes to Frank Mautino. Never mugging for the cameras, always willing to spare some time for you, always willing to give it to you straight. What more can you ask for? Also, an intellectual and political grasp of the budget not seen in most mortals, let alone mere legislators. This guy ate, drank and slept with budget books. He’s forgotten more about budgets than most people will ever learn. He’s going to be missed by a lot of people who’ve too often taken him for granted. They don’t make them like Mautino anymore.

    For House Republican, my vote goes to Dan Brady. Our politics are quite different, but as decent a man as you’ll find in Springfield. He also gives his time generously, and even though he is in the House GOP Leadership, he’ll leave politics at the office most nights and he’s a fun guy to hang around with after hours. Lots of really good stories, which I enjoy because it usually reveals the “other side” of the story in a series of issues. Understanding how the GOP sees things is something I’ve been able to learn from Dan.

    Also, the annual coroners’ party is off-the-hook. You want to meet some funny people, hang out with the coroners. Good times.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 1:59 pm:

    House Democrat

    Since January, the legislative dynamics has gone from lines in the sand to front line trenches. The scrutiny all members have received put a different spotlight on the happenings and works done by members.

    I nominate Rep. Mike Zalewski

    Zalewski, in the House, has been a major contributor to pushing the criminal justice reforms and his work on drug abuse and safety has impressed me. Working legislation and inderstanding the impact that needs to be seen to educate others as to the reason for change shows Zalewski’s commitment to the work and the hard work needed to make a change possible.

    I’m nominating Rep. Mike Zalewski also for the fact that continued gridlock could be an easy crutch to not try to be impactful, but Zalewski’s work ethic and commitment to the work makes him worthy for this Golden Horseshoe.

  13. - Billinois - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 2:03 pm:

    House Democrat: The award should go to Rep. Greg Harris for his tireless effort in pushing progressive policies that affect real change in people’s lives. Rep Harris chairs the incredibly complex Appropriations Human Services Committee and still makes time to meet with groups and individuals that sometimes go unnoticed. He is a true representative of the people and has accomplished more during his tenure than most legislators can hope for.

    GOP: Rep David Harris should receive the award for the respect he commands during debate, from both sides of the aisle. He is a fair and honest legislator and sets a strong example for his colleagues to follow.

  14. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 2:12 pm:

    GOP: David Harris, an independent thinker who speaks his mind and can work with people. In 2015, he stood up to the tone of the Goldberg letters, and acknowledged both sides had fair points in the budget negotiations. He also contributed ideas to major issues, for example the lump sum payout pension option.

    Dem: Jehan Gordon-Booth, a strong advocate for poor folks. In 2015, she helped lead the fight for the working poor with kids in daycare, leading to Rauner eventually reversing himself on the CCAP eligibility standards.

  15. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 2:18 pm:

    HGOP: I agree with the support for David Harris. Smart, respectful and able to work with both sides of the aisle. a truly class act.

    HDem: Marty Moylan. He ended up getting the entire HGOP caucus to vote for the lottery/MFT bill during a time when partisan bickering is preventing virtually anything from getting done. Hard to top an accomplishment like that in Springpatch right now.

  16. - A guy - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 2:20 pm:

    I don’t know. This might be the year we don’t give one in this category. Just blame it on the lack of a budget.

  17. - prairiestatedem - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 2:27 pm:

    House Dem - LaShawn Ford, he is a tireless advocate for his district and the voiceless across our state. He stands strong for labor, children, education and working families. He continues to tackle the problems ex-offenders face returning to society and the heartbreaking gun violence that plagues Chicago. He listens and is not afraid to make a stand on complex issues.

    House GOP - Even though he may be moving on soon I have to go with Don Moffitt. A thoughtful leader who is true to his beliefs and strives to deliver for Western Illinois. Don, you will be missed as you are a true servant of the people.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 2:37 pm:


    If one thing was certain, it was the continued solidarity of the HGOP Caucus and understanding that together they can be more of a force than going out and being a voice not singing off the same page. I respect the idea of Caucus and that stating together is critical in helping the new Governor.

    While sticking together is important, it’s also important to be a voice willing to say what at tines can’t be said, and not be “the one” to break too far from the strategy.

    I nominate Rep. Dave McSweeney

    At times, McSweeney has been a vocal dissent and tried to be the lone voice in the woods. While airing his thoughts, McSweeney wasn’t breaking the ranks, and for that, I see his work in Springfield as more independent but not off the reservation. It takes a noisy member to give dimension to what is really at stake.

  19. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 2:57 pm:

    First, I humbly suggest naming the Dem House award in honor of Frank Mautino. I think the near unanimous votes of his colleagues in both houses and both sides of the aisle to appoint him as Auditor General speaks volumes; they selected Mautino to be their eyes and ears for the next ten years. On top of that, the man could take a bill and get it passed under the most difficult circumstances; even in this year when he needed daily treatment for cancer, he managed to attend almost every session day. Dedication, integrity, would that there were more Mautinos in the GA.

    That said, this years Democratic House member of the year should be Jehan Gordon-Booth. She has risen quickly and carried some very important bills through the House. Her advocacy on the floor was calm and well-thought out. Gordon-Booth is a stand-out for her district and the state.

    For the Republican House, its got to be Ron Sandack. He has a role to play and he plays it well and with good humor.

  20. - Anonin' - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 2:59 pm:

    Dem: Frank Mautino for negotiating the bipartisan bicameral and the SuperStars to get auditor general post
    GOPie Dave Leitch who winds up a solid,long career
    Dunking would be a good pick for forcing the Superstars to blow $3.1 billion

  21. - charles in charge - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 3:01 pm:

    Democrat: I nominate Kelly Cassidy because she is always willing to take on a tough issue and then actually do the work to pass a bill. A lot of members will do one or the other, but not both. Nekritz and Lang also fall into this category. Elgie Sims too.

    Republican: David Harris, for his independence and honesty.

  22. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 3:07 pm:

    Dem: I know he won last year, but Greg Harris continues to demonstrate his command of the lawmaking and budgeting process. His position as Chair of the House Human Services Approp. Committee is a challenge in good years. This year he had to deal with angry providers, new leaders of DHS, HFS and DCFS and a gov’s office that is not making his job any easier.

    Harris often does his job behind the scenes and does not seek out the public attention, but he does his job well and does it without making those who differs with him the enemy. Simply put, Greg Harris is the type of lawmaker Illinois needs more of.

    GOP: David Leitch is a lawmaker who simply wants to get things done. He is one of a few lawmakers who understand the mental health system and works to improve it. He is close to human service providers and advocates and is not afraid to tell them the truth even when it they may not like.

  23. - illini - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 3:08 pm:

    I intend to stay local - after all was Tip O’Neil not right - is not all politics local?

    And, keep in mind I, am nominating those from a party I do not associate with.

    Charlie Meier, has been a surprising breath of fresh air in the GA. Although he does not have the seniority and clout others may have, he has represented his district well. He is not a Mike Bost that throws papers in the air and rants and raves while being recorded for social media, but he does a service to his constituents - and one of his High School teachers was Sen. Luechtefeld, also a nominee if I have a chance.

  24. - Mittuns - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 3:21 pm:

    Best Illinois State Representative - Republican: Vacant

    The HGOP caucus’s ineffectiveness is now protected by Rauner’s $20 million fund. Once respectful and sincere legislators have been reformulated as uber partisan attack dogs. The caucus refused to do what they were elected to do and could not even participate in the budget process. Shame on them.

    Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat: Vacant

    Allowed the most vulnerable citizens the party is supposed to protect to be used as pawns in a political game where power is the only prize. Their failure to work to pass even a simple budget is a testament to this. Govern for the good of our state. Shame on them.

  25. - walker - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 3:28 pm:

    Patti Bellock for GOP House. She always focuses on solutions and never lets partisanship get in the way. When there are proposed compromise solutions to tough budget problems, Patti will be at the center.

  26. - walker - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 3:35 pm:

    LaShawn Ford for Dem House. An untiring advocate for social justice, for economic opportunity, for policing reforms, corrections and rehabilitation. He never rejects, ignores, or disrespects others, even when he is sometimes standing alone. He has been ahead of most of us on what are going to be the biggest next arenas of forward action in our society. Ford’s time has finally come.

  27. - TheTruthisOutThere - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 3:44 pm:

    Republican - I nominate David McSweeney. Rep. McSweeney is true to his principals and he also is effective. He is one of the hardest workers in Springfield and he knows how the process works.

    Democrat - I nominate State Rep. Mike Zalewski. Mike is someone who has a bright future and understands the legislative process. He is able to handle tough issues and navigate real, workable solutions.

  28. - Willie Stark - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 3:45 pm:

    House Dem - Either Gordon-Booth or Zalewski are very credible choices. Both have really shown growth over their still relatively young careers and significant promise for the future. Zalewski is also very witty on the Twitter.

    House Rep - McSweeney. A principled conservative who still looks for opportunities to constructively work with Dems and is a real student of the game. Easily among the top 10 most interseting members of the GA.

  29. - TheTruthisOutThere - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 3:51 pm:

    Republican - I nominate David McSweeney. Rep. McSweeney is true to his principals and he also is effective. He is one of the hardest workers in Springfield and he knows how the process works.

    Democrat - I nominate State Rep. Mike Zalewski. Rep. Zalewski is someone who has a bright future and understands the legislative process. He is able to handle tough issues and navigate real, workable solutions.

  30. - illini - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 4:32 pm:

    Just reading these nominations, including my own, I am thinking and wishing we could vote for previous members of the GA like Paul Simon ( many, many years ago )!! But this is about the current members and I respect that and I have already cast my vote.

  31. - horse w/ no name - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 4:55 pm:

    Mike Zalewski has really come into his own this year. He’s always been a likeable guy but he’s starting to distinguish himself as a knowledgeable leader. He could wind up one day filling Mautino’s shoes as a go-to guy on complicated negotiation.

    There is no one member more deserving of praise than David Harris. He is a voice of sound reason that both sides should spend more time listening to.

  32. - nona - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 6:52 pm:

    Rep. Ford kept his reputation intact despite the bogus umpteen-count indictment. That says something about the man’s character. He is able to work across the aisle with Republicans of good will. He takes on potentially divisive issues without aluenating colleagues — a valuable skill.

    For the GOP, I disagree with Rep. McSweeney on most issues, but recognize that he stands out among the mushrooms. He can transcend partisanship at times to accomplish things worth doing.

  33. - JD - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 7:57 pm:

    The award goes to Frank Mautino for career achievement. Always smart on the substance and politics, either running or involved in the key conversations, but also always humble and approachable. He’s been a champ for downstate’s unique interests, like stabilizing IDNR revenues after a decade of decline. We can all only hope that we would have the resolve, optimism, and success in conquering his health challenge this year, and his getting the Auditor General job gives us confidence that, even in 2015, state government can get it right.

  34. - anon - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 7:58 pm:

    Rep. David Harris. Independent Thinker. Hands down.

  35. - Gooner - Tuesday, Dec 8, 15 @ 9:44 pm:

    Ed Sullivan has been the true voice of Illinois conservatives for a while. Rather than rant, he sticks to his principles. He’s also been a voice of reason against the extremes in his own caucus. If more in the GOP were like him, the GOP would have a chance of becoming a majority party.

    For Dems, another vote for Kelly. She’s a lightening rod for the right (both on guns and social issues) but seems to take it mostly with a laugh. The fact that she and somebody like Todd Vandermyde get along so well speaks of her character. She’s got her views and she represents them well. But she doesn’t seem to take much personally or let it get in the way of getting the job done. In addition, and I’m usually reluctant to bring family into this, but she really is a model and and inspiration for a lot of us parents. She’s got a tough time consuming job, but her dedication to her kids is amazing. As a parent myself, I strive to meet her standards.

  36. - Central Guy - Wednesday, Dec 9, 15 @ 7:54 am:

    Republican State Representative - Rep. Dwight Kay. He represents his district tirelessly and understands the need to compromise to get government serving the people. Following a close election in 2012, he was re - elected in 2014 by a wide majority, having built coalitions with non - traditional Republican groups such as the Illinois Education Association. Walking door to door throughout his district, he met with his constituents on their front porch during the campaign. As a member of the House Human Services Appropriations Committee, he supports health services providers such as hospitals and nursing homes. Although the Democrats may not agree with his position on the issues, he is respected for his integrity and character.

    Democrat State Representative - Rep. Stephanie Kifowit. You cannot outwork her in constituent service. Responsive, practical, conscientious, and personable. All the foundation characteristics for a get it done public servant. Rising star in the House Democratic caucus.

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