Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards
Thursday, Dec 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The 2015 Golden Horseshoe Awards for Best State Senator - Democrat, and Best State Senator - Republican go to…
Senator Toi Hutchinson and Senators Karen McConnaughay and Pam Althoff (yes, I know naming two is cheating) for the role each played as bill sponsor and JCAR members, respectively, in securing an end to the Governor’s child care cuts.
While no one has been able to get lawmakers and the Governor to publicly acknowledge and move to solve our revenue problem, there have been a few few instances where lawmakers have come together to reverse unilateral and reckless changes in policy made by the Governor. Chalk Rauner’s child care cuts up to whatever you choose. Lawmakers of both parties saw the value of the program, and realized that the cuts were devastating for both families and businesses in their districts.
None of these women crowed about their involvement, and none took the bait presented in the form of Ken Dunkin.
Bravo to these women who chose to disregard politics to stand up for other women– especially because they had to stand up to powerful men who would rather they had stood down.
They didn’t get the most votes, but that nomination by Emily Miller was so strong that I couldn’t pass it up.
* OK, on to our next category. We’re going to skip ahead for a bit because today is the anniversary of Judy Baar Topinka’s untimely death. I’ve made an executive decision to rename this category in her honor…
* The Judy Baar Topinka Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Statewide Officeholder
Explain your nominations, please. Thanks.
- JoanP - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 10:32 am:
” (yes, I know naming two is cheating) ”
Hey, your game, your rules! If two deserve it, two it should be.
- Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 10:35 am:
Jesse White.
He was the first constitutional officer with a public letter explaining specifically how the budget impasse affected his department’s services, and his letter was less partisan than it could have been.
- Happy Gun Owner - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 10:39 am:
My nomination for best statewide officer holder goes to the Governor. Is he the best? Who knows.. Does he have high approval numbers? Probably not.. Do those in his own party (or family for that matter) approval of all that he has done? Of course not.
But all of those “no’s” above are exactly the reason why the Governor deserves the award. He is not the most popular right now. He is not on the right side of this or the wrong side of that. So, what is he?
He is doing exactly what he has said he would do since day 1 of the primary campaign. He is going after the establishment, he is trying to change the status quo in Illinois, and trying to make the state better. Look, I don’t agree with everything that he has done, but I like a lot of it. Some people will say a lot of negative things about him (some of which may actually be true) but there is one simple reality that I think wins him this award -
He is doing exactly what he said he would (and the people of Illinois elected him to do). Like it or not, he is standing up to the Speaker and Cullerton in ways that no one has before.
- Dupage Bard - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 10:41 am:
Best Statewide- Jesse White- he has truly remained above the fray in all of this and steadfastly done his job. Hasn’t made outrageous demands or gotten in the middle of all the negative spin going on throughout the State. Every other officer has stated their “facts” when convenient and took time to bash and blame other people. Jesse has and continues to soldier on.
- The anti-trib - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 10:47 am:
No brainer…its Bill Holland. 20+ years in that gig and well respected by both sides after all that time. And I can’t remember anything negative about the office in all that time.
- A guy - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 10:48 am:
I’d nominate Judy again posthumously for setting the standard. I’m content to wait another year for someone to truly live up to it.
- Educated in the Suburbs - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 10:52 am:
IOW if Rauner is the star of a movie, the movie is called “Episode V: The Establishment Strikes Back”
- LincolnLounger - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 10:53 am:
Maybe he’s not really eligible, but how can it not be Bill Holland?
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 10:57 am:
I have to go with Bruce Rauner.
Until Bruce Rauner showed up, I really thought that an outsider businessman could run a state government. The idea of getting a state leader who had fresh ideas that worked within private industry and use them to make state government better and more responsive to citizens, was attractive to me. While I was never a fan of Bruce Rauner, I wasn’t opposed to seeing him replace Pat Quinn. Rauner’s repeated dismissals of Democrat’s fears that he would push for anti-union policies or put into place social agendas, appeared logical. Even though he looked like a complete nerd and had a pair of eyes with the warmth of refrigerator light bulbs, I thought Bruce Rauner could do no harm.
But Bruce Rauner saw that any goodwill created with his election had no value within a fortnight of his inauguration. Unlike anyone I’ve ever seen in government, Bruce Rauner drew a red line around himself and his pack of intimates and separated himself from reality, government experience, political veterans, middle class voters and burned every bridge of compromise. I’ve never seen a statewide officeholder commit Hari-Kari so fast and so recklessly.
Bruce Rauner forced me to confront my own political understanding of how governments work, who they work for, why they work and the importance of governments. Bruce Rauner forced me to recognize my own ignorance due to an acceptance of BS that sounded great during a campaign, but was a toxic death to governance.
So I choose Bruce Rauner. He has shown all of us what government Hell looks like. Just when I couldn’t have imagined a worse situation for my beloved State, Bruce Rauner revealed to all of us that Illinois could fall into a governing hole we could possibly never climb out of.
Rauner united the Democrats, united the unions, united Chicago, brought Independents back into a working relationship with the majority party, and made us all realize that no matter how bad things could get - they could get so much worse with the wrong guy in the Mansion.
Bruce Rauner taught me so much. He disgusts me and I am very grateful for that. That is why I nominate him.
- Groundhog Day - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 10:58 am:
Jesse White, who has spent years re-engineering EVERYTHING about how his offices work, bringing better and better service to the people of Illinois. Done without fanfare or partisanship. The epitome of a great public servant.
- From Center Right - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:03 am:
Leslie Munger; She was appointed one year ago with zero political/public experience and has had to face probably one of the most difficult situations the office has ever seen. Rather you agree or disagree with her politics, she has grown into the position and managed the impasse remarkably well.
- Papa2008 - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:04 am:
Jesse White - Do you ever hear anyone complaining about the SOS office? In Illinois that speaks volumes. No contest.
- Beaner - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:05 am:
Treasurer Michael Frerichs - I like how he is going after Kemper Insurance for names of people who have unclaimed assets, like insurance beneficiaries.
- Mcleaniac - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:09 am:
Jesse White . Gets it done like a reliable appliance. Scandal free and saved the state money at crunch time by reducing mailing costs. A public servant with a charitable heart - wish there were more like him!
- Downstate Hack - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:14 am:
Gov Rauner, At least he is trying to pull the State out of an economic abyss.
- Thrillinois - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:16 am:
Bruce Rauner! For making all those tough decisions no one else would!
- LizPhairTax - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:17 am:
Returning peoples’ property and everyone gets their own hotel room.
- Anonin" - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:18 am:
Lisa Madigan … continues to rack up huge settlements and fines against biz cheats, keeps the SuperStars from too many bungles and showed national leadership on the Chicago cop scandal
- Lake - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:22 am:
Leslie Munger. She had the unenviable job of following the universally loved JBT, and then was smacked with the greatest budget crisis that we have seen.
Undeterred, she has led the Comptroller’s Office in navigating the complexities of paying bills with no budget, worked closely with nonprofits to lessen their hardship, and shown some JBT independence by speaking out against leaders of both parties when she disagreed. It seems fitting that she would be the first winner of the JBT Golden Horseshoe Award.
- onfire - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:23 am:
Jesse White. Runs competent office. Humble honest. Judy Barr and Jesse White should be examples for others running for office. Do what’s right regardless if you are a republican or democrat.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:28 am:
I’m going to have to go with Jesse White. I went to get my driver’s license renewed yesterday, and I was out in half an hour (maybe less.) The staff members were polite, the signage was clear, the system made sense, and it was painless.
So well done, SoS.
- nyny - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:37 am:
I’m going with Jesse White. Never looked at SOS as a springboard. He just wants to be the best SOS in state history…and he is. Efficient office and you rarely hear customer complaints. While we are at it is it too early to re-name the Howlett Building the Jesse White Building!
- zero - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 11:54 am:
Evelyn; It’s Christmas.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 12:12 pm:
I have been impressed with Comptroller Munger. Despite her rookie status, she has established herself as the voice of reason throughout the budget mess and has worked diligently to expedite payments to many nonprofits so they can keep their doors open. She gets my vote.
- SweetLou86 - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 12:16 pm:
I don’t see how it’s not Lisa Madigan. She has stood her ground and fought the Governor not through the press, but by flexing the muscle of her office and using her institutional knowledge to counter every one of his early moves (Jesse White gets points on this too). No other constitutional officer (including the Governor) knows the statute or uses that knowledge better than her. Plus she’s gone on doing an outstanding job in her regular role as Attorney General, most recently calling on the ICC to aggressively investigate People’s Gas’s gas main replacement program which is stupidly over-budget. She’s a hard worker who cares about her state and it shows.
- doofusguy - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 12:38 pm:
Jesse White - am always amazed the efficient and friendly service received through SOS office - and that’s not just the driver’s license/vehicle services (but that’s the biggest part)
- scholar athlete - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 12:44 pm:
How about a special category for Emily Miller! She has been nothing less than superb through very trying times. Measured, articulate, cogent and brave.
- Todd - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 12:44 pm:
Rich, in the spirit of you moving the award around, I would like to nominate William Holland. Since Bill is elected by the whole General Assembly for a state wide position, I feel he qualifies for the category.
In a time when we here constant complaints about state workers, Bill sets an example our State can be proud of. His approach, demeanor and work ethic all exude professionalism. When I think of a state worker, Bill is the example that first comes to mind.
When people shout out solutions fit for twitter, Bill responds not with snark or hyperboly, but facts and reason. Listen to his takedown of forensic audits just as an example. Over the years he has conducted thousands of audits over multiple governors. And all were treated the same – fairly.
While some had rankled their nose from his being the former Chief of Staff for Phil Rock, Bill has shown that in an increasingly partisan world of politics, Bill was above that. He played it right down the middle.
While Illinois due to the criminal nature of some of our elected officials became the laughing stock of the nation, Bill’s tenure has shown all that can be good and right with Illinois Government. At a time when things seem so broken, he should be the example that we aspire to.
- The Way I See It - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 12:48 pm:
The lt gov. 102 illinois counties! Need I say more?
- Spliff - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 12:52 pm:
I agree with the Lt. Gov (whatever her name is). She has managed to take a job that has almost no duties and spend the entire year traveling.
- walker - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 1:00 pm:
Jesse White: Only because he reengineered and cleaned up an office that was infamous before him, for bad service to the public and corruption. Even now, I actually enjoy going to one of his facilities because it renews my faith in government. He is the best example of “government turnaround” we have.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 1:16 pm:
Being one of the six constitutional officers is a great responsibility. As a constitutional, doing your job has its challenges, no matter what obstacles confront them now, or will confront them until they face election. The voters then decide on their trustworthyness for another term.
As Illinois is facing challenges today, the duties of the offices are sharply highlighted and scrutinized, some like never before. With each decision, they are judged for their stewardship.
Judy Baar Topinka was a constitutional officer who understood her duty was to the people and the constitutional duties she swore to uphold. Her commitment to doing her job and working together with anyone, as she would say, made her beloved because she was willing to work together with anyone, to get the job done.
I nominate Comptroller Leslie Munger.
Coming in, her challenges began with learning on the job, and she has shown a willingness to learn while on the fly doing the duties of the office professionally and with great integrity. She has shown her independence, and has made being a good comptroller, and following her duties, her greatest action in serving Illinois.
While a contentious partisan struggle continues, Comptroller Munger has attempted to keep partisanship second, and her duties as Comptroller first in the midst of these times of financial crisis.
This nomination is really more about what I hope will continue, and far less than what we’ve all seen. As Illinois faces even more challenging fiscal days, my hope is her professionalism and desire to do the job of comptroller as best she can continues to guide her as she continues to grow into her role under the bright lights of added scrutiny, not brought on by her.
In the spirit of the Judy Baar Topinka Golden Horseshoe, I nominate Leslie Munger. My sincere hope is that the independence and desire to do the work of the people continues to grow, as she continues to do herself, and who this award is named after, proud.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 1:26 pm:
Although am I the only person who thinks that an award that doesn’t include an awards ceremony is somehow lacking in gravitas? (Or gravy, given the nature of the horseshoe.)
- A guy - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 1:28 pm:
S-Mom, I held a private ceremony for yours! lol
- Anonin" - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 1:29 pm:
Mr/Ms Todd has a great idea
Holland established a new level of class for the office and proved naysayers wrong. He also withstood the Blagoofian assault. Good luck
We had been preparing a nomination of the Wingmen, Slip&Sue and Munger but then the SuperStars would have loaded the ballot box
Holland best choice.
- Roamin' Numeral - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 1:33 pm:
Leslie Munger. In an era when Republicans seem to be more and more right-wing, she has been a moderate voice of reason on our ever-growing bill backlog. Even though Rauner appointed her, she has stood up to him when she thought it was for the right reasons.
Furthermore, replacing an iconic comptroller like JBT is a thankless task - impossible to fill those shoes. But Munger has done as well as can be expected given the circumstances, especially for someone who has never held office before.
- Mason Dixon - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 1:51 pm:
I nominate Leslie Munger…she came into office in a very tough position, replacing the much loved JBT. She has approached the job with professionalism and a sincere desire to help the State of Illinois and its citizens. With the budget situation as it is, she was thrown into the deep end of the pool and has done a remarkable job navigating the waters. Her bipartisan efforts for the good of the whole would make JBT proud.
- scott aster - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 2:05 pm:
Rich “Happy Gun Owner” just saved me allot of typing. Jesse is a nice man.
- Cuba Libre - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 2:25 pm:
Evelyn Sanguinetti. A politician of the future with a great presence and whose credentials are rock solid. Underrated and undeterred by the media. She is a breath of fresh air and will be a force in Illinois politics for years to come.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 2:26 pm:
OW: With all due respect, there are seven state-wide constitutional officers.
I think Frerichs and Munger are both doing excellent work, but nominating either seems a bit premature; they are still learning the job and each has made a few mis-steps.
In the spirit of two nominations (LOL), I am torn between Jesse White, who keeps improving things at SOS and Bill Holland, who is wrapping up a career in a quiet office that provides crucial information to the GA. The Holland nomination is difficult to assess unless you take the time to scan through his site and read some of the reports his office writes. I think he deserves the award as someone who has done a great job running an overlooked (and undercounted) state-wide office.
- City Slicker - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 2:29 pm:
I nominate Leslie Munger.
It’s impossible to fill the shoes of Judy Baar but she has done a remarkable job so far. She has shown herself to be bipartisan during this budget mess and has a true desire to move Illinois forward.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 2:31 pm:
- Pot calling kettle -,
Noted, lol
- bored now - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 2:59 pm:
best statewide office holder: governor quinn! oh, wait…
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 3:07 pm:
Jesse White, because my conservative family members just praised him and the efficiency of SoS offices.
- illini - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 3:43 pm:
At the risk of contradicting some on this site that I consider to be “friends” I will politely disagree. I have been impressed with some of the newer state wide office holders, as well as some who have been doing commendable work for some short periods of time, but I have to go with Jesse White.
His record of responsible stewardship of his office and service to everyone who lives in Illinois is second to none. He runs his office responsibly and without the fanfare and sound bites as evident by some others. He is not in continual campaign mode, does not have an agenda and is only concerned about providing much needed services in an effective manner for all of us who live in Illinois.
- Wensicia - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 3:57 pm:
Jesse White — he’s made the Office of SoS more efficient, he does his job without hiding behind the political rhetoric the others favor, and he works around his budget shortfalls while informing the people of needed changes as a result. Professional and competent.
- Albany Park Patriot - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 4:19 pm:
Evelyn Sanguinetti. Because it would be hilarious if she won something on her own.
- Nick - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 4:55 pm:
The definition of a statesman:
“A statesman is usually a politician, diplomat or other notable public figure who has had a long and respected career at the national or international level.”
“A wise, skillful and respected political leader”
That’s Jesse White.
- hot chocolate - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 5:30 pm:
For an office often relegated to political obscurity, the Illinois Office of the Comptroller has been under a pretty hot spotlight since JBTS passing. Mungers named was announced just days before she was to be inaugurated. Since then she has inherited JBTs top staff and has effectively managed to seem like a responsible adult in the room. She has stood up to Gov. Rauner in public when she thought it was right. She’s the only firefighter on the scene of a massive financial blaze and Munger has only a squirt gun to beat back the flames. Yet she has proven a very quick study, minimizing gaffes that often plague newbies on the big stage. She’s showed appropriate respect and homage to the dear departed JBT in both her remarks at public events and her actions as a thoughtful pragmatic steward of tax dollars. She wins.
- Fan of Cap Fax - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 6:22 pm:
Bill Holland deserves this award! He is honest and steadfast when facing any state department.
Jesse’s people enjoy the jobs he’s given them too much to let this be his last term. And I realize he’s said he will seek another term…once again, those people and their jobs. Let him have it next year.
Mr. Holland honestly deserves this.
- illini - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 6:35 pm:
You have to love some of these posts - “I agree with the Lt. Gov (whatever her name is). She has managed to take a job that has almost no duties and spend the entire year traveling.”
- OB1 - Thursday, Dec 10, 15 @ 9:18 pm:
Leslie Munger- The budget impasse has been mess. I am sure she takes a lot of heat for that, However, she does not shy away from public appearances or the media. She gives the hard facts and does not sugar coat them. I was at an event she spoke at and she stayed for over an hour to listen to concerns. She seems in touch with with the general population.
- Central Guy - Friday, Dec 11, 15 @ 2:10 am:
Comptroller Leslie Munger, hands down. She has travelled throughout Illinois meeting with human services providers and non - profit organizations doing business with the State in an effort to discuss the current budget impasse and financial condition. Comptroller Munger has fulfilled her promise by prioritizing and expediting payments to those serving the most vulnerable such as senior citizens and the very youngest in day care, as well as medical providers. During a time of cash flow crisis in the State, she has managed available funds with both compassion and business skill. I have attended meetings where she has made presentations. The Comptroller never dodged the tough questions, or offered statements her office did not validate with follow - up and action. As the office holder who makes State payments, she has the most difficult job without an approved budget or appropriation authorization. The Comptroller’s phone rings more than any other Constitutional officer. She has modeled uncommon accessibility that has been evident with her staff, as well. The Comptroller has the “right stuff” to manage the present crisis with professionalism, respect, and fairness.