=== SJR 37, which calls for a joint session for the State of the State Address just passed the Senate. ===
I can save everyone the trouble - here’s the State of the State.
Governor, General Assembly and other elected officials, the State of the State is terrible. For the first time in the State’s history, we don’t have a budget. With the exception of elementary and secondary education and a few other odds and ends, we are operating on court orders and IOU’s. Higher education is operating with reserves, student financial aid is uncertain and programs helping the needy are laying off people throughout the state. Some state employees were even forced to relieve themselves in buckets because of the budget impasse.
The poor fiscal condition the state was in prior to the inauguration of a new governor has worsened with more unpaid bills and the decrease of income tax monies. The Governor is holding the budget hostage until his political and anti-union agenda is passed.
Until this changes, the future of Illinois government becomes bleaker.
- Federalist - Wednesday, Jan 13, 16 @ 1:22 pm:
Nice to see Biss standing up for somebody. Sure didn’t when he voted to gut state employee pensions.
I guess it depends on who you are as with most politicians.
- Cynical - Wednesday, Jan 13, 16 @ 1:38 pm:
I love that politicians now have to actually start making tough decisions.
Who gets to eat tomorrow Guv’nah?
- Norseman - Wednesday, Jan 13, 16 @ 3:19 pm:
=== SJR 37, which calls for a joint session for the State of the State Address just passed the Senate. ===
I can save everyone the trouble - here’s the State of the State.
Governor, General Assembly and other elected officials, the State of the State is terrible. For the first time in the State’s history, we don’t have a budget. With the exception of elementary and secondary education and a few other odds and ends, we are operating on court orders and IOU’s. Higher education is operating with reserves, student financial aid is uncertain and programs helping the needy are laying off people throughout the state. Some state employees were even forced to relieve themselves in buckets because of the budget impasse.
The poor fiscal condition the state was in prior to the inauguration of a new governor has worsened with more unpaid bills and the decrease of income tax monies. The Governor is holding the budget hostage until his political and anti-union agenda is passed.
Until this changes, the future of Illinois government becomes bleaker.