Foxx is slated by county Dems
Thursday, Jan 14, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * No surprise…
* Self-serving grandstanding, but also no surprise, considering she knew she wasn’t going to be slated and, like State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez, will attempt to somehow use the party slating against Foxx in a partisan primary (all the while being accused of supporting Bruce Rauner - not an easy feat)…
Unlike More, Alvarez was a no-show.
- There is power in a union... - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 10:09 am:
More doesn’t need the democrats’ endorsement, she already has rauner’s…
- @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 10:10 am:
Now we got ourselves a contest.
– MrJM
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 10:11 am:
More donated to Rauner when it mattered to her most.
More chose to give monies to Rauner when Rauner was donating $20 million to himself. More is an opportunist Raunerite.
Vote. Accordingly.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 10:18 am:
Once the meeting was called, the result was a foregone conclusion.
I’m guessing the primary election result is as well.
Give every registered Cook County voter right now a chance to tangibly express their disgust and horror over the attempted McDonald cover up, and I think many will.
I know I will.
- phocion - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 10:28 am:
This is a horse race between Alvarez and Foxx. While this move may shut down overt campaigning for Alvarez by southwest side and northwest side regulars, the signal will still be out to support her there. The black and latino city wards will back candidates based upon race/ethnicity. Progressive wards will lean heavily to Foxx. The wild card is the suburban vote. A tougher law and order candidate would seemingly fare better in white suburban Cook County, even where those voters pull Democratic primary ballots. Id’ like to see the latest polling numbers on this one.
- Amalia - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 11:07 am:
cannot wait to see the Preckwinkle barging in the office of the State’s Attorney story go wide! talk about lack of separation of powers.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 11:28 am:
First Clerk of the Circuit Court do over and now Cook County State’s Attorney do over.
Who’s next?
- carbaby - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 11:32 am:
I see Foxx doing well in Suburban Cook- specifically the South Suburbs. She has very strong connections to very connected people, especially in the nonprofit world (child welfare/mental health/substance abuse) for many years.
- Gooner - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 11:34 am:
Everybody who wrote a check to Rauner is a Raunernite?
Foxx is going to make that claim, but then she’s going to have to explain why we should want a SA completely beholden to the County Board Pres.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 11:35 am:
===completely beholden to the County Board Pres===
This is a Democratic primary. Who do you think is less popular in Cook County among Democrats - Rauner or Preckwinkle?
Don’t be Kass.
- Boone's is Back - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 11:41 am:
Foxx is going to be really tough to beat after this recent development. I don’t see Anita’s path to victory, particularly with More taking some of her white base away on the northside of the city (Reilly, Fritchey have already endorsed). Where does she make up the difference? There will likely be a lot of suburban drop-off with voters there more concerned about GOP presidential primary with the dem primary likely decided by then.
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 11:50 am:
Preckwinkle’s grip tightens.
- Century Club - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 12:20 pm:
Yesterday, I showed up at Pizzeria Uno to declare I didn’t approve of Chicago style pizza and wasn’t going to ask for it. I’m sure it went over as well as Donna More did this morning.
- Split Decision - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 12:36 pm:
Foxx is going to be a hard sell to law and order type voters since Preckwinkle’s endorsement could help in some precincts and hurt in others.
Toni’s views on crime and punishment might be applied to Foxx (Toni thinks too many persons of color are convicted and imprisoned and that the jail county should be emptied as a method of saving County tax dollars).
The problem is that the job of the prosecutor is to convict criminals and some taxpayers want the bad guys locked up.
- lake county democrat - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 1:04 pm:
I don’t think this race is a foregone conclusion by any stretch. First, how big is turnout in the primaries? Foxx still needs to build name recognition. How much is identity voting going to count here and how big will the Hispanic vote be? Having the “right” last names is enough to elect LaRouchies in this state. Are there people who will be working for Alvarez under the radar (friends of Rahm, Tim Evans, Bobby Rush?) who don’t like Preckwinkle? Can Alvarez make a push for suburban voters? Lots of unknowns here.
- Northshore Nick - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 1:14 pm:
If Foxx gets her name is above 50% it is game over. Let’s rember this is a Cook County Democrtic Primary not a general election in a swing district. Both the Cook County Democratic Party and President Preckwinkle are highly popular among Democratic Primary voters. Alvarez is damaged goods and More is a joke. If she didn’t want the Democratic Party endorsement she should run as an independent.
- Attygirl - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 1:19 pm:
States like California and even Texas moved away from locking up low level offenders bc of the extrodinary costs involved and tpoor rate of return in that upon release incarceration makes it more difficult for these people to find jobs. Foxx has talked about alternatives for low level offenders in jail bc too poor to pay bond and rediverting those resources to address violent and habitual offenders. Why is that a hard sell?
- onevoter - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 1:35 pm:
Thank you Attygirl. That statement says a lot. I am tired of paying $150.00 a day to lock up non-violent offenders. Alvarez has eroded her support in the Latino community as well. When Cong. Gutierrez and other prominent politicians withdraw there support, that could mean something. Other than Daley’s and corrupt cops, no one receives justice in Cook County.
- Independent retired lawyer, journalist - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 3:00 pm:
An X factor: Generally, Alvarez is not well thought of by the people who work under her. She may not have the worker-support, or the word of mouth, to survive.
- NWSider - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 5:06 pm:
Folks need to stop minimizing Latino voters. Just because Alvarez is her last name, does not mean we will vote for her. We watch the news and pay attention to what is going on in Chicago. We didn’t vote for Chuy because of his last name, we voted for Chuy because we don’t like Rahm.
Similarly, we will cross the racial lines and vote for Kim Foxx because she’s better than Alvarez (and the other one).
- Levois - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 5:20 pm:
how important is slating really? It means something and perhaps in this race means more than it normally would. One way to look at this is why didn’t Anita show up. Does this slating mean she’s toast because of the recent scandals?
- Amalia - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 5:46 pm:
Independent retired lawyer, journalist, you must be talking to Bob Milan’s friends. there was a deep split in the office in that election they both ran in. there has always been some split or other in that place. bet those in the room with her when Toni the taxer barged in have things to say!
- Independent retiree/lawyer/journalist - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 6:01 pm:
Amalia, I know of Bob Milan, but I don’t know him, or his friends. I do know many of her assistants, both present and past. Now, no Cook County State’s Attorney has been particularly popular with their assistants over the past few decades, but it struck me years ago that there was a special disappointment in Alvarez. I don’t know, maybe because she came up through the ranks. Hopes were dashed, I guess; hopes that she wouldn’t just be another politician. Just sayin’, I don’t believe that now while her back is to the wall, she’s going to have a lot of internal support…outside those who were in the room with her, but then, those were her insiders, no?
- Attygirl - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 6:15 pm:
Thank you for you comments NWSider. I also get frustrated by the pushing of the “identity politics” talk where it’s thought that I would mindlessly vote for someone simply bc we share the same skin color. It is not like I say ” I see Brown people” and go into a zombie like trance and vote accordingly. We are critical thinkers. The same language was used when the Laquan McDonald shooting occurred where it was reported that the AfAm community was upset, no there were “people” that thought 16 shots fired was shocking to the conscience. I am not naive race will come into play bc it always does. I just don’t think it’s the single driving factor.
- Casey - Thursday, Jan 14, 16 @ 9:54 pm:
Hispanic “vote” ? What a joke. Check the returns in wards 12, 13, 14, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31….anemic…its a wonder that with that vote being weighted that Burke still has such power….when will the Emperor be told he has no clothes ?