Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x3 - “Distraction” theme expands *** Because… Rauner!
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*** UPDATED x3 - “Distraction” theme expands *** Because… Rauner!

Wednesday, Jan 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Sun-Times on the new GOP plan for Chicago

Radogno denied the idea is to dismantle traditional public schools in CPS in favor of charters.

“That is absolutely not true,” she said.

“It allows the state Board of Education to remove the current Chicago Public Board of Education and create an independent authority for CPS until the State Board of Education determines that CPS is no longer in financial difficulty,” Radogno said.

Durkin added that 24 states already allow local governments to declare bankruptcy, as the Republicans’ still-to-be completed legislation would do.

Sen. William Delgado, chairman of the Illinois Senate Education Committee, criticized the move.

“The governor has forced the state into a financial crisis, and now he wants to take over one of the biggest public school systems in the nation,” Delgado said in his written statement.

“I find it hard to believe that this decision has the best interest of CPS students and families in mind,” the statement continued. “We need to get CPS back on level ground, not force it into bankruptcy and then allow the governor to treat it like another business.”

I don’t think anyone’s talking about forcing CPS into bankruptcy.

* Press release…

Ald. Raymond Lopez (15) issued the following statement in response to the Republican proposal to take over the Chicago Public Schools:

“With this maneuver, Gov. Rauner has laid bare his true intentions. His purpose in stubbornly refusing to work with CPS, even at the risk of costing the jobs of thousands of teachers, is now clear: to force our public schools into layoffs and bankruptcy, in order to promote his political agenda.

“Bankruptcy and some type of state receivership could allow the Governor to vacate agreements and contracts such as pension obligations, health insurance and other benefits, and above all, the collective bargaining rights of teachers and other public employees.

“Instead of the GOP trying to highjack city government and our public schools and public services, long-term, attainable solutions for state funding are required.

“I support Sen. Andy Manar’s education funding bill as being fair and equitable for both the city and entire state. This bill is a good starting point to begin to repair the damage rather than inflicting more harm.

“What we need now is an open and honest discussion based on the goal of providing quality education through our neighborhood schools throughout our entire city.

“As a duly elected representative of the people of my neighborhood and of my city, I vigorously object to the Governor’s undemocratic attempt to disenfranchise the people of our city.

“Chicago should not allow itself to be bullied by Gov. Rauner and the Illinois GOP.”

Ald. Lopez represents the 15th Ward, which includes Back of the Yards, Brighton Park, Gage Park and West Englewood. There are seven elementary schools and three high schools in his ward.

Disenfranchise Chicagoans?


…Adding… From 47th Ward in comments…

And everyone is taking the bait. Sigh.

Rauner can’t run Springfield. Why on earth would anyone think he’s serious about taking over CPS?

This is all a distraction to divert attention from the looming state budget disaster. This ploy is ridiculously transparent. I have a better chance of taking control of Google than Rauner has of taking over CPS.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Oy…

Well, at least CTU and Rahm have something in common these days.

*** UPDATE 2 *** 47th Ward was prescient

“Giving control of our children’s future to a governor who can’t pass his own budget, who is racking up billions in unpaid bills, and who is crippling higher education across the state makes zero sense,” Emanuel spokeswoman Kelley Quinn said. “With just a few weeks to go before delivering a second budget address without having passed his first budget, it’s clear the Republicans in Springfield are trying desperately to distract from their own failures.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** Sen. Heather Steans…

State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago 7th) issued the following statement today on the announcement by Republican legislative leaders that they plan to file legislation allowing for a state takeover of the Chicago Public Schools:

The Chicago Public Schools educate nearly 400,000 students, almost 90 percent of them from low-income households. Five percent are homeless. Almost one-fifth are learning English as a second language. Yet against the odds and starved of resources, the state’s largest school district is achieving higher test scores and graduation rates for its students.

But the irresponsible agenda Gov. Rauner’s legislative allies rolled out today isn’t a reflection of those realities; it’s another politically motivated distraction from what the state and its public schools really need.

They portray their plan as merely a matter of fairness – adding CPS to an existing law allowing for state intervention in certain districts. But this could not be farther from the truth.

Illinois’ current intervention law does not require or even allow bankruptcy; in fact, Illinois does not permit any unit of government to declare bankruptcy, and the current situation in Michigan demonstrates the serious pitfalls of rushing to release governments from their financial obligations. In addition, CPS educates more than 14 times the number of students in the largest district currently eligible for state intervention. The State Board of Education is simply not equipped to manage such a large, complex and diverse system of schools.

The bottom line isn’t changing: Illinois needs a balanced budget, and Illinois’ public schools desperately need adequate and fairly distributed resources. Today’s announcement distracted from these difficult but essential objectives. If the governor and his allies in the General Assembly want to treat Chicago students fairly, they should start by supporting parity for CPS in state education funding and contributions toward teacher pensions.

Emphasis added.


  1. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:41 am:

    And everyone is taking the bait. Sigh.

    Rauner can’t run Springfield. Why on earth would anyone think he’s serious about taking over CPS?

    This is all a distraction to divert attention from the looming state budget disaster. This ploy is ridiculously transparent. I have a better chance of taking control of Google than Rauner has of taking over CPS.

  2. - A guy - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:42 am:

    ===“As a duly elected representative of the people of my neighborhood and of my city…”===

    He just might want to check with those folks and make sure everyone’s singing from his hymnal. Maybe, maybe not.

  3. - A guy - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:43 am:

    47, when you take over Google, I’ve got a little bone to pick with you. lol.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:45 am:

    ===- A guy - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:42 am

    ===“As a duly elected representative of the people of my neighborhood and of my city…”=== ===

    Oh. I thought this was just - A Guy - commenting…


  5. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:46 am:

    Well, I don’t know, is there strong support outside Chicago for giving half a billion dollars to a school system with the problems this one has. It’s a fair question. Perhaps Mayor Daley is to blame for it all, not Mayor Rahm, but at this point who cares who is to blame. It’s not like the rest of us are getting off cheap. Our property taxes are astronomical, and both parties want to raise our income taxes significantly. We should say, oh sure, take the money, do whatever you want with it, we trust you to do the right thing? In Chicago?

  6. - old pol - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:47 am:

    The CPS’s decision last year to pass a 12 month budget based on 14 months of revenues and assume a $480m state bailout are reason enough for the state take over of CPS. The CPS leadership is demonstrably incompetent, reckless and incapable of making tough choices.

  7. - Ghost - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:51 am:

    There is precedent for a variant of this. When E st louis went crazy deep in debt the local govt was replaced/placed under the oversight of a board responsible for getting it back into fiscal shape.

    same thing, my comment is I am note sure the Board of Meeks is the neutral panel i would go to. I would week a seperate oversight authority, may even put the board under the ultimate control of the neutral il auditor general office.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:53 am:

    To the Update and - 47th Ward -…

    That State of the State isn’t looking good.

    It’s Chicago/Suburbs/Downstate regionalism red meat to distract and change the conversation, because until Rauber has his votes in the chambers, it’s all a diversion.

    Spot-on, - 47th Ward -.

  9. - Harry - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:57 am:

    47th Ward is probably right.

    Everyone should just chill. Rauner, Durkin and Radogno probably don’t have half the votes they would need to pass such a bill.

  10. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:59 am:

    47, they fell for the OODA loop and the frat boys are loving it.

  11. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 11:59 am:

    Rich, why would Rauner want these entities to be able to declare bankruptcy if he didnt intend to have them declare bankruptcy?

    I mean he’s not talking about forcing AfSCME to strike with this impasse move either but I fully expect him to work the same machinations to get the result he wants. Like starve CPS of funds to speed up them having to declare bankruptcy.

  12. - Empty Suit - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 12:00 pm:

    “The governor has forced the state into a financial crisis, …” Delgado said in his written statement.
    Uh Dude that occurred along time before this guy arrived on the scene.

  13. - Xavier Woods - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 12:08 pm:

    Rich hit it on the head this morning. None of the moves that Rauner is making is getting the state anywhere closer to having an FY 16 budget. This is not moving the ball forward and if it wasn’t clear before, it has to be now that Rauner has absolutely no interest in governing this state or trying to reach a deal. He’s perfectly content to sit there and blame everyone and everything for the collapse of this state. This administration is an absolute joke.

  14. - Formerpol - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 12:11 pm:

    Ok, so let’s just continue the status quo and see where THAT takes the CPS!! State cannot and should not ‘bail out’ anyone. This proposal is an answer - the only alternative on the table.

  15. - Ghost - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 12:12 pm:

    empty technically the hole is mostly the result of reducing the inc tax. had rauner supported keeping the inc tax rate most to all of the fiscal hole would have been erased. its deeper mow w/ interet and penalties etc

  16. - GA Watcher - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 12:14 pm:

    The issues remain the same, only the actors change. Here’s an article from 10 years ago about how states found out they couldn’t manage school systems and punted to cities:

  17. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 12:44 pm:

    “Karen Lewis calls Rauner an emperor not a governor.”

    Emperor Norton II?

    – MrJM

  18. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 12:48 pm:

    Harry, the bills will never make to the House or Senate floor.

  19. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 12:55 pm:

    =“I support Sen. Andy Manar’s education funding bill as being fair and equitable for both the city and entire state. This bill is a good starting point to begin to repair the damage rather than inflicting more harm.=

    Dude, did you even read Manar’s proposal?! It simply redistributes a diminished pool of revenue. It does not make anyone “whole”. Sheesh, what a (banned word)!

    @Ghost- FYI- East St. Louis is back to being run by the Financial Oversight Committee. Again. A few years ago the ISBE gave them a $9 million cash infusion at a time when they couldn’t meet funding obligations to schools.

    Thanks to 47 for the smelling salts, much appreciated!!

  20. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 12:55 pm:

    CTU has done what AFSCME needs to do and that is get an overwhelming majority of their members to stick together. The AFSCME members are new to this so they are at greater risk of fracturing IMHO. Before I retired, the members I talked to were too complacent about needing to take labor actions. Hopefully, they’ve been shaken out of that complacency and realize they will have to make sacrifices.

    On the other hand, CTU’s success has made their leadership a little too arrogant. They need to be aware that PR is a problem and they are playing into the Emperor’s hand.

  21. - NixonHead - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 12:55 pm:

    LOL CPS doesn’t need any help from Rauner (or anyone else) to go bankrupt. I mean BK in the practical sense because BK is currently not legally allowed for CPS. Eventually, CPS will be in structural BK because some of their creditors will receive less and/or delayed payments. Not allowing legal BK simply shields the CTU from the inevitable shortages that are going to fall on other creditors (contractors, bondholders, etc.). What a mess.

  22. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 1:14 pm:

    Norseman, you stole my thunder.
    Great on CTU for unity, and they are pros at negotiation.
    However, they bad at external PR, especially on social media…
    Too militant sometimes. They can play into Rauner’s hands easily with a few missteps and that would be unfortunate.

  23. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 1:15 pm:

    What ward does Kelley Quinn live in?

    – MrJM

  24. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 1:17 pm:

    MrJM, I know 47th’s identity. It ain’t Kelly.

  25. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 1:43 pm:

    I’m pretty sure she’s in 48.

  26. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    Ald. Lopez gets at the heart of Rauner’s strategy:

    “Bankruptcy and some type of state receivership could allow the Governor to vacate agreements and contracts such as pension obligations, health insurance and other benefits, and above all, the collective bargaining rights of teachers and other public employees.”

  27. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 2:29 pm:

    47, she’s in 49. 49-47=2. And to Rich’s point, I know 47. 47’s a friend of mine. And Kelley Quinn is definitely not 47. Great minds just think alike.

    Frankly, 47 and Kelley nailed it. This guy has demonstrated he can’t run a damn thing. So in the absence of passing even a single piece of his legislative agenda, he throws this red meat out for everyone in the press to gnaw on. But the red meat doesn’t change the fact the Gov has utterly failed. Time to try something new.

  28. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    BTW, that last comment was not meant as anything other than positive about both 47 and KQ. Just don’t want anyone taking it wrong.

  29. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 3:20 pm:

    9:23, on a different thread:

    ” I can’t believe the Chicago business community is going to react well to this. No company wants to be affiliated with a city in the national news because its considering bankruptcy.

    That is also part of what’s going on here. Shifting some of the focus to City Hall from Springfield, and getting Rauner some national headlines for taking on a leading national Democrat.

    I think Rauner probably spilled the beans on Chicago Tonight because he suspects the Chicago Tribune won’t react so kindly.”

  30. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 3:22 pm:

    Bruce Rauner, September 19, 2012: “I’ve been advocating for a long time to break the system up, blow up the bureaucracy, take it down to a network of…a smaller number of schools competing for resources and driving better outcomes through charters, contracts, independent providers.”

  31. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 4:12 pm:

    Precinct Captain- great pull! wow!

  32. - Hieronymus - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 4:32 pm:

    @MrJM 12:44pm

    “Norton II”

    Hey, that was my private Schlick …

    What the intimidated repubs _should_ do is take Rauner’s money then follow Jesse Unruh’s advice.

  33. - Hieronymus - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 4:43 pm:

    That should have been “Schtick” …

  34. - Mama - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 5:04 pm:

    ==- Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 3:22 pm:

    Bruce Rauner, September 19, 2012: “I’ve been advocating for a long time to break the system up, blow up the bureaucracy, take it down to a network of…a smaller number of schools competing for resources and driving better outcomes through charters, contracts, independent providers.”==
    Precinct Captain, you hit the nail on the head!

  35. - Tone - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 6:52 pm:

    A a CPS parent, this plan is probably the only real long term solution for the school system. Too bad the union enablers have so much power.

  36. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 6:59 pm:

    “- Tone - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 6:52 pm:

    A a CPS parent, this plan is probably the only real long term solution for the school system. Too bad the union enablers have so much power.”

    I find it hard to believe you actually believe a state takeover by a crew that can’t even run the state will help educate your kid. What evidence is there that the State will improve the situation.

  37. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 7:24 pm:

    Norseman- AA Jr, the Navy fighter pilot and his buddies have volunteered to come in and run the Frat Boys through some “Live Fire” OODA Loops. Would be fun to watch, eh?

  38. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 8:14 pm:

    Distraction? More like reality.

  39. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jan 20, 16 @ 8:25 pm:

    AA, count me in! AA Jr. sounds like a fine young man. Chip off the old block.

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