Our sorry state
Thursday, Jan 21, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Subscribers were told about the likelihood of executive orders, etc. last week…
STRATEGY: Several political observers tell Illinois Playbook that Rauner will make a series of headline-grabbing announcements in the run-up to next week’s State of the State address. That may include his signing more executive orders and proposing new legislative packages.
Democrats contend the governor is panicking because he can’t point to actual progress from his first year in office. They paint Rauner as the private equity guy who is treating Illinois like a company he has taken over, stripping it down and allowing some pieces to fall off without regard to who or what they are. And they say he wants to divert attention away from the fact that Illinois is still operating without a budget.
Republicans contend it’s a frustrated Rauner who is putting a spotlight on Democratic legislative leaders Mike Madigan and John Cullerton — and Rahm Emanuel, who are asking the state for bailout money without addressing issues that got us there in the first place. “Are we supposed to stand by and watch CPS burn to the ground? What are Chicago Democrats doing about Chicago schools?” state Rep. Ron Sandack said. They would say they have proposed SB1, a funding formula overhaul, which is still being negotiated.
The inherent fallacy here is that the Democrats are not cooperating with the governor and the Republicans know they couldn’t pass that takeover/bankruptcy bill even in the best of bipartisan times as long as the mayor opposed it.
So, the governor is making the best of a rotten situation by using clever PR to shift attention and blame away from him, and the Democrats are making the best of it by making Rauner the bad guy.
None of this gets us to a budget, by the way. Just the opposite.
…Adding… Expect more of this as well…
Government, and amassing power within it, has become Madigan’s business, Rauner told the crowd.
“He has created an unethical empire,” Rauner said. “He has become a multi-millionaire from government. He is all about power for power’s sake. He gets his money from that power. He thinks about the upcoming elections, not about good policy. That is just a fact.”
Rauner added that he will not cave in to Madigan’s demands, and that he is willing out outlast his political opponent.
“I have a job to do,” Rauner said. “No one will stand in the way of me doing it. Michael Madigan and I are mirror images. He is about politics and making money from power. I am about working for you.”
…Adding More… Text message from a pal…
Last week it was the screen pass, yesterday it was the flea-flicker, today they try the quarterback sneak on 3rd and long. Heck of an opening drive to start the second quarter.
- Spliff - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:42 am:
Budget? We don’t need no stinking budget!
- Demoralized - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:44 am:
I think the Governor is still unaware he isn’t the CEO of a business anymore and I think it frustrates the heck out of him that anybody is daring to question what he wants to do. He’s been in office for a year and still hasn’t grasped the concept of governing. He’s doing what he knows how to do - executive decrees.
- old pol - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:45 am:
What part of “Shaking up Springfield” did you not believe? The Governor is doing what he said he would. Refreshing.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:50 am:
You find our situation refreshing? That’s just twisted.
- Secret Square - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:53 am:
Any guess what those “headline grabbing announcements” will be?
- Mouthy - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:53 am:
“Shaking up Springfield”
More like “Shaking down Springfield”
- pundent - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:53 am:
- old pol. I’ll give you this. The campaigin’ has continued but the governin’ has yet to start.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:55 am:
This administration has had the worst start to any administration I have ever witnessed in my life, or have read about in my studies. Other states have had to impeach a governor for illegalities, but Illinois, after Ryan and Blagojevich, seems to have, with Rauner, topped them all.
We have the nation’s first anarchist governor.
- Fusion - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:56 am:
Springfield didn’t need shaking up. It needed revenues that would allow it to do it’s job. In other words, it needs a tax increase.
The world didn’t end when income tax rates were at 5% and 7%, and it won’t end again when rates are set at those levels again (hopefully sooner rather than later).
- Demoralized - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:56 am:
==“I have a job to do,” Rauner said.==
Yes, you do. So do it. We’re waiting.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:58 am:
===What part of “Shaking up Springfield” did you not believe?===
Yeah, but in the TV ads there was an end game: “Shake up Springfield, bring back Illinois.”
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:01 am:
I guess bashin’ Madigan will get Rauner those 12 more Democrats any day now…
Any day now…
Any day now…
Any… day…
What a helpless, helpless little man the Governor, arguably one of the most constitutionally powerful governors in America,… is.
- Stones - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:02 am:
Just because you put something in a blender doesn’t mean it tastes any better coming out.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:02 am:
–“He has become a multi-millionaire from government.” –
“I, on the other hand, became a multi-multi-multi-millionaire from government.”
Does the governor even read the scripts he’s handed?
- Demoralized - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:02 am:
“Shaking Up Springfield”
The state should have bought earthquake insurance. We could’ve cashed in and gotten some needed money.
- ChicagoVinny - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:03 am:
== Michael Madigan and I are mirror images. ==
Is he in a bad action movie? Who writes this?
- Austin Blvd - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:03 am:
I really think there is something wrong with our governor. Instead of working with people, he runs over them. He is vicious.
- NixonHead - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:03 am:
The only way to “shake up” Springfield involves reforming the AFSCME connection/influence. He’s going to have to rely on Federal court rulings and going to the brink in negotiations to make that happen. There’s just no other way unless taxes are increased - which most people oppose. He’s come closer than any other governor in doing this, but still remains far away from the goal.
- Unicorn - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:03 am:
— Governin’, and amassin’ power within it, has become my business, Rauner told the crowd.
“I have created an unethical empire,” Rauner said. “I will become a even more of a multi-millionaire from government. I am all about power for power’s sake. I get kicks from that power. I don’t think about the upcomin’ elections, and especially not about good policy. That is just a fact.”
Rauner added that he will not cave in to Madigan’s demands, and that he is willing out outlast his political opponent.
“I have a job to do,” Rauner said. “No one will stand in the way of me doing it. Michael Madigan and I are mirror images. I am about makin’ money from power. I am about workin’ for me and my friends.” —
There, fixed that for him! /s
- Young State Worker - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:04 am:
I don’t understand why the media isn’t calling the Rauner administration out for refusing to advance a budget until its policy agenda is passed.
Isn’t it golden rule 101 that the Rauner administration should not hold the budget up like this unless Raunerites are okay with future Dem governors holding the budget up til their pipe dreams come true?
What if a Dem governor wouldn’t try to get a budget passed until we had a constitutional amendment for a progressive income tax, $15 minimum wage, and drastically regulated guns?
How is the argument that Rauner wouldn’t have leverage without holding up the budget legitimate in any manner? The fact that he needs leverage is evidence of how anti-democratic his policy prescriptions are. Did I miss the part of civics lessons where it’s valid for one party to impose severe pain on the population to push through legislation that would have no prayer of passing if every legislator voted according to the will of their constituents?
- Facts are Stubborn Things - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:05 am:
“Rauner added that he will not cave in to Madigan’s demands, and that he is willing out outlast his political opponent.”
Mr. Rauner, Madigan is the speaker of the house elected by the peoples elected officials. He and his members (elected by the people of Illinois) hold 71 seats in the house. Who are you really saying you are going to outlast? Illinois needs a budget Governor! Illinois needs to function Governor! Tarrying down the unions is not going to turn around Illinois. The huge problem Illinois has had is a structural deficit because politicians (including Madigan) would rather take from the pension fund then modernize our taxing system to keep pace with the cost of Government. Gov. Rauner, you are presiding over a budget, or lack there of, that is spending Billions more then it is taking in.
- A Jack - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:05 am:
Do we have stats yet on the huge influx of people that moved to Illinois when the income tax expired? Perhaps Rauner can enlighten us on how many millions of people moved to Illinois in the past year in his State of the State.
- Gooner - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:13 am:
This is more evidence that Rauner is turning into Blagojevich.
Both were big on proposals that had some partisan appeal but that had no chance of becoming law.
They would make the big announcement, people would talk and some would be outraged, and nothing would ever happen.
It is not leadership.
We’ve seen this before.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:14 am:
“They would say they have proposed SB1, a funding formula overhaul, which is still being negotiated.”
That’s their answer? Take money away from other schools and give it to CPS? Yeah, that’s going to be popular with statewide voters.
Regardless, if that is their “plan” they must now conclude negotiations before CPS layoffs begin and either pass it with a veto-proof majority or include some concessions to Rauner an make it a bipartisan bill. That is about as realistic as the bankruptcy plan.
- Anon221 - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:18 am:
There will be more ventriloquism today on WGLT’s Sound Ideas ( http://wglt.org/programs/glts-sound-ideas). Just the clip from Sen. Bill Brady this morning on Morning Edition was play-by-play Rauner. (Nothing in on the website yet. probably will be after the 11 am broadcast.)
- Touré's Latte - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:18 am:
==“Are we supposed to stand by and watch CPS burn to the ground? What are Chicago Democrats doing about Chicago schools?” state Rep. Ron Sandack said.==
This is a joke right? The IL GOP solution to CPS slowly burning to the ground is not to put out the fire, but to fire bomb it first.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:19 am:
Chicago Democrats have been slowly destroying CPs budget since 1995. When the inevitable consequences begin emerging, their answer is…
“We’re working on a plan”?
Not good enough.
- Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:20 am:
What exactly are Madigan’s demands?
- cb - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:24 am:
“Rauner added that he will not cave in to Madigan’s demands, and that he is willing out outlast his political opponent.”
You might not “cave” but you are going to have to negotiate (Madigan too). that is what governing is all about.
- BurningPrairie - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:26 am:
I was going to try to be sarcastic and/or snarky re: his comments, but, on second reading, I’m nearly speechless. Is there no depth of hypocrisy Rauner is unwilling to sink to? He is complaining about a multi-millionaire? I respect Rich, so I’m restraining my language here. (But Rich, you could cover the unwillingness to act on the part of two administrations during the last seven years of bad news from CSU a little more)
How disconnected from reality is the governor? He can’t get _everything_ he wants RIGHT NOW from the legislature, so he takes his ball, goes home to pout and hold his breath until he gets his way.
Meanwhile, Illinois and all of us who love this state suffer and will suffer the consequences of Rauner’s incompetence for decades. When he stops playing his violin and leaves Springfield for whatever ultra-luxe home he buys, we and the poorest among us will have pray to find a way to rebuild our economy, our sense of community and our lives from amidst the ashes of his failures.
- Wensicia - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:29 am:
Rauner is trying out spin his failure, but he can’t keep blaming Madigan forever. He can’t do the job he was sworn into one year ago. He doesn’t know how to govern. This nonstop whining and the threats to further harm his hostages if he doesn’t get his way are childish.
- Handle Bar Mustache - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:34 am:
==He has become a multi-millionaire from government.==
This is gross hypocrisy.
Bruce Rauner amassed enormous wealth from public pension fund management. Other state and federal government programs and policies helped make him a very, very rich man.
- @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:37 am:
If you’re a psychology PhD candidate looking for a good thesis subject, have I got some good news for you!
– MrJM
- Ahoy! - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:45 am:
–He thinks about the upcoming elections, not about good policy. That is just a fact.”–
This is fact, even Madigan supporters know and understand this, the Governor is not telling anybody anything new, it’s just something we all know. Again, it doesn’t get us to a budget.
In the end, it’s always about power and maintaining power. Illinois has to make unpopular decisions to raise taxes and cut spending at the same time by substantial amounts for both. Madigan and Cullerton have the most to loose, they have a super majority of the seats.
- cardsmama - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:50 am:
Gooner: worse than Blago. At least Blago hid in the bathroom. This dude is constantly stirring it, face in every photo op possible, trying to anger everyone….because he can. I am waiting for one positive event out of this administration.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 10:02 am:
“- cardsmama - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:50 am:
Gooner: worse than Blago. At least Blago hid in the bathroom. This dude is constantly stirring it, face in every photo op possible, trying to anger everyone….because he can. I am waiting for one positive event out of this administration.”
I agree with you but I have one positive event. The closing of the State of Illinois JRTC building coming up. My wife works for the State, which is why I care so much, says that is the worst building around. It is cold in the winter and hot in the summer. There is no lighting and it is very load. All of the people that she knows can’t wait for it to be closed.
- Boss Tweed - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 10:09 am:
“What part of “Shaking up Springfield” did you not believe?”
The execution. Look at the results- extended budget drama, fueding with Madigan, funny bookkeeping to get top aides fat salaries, facility closures- we had all of that from Quinn and Blagojevich. Rauner hasn’t shaken up Springfield, he’s been eaten alive by it.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 10:12 am:
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:32 am:
At this point, they should be put in prison. SERIOUSLY
I am not joking. They have a duty to uphold the Constitution of the United States AND Illinois. They are more then corrupt and should be put in prison.
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 10:14 am:
“He thinks about the upcoming elections, not about good policy. That is just a fact”
Rauner wouldn’t even release any ROI on his agenda until just recently, and it stinks. It’s bad sacrifice for thousands of workers but not for the very wealthy, and all for such little gain, at best.
- Facts are Stubborn Things - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 10:23 am:
@Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 9:20 am:
=What exactly are Madigan’s demands? =
MJM is insisting that the state of Illinois needs a budget that is a mix of cuts and revenue and that it will be solved in moderation and not in the extreme. Crazy demands must stop on both sides!! snark
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 10:47 am:
OODA Loops. The first part stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. The second part refers to the continuous feedback that influences each of these steps.
From what I’ve observed, Team Rauner isn’t paying enough attention to the feedback it is receiving. They are long on action, short on observation.
In other words, they’re doing it wrong.
- Rabid - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:13 am:
Match set point. This reminds me of the broken mirror in the Marx movie
- XDNR - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 12:04 pm:
“Government, and amassing power within it, has become Madigan’s business, Rauner told the crowd.” Buying the Governor’s Office and the ILGOP and amassing the power within it to drive a pathologically misguided, hurtful, futile TA is Rauner’s business.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 12:08 pm:
Well said 47.
- ArchPundit - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 12:34 pm:
===Rauner added that he will not cave in to Madigan’s demands, and that he is willing out outlast his political opponent.
He knows he has to actually run for reelection doesn’t he? Right? Seriously?
Or does he think he’s going to beat the guy who has been in office (and who hasn’t gotten lazy) since before I was born? And been Speaker minus 95-96 since I was in junior high as we called it in those days.
I supposed Madigan could pass away, but that assumes he’s not an android.
- Glenn - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 1:22 pm:
Corporations downsize and throw the burden of the impoverished on the state.
When states downsize they throw poison in the water of the impoverished.
See Detroit water and school problems.
- Blue dog dem - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 3:26 pm:
This late breaking news:
The Rauner team has declared the Turnaround Agenda a success. Referencing the IDNR report that the 2015-2016 deer
Harvest was up nearly 10,000. Sources close to the administration point to the fact that cutting CPO field personnel was a classic example of how too much government impaired hunters from a record harvest under previous governors.
Rauner spokesman Emmanuel followed up by saying, ” this is small potatoes in the big scheme of things. Illinois residents will save billions due to less car/deer related accidents. He also referenced the recent GE decision to relocate to Boston as opposed to Chicago. If only we had this data a bit sooner, I mean we were right there.”
- Mama - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 3:33 pm:
“I have a job to do,” Rauner said. “No one will stand in the way of me doing it.”
Does he not know what the governor’s duties are?
Clue: Busting the unions & Madigan is not part of the governor’s duties.
- the Cardinal - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 3:58 pm:
CPS mismanaged at all levels for decades…no accountability from pretty much anyone….kids end up the losers…nobody cares as long as nothing cray cray happens on election day! Captain Billy : “Stay the course, strap your hands to the wheel and you ass to the main sail we’re going straight into the Flemish gap” or as Lt Dan said “You will Not take this Boat!
- Mama - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 5:11 pm:
“OODA Loops. The first part stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. The second part refers to the continuous feedback that influences each of these steps.”
47th Ward, Thanks for defining OODA. Maybe the DA “Decide, Act” is being saved for his last 2 years of office???
- Mama - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 5:16 pm:
++”So, the governor is making the best of a rotten situation by using clever PR to shift attention and blame away from him, and the Democrats are making the best of it by making Rauner the bad guy.
None of this gets us to a budget, by the way. Just the opposite.”++
Rich, what happens if there is no budget for the next fiscal Year either?