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Quinn backs Noland, Durbin backs Raja

Thursday, Jan 21, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Pat Quinn’s public rehabilitation tour continues today…

At a press conference at the VFW Hall in Elk Grove Village this morning Former Illinois Governor Pat Quinn announced his support for Mike Noland’s campaign for Congress.

Governor Quinn is the latest progressive leader to join Mike’s campaign. Quinn was Illinois’ 41st Governor, serving from 2009-2015. Quinn has been one of the biggest champions of progressive causes in Illinois for over 30 years. While in office, the Governor created the $31 billion Illinois Jobs Now! capital construction program and signed into law sweeping ethics and campaign finance reform legislation, the strongest in Illinois history. Before becoming Governor, he served for six years as Lieutenant Governor, four years as state Treasurer, and before that he was a political activist who successfully led efforts to shrink the size of the General Assembly and create the first-of-its-kind Citizens Utility Board.

“Mike is one of the good guys. I’ve known Mike Noland for a long time, and he has always had a strong moral compass. That’s the kind of leader we need in Congress,” said Quinn. “I like Mike because we share a strong progressive vision of how we can move our state and our nation forward. Whether it’s advocating for campaign finance reform, fighting for a cleaner environment, or standing up for veterans, Mike has always put people first.”

One of the cornerstones of the Governor’s legacy is standing up for servicemembers and veterans. He worked with Senator Noland, a U.S. Navy veteran, on legislation to protect veterans, such as HB 1260, which protected veterans from having their utility services disconnected.

“Having Governor Quinn’s support means the world me,” said Noland. “Governor Quinn has always stood up for what is right even if it means going against what’s popular. I am running for Congress because we need leaders who are will stand up against the status quo, and I am ready to do just that.”

Noland has also been endorsed by Senate President John J. Cullerton, former Senate President Emil Jones Jr., over 75 current and former elected officials from across Illinois, Northside Democracy for America, Blue America PAC, Kane County Democratic Organization, AFSCME State Council 31, American Postal Workers Union Local 3140’s executive board, Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois, Bricklayers Administrative District Council of Illinois, Sheet Metal Workers State Council, SMART Transportation Division (formerly United Transportation Union), Fox Valley Building Trades, Elgin Trades Council, IFT Local 1211 (Northwest Suburban Teachers Union), Operating Engineers Local 399, Painters District Council 14 & 30, and Teamsters Joint Council 25.

* But US Sen. Dick Durbin is backing the candidate who has raised far more money…

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois is backing Raja Krishnamoorthi in the Democratic primary for the 8th Congressional District of Illinois.

“Raja has impressed me with his focus on fighting for working families to help build and grow a vibrant middle class in America that is the most certain way to move our economy forward,” said Durbin, the state’s senior senator and Senate Minority Whip, the second highest ranking position among Senate Democrats. “Raja is a strong progressive and the best choice to succeed Tammy Duckworth and represent the hardworking taxpayers of the northwest Chicago suburbs. The product of humble roots, Raja will make sure that the same programs that were there for his family, like quality public schools and Social Security and Medicare, will be there for future generations.”

Durbin was elected to the Senate in 1996 and first served in the U.S. House beginning with his election in 1982 to the seat once held by Abraham Lincoln. While a member of the House, Durbin won a landmark ban on smoking on commercial airline flights of less than two hours in 1988 that was eventually expanded to all domestic flights. Over his career, Durbin has spearheaded numerous other laws concerning consumer and product safety, college student loans and affordability, gun violence, national security, and fiscal reform and government oversight.

“I look forward to working in Congress with Senator Durbin to craft legislation to assist working families in Illinois and the 8th District,” Krishnamoorthi said. “I am very humbled by Senator Durbin’s support and his belief in me to represent the 8th District in Congress.”

Sen. Durbin’s endorsing Raja follows key labor union support of Raja announced earlier this month from the Amalgamated Transit Union, the United Steelworkers and Ironworkers Local 63. Durbin’s endorsement also comes after House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi announced her backing of Raja for Congress.

“Raja’s combination of public and private sector experience uniquely prepares him to work in Congress to develop and protect American jobs, defend a woman’s right to choose, and strengthen America’s gun laws,” Durbin said.


  1. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:04 am:

    I’m starting to take a shine to this Pat Quinn reboot… if only because he might be the only one with the guts to take on Rauner if a democrat ends up in the white house this year. He ain’t scared of the money, which I can’t say for anyone else considering running.

  2. - Collinsville Kevin - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:05 am:

    Who was it that declared former governor Quinn a “progressive leader?” That’s a joke, right?

  3. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    Perhaps if one candidate had gotten both endorsements…

    But as it is, I don’t see either of these endorsements moving the needle much at all.

    – MrJM

  4. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:07 am:


    Noland has the backing of the current and former State Senate Presidents and most major unions in the area. Raja has the backing of the most popular statewide Dem in Illinois and the cash.

    This is going to be an interesting race. If the unions who backed Noland put boots on the ground, he can make it competitive.

  5. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:09 am:

    Let’s see if Noland prints Quinn’s name and endorsement on his campaign literature.

  6. - Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:10 am:

    These two have never seen eye-to-eye not really surprised.

    PQ is gearing up for 2018. Backing the labor candidate. (He thinks)Labor is the route to the yellow brick road back to the governor’s mansion in 2018.

    Please go away

  7. - Handle Bar Mustache - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:10 am:

    Good get by Noland. And good, maybe better, get by Raja.

    Yes, Quinn is a progressive leader in the state. Denying him that is just hateful delusion.

  8. - Handle Bar Mustache - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    ==Please go away==

    Not gonna happen. He is a progressive leader and it’s good to see him enter the fray.

    Durbin is a good pickup by Raja, though.

  9. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:14 am:

    PQ - Your time is up. Go away. My parents and Girlfriend live in that district and I said to go with Raja, Durbin reinforces that for me.
    Now his choice in 10, well that’s interesting.

  10. - Excessively Rabid - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:22 am:

    I thought Quinn was a terrible governor. That I would be almost hopeful about his possible return to public life speaks volumes about who came before and after him. Ick.

  11. - Handle Bar Mustache - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    The reflexive “go away” reactions to any public utterance from Governor Quinn are becoming comical.

    I’m sure everyone on CapFax has had >1 conversation with someone who voted for BVR but misses PQ more every day.

  12. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:42 am:

    Some history can’t be revised.

  13. - Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:49 am:

    =I’m sure everyone on CapFax has had >1 conversation with someone who voted for BVR but misses PQ more every day=

    It’s lesser of two evils, one governor was incompetent, the other lives in his own bubble where unions are the root of all evil. In 2018 there will be a much more attractive candidate with much less baggage. If he runs in the primary in 2018 he will not win. You think he can wait two weeks before the petition deadline to pick his running mate again? He doesn’t have the infrastructure of employees anymore.

    And looking back on 2014 that was one of the most negative campaigns I have ever seen, both candidates truly did not like each other. Neither candidate ran on their record, it was a barrage of attack ads until 11/4/14.

  14. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 11:55 am:

    “In 2018 there will be a much more attractive candidate with much less baggage.”

    If drafted, I will not run.
    If nominated, I will not accept.
    If elected, I will not serve.

    – MrJM

  15. - DuPage Bard - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 12:22 pm:

    Good pick up by both. Does it move the needle? Word is Raja put out a poll in December, has anyone seen results? I’m imagining they weren’t very good for Raja or he would have released those poll numbers to go along with his money numbers.
    Soon Raja will have to go negative on Noland if he wants to win. The Union endorsements of Noland are big in this game. The district is full of teachers, cops, firefighters, nurses etc. Who will they believe? Durbin and Quinn essentially cancel each other out for endorsement purposes.

  16. - Elgin Champion - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 12:46 pm:

    DuPage Brad - totally moves the needle. Let me honest - Quinn is damaged goods in suburban Cook County. Union endorsements are great but resources are better. Endorsements build momentum but we all know you need to compete in a ground game. Noland doesn’t have the cash to compete: field organizers, mailers, advertisements and more. Raja does. Question of the day: who is going to hear which candidate louder. At the moment and for a long time: it’s Raja.

  17. - Hoffman Estater - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 12:48 pm:

    where’s deb? no where
    where’s noland? with a losing Governor which every Illinois Democrat knows that for a shot against Rauner, you need new blood
    where’s raja? with Durbin

    let’s be serious folks, a Quinn endorsement is great for a news day but doesn’t deliver for March 15. Durbin can do that for Raja

  18. - Be Serious Dupage Brad - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 12:52 pm:

    =Who will they believe? Durbin and Quinn essentially cancel each other out for endorsement purposes=

    The only reason Quinn has any “glow” right now is because of all the bad Rauner news and Quinn’s “I told you so” talking point. But can Quinn gives ANYTHING to Noland? nada

    Durbin? You’re talking about more donors, volunteers, strategic assets and phones from IL’s #1 Democrat.

    Quinn? maybe a photo? But Durbin plays better with primary voters than Quinn. Durbin validates Raja big time.

  19. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 12:53 pm:

    Go away Squeezu

  20. - DuPage Bard - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 1:05 pm:

    Where are Raja’s numbers? Your telling me that having over a million in the bank and having been in this race since the day after Congresswoman Duckworth left he hasn’t dropped a poll? If he has where is it? He has and its not out there because it shows him losing.
    He’ll go negative soon because that’s all he has. He ran statewide once and ran in that same district for Congress 4 years ago. He’s dropped over 3 million dollars for name ID.
    Where is the poll showing he’s winning? It isn’t there.

  21. - Be More Serious Dupage Brad - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 1:39 pm:

    Losing your cool a bit DB? haha

    =Where are Raja’s numbers?=
    Noland nor Deb has enough cash on hand for one poll. Raja of course he did polling - why do you think he has Axelord/Pelosi/Schakowsky/Durbin endorsement?

    =Your telling me that having over a million in the bank and having been in this race since the day after Congresswoman Duckworth left he hasn’t dropped a poll?=
    check out response to #1 but everything will be okay DB lol

    =If he has where is it?=
    worried much?

    =He has and its not out there because it shows him losing=
    It’s okay DB! Everything will be okay

    =He’ll go negative soon because that’s all he has=
    Not all he has. He’s also a small business owner, well-educated, former Assistant Attorney General for the public integrity unit under Lisa Madigan and Deputy State Treasurer.

    =He ran statewide once and ran in that same district for Congress 4 years ago.=
    He lost less than 1% of the statewide race against a Madigan candidate for his rookie race with the Tribune/SunTimes endorsement. He was a competitive fundraiser against Tammy 4 years ago. Raja competes pretty well, especially with tough hills to climb.

    =He’s dropped over 3 million dollars for name ID. Where is the poll showing he’s winning? It isn’t there=
    Yes because when you run statewide and in a suburban Chicago congressional district, elections get expensive! I know its tough for you to believe but it’s okay DB, everything will be okay!

    worried much? lol

  22. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 1:46 pm:

    why is that noland folks always fill up capfax comments? Where is this guy anyway?

  23. - Actual IL08 Voter - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 1:50 pm:

    im only seeing raja mailers, haven’t heard anything from the other two

  24. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 2:54 pm:

    I am in district. Getting Raja’s mailers, not super impressed. Noland’s folks already knocked our door. Unions equal walkers, I remember walkers, mailers fill up my recycling bin.

  25. - DuPage Bard - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 3:44 pm:

    Not worried at all, just asked for data?
    Didn’t realize that was too much to ask.

    Those were all nice facts about your candidate.

    I stated one fact, very redundantly (my bad), that there is no polling showing Raja winning.
    There is a poll showing Noland winning, Capfax had it up a couple months ago.
    Am I wrong?
    Your shot- smash home the Ace by showing winning poll numbers and you’ve won the match.

  26. - Betsy - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 3:56 pm:

    DuPage Bard — fair point, but the question is what happens to the leader in that poll: Rep. “Undecided” with 41%. Margin of error of 4.9%.

    Not sure that Noland should take a lead from an October poll to the bank and try to cash it in for a seat in Congress. Long way to go in this race. And, by the tenor of the comments here, it looks like folks are fired up about it.

    “The largest share of voters is undecided (41%); Mike Noland holds a small lead in the race (Noland 29% / Krishnamoorthi 22% / Bullwinkel 8%).”

  27. - Don't Worry Dupage Bard - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 3:57 pm:

    =There is a poll showing Noland winning, Capfax had it up a couple months ago=

    You mean the one-day poll? Go ahead and confirm the strength of that poll for a modern-day competitive, congressional race in 2016. Then come back and let me know what you think.

    No shot need to be taken - I’m just annoyed by state politicos like yourself who are hell-bent to support state politicians where they appear.

  28. - Every Election Democrat - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 3:59 pm:

    Lived in Hoffman Estates for a long time and I have say: I’m impressed. I got a phone call, mailer and even had the candidate at my door in the span of a past few months! Not sure what union walkers people are referring to though

  29. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    =I remember walkers=

    So one walker gets your vote? get real

  30. - Come on Man! - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 4:20 pm:

    Quinn is not bad in this district. Durbin is better.

    I think Raja’s people pressuring Bullwinkel to get out and the lack of releasing a poll with good numbers shows that undoubtedly he wins a 2 way race but a 3 way race edge goes to Noland. I think on election day we will be looking at 44 MN-36 RK-20DB result. Noland is LOVED in his district and Deb has a good reputation with her surrounding communities.

  31. - Moist - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 4:29 pm:

    A made-up story, but not far off the mark:

    TV: “Pat Quinn was seen walking down the street yesterday. It is believed that the former Governor uses walking to get from a place he is, to another place, and he occasionally walks in public.”

    CapFax commenter: “Stop the rehab tour. You lost an election. Go away.” *mumbles something about Squeezy*

  32. - Common Senser - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 4:55 pm:

    =I think on election day we will be looking at 44 MN-36 RK-20DB result=

    You’re absolutely right: no media, no mailers and few volunteers will get you 36% of the vote. Get real. Noland may be well-liked in HIS SENATE DISTRICT but the inside baseball is the vote-rich eastern segment of IL-08. You think all of Elgin is coming out?

  33. - Come on man! - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 6:40 pm:

    CS- Nolands district accounts for about 30% of the 8th. Koto and T. Cullerton have about the same.

  34. - Whatever Man - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 7:26 pm:

    =CS-Nolands district accounts for about 30% of the 8th=

    You need more than 30% to win

  35. - Citizen A - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 7:59 pm:

    Outside of his own money circles or social circles, I never see Raja. Noland is out talking to people. That means something.

  36. - justacitizen - Thursday, Jan 21, 16 @ 8:45 pm:

    ===I’m sure everyone on CapFax has had >1 conversation with someone who voted for BVR but misses PQ more every day.===

    Not me.

  37. - Anonymous - Friday, Jan 22, 16 @ 8:05 am:

    Anon. 4:00 don’t be ridiculous that is not what I said. Third mailer this week hit yesterday and its only January.

  38. - Anonymous - Friday, Jan 22, 16 @ 1:17 pm:

    who is Noland talking to? Where is Deb? Noland keeps trumping up stuff (like his volunteers on this very post!!) about how the race is competitive. It’s not - you need to run the district and Noland has no money

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