Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Setting the record straight: The governor just lied
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Setting the record straight: The governor just lied

Monday, Jan 25, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Bruce Rauner just told reporters that I used to work for Speaker Madigan.

I have no idea where he got that, but I did work as a House page for less than a month back in 1985. Perhaps that’s what he’s talking about. I have no idea.

Lee Daniels tried this dirty trick on me back in the day. It didn’t work then because it wasn’t true.

…Adding… This became a topic during the Q&A when somebody asked Rauner about my column based on revenue growth numbers that Rauner himself supplied to members of the General Assembly. He said the numbers were “way” off, even though they were his own numbers, then went on his false tirade about me having worked for Madigan.

…Adding More… From “walker” in comments…

This isn’t some kind of looping tactical misdirection. Rauner simply doesn’t know any better. He heard someone say it, and it fits into what he wants to believe.

Rauner didn’t lie about the Cullerton pension deal — he actually believed it said what he said about it. He just doesn’t pay attention to any details that don’t support his overall narrative.


  1. - Arsenal - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:28 am:

    Can’t watch the livestream right now- why on earth would he bring that up?

  2. - A guy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:28 am:

    How’d you lose the gig in only one month? lol

  3. - IllinoisBoi - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:29 am:

    Rauner, lie? No way.

  4. - Name Withheld - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:29 am:

    Speaker Madigan and the Pages he controls!

  5. - Johnny Pyle Driver - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:29 am:

    Speaker Madigan and the journalists he controls…

  6. - Niblets - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:29 am:

    Speaker Madigan and the bloggers he controls. Snark button on please.

  7. - Beaner - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:30 am:

    Dear Rich,
    Do not feel too bad. He is grasping at straws trying not to explain how he does not need to ask the General Assembly for $5 billion in additional revenue.

  8. - Henry Francis - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:31 am:

    The grass bowl doesn’t fall far from the grass

  9. - thunderspirit - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:31 am:

    Has no one ever told the Governor that, when in a hole, one should stop digging?

  10. - Team Sleep - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    That is an old Illinois Leader and a current Illinois Review rumor. I have heard it way too often.

  11. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    So you’re saying you and Rauner don’t have a deal?

  12. - frisbee - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    Niblets beat me to it, sorry

  13. - Frenchie Mendoza - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    Not watching the live feed — but what was the context for Rauner misrepresenting your work as a page?

  14. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    Rauner isn’t good at truth. Rauner is really good at trying to create a truth to try to keep an upper hand when he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

    Commander Queeg lookin’ for someone to blame for the yellow stain - That’s Rauner up and down

  15. - How Ironic - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    That’s OK Rich. You’re in good company. Bruce Rauner used to work for Obama. Well, actually he stepped into a post office, and purchased some stamps…but that’s close enough.

  16. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:33 am:

    The good thing was why your name came up. Someone had the nerve to ask him about “Governor 1.4%”. He had no answer, except a laugh, a promise to address the real figures Wednesday, and expose you as another status quo enemy.

  17. - Spliff - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:33 am:

    He worked as a page when he was 25 or older? seriously Lord Bruce …

  18. - Linus - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    Three - two - one —

    “Perhaps the Governor wasn’t as precise with his wording as reporters who used to work for the Speaker would like him to be…”

  19. - Linus - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    (that was snark, btw)

  20. - One to the Dome - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    “It was Barzini all along”

  21. - ILPundit - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    I would call this the gang that can’t shoot straight, except for the fact that they consistently shoot themselves directly in the foot.

  22. - GraduatedCollegeStudent - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    ===Has no one ever told the Governor that, when in a hole, one should stop digging?===

    But that would mean admitting defeat and Bruce Rauner has never lost.

  23. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    Rich, when the speaker asked you for popcorn from the Ratskellar and you complied - that implicates you for the rest of your life.

  24. - Nope, Nope, Nope - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    More to the point, so what if you did? If he disagrees with something you wrote, he can use facts and evidence to show where you’re wrong. Lies and ad hominem attacks sound like something a politician would do. That can’t be, since we all know our great governor is a businessman, not a politician.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:36 am:

    “Hi, Rich-

    Turnaround Agenda, Speaker Madigan, career politicians, unions, shake up Springfield, bring back Illinois.


    Rich, expect a phony apology like that, until they can’t stand by their stubbornness.

    Rauner is pathetic with this. How about some institutional knowledge?

  26. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:36 am:

    This guy has no shame. I’m embarrassed and ashamed to live in this state because of our childish and ruinous governor.

  27. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    Take the compliment Rich. Clearly the Governor sees you as a force to be reckoned with, and he is responding. Badly, but whatever. It means, despite the fact that he doesn’t read the papers (another lie?), somebody is telling him that you’ve been critical of the sorry state of affairs over which he’s presided. It obviously hurt his feelings, so he’s attacking you.

    Keep it up. Those of us who do read you faithfully and for long enough, know that you’ve been a thorn in the side of every governor since Jim Thompson.

    I didn’t know Rauner had such thin skin. Maybe that’s why he wears the Carhart?

  28. - Bass - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    So working for Madigan is “dirty”? How is that a “dirty trick”?

  29. - qualified someone nobody sent - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:38 am:

    Gov. Raunger (for Illinois) once again shows how inept he is? Any chance this is an Illinois version of Ronald Regan (the most unqualified, uninformed President in US history)? This guy doesn’t even know Rich is a neutral party? How can any Il taxpayer believe anything that comes out of this one term joke we elected two years ago?

  30. - pundent - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:38 am:

    Did he go on to say that what Rich Miller says to me in private and what he says in public are two different things?

  31. - burbanite - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:38 am:

    Rich Miller and the numbers he controls.

  32. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:38 am:

    Mr. Speaker: I’d like you to get me an apple from the Ratskellar please.

    Tim Mapes: He can’t eat that on the house floor though, no food!

    Young Rich: You had me at apple Mr. Speaker. When I have my own blog, I will only report good things about you.

  33. - Tommydanger - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:40 am:

    OW can start a new TV show: The pages of Sangamon County.

  34. - Demoralized - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:40 am:

    Sad. Just sad. Just when you think the Governor can’t get any more ridiculous he moves the bar.

  35. - crazybleedingheart - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:40 am:

    Bruce Rauner used to work for a company that couldn’t figure out how to hire or promote black people into leadership.

    When it comes to experiences skewing one’s views and actions, he wins.

  36. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:41 am:

    ===Rich, when the speaker asked you for popcorn===


    I never paged while they were in session. I hated the job, so I quit and worked at the Sangamon State Survey Research office making polling calls. I was a college student at the time.

  37. - justacitizen - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:41 am:

    I wouldn’t admit to working for Madigan either-lol

  38. - Handle Bar Mustache - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:42 am:

    When you have nothing of substance to say in response to the message, just attack the messenger. What a train wreck.

  39. - Former Hoosier - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:42 am:

    Rauner is the master of lies, deceit and distraction. And, he is never held accountable for the lies he (and his staff) continue to tell day in and day out.

  40. - illinoised - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:42 am:

    I have been telling folks that he lies. Thank you for the proof.

  41. - Stones - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:43 am:

    I hope Oscar goes to town on the Governor’s lawn.

  42. - Try-4-Truth - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:43 am:

    I remember, Mr. Miller, when you used to warn Gov. Blagojevich about his impending doom. I wonder if it’s time to start warning Gov. Rauner?

    That’s what it’s going to take. The Gov. needs to realize that his path is one of destruction for himself and his cause.

    I think he’s banking on the elections this November. If those don’t work out for him, then what? He’s destroying the Illinois GOP. If I were a Republican (which I’m not) I’d start to push back. His money is not worth the damage he is doing to the GOP brand.

    Gov. Rauner’s seems to be going down a path of total victory or absolute defeat. That’s not a good business practice. Time to start warning him, in my opinion.

  43. - Handle Bar Mustache - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:43 am:

    Rich, remember what he did to McKinney! I’m glad you work for yourself.

  44. - Me too - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:44 am:

    VM @ 10:33 that’s ballgame. The nook bought off press is starting to ask why we are doing this. Why are we crippling valuable programs for our citizens that NEED then, not want, but need? Why are seniors going hungry and thousands of people lais off? How my much UI is that? How much are we saving if instead of providing grants to nonprofits we free directly paying their former employees not to work and sending them into government assistance programs? 1.4%… Really? At this point we’ll need a big add increase just to get back to where we were. Getting ahead is a lost cause.

  45. - Oh Yes You Did - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:45 am:

    Quit denying it, Rich. Of course you worked for Madigan. In fact, there is evidence that you still do. He pays you in magic beans that you plant hither and thither. A good portion turn into invisible beanstalks that you use to journey into the clouds, where you commune with ghosts who tell you things no one else has knowledge of. Rauner used to take this kind of ride himself, and it made him wealthy beyond all comprehension. Now, though, he is the man who fell to earth. And what a splat he has made.

  46. - Not quite a majority - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:45 am:

    Print something nice or he’ll say you’re Madigan’s brother’s cousin’s sister’s aunt’s great nephew twice removed. Just sayin’ the guy is not playin’ with a full deck.

  47. - JoanP - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:46 am:

    @ Try-4-Truth -

    And I’m sure Rauner would pay as much attention to Miller’s warning as Blago did.

  48. - Politix - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    Another day, another lie. But this time it’s personal. He’s attacking you now and you know why. Keep doing what you do, Rich. Illinois needs more like you.

  49. - Trolling Troll - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    Only a person with no integrity would answer a question by attacking the integrity of someone else.

  50. - Dirty Red - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:50 am:

    I hear Gov. Edgar is working on another editorial. This time he will salute Rodney Davis for not lying about Matt Drudge working for Newt Gingrich. Should be an interesting read.

  51. - Georg Sande - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:50 am:

    Rauner clearly messed up here, no doubt. Rich doesn’t now, and didn’t then, work directly for Madigan. ;)

  52. - Cheswick - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:51 am:

    Rich Miller: The Man, the Myth.

  53. - How Ironic - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:51 am:

    So in essence…did Bruce Rauner work for Castro or just smoke a Cuban cigar. Or is there a difference?

  54. - The Captain - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:51 am:

    - One to the Dome - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    “It was Barzini all along”


  55. - Michael Westen - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:52 am:

    Rich is gettin’ the McKinney treatment.

  56. - Jocko - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    When you can’t attack the message (one you provided upon request)…attack the messenger!

  57. - Dee Lay - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    Oh this is this just too good.

    Attacking a journalist reporting the facts that his own office provided screams desperation.

    Anyone got the audio?

  58. - RNUG - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    This has now officially became a Donald Westlake novel.

  59. - Homer J. Quinn - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    didn’t anybody ever tell bruce not to pick fights with someone who buys his ink by the barrel?

  60. - Union Leader - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    My, oh my, why can’t this Governor and his “superstars” ever get anything right? No budget, Madigan and the politicians he controls fault. Now, Rich Miller will be addressed in the State of the State for his wrong numbers. Come on Governor, stop campaigning and start to govern. Come on Illinois GOP, stop this guy from completely destroying your party. Jeez!

  61. - tominchicago - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:56 am:

    I wonder if Rauner has a Madigan voodoo doll yet.

  62. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:56 am:

    When you don’t like the message, shoot the messenger. You have honesty and integrity Rich. A rarity that some would like to squelch.

  63. - Kasparov - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:56 am:

    The disorienting OODA loop in full force — Who is talking about the merit of the original question?

    “The key is to obscure your intentions and make them unpredictable to your opponent while you simultaneously clarify his intentions.”

  64. - Dee Lay - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:57 am:

    “The disorienting OODA loop in full force — Who is talking about the merit of the original question?”

    SPOT ON.

  65. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:57 am:

    King Rauner isn’t going to like that you used the “lie” word either.

    No one is going to care about his tech announcement now that he has lied into the microphone.

    Can’t wait for the state of the state speech!

  66. - Spliff - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:58 am:

    When did the Governor and his show officially jump the shark?

  67. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:58 am:

    Even HBO can’t believe the next “Dad’s Home State” and it’s a farce, a comedy, a parody.

    HBO, in a statement said, “Your ‘realty’ show has moved off of any sense of reality. The episode can’t air.”


  68. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:58 am:

    ===his ink by the barrel?===

    Or his data by the terabyte.

  69. - cdog - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:59 am:

    Rauner needs to read The Four Agreements. He’s a mess.

    Rauner is going to get ugly with reporters, probably going to have his Uline buddy or similar, buy them so he can muzzle public discussion.

    Honeybear, The Red Sea has parted and guess who’s standing in the middle? The Hebrew slaves finally do get away from the oppressive King!

    Hang in there Mr. Miller. For our very own Machiavellian Prince Rauner, the truth hurts when it’s not in your nature.

    Like Harry Truman said “I just told them the truth and they thought it was he11 !”

  70. - Beaner - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:59 am:

    Fake Governor Rauner: “I know for a fact, Rich Miller is the Speaker’s love child. Quick, another flagon, my wine glass is empty!”

  71. - Streator Curmudgeon - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:01 am:

    Years ago, they used to say to politicians, “Never pick a fight with somebody who buys their ink by the barrel” (newspapers).

    Today they might say, “Never pick a fight with somebody who doesn’t even need ink to reach thousands of people.”

    Desperate politicians say desperate things.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:01 am:

    ===OW can start a new TV show: The pages of Sangamon County.===

    There’s always another show idea, lol.

    Rod is looking more and more… stable(?)… by the quote?

  73. - Union Leader - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:02 am:

    I am amazed at the lengths, this Governor goes to, just to avoid doing his job.

    The lies all started during the campaign, when he said he had no “social agenda”. They continued on Election night with the claims of a phone call
    and speaking to Speaker Madigan.

    Now this… this has all got to stop!

  74. - Eugene - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:02 am:

    So Rauner told lies about you? Hey, welcome to the club.

  75. - Honeybear - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:02 am:

    Dude…you’re obviously off the Christmas card list. Frankly I’m surprised you made it this long. But you must have hit the money spot to get that reaction. Now start throwing some real elbows Rich.

  76. - DeKalb Guy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:02 am:

    Rich is one of the few in Springfield that can and do tell the truth about what’s going on. Rauner is attacking him directly because of it. He can’t, as they say, handle the truth.

  77. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:04 am:

    ===Who is talking about the merit of the original question===

    Well, at the moment, we’re talking about Rauner’s lie. But don’t you think Governor 1.4% just guaranteed that his revenue estimates for his signature Turnaround Agenda will get a second and third look by every news outlet in Springfield? Moreover, does anyone think this publication will forget that, by Rauner’s own estimate, the state will realize a paltry 1.4% increase in revenue and therefore all of the destruction of human services and higher education will be worth it?

    Rauner jumped the shark today. This one will have lasting damage.

  78. - Suburbanon - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    The legendary Bill O’Connell liked to say don’t argue with people who buy ink in rail tankcars. Although you don’t buy ink anymore, the message is the same. He’ll lose every time. Keep up the good work.

  79. - Chilling - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    Mike Madigan and the Rich Millers he controls!!

  80. - Fore!!! - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    I was a Congressional page in 1995…I guess that means I used to work for Newt Gingrich! And here I thought I was a liberal Democrat.

  81. - Langhorne - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:08 am:

    One word: baloney.

    The 1.4% analysis is damaging. Combine that w the pedigree and reach of your readership, and it has the potential to significantly derail rauners narrative. He has been pushing his agenda for a year with no factual justification. How dare you challenge the emperor.

    No more play dates for Oscar.

  82. - Sam Weinberg - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:08 am:

    Hey Rauner, here’s a tip: never go full-Blago.

  83. - anon - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:09 am:

    When the facts are on your side, you can stick the facts. When the facts aren’t on your side, attack the source.

  84. - How Ironic - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:09 am:

    Rich Miller, is it true that you spent 1.4% of your time being Madigan’s errand boy in 1985?

    (I see Rauner practicing his best Perry Mason as he delivers this finishing speech with a flourish in his bathroom mirror)

  85. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:09 am:

    If you’re a Rsunerbot, or worse, a Raunerite within state government and you give any credence to this ridiculous bald-face lie, then your own credibility will also face scrutiny.

    Geez, Louise, he’s talking to the Springfield Press Corps, doesn’t Rauner know they know it’s a flat-out lie?

  86. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:09 am:

    Maybe Rich will get a Goldberg letter soon?

  87. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    Can someone please start the petition?

  88. - Tom "Waffle House" Grubinski - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    Rich Miller, Capital Fax and Crain’s Chicago Business are not owned and/or influenced by Rauner and his pals. Since he can’t get Rich fired, like he did with Dave McKinney, he needs to try and muddy him up when Rich hits a grand slam with his reporting. It will be interesting to see how the Illinois’ media reports this one. Their credibility with their readers is really on the line here. Let’s hope that they get their stories factually accurate and fair.

  89. - How Ironic - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    Also, is this the first headline where a sitting Gov is called out for lying on the blog. I think Blago got some devastating headlines…but I don’t even remember one like this.

  90. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    Well, so much for your call for maturity Rich. The gov. is unable to rationally respond to questions regarding the accuracy of his TAA numbers without blaming Madigan and/or attacking the questioner’s motives. This is school yard stuff.

  91. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    Where’s Eric Zorn with that “No one has been McKinneyed since… ”

    Make no mistake, trying to marginalize Rich, it’s a “Bury you and your family”‘ move, making Sonny Corleone seem rational

  92. - AC - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    The sunshine site clearly shows Rich works for Rauner:

    Ahead of Our Time Publishing
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    Jun 11, 2014


  93. - illini - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    WOW - just go on here this morning - over 85 comments in a half hour!!! Nothing to add that has not already been said.

    Rich, you have a lot of “friends” that have your backside and that respect this blog. Obviously BVR is not one of them.

  94. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    Maybe he got bad info from someone or was repeating something he heard without checking it out first?

    He hasn’t been involved long enough to the know everyone’s back story. It could have been dumb without being intentional.

  95. - x ace - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    ” I ask that you judge me by the enemies I have made” FDR

  96. - From the 'Dale to HP - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    Who is gonna turn off the lights in the state, Rauner, Ken Griffin, or the Trib Ed Board? Then again, it’ll probably Goldberg.

  97. - ash - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:16 am:

    Rauner lied? Oh, I am simply shocked. Then again, one of his own people told me that “misinformation is what politicians do to promote their agenda.”

  98. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:17 am:

    Proft should send you a commission on that Liberty pac money he just received . Plainly Bruce dosent like or appreciate your knowledge or following . Now Proft ( the former Cicero town hack) might have to get some more $$$ to offset the Rich Miller affect on the administrations failures

  99. - so & so told me that - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:18 am:

    Not to make light of his lies or condone them, but I have to.
    Which superstar fed him this one?
    -cky-goldbergy-shrimpy-or it was a pol, owl, dunkin, one of the leaders, the public needs an answer for the governur’s lies. Can’t wait, foia to follow; any and all communications from the gov. & his entire staff with the word miller in it on 1/25/2015.

  100. - Wensicia - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:18 am:

    I guess this means you lost out on a $1.8 million donation from Rauner’s Turnaround Illinois PAC.

  101. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:21 am:

    I lasted a day as a House page. Worse job I ever had.

  102. - My New Handle - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:22 am:

    State-paid Capitol Fax subscriptions will not be renewed I am guessing.

  103. - pool boy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:22 am:

    Finally, the real reason our state is in such a mess, the infamous Rich Miller. LOL.

  104. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:23 am:

    The media won’t touch it. They barely covered the LSSI story. It is really sad, how do you educate the electorate when the MSM only covers part of what is going on. Only the sound bites really.

  105. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:24 am:

    So if being a page and getting lunch for someone makes you “work” for them, then I worked for Madigan too. But they tipped better on the GOP side (they were in the majority at the time LOL.)

  106. - Bibe - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:24 am:

    My sympathies Rich. I know what this kind of thing can do to the blood pressure. Don’t know how you’ve managed to be so fair to this guy for so long as it is but you are no Tribune editorial Board. If it’s any consolation, this is exactly what he does when you are getting to him. You were getting pretty frustrated last week and one of your criticisms must have really hit a nerve. I wonder which one?

  107. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:24 am:

    Dear GOP GA Members,

    If you keep choosin’ to be intimidated by Rauner, Rauner’s money, Rauner’s style, you are now guilty of what you said Democrats did not so long ago;

    Enabled Rod Blagojevich.

    Rational, honest thoughts aren’t leaving the Governor’s mouth, now these irrational thoughts outnumber the real thoughtful things that Rauner tries to build upon.

    I want to help you guys, you can’t say a continuation like this helps.

    I frustrated too… but my frustration is based on rational governing. Show that yours as a group is too.


    With respect to the Caucus, it’s leadership, it’s candidates.


  108. - anon - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    Isn’t time for folks to wise up to the fact that the only consistent truth about Rauner is his dishonesty?! It’s not just to you Rich, it’s to everyone! He lies distorts and twists the truth to fulfill his personal, ideological agenda…

  109. - Anon221 - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    - so & so told me that -
    “Not to make light of his lies or condone them, but I have to.
    Which superstar fed him this one?”

    The really worrying thing is, what if NONE of them told him that??? If he came up with that one on his own….

  110. - Pool guy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:29 am:

    Well Rich on the bright side, at least the Sun Times can’t fire you or ask you to resign

  111. - CharlieKratos - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:30 am:

    Keep an eye out for the letter announcing you as the new Ag Director, or the shutdown notice. Bruce hasn’t decided whether he wants to go with the carrot or the stick.

  112. - Muscular - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:30 am:

    Rich was a House page when Mike Madigan was serving as Speaker. The argument goes that if Rich Miller was not acceptable to Mike Madigan, he would have never got the job. If Rich Miller was acceptable to Mike Madigan, then the two have similar belief systems, as Republican thinking goes. The issue isn’t job responsibilities. It’s political allegiance and belief system.

  113. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:32 am:


    That’s just silly. They don’t apply ideological litmus tests to freakin pages!

  114. - Montrose - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:39 am:


    Stop. Just stop. You can agree with Rauner’s agenda/policies without trying to help him out with a ridiculous lie. Just stop.

  115. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:40 am:

    Rauner may have picked up this “information” from a website that was ultra critical of local media called “Illinois Mirror.” It was a charge against Rich that was hurled multiple times. It seems to have shut down or is inactive.

  116. - crazybleedingheart - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:42 am:

    ==Keep an eye out for the letter announcing you as the new Ag Director, or the shutdown notice. ==

    CapFax buyout? Just his style.

  117. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:43 am:

    - Louis G Atsaves -

    I hope, not only you find this… statement… completely and utterly nonsense, you’ll discuss this feeling and pass on your feelings to the Governor.

    Please. For his own sake. He’s off the reservation.

  118. - Team Sleep - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:47 am:

    Louis - good memory. Everything posted on that site about Rich tied him to MJM.

    Cynic - pages are, however, assigned to caucuses and a few I have known over the years were hired on because of recommendations from legislators or lobbyists. Notice that I said a few. Not all.

  119. - Omega Man - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:50 am:

    If this doesn’t prove that Rauner is clueless I don’t know what will.

  120. - MJM Minion - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:50 am:

    I didn’t know you were a minion. Welcome to the club. They have a party every year.

  121. - Archiesmom - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:52 am:

    So much for those Oscar playdate invitations…

  122. - @MisterJayEm - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:53 am:

    “I’m a competitive guy. I don’t lose.” — Bruce Rauner, Dec 22, 2014.

    Bruce Rauner believes that.

    Bruce Rauner believes that he does not lose. ALWAYS winning and NEVER losing is a fundamental part of Bruce Rauner’s self-identity. He believes that he has never lost and that he never loses. Literally.

    And that was mostly true when he was stripping value out of companies in the private sector. A combination of skill, wealth and… uh… “ruthlessness” served him well. He was a competitive guy. He didn’t lose.

    But now he’s Governor of Illinois. And the old tricks don’t work so well in the new office. He’s losing. And he knows it.

    Every time he insists that it’s too soon to judge his governorship, he admits he’s not winning. Every time he defers a legitimate accounting of his agenda, he admits he’s not winning. Every time he resorts to “buh… buh… but Madigan!” he admits he’s not winning.

    If he thought he was winning, he’d want everyone to see where Illinois is, to see how Illinois is doing. But he doesn’t. Instead, his time for evaluating Bruce Rauner is always the same — later. Much later. When Bruce Rauner is eventually, inevitably winning.

    But these last few weeks haven’t been kind to Bruce Rauner or to his self-image. He’s been losing big and repeatedly. He’s been losing publicly and embarrassingly. And he knows it.

    Lacking the skill to be a successful governor, Bruce Rauner is desperately calling on the other attributes that made him a private-sector success. Big money? On Friday, his political campaign put another $900,000 into the Illinois Republican Party. Raising the stakes until the other guy goes bust worked in high-finance, maybe it’ll work here. “Ruthlessness”? In the form of naked and clumsy dishonesty about a deal with Cullerton. Followed by naked and clumsy dishonesty about Rich and Madigan. And that’s just the last couple of days. Expect to see more ruthless truth-lessness in the future.

    Bruce Rauner is losing.

    And that’s put him in panic mode. He’s a man who’s self-worth is wrapped up in the “never losing” of private financial schemes, not the give-and-take of politics. No wonder he’s flailing so. For perhaps the first time in his adult life, Bruce Rauner is losing. Repeatedly. And on the biggest stage his fortune could buy.

    I’m not saying Bruce Rauner is having some kind of existential crisis, I just don’t know how he would behave differently if he were.

    – MrJM

  123. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:57 am:

    I defer my time to the ever pithy, always pointed, - @MisterJayEm - for now.

    When - @MisterJayEm - goes longer than 10 words…

    Well done.


  124. - Say WHAT? - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 11:57 am:

    Oh look! A squirrel! I guess Illinois never tires of the same ole same ole…….

  125. - 300 - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:00 pm:

    All of the grade school students that ran errands to the Stratton cafeteria over the years will be shocked to find out they used to work for the Speaker too?

  126. - illini - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    MrJM - Well Said - Thanks for reminding all of us once again what our Governor is all about and the lengths he will go to divert the discussion.

    Can’t wait for his message on the 27th!

  127. - Coach - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    And yet we still have no budget! Governor instead of have news conferences complaining of the Mayor of Chicago, the Speaker, Republicans who don’t vote with you 100%, Rich Miller, Democrats, Reporters, former Governor (s) as in Edgar, and anyone else, lets just use your energy and work on passing a budget! The children and people of this state has suffered enough! You are now on verge of breaking our party (Republican) in this state as they are now becoming closer to being Independents! Not necessarily joining the democratic party but definitely looking elsewhere!

  128. - How Ironic - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:03 pm:

    If the Gov spent even 1.4% of his day working on the budget…maybe he wouldn’t have to lie about the reporters covering his inaction.

  129. - Local taxpayer - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:07 pm:

    All former pages are cogs in the Madigan Machine. They never escape!

  130. - Handle Bar Mustache - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:07 pm:

    MrJM @ 11:53 nailed it.

    Rauner looked weary at his press conference this morning. His mind didn’t appear to be on the announcement at hand. He looked like someone who knows he’s losing.

  131. - Austin Blvd - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:08 pm:

    Rauner’s got someone to whom who he says: “Find out about so and so…”
    It’s how he destroys people and it’s why people are so afraid of him.

  132. - Coach - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:09 pm:

    Just curious what is the Governor’s rating at this point. I haven’t heard any recent figures! Has he hit rock bottom yet. I know a lot of Republicans are upset with him!

  133. - Mouthy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:10 pm:

    I was a page too back a few more years than Rich. I worked for whomever I thought would give me a good tip. Pages are not wealthy. I doubt anyone of importance noticed my existence let alone consider me an employee of theirs..

  134. - Mama - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:11 pm:

    His super stars had to do a lot of digging to find out you worked as a page for less than a month in 1985. I didn’t know state records went back that far. Keep up the good work Rich.

  135. - dozer - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:15 pm:

  136. - From the 'Dale to HP - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:15 pm:

    March 1, 2017
    Springfield, IL

    As Illinois enters its 21st month without a budget, Governor Bruce Rauner lashed out at a majority of Illinois residents today.

    “Let me be clear. Anyone born in Illinois or has moved to Illinois between January 12, 1983 - January 8, 1995 and January 8, 1997 - March 1, 2017, which is today, you are a Speaker Madigan supporter. You cannot be trusted. You are the problem. And most likely, he controls how these people vote.”

  137. - CharlieKratos - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:16 pm:

    Did anyone else notice the excessive blinking?

  138. - Rabid - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:18 pm:

    Yep one of madigans biscuit eaters. I do hope Goldberg sent a letter with the correct numbers and high minded words

  139. - Smearin - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:19 pm:

    You tryin to tell us the governor himself picked this up on a blog? Wow! We are in deep yogurt.

  140. - Southerner - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:21 pm:

    Shades of Rod once again.

  141. - Sangamo Sam - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:25 pm:

    So he lies about a guy who has a well respected blog that has a pretty good inside/outside politics following and who can immediately refute him on said blog. Sigh…

    There’s a pretty good trail of lies and deception that’s come from this guys mouth.

  142. - RIJ (formerly PolPal56) - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:28 pm:

    Congratulations, Rich! An non-sequitur blindside like that means you are writing effective blogs. Keep up the good work!

  143. - east central - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:32 pm:

    My working hypothesis is that Bruce Rauner is a case of rich man wants to be king. The following seems plausible. He is seeking a place in national history. He wants an invitation to a prime speaking slot at the Republican national convention and to go on from there. His path is to pass an agenda that beats the Democrats in a blue state and in particular in a state where Rahm Emanuel is mayor of its largest city.

    He must be enormously frustrated that he is not making the progress he hoped. He is lashing out at anyone he perceives is in his way.

    In relation to this, why John Cullerton would assist him by cooperating on pension cutbacks is mystifying.

  144. - Rabid - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:35 pm:

    My governor is just marking a page in history

  145. - Mama - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:35 pm:

    Rich, no more super- star reports for you!

  146. - PerceptionIsReality - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:37 pm:

    Truth hurts, but from an outsider’s standpoint, you have seemingly worked indirectly for Madigan for many years. Yes, you disagree with him on occasion, but you seemingly don’t really hit him too hard…and you certainly never treat him like a Republican Governor gets treated. Meanwhile, the ‘Velvet Hammer’ has been single-handedly running this state into the ground for the last few decades with you watching the destruction. Is this state in shambles - yes or no? If yes, then who really shoulders the most blame - a new governor or the guy with the iron grip for decades? It’s pretty easy to see what side you’ve been taking for years if you take your slanted glasses off. It’s also obvious that Madigan has over-promised unsustainable union benefits in direct exchange for votes…at the state’s expense. This latest budget ‘negotiation’ is prime example of the damage Madigan continues to directly inflect on this state while he plays the union pawns to position himself for the next election, forcing pain on so many within Illinois waiting on a budget. So did Rauner misspeak? Sure, but look at the damage that Madigan has caused and objectively compare the two. You tend to tread carefully around Madigan and care much less about about Rauner and the like. So while you might not work directly for him, is there really much of a difference?

  147. - Homer J. Quinn - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:42 pm:

    PerceptionIsReality: hi bruce.

  148. - TD - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:43 pm:

    When watching the Q&A, I was trying to decide whether his comment about Rich was off the cuff or part of a “superstar” plan to push this lie at some point in near future after deciding capfax wasn’t towing the administration line.

  149. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:47 pm:

    ===Truth hurts, but from an outsider’s standpoint… ===

    … the truth doesn’t matter, “Go Bruce!”

    ===Meanwhile, the ‘Velvet Hammer’ has been single-handedly running this state into the ground for the last few decades…Illinois waiting on a budget… ===

    Kristen McQueary would be so proud.

    You said nothing but Raunerite talking points to deflect that Rauner is grossly inept.

    ===So did Rauner misspeak? Sure…===

    No. Bruce Rauner bald-faced lied. Lied.

    ===So while you might not work directly for him, is there really much of a difference?===

    Yep, it’s called the Truth.

  150. - Try-4-Truth - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:55 pm:

    ====- PerceptionIsReality - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:37 pm:

    Truth hurts, but from an outsider’s standpoint, you have seemingly worked indirectly for Madigan for many years. Yes, you disagree with him on occasion, but you seemingly don’t really hit him too hard…and you certainly never treat him like a Republican Governor gets treated. Meanwhile, the ‘Velvet Hammer’ has been single-handedly running this state into the ground for the last few decades with you watching the destruction. Is this state in shambles - yes or no? If yes, then who really shoulders the most blame - a new governor or the guy with the iron grip for decades? It’s pretty easy to see what side you’ve been taking for years if you take your slanted glasses off. It’s also obvious that Madigan has over-promised unsustainable union benefits in direct exchange for votes…at the state’s expense. This latest budget ‘negotiation’ is prime example of the damage Madigan continues to directly inflect on this state while he plays the union pawns to position himself for the next election, forcing pain on so many within Illinois waiting on a budget. So did Rauner misspeak? Sure, but look at the damage that Madigan has caused and objectively compare the two. You tend to tread carefully around Madigan and care much less about about Rauner and the like. So while you might not work directly for him, is there really much of a difference?=====

    Thanks for the “drive-by”. Now, please, never come back. This is the most misinformed opinion I’ve ever read on Capitol Fax. So, maybe there’s a golden horseshoe in it for you.

  151. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:56 pm:

    ==The really worrying thing is, what if NONE of them told him that??? If he came up with that one on his own…==

    And even if he did not, you still verify a statement like that before saying it to press.


  152. - Amalia - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 12:59 pm:

    that Rauner does not get basic stuff like this is stunning. AND that his advisers don’t help him out. how childish and damaging for him. it’s not just about what you think, Rich. it is also about the commentary on this board and the unfairness of his assertion. can we have t shirts printed, I am Rich Miller!!!!!

  153. - Ghost - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:00 pm:

    its pretty much all been said ip to this spot.

    I found the govs source BTW, He “Heard it from a friend who
    Heard it from a friend who….”

  154. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:03 pm:

    There is a meme on the internet about how arguing with certain people is like playing chess with a pigeon. They are just going to defecate on the board and then strut as if they won. That is our Governor.

  155. - illini - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:07 pm:

    Amalia - I will buy the first shirt - make mine an XL.

  156. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:10 pm:

    “PerceptionIsReality” you’re free to have any opinion you’d like.

    But perception is not reality except to the small-minded.

  157. - walker - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:10 pm:

    This isn’t some kind of looping tactical misdirection. Rauner simply doesn’t know any better. He heard someone say it, and it fits into what he wants to believe.

    Rauner didn’t lie about the Cullerton pension deal — he actually believed it said what he said about it. He just doesn’t pay attention to any details that don’t support his overall narrative.

  158. - crazybleedingheart - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:14 pm:

    ==So did Rauner misspeak? Sure, but ==

    Oh, honey, I’m sorry but you’ll need to find a new job.

    You really can’t spin your way out of the fact that you set the Governor up to lie.

  159. - Ahoy! - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:15 pm:

    I hate to split hairs here but did he lie or was he just plain wrong? Otherwise, did he knowingly misinform people or did he unknowingly misinform people?

    Or is this whole blog and business a shell corporation for Madigan Enterprises (snark).

  160. - crazybleedingheart - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:16 pm:

    Ahoy, You can be “just plain wrong” on an opinion, bu there is no “wrong” on a fact. You either tell or repeat a lie.

  161. - All the king's men - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:30 pm:

    That crown Rauner seems to think he is wearing must be squeezing his head too tightly.

  162. - foster brooks - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:34 pm:

    the onion is reporting Rich worked for Cullerton too.

  163. - All the king's men - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:36 pm:

    I mean even if it wasn’t what he promised, wouldn’t 500 million be an improvement no matter how you look at it? I can’t say for sure but…..

  164. - Blue dog dem - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:36 pm:

    I certainly agree with several of the earlier comments that said the RAUN Man is both looking and acting like someone losing. How much of a ’sore’ loser he is, time will only tell. My dealings in life with the super wealthy are that they have incredible patience.

  165. - present - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:50 pm:

    Actually I’m disappointed. Is that ALL they have. I thought Rich was a wild man.

  166. - foster brooks - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:51 pm:

    sun times editorial said Rod was better than Bruce? lol

  167. - Earnest - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:53 pm:

    >This isn’t some kind of looping tactical misdirection…Rauner didn’t lie about the Cullerton pension deal — he actually believed it said what he said about it. He just doesn’t pay attention to any details that don’t support his overall narrative.

    An astute observation, and I think accurate. I’m starting to wonder if his capabilities are not up to the position of governor.

  168. - All the king's men - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:54 pm:

    Now see that is an exaggeration, he may not be much better, but so far he hasn’t been indicted for a crime so that at the very least places him several squares above rod

  169. - Boone's is Back - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 1:59 pm:

    Wrong guy to pick a fight with. To quote from above, don’t start fights with people who buy ink by the barrel (or run the most visited political blog in the state).

  170. - Billy Dennis - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 2:03 pm:

    I’ve known Miller for years. And I also, you know, read his damn blog on occasion. He’s no water carrier for Madigan. Although he’s a Democrat — more or less — he enjoys more support for honesty than does Rauner among rank-and-file Republicans.

  171. - Amalia - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 2:14 pm:

    Rich, you could have “I am Rich Miller!” t shirts printed and donate the proceeds to Lutheran Social Services!

  172. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 2:16 pm:

    Great idea Amalia! Actually, you should have CapFax t-shirts printed anyway. They’d be big sellers!

  173. - illini - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    Perception vs. Willy, Try-4, and many others

    Perception loses this “discussion” simply by exposing his arrogance and ignorance, yet Rich does allow his comments to be posted on this blog.

    So who is the bigger man?

    The answer is obvious - end of discussion.

  174. - Independent retiree/lawyer/journalist - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 2:45 pm:

    I believe that mental-health professionals call believing the truth of your untruths ‘confabulation.’

  175. - ArchPundit - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 2:48 pm:

    I hope you got a big, “Bite Me” in?

  176. - Carhartt Representative - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:14 pm:

    It’s about time someone went after Rich and the corrupt union bosses he controls.

  177. - Amalia - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:14 pm:

    yes, Chicago Cynic, Cap Fax….maybe ” I am Rich Miller!” on the front and Cap Fax on the back.

    are we planning a lobbying day in SF yet?

  178. - My New Handle - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:24 pm:

    At least didn’t ding Rich for Madigan attending Rich’s 50th birthday party by invitation

  179. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:31 pm:

    ===Madigan attending Rich’s 50th birthday party by invitation ===

    He did a little schtick then left. lol

  180. - My New Handle - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:35 pm:

    Haha! I can’t even imagine what Madigan considers shtick!

  181. - How Ironic - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:38 pm:

    @- My New Handle - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:35 pm:

    “Haha! I can’t even imagine what Madigan considers shtick!”

    The party was at noon. The speaker ate a pear.

  182. - Union Leader - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:39 pm:

    Rich, watch for a bill from the Governor for cleaning up after Oscar.

    No more invites for you! NEXT!

  183. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:47 pm:

    Hang in there, Rich!

    Sign me up for a t-shirt Amalia, please. Size L.

  184. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:49 pm:

    It would be swell if the media would follow up this juicy personality attack by the governor by actually analyzing the numbers he gave to Rich.

    Again, the governor’s numbers he gave to Rich.

    Rich is a big boy and can take it.

    But core state responsibilities are being devastated and people who can’t take a punch so good now are being pummelled by this governor in defense of his numbers in support of his zealotry..

  185. - illini - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 3:58 pm:

    Amalia - let me know when. Maybe I can finally buy Willy his canollis!

  186. - Stumpy's bunker - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 5:04 pm:

    Our political culture does seem to be evolving into something ugly in this regard. I’m thinking some politicians lie simply because it works. And they can make this lie “truth” in their own minds.

    Just think of the lies you could make “truth” if you were a gazillionaire and just bought the highest office in the land, with your direct line to the media…..oh, wait…

  187. - scott aster - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 5:10 pm:

    Rich…….how many Rep ballots have you pulled in the last 25 years??? JUST ASKING??

  188. - Stumpy's bunker - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 5:16 pm:

    Some politicians build bridges to communication & understanding. Others lob hand grenades at the existing creaky bridges.

  189. - present - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 6:00 pm:

    I’ll buy at least one shirt. Seriously, give the money to the charity.

  190. - Property of IDOC - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 6:39 pm:

    He is losing, period.
    I wonder how many he will drag down with the ship. The numbers are rising daily.
    And he doesn’t care.

  191. - Homer J. Quinn - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 7:07 pm:

    y’all remember when he pretended to be a man of the people by wearing a cheap watch and driving an old beater? i guess it fooled enough of the people some of the time.

    the quinn campaign had this to say in re: rauner’s van ad during the campaign. now they sound like nostradamus:

    “Mr. Rauner’s attempt to deceive voters into not thinking that he’s an out of touch billionaire with 9 homes and a $140,000+ wine club membership is offensive. But it’s not as offensive as the fact that his policies always benefit the very wealthy at the expense of the rest of us, whether it’s his heartless belief that the minimum wage should be eliminated or his plan to tax consumption of food and medicine. We don’t think voters will be fooled.”


  192. - kenny16 - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 9:47 pm:

    This administration is “just plain nuts”–Rich, you do a great job and keep up the good work!!

  193. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:26 pm:

    I thought we all served (as Illinois citizens) at the pleasure of the Speaker. Don’t we all technically work for him? /s

  194. - east central - Monday, Jan 25, 16 @ 10:28 pm:

    I will consider now and in the future January 25 as Rich Miller Day, although I am thankful every day I am able to read Capitolfax.

  195. - Tom K. - Tuesday, Jan 26, 16 @ 3:52 am:

    It’s pretty simple, really. Rich runs a successful blog that gives a voice to people who are overwhelmingly against the Governer’s agenda (to de-power the state public sector untions, and ultimately, greatly reduce their numbers, cost, and influence in state governent, and if I were one of them, would likely hate Rauner, too). So, in The Governer’s World, “If you’re not for him, you’re agin’ him”, and by extension, then you must be “for” Madigan. So, if you stretch it a bit, although Rich doesn’t directly support Madigan, his blog does “help” Madigan, thus “doing his work”. It’s a stretch, but hey, politics. Am I wrong?

  196. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jan 26, 16 @ 8:03 am:

    “In the form of naked and clumsy dishonesty about a deal with Cullerton. Followed by naked and clumsy dishonesty about Rich and Madigan.”

    Along with the naked and clumsy dishonesty with AFSCME, when Rauner said his side did not declare impasse and he wanted to continue negotiating.

  197. - Rabid - Tuesday, Jan 26, 16 @ 8:38 am:

    Character assassination and embellishing the truth are my governor’s modus operandi

  198. - yinn - Tuesday, Jan 26, 16 @ 9:57 am:

    So, the t-shirts will say “I am Rich Miller” on one side and “Bite Me” on the other? And the proceeds will go to LSSI? I’m in!

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