Dunkin tried to bring his backpack and sleeping bag into Durkin’s office first (hey, I’m with you guys), but they wouldn’t let him in. Nobody likes a traitor.
I guess this is a message/messenger disconnect, because what Rep. Dunkin said is correct. As noted in the earlier thread, “continuous session” is just as much hyperbole as “operating in the extreme”.
This bit with Dunkin — and the weird racist implications - seems to have the potential to backfire — against Dunkin but also the whole gop caucus. It’s been ugly lately — but this is pushing the limits.
- Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:36 pm:
OW is absolutely right about the dog whistle. But hopefully Dunkin will discover that that old dog won’t hunt. His intended audience is wiser than he thinks.
Will the “Democrats can do anything they want” crowd please shut up now.
- My New Handle - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:41 pm:
I have this feeling this little scene from the theater of the absurd was directed by Goldberg, who is laughing over a beer about how gullible some legislators can be.
I think we’re all a little tired of political shenanigans, yes. So glad Rep. Dunkin and his non-props will be publically, selflessly demonstrating this.
Craft own budget? Oooooo….I eagerly await Dunkin’s list ofcuts. I’m sure he has had lots of time to put one together and it will be released by the end of the week. Put up or shut up.
Ken Dunkin is a 22-minute 70’s sitcom, ala Laverne and Shirly, Happy Days, Three’s Company.
You can write those 20 pages in 2 hours, make it as outrageous as possible, have a moral at the end.
(Untitled Sitcom)
Ken buys new sleeping bag, forgets his notes for a press conference, grabs the sleeping bag, he makes due. Moral, be prepared for your political theatre.
You add a “best friend”, a “wacky seat mate”, a “Newman” type foil, and a 3 set type staging.
If people camp out for discounted electronics on Black Friday, it seems reasonable that he’d camp out in excange for another vacation, maybe Lisbon instead of New York this time.
- Jake From Elwood - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:21 pm:
No doubt Dunkin is a goof.
But the poster “Beaner” is out of line for using a gratuitous, pejorative, and racially-charged insult at him. Even his screen name is an insult to a different racial group.
Grow up.
Rauner is Sollozzo in the Godfather Epic, the guy muscling in in the status quo to create anew status quo with a new Agebda as to how the families should do business, that led into a War.
This is perfectly hilarious beccause Dunkin wants to Caucus with his “family”, thinks he could be a leader, and isn’t, and betrayed the Family
**And how is that different than being beholden to the Madigan caucus?**
Because apparently when it’s your side, you look the other way–no one wants to point out how disgusting it is when it’s their turn to make the sausage.
I had no idea who Ken was until recently, but he’s put more pressure on Speaker Madigan than anyone–in any party–that I’ve ever seen. Granted, I’m a different generation, and I’m certainly no insider, but whatever Dunkin’s reasons he has made a mark. I hope he has quite a few people watching his back.
Madigan has a lot to answer for, and unfortunately it will not be his generation paying the price. It’s sad that more in his own party haven’t had the power or courage, on their own, to stand up to him.
If it’s a plantation mentality, then Dunkin’s on the wrong side of the plantation.
- There is power in a union... - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:37 pm:
Anyone else notice it was maze that set him up with that softball for him to push off of and go off on madigan with the plantation talk? I’m sure that was a coincidence… /s
I’m not here to defend any particular vote, or even any particular person. I’m here to endorse holding Madigan to account for the past few decades. If a better leader in the Democratic party had wanted to stand up to Madigan, I will immediately concede that it would be better for the state and the cause.
But here were are, and the Democrats have for decades walked ever-so-carefully around the Speaker. Tell me Willy, where are the other options? What wing of the party is standing up to Madigan, and who are its leaders?
I openly split with my party on many topics. I think Democracy works better that way. I have plenty of issues with Rauner, but frankly I don’t think Rauner would ever have been elected if Democrats had cleaned their own house long ago.
I’m wondering how many people commenting here are African American, or even talk to black folks. I’m not, but I do, I used to be a Dunkin constituent, and while he wasn’t my favorite, he does connect with his district. He will win reelection easily. If you’re white, don’t pretend to “get it” when a black person talks about the plantation. Madigan and the unions have been playing the African American community and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. The rest of the black caucus has found a comfortable home where their reelection finances are funded by labor and Madigan, and they vote as they are told. Some tough militant talk to play for the voters, but it’s all directed against Republicans. Dunkin ran away from that plantation. Not my words. Heard it earlier today from a proud black man who I am fortunate to consider a friend. The union people who comment here may actually want to ask their overlords where they stand on diversity and opportunity.
- GraduatedCollegeStudent - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:45 pm:
===- Downstate - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:46 pm:
**And how is that different than being beholden to the Madigan caucus?**
Because apparently when it’s your side, you look the other way–no one wants to point out how disgusting it is when it’s their turn to make the sausage.
I had no idea who Ken was until recently, but he’s put more pressure on Speaker Madigan than anyone–in any party–that I’ve ever seen. Granted, I’m a different generation, and I’m certainly no insider, but whatever Dunkin’s reasons he has made a mark. I hope he has quite a few people watching his back.
Madigan has a lot to answer for, and unfortunately it will not be his generation paying the price. It’s sad that more in his own party haven’t had the power or courage, on their own, to stand up to him.===
Something Something Madigan only demands the vote for Speaker from every member of the caucus.
===I’m here to endorse holding Madigan to account for the past few decades. If a better leader in the Democratic party had wanted to stand up to Madigan, I will immediately concede that it would be better for the state and the cause.===
Just so you so are aware, thise are “Democratic Raunerite” talking points. Almost verbatim.
===Tell me Willy, where are the other options?===
Not a Democrat, but as a Republican living with the GOP being a Raunerite subsidiary, you don’t want that for your party.
===I don’t think Rauner would ever have been elected if Democrats had cleaned their own house long ago===
No, the GOP let a stranger I our house and he took over. It had zero to do with Democrats. The ILGOP failed.
BTW — If anyone’s worked in a workplace with a office and shower — everybody knows that (a) it’s creepy in the first place and (b) no one in their right mind would shower in the office shower — let alone the person whose office has the shower. I suspect Madigan inherited this thing — and probably hasn’t used it — ever.
But the fact that Dunkin mentions this shower — and seems to be really curious about it — says more about Dunkin than he realizes.
Office bathrooms, office showers == creepy as all get out.
“The union people who comment here may actually want to ask their overlords where they stand on diversity and opportunity.”
Bored Chairman, check out AFSCME’s website and the members when they protest.
==He will win reelection easily.==. Yeah I’m sure all the SIUE constituents in Dunkin’s District will be voting for him because he connected with them and represented their interests.
I get it when people talk about the plantation Bored Chairman and as with anything if you use it too much or in the wrong context it no longer has the power it once did. Mr. Dunkin’s use of it in this context dilutes the seriousness of it. Your statement also seems to imply that the posters here must not be AA or “even talk to black folks”. Insert banned here. You clearly don’t know as much as you think you do.
“Madigan and the unions have been playing the African American community and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. ”
Pullease…if you think the Black caucus and their communities haven’t reaped the benefit$$$ of this relationship, you are SORELY mistaken. See “NRI” See Communtiy Violence Prevention Program. See Chicago Area Projects $5 million anti-violence funding appropriation. Will Davis’s own wife was caught mishandling funds. …please. They’ve done it to themselves.
I bet Dunkin kept the receipt from Dicks Sporting Goods so that he can return the sleeping bag and other ‘props’ when his camp out ends in an evening. (if it even makes it to 1 night).
I wonder if Bruce will show up in the middle of the night to tell “Madigan Stories”?
Like it or not - Ken Dunkin will be the only non-leader calling for immediate action on the budget that will be in the press today. Maybe if there were more doing something similar, something would actually happen.
- former southerner - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:38 pm:
This is Dunkin’s consolation prize since Rauner didn’t select him to play the role of Quinnochio during the campaign.
Is there a live Webcam to observe the camp out? Is he even still there? Are there ’s’mores? So many questions…
- Chi Native/Spfld transplant - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:58 pm:
I saw something earlier on FB along the lines of Dunkin being “independent”. That attribute would normally be admirable in any person but…Wouldn’t a sign of independence be NOT accepting handouts from either side, you know, tantamount to a silent protest?
Dunkin flat out missed TWO critical votes. I’m not one to tell another man how they should vote, but missing the vote clearly says NO. I’d rather the man had come into the session, vote NO (if he really felt that strongly against the issue) and own it. Either way, he would have stood up to “big bad Madigan”. Instead, he punked out, ran to NY and sold out to the other side in the name of tax credits for films.
And meanwhile, the State is still in bad shape due to inaction from both sides. So in my humble opinion, Dunkin is hardly “independent”. And a bit of a coward. I guess every man has his price.
Team Sleep - You are assuming that dunkin is smart enough to know how to light a fire to cook his weenies and marshmallows. From what we have seen today, I am not sure that he knows how to get into his sleeping bag.
Illinois is in critical condition. Dunkin’s sleeping bag stunt is not comical nor is it courageous. The courageous act would have been showing up for those two critical votes. Rauner, the Four Tops, and Dunkin need to ditch the sideshow. I am tired of their theatrical crap. Ordinary people are hurting and some of them HAVE to use a sleeping bag tonight out of necessity.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 8:37 pm:
“Dunkin’s sleeping bag” was brought to us by the same folks who thought up “Rauner’s chickens,” right?
Stay tuned for next week when Rich Goldberg appears with a bottle of crocodile tears shed for the loss of human services.
On Chicago Tonight they were talking to a Springfield reporter, and asked her if she saw Ken Dunkin. She stated she had just gone past Madigan’s office, no sign of Dunkin. Dunkin’s credibility is right up there with Rauner’s.
- working stiff - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:34 pm:
many comments about the sleeping bag stunt. but does anyone else question the size of the sleeping bag? it doesn’t look to be big enough for an adult. it looks to be about the size my kids have.
It will be very interesting…and telling….to see where this man ends up after Rauner’s short regime. He’ll either be set up in the lap of luxury, or left twisting in the wind with buzzards circling.
@Bored Chairman
I did actually. My union president is black, many of my co-workers are black, actually many top agency officials are black if you read the reports that are published by the state. All of them are great to work with, and I have no problem talking to them about this. Do me a favor already, quit generalizing. Now, if you want to talk about poverty, the unemployment rates across the spectrum, and lifting people out of poverty with decent wages, healthcare, able to get a college degree, and being able to save for retirement I’ll talk with you. Otherwise, quit trolling already.
Ill avoid all the racial undertones here. If we take at face value what Dunkin is saying it’s a good thing. He wants to craft a budget. That’s what everyone has been yelling for so now he is trying to get that done. The whole “camping out” deal is mostly played up for the camera but hey, whatever it takes.
I’m sorry, but that little trip to New York cost him all credibility with me as a bipartisan statesmen trying to do what’s best for the people of Illinois.
That was extraordinarily childish. It was almost painful to watch. I pictured Ken asking his mom if he could give a speech after dad gave his speech. Mom said ok,but, why the sleeping bag? After my speech I’m going to camp out in my pillow fort.
The New York trip and missing the tough votes was enough for me too. Never heard much about Dunkin before that. Any elected official that misses a session should be ashamed of themselves. Heck, how many days are they in session? From what I have observed, it would be very easy to schedule personal trips around the few days that they should be in Springfield anyway.
From FDR’s fireplace to Rauner’s Timex and cardigan sweater…props do sometimes work. Squeezy not so much Dunkin is my rep. He’s been a major technical reason the Democrats haven’t used their super majority. I believe the real reason the Democrats haven’t is that staying in power is more important than any social services, students or any reform to Madigan.
–Dunkin is my rep. He’s been a major technical reason the Democrats haven’t used their super majority. I believe the real reason the Democrats haven’t is that staying in power is more important than any social services, students or any reform to Madigan.–
Those are words, arranged in complete sentences. What are they trying to communicate?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:20 pm:
Love me that Fredo Cartoon tweet.
Love it. Hilarious. Spot on.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:21 pm:
Finally. The Brains of the governor’s team shows up.
- My New Handle - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:22 pm:
Seems Mr. Dunkin has his plantations confused.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:23 pm:
When you are reduced to props, you are losin’ the argument.
To the title of the Post,
Dog whistle words are usually followed by trying to change the subject entirely.
That’s also what Dunkin tried.
Social Services, Unions, Democrats…
Dunkin is running right now, has an opponent too…
“What are you prepared to do?”.
- Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:24 pm:
Some people just can’t wait for the governor’s fall from grace to be there’s too. I have never seen someone work so hard at failing. Bye bye Ken.
- Slippin' Jimmy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:27 pm:
No worries Ken, I think the bridge to the plantation was just burned.
- The Captain - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:27 pm:
“I love the script, but you’re going to have to re-write this Dunkin character, it’s just not believable.” - Hollywood
- D.P.Gumby - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:27 pm:
So sad….I feel a tear…opps, it’s gone…
- hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:28 pm:
Are there TVs in the speaker’s office so he can still watch the Australian Open? We know how he just can’t miss those tennis grand slams.
- Wensicia - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:28 pm:
Dunkin tried to bring his backpack and sleeping bag into Durkin’s office first (hey, I’m with you guys), but they wouldn’t let him in. Nobody likes a traitor.
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:29 pm:
Glad you’re back Rich. Truly I’m with child to hear about your beer talk.
- Beaner - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:32 pm:
Uncle Tom.
- Ernie Umlaut - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:33 pm:
Send in the clowns………….
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:33 pm:
I guess this is a message/messenger disconnect, because what Rep. Dunkin said is correct. As noted in the earlier thread, “continuous session” is just as much hyperbole as “operating in the extreme”.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:35 pm:
This bit with Dunkin — and the weird racist implications - seems to have the potential to backfire — against Dunkin but also the whole gop caucus. It’s been ugly lately — but this is pushing the limits.
- Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:36 pm:
The shark has been jumped.
- Downstate - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:36 pm:
I’ve said it before - seems to me that Dunkin is being bi-partisan! Isn’t that a good thing?
- 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:40 pm:
Every time Ken talks…it’s like Christmas. His mouth is the gift that keeps on giving.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:40 pm:
==seems to me that Dunkin is being bi-partisan==
You seriously believe that? This has nothing to do with bipartisanship.
- Handle Bar Mustache - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:40 pm:
No, he is a bought-and-paid for subsidiary of Rauner Inc.
- ORT - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:40 pm:
OW is absolutely right about the dog whistle. But hopefully Dunkin will discover that that old dog won’t hunt. His intended audience is wiser than he thinks.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:41 pm:
Will the “Democrats can do anything they want” crowd please shut up now.
- My New Handle - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:41 pm:
I have this feeling this little scene from the theater of the absurd was directed by Goldberg, who is laughing over a beer about how gullible some legislators can be.
- Threepwood - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:41 pm:
I think we’re all a little tired of political shenanigans, yes. So glad Rep. Dunkin and his non-props will be publically, selflessly demonstrating this.
- Dr X - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:41 pm:
Craft own budget? Oooooo….I eagerly await Dunkin’s list ofcuts. I’m sure he has had lots of time to put one together and it will be released by the end of the week. Put up or shut up.
- No Kidding - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:42 pm:
This guy is real dumb
- How Ironic - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:46 pm:
OW - Will the new show “Dunkin’s Follies” be playing directly after Dad’s Home State, or on another night?
I think the first episode should be called “Camp Out”.
- Downstate - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:46 pm:
“No, he is a bought-and-paid for subsidiary of Rauner Inc.”
And how is that different than being beholden to the Madigan caucus?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:51 pm:
- How Ironic -
Ken Dunkin is a 22-minute 70’s sitcom, ala Laverne and Shirly, Happy Days, Three’s Company.
You can write those 20 pages in 2 hours, make it as outrageous as possible, have a moral at the end.
(Untitled Sitcom)
Ken buys new sleeping bag, forgets his notes for a press conference, grabs the sleeping bag, he makes due. Moral, be prepared for your political theatre.
You add a “best friend”, a “wacky seat mate”, a “Newman” type foil, and a 3 set type staging.
Dunno if I could get the waivers signed…
- Wensicia - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:52 pm:
“Ken, you broke my heart!”
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:52 pm:
Beaner- dude that’s not cool to call someone that. Not cool at all.
- Quizzical - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:54 pm:
If the camping thing is real, I give Dunkin until 10:45 tonight.
- burbanite - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:55 pm:
Wow! Way to be winning there Ken. When is his term up?
- jls - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:55 pm:
“Ken Dunkin has sleeping bag and backpack because he’s going to camp out in Madigan’s office until there’s a budget. ”
So he’s in the bag?
- crazybleedingheart - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:56 pm:
“Plantation” isn’t a dogwhistle.
It’s a class of 3rd graders learning the recorder during the music classes that schools in other states still have.
- There is power in a union... - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:58 pm:
Dunkin seems like the last rep who should lecturing his peers about attendance and work ethics…
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:59 pm:
Honeybear - that’s what I was thinking, but as a heavyset white dude it’s not really my place.
- Rahm's Parking Meter - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:00 pm:
Any hopes he had of higher office as a Democrat are OVER!
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:03 pm:
- Rahm’s Parking Meter - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:00 pm:
Any hopes he had of higher office as a Democrat are OVER!
i hope any hopes he has of staying in office are over!
- @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:05 pm:
Congratulations to Gov. Rauner’s team for talking Dunkin out of wearing his Buzz Lightyear footie pajamas.
– MrJM
- AC - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:12 pm:
If people camp out for discounted electronics on Black Friday, it seems reasonable that he’d camp out in excange for another vacation, maybe Lisbon instead of New York this time.
- Soccermom - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:14 pm:
Mr. JM — crushing it in 2016
- Mouthy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:15 pm:
Perhaps Madigan will read him a bedtime story. Sam I Am would be good but “Moby Dick” would be better..
- Mouthy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:17 pm:
Mr. JM — crushing it in 2016
I agree..
- Jake From Elwood - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:21 pm:
No doubt Dunkin is a goof.
But the poster “Beaner” is out of line for using a gratuitous, pejorative, and racially-charged insult at him. Even his screen name is an insult to a different racial group.
Grow up.
- AC - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:24 pm:
==Ken Dunkin: I’m a Democrat i just happen to be able to think on my own as an independent.==
I’m sure this exercise will remove any doubt as to his independence.
- Downstate - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:24 pm:
Funny how this cartoon elicits so many comments that anti-Rauner comments.
The cartoon would suggest that Madigan runs an illegal enterprise and Durkin’s sin was to not remain loyal to the family.
- ORT - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:25 pm:
Maybe Dickens’ ghosts will pay him a visit.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:28 pm:
- Downstate -
Rauner is Sollozzo in the Godfather Epic, the guy muscling in in the status quo to create anew status quo with a new Agebda as to how the families should do business, that led into a War.
This is perfectly hilarious beccause Dunkin wants to Caucus with his “family”, thinks he could be a leader, and isn’t, and betrayed the Family
It works, it’s hilarious. It’s epic
- Liandro - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:29 pm:
- Downstate - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:46 pm:
**And how is that different than being beholden to the Madigan caucus?**
Because apparently when it’s your side, you look the other way–no one wants to point out how disgusting it is when it’s their turn to make the sausage.
I had no idea who Ken was until recently, but he’s put more pressure on Speaker Madigan than anyone–in any party–that I’ve ever seen. Granted, I’m a different generation, and I’m certainly no insider, but whatever Dunkin’s reasons he has made a mark. I hope he has quite a few people watching his back.
Madigan has a lot to answer for, and unfortunately it will not be his generation paying the price. It’s sad that more in his own party haven’t had the power or courage, on their own, to stand up to him.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:33 pm:
- Liandro -
When Rep. Golar, with health failing was betrayed by Ken Dunkin, that’s as awful as it gets.
That’s Rep. Golar, not Mike Madigan.
Do yourself a solid, check out how that all went, see if you hope someone has his back after that.
- Jeep - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:35 pm:
If it’s a plantation mentality, then Dunkin’s on the wrong side of the plantation.
- There is power in a union... - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:37 pm:
Anyone else notice it was maze that set him up with that softball for him to push off of and go off on madigan with the plantation talk? I’m sure that was a coincidence… /s
- Liandro - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:39 pm:
I’m not here to defend any particular vote, or even any particular person. I’m here to endorse holding Madigan to account for the past few decades. If a better leader in the Democratic party had wanted to stand up to Madigan, I will immediately concede that it would be better for the state and the cause.
But here were are, and the Democrats have for decades walked ever-so-carefully around the Speaker. Tell me Willy, where are the other options? What wing of the party is standing up to Madigan, and who are its leaders?
I openly split with my party on many topics. I think Democracy works better that way. I have plenty of issues with Rauner, but frankly I don’t think Rauner would ever have been elected if Democrats had cleaned their own house long ago.
- XDNR - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:39 pm:
Rauner just told Dunkin he could camp out on the front lawn of the mansion.
- Where's Big Rock - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:39 pm:
Trading one plantation for another.
- There is power in a union... - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:44 pm:
I have a picture of ken holding up an signed pledge to camp out until there is a budget.
Wait… what do you mean I can’t trust that?
- Bored Chairman - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:44 pm:
I’m wondering how many people commenting here are African American, or even talk to black folks. I’m not, but I do, I used to be a Dunkin constituent, and while he wasn’t my favorite, he does connect with his district. He will win reelection easily. If you’re white, don’t pretend to “get it” when a black person talks about the plantation. Madigan and the unions have been playing the African American community and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. The rest of the black caucus has found a comfortable home where their reelection finances are funded by labor and Madigan, and they vote as they are told. Some tough militant talk to play for the voters, but it’s all directed against Republicans. Dunkin ran away from that plantation. Not my words. Heard it earlier today from a proud black man who I am fortunate to consider a friend. The union people who comment here may actually want to ask their overlords where they stand on diversity and opportunity.
- GraduatedCollegeStudent - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:45 pm:
===- Downstate - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:46 pm:
**And how is that different than being beholden to the Madigan caucus?**
Because apparently when it’s your side, you look the other way–no one wants to point out how disgusting it is when it’s their turn to make the sausage.
I had no idea who Ken was until recently, but he’s put more pressure on Speaker Madigan than anyone–in any party–that I’ve ever seen. Granted, I’m a different generation, and I’m certainly no insider, but whatever Dunkin’s reasons he has made a mark. I hope he has quite a few people watching his back.
Madigan has a lot to answer for, and unfortunately it will not be his generation paying the price. It’s sad that more in his own party haven’t had the power or courage, on their own, to stand up to him.===
Something Something Madigan only demands the vote for Speaker from every member of the caucus.
- Mama - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:45 pm:
==Ken Dunkin: I’m a Democrat i just happen to be able to think on my own as an independent.==
Dunkin, you are no Deocrat! If you think of yourself as an Independent, run on their ticket.
- anon - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:46 pm:
Ken Dunkin: Waiting for Mike Madigan is “plantation mentality.”
What does that mean?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:47 pm:
===I’m here to endorse holding Madigan to account for the past few decades. If a better leader in the Democratic party had wanted to stand up to Madigan, I will immediately concede that it would be better for the state and the cause.===
Just so you so are aware, thise are “Democratic Raunerite” talking points. Almost verbatim.
===Tell me Willy, where are the other options?===
Not a Democrat, but as a Republican living with the GOP being a Raunerite subsidiary, you don’t want that for your party.
===I don’t think Rauner would ever have been elected if Democrats had cleaned their own house long ago===
No, the GOP let a stranger I our house and he took over. It had zero to do with Democrats. The ILGOP failed.
- Macbeth - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:49 pm:
BTW — If anyone’s worked in a workplace with a office and shower — everybody knows that (a) it’s creepy in the first place and (b) no one in their right mind would shower in the office shower — let alone the person whose office has the shower. I suspect Madigan inherited this thing — and probably hasn’t used it — ever.
But the fact that Dunkin mentions this shower — and seems to be really curious about it — says more about Dunkin than he realizes.
Office bathrooms, office showers == creepy as all get out.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 5:53 pm:
===I’m wondering how many people commenting here are African American, or even talk to black folks. I’m not, but I do===
You think no one else does either, lol
=== If you’re white, don’t pretend to “get it” when a black person talks about the plantation. ===
Does that include you, LOL!
The rest is refuted, easily with Rauner purchasing the GOP GA and… wait for it… The IllinoisGO PAC, a Raunerite subsidiary running Dunkin.
Hilarious hypocrisy to your own comment.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:03 pm:
“The union people who comment here may actually want to ask their overlords where they stand on diversity and opportunity.”
Bored Chairman, check out AFSCME’s website and the members when they protest.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:03 pm:
Sure hope constituents vote this fool out.
- Annoni' - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:03 pm:
Speaking of slurpin’ beers with Goldie. Maze was havin’ some fun with the SuperStar post presser
Quite the couple
- XDNR - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:06 pm:
==He will win reelection easily.==. Yeah I’m sure all the SIUE constituents in Dunkin’s District will be voting for him because he connected with them and represented their interests.
- Runaground Agenda - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:06 pm:
So glad the shenanigans (like showing up to camp out in someone elses office with a sleeping bag) are over! Oh wait…nevermind. /s
- burbanite - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:07 pm:
I get it when people talk about the plantation Bored Chairman and as with anything if you use it too much or in the wrong context it no longer has the power it once did. Mr. Dunkin’s use of it in this context dilutes the seriousness of it. Your statement also seems to imply that the posters here must not be AA or “even talk to black folks”. Insert banned here. You clearly don’t know as much as you think you do.
- Stones - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:22 pm:
Perhaps the dumbest political stunt I’ve seen in years. Props? Come on, man!
- Federalist - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:23 pm:
Dunkin will predictably use the race card. Nothing new with him!
- Politix - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:29 pm:
“Madigan and the unions have been playing the African American community and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. ”
Pullease…if you think the Black caucus and their communities haven’t reaped the benefit$$$ of this relationship, you are SORELY mistaken. See “NRI” See Communtiy Violence Prevention Program. See Chicago Area Projects $5 million anti-violence funding appropriation. Will Davis’s own wife was caught mishandling funds. …please. They’ve done it to themselves.
- @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:34 pm:
“Dunkin ran away from that plantation. Not my words. Heard it earlier today from a proud black man who I am fortunate to consider a friend.”
There is nothing utterly implausible about this story.
– MrJM
- foster brooks - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:40 pm:
Bet a years salary Dunkin does NOT camp out until a budget is in place,,,,Glad rauner has one friend across the isle. wait he said he has many….lol
- How Ironic - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:52 pm:
I bet Dunkin kept the receipt from Dicks Sporting Goods so that he can return the sleeping bag and other ‘props’ when his camp out ends in an evening. (if it even makes it to 1 night).
I wonder if Bruce will show up in the middle of the night to tell “Madigan Stories”?
- Kippax Blue - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 6:53 pm:
–Dunkin ran away from that plantation. Not my words. Heard it earlier today from a proud black man who I am fortunate to consider a friend.–
- thoughts matter - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:02 pm:
IL did not have any plantations - mistyped
- Bored Chairman - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:17 pm:
I’m a big fan of yours, Mr. JM. And as implausible as you may believe it to be, this conversation happened. Even before the sleeping bag stunt.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:20 pm:
This is AMAZING.
Stunt or not, and regardless of prior transgressions, Dunkin is absolutely correct on multiple points.
“He’s the hero Illinois deserves, but not the one it needs”. And that’s not snark.
- cdog - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:22 pm:
The plantation comment is unacceptable.
If Madigan had referenced a plantation while speaking about Dunkin, it would probably make national news.
- alas - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:33 pm:
This guy needs cap and bells
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:36 pm:
The 4:32 comment above is unacceptable.
Vile stuff from a commenter unhappy Dunkin won’t follow orders like fellow Democrats.
- Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:36 pm:
Like it or not - Ken Dunkin will be the only non-leader calling for immediate action on the budget that will be in the press today. Maybe if there were more doing something similar, something would actually happen.
- former southerner - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:38 pm:
This is Dunkin’s consolation prize since Rauner didn’t select him to play the role of Quinnochio during the campaign.
- Huh? - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:45 pm:
What no hot dogs and marshmallows? If you are going to camp out, have to have hot dogs and marshmallows.
- Politix - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:46 pm:
Meh … Dunkin can call for stuff til he’s blue in the face. He’s a useless pol desperate for attention. Zzzzzzz
- Ghost - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:50 pm:
a political reporter, a govenor and a dog walk into a bar….
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:54 pm:
Huh - please, no fires in the Capitol as it is a majestic building.
- Agency Volunteer - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:58 pm:
Is there a live Webcam to observe the camp out? Is he even still there? Are there ’s’mores? So many questions…
- Chi Native/Spfld transplant - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 7:58 pm:
I saw something earlier on FB along the lines of Dunkin being “independent”. That attribute would normally be admirable in any person but…Wouldn’t a sign of independence be NOT accepting handouts from either side, you know, tantamount to a silent protest?
Dunkin flat out missed TWO critical votes. I’m not one to tell another man how they should vote, but missing the vote clearly says NO. I’d rather the man had come into the session, vote NO (if he really felt that strongly against the issue) and own it. Either way, he would have stood up to “big bad Madigan”. Instead, he punked out, ran to NY and sold out to the other side in the name of tax credits for films.
And meanwhile, the State is still in bad shape due to inaction from both sides. So in my humble opinion, Dunkin is hardly “independent”. And a bit of a coward. I guess every man has his price.
By the way, I am an African-American man.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 8:13 pm:
IBHE may be in need of a new Executive Director soon, perhaps Rauner has found the next one?
- Huh? - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 8:26 pm:
Team Sleep - You are assuming that dunkin is smart enough to know how to light a fire to cook his weenies and marshmallows. From what we have seen today, I am not sure that he knows how to get into his sleeping bag.
- illinoised - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 8:31 pm:
Illinois is in critical condition. Dunkin’s sleeping bag stunt is not comical nor is it courageous. The courageous act would have been showing up for those two critical votes. Rauner, the Four Tops, and Dunkin need to ditch the sideshow. I am tired of their theatrical crap. Ordinary people are hurting and some of them HAVE to use a sleeping bag tonight out of necessity.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 8:37 pm:
“Dunkin’s sleeping bag” was brought to us by the same folks who thought up “Rauner’s chickens,” right?
Stay tuned for next week when Rich Goldberg appears with a bottle of crocodile tears shed for the loss of human services.
- Yiddish cowboy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 8:43 pm:
@ Chi Native/Spfld transplant. Bravo! Well said, sir. I couldn’t agree more.
- DuPage - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 8:51 pm:
On Chicago Tonight they were talking to a Springfield reporter, and asked her if she saw Ken Dunkin. She stated she had just gone past Madigan’s office, no sign of Dunkin. Dunkin’s credibility is right up there with Rauner’s.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 8:51 pm:
Just when I thought things could t get any stranger
- Rabid - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:07 pm:
Does this mean McCann is moving into Radogno’s office?
- West Sider - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:26 pm:
I got 99 problems- Dunken ain’t one. MJM
- working stiff - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:34 pm:
many comments about the sleeping bag stunt. but does anyone else question the size of the sleeping bag? it doesn’t look to be big enough for an adult. it looks to be about the size my kids have.
- Namaste - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:35 pm:
Maze is no Chinta.
- #mazesaid - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:35 pm:
Hey Stever… I can drink beer with whoever I want. You have me confused with a plantation dweller.
- James Knell - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:10 pm:
Ken Dunkin’s reelection is not a sure thing.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:40 pm:
Anyone know if Ken is still there? Did he make it even one night? I wouldn’t hold my breath.
- PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:43 pm:
The lack of professionalism is astounding. This is not a den meeting. I hope the same thing happens to dunk as a stranger I find in my private shower.
- DuPage Bard - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:50 pm:
So did Ken stay there or did he end up leaving? Can’t imagine the floor of the Capitol is warm or soft?
- Mouthy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:21 pm:
He may be at a homeless shelter but he’ll be in for a surprise when they turn him out at 6:00 am due to a lack of state funds to keep it open longer..
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:26 pm:
And not a peep to be heard from any other House Democrats.
As the state collapses around them.
- Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:34 pm:
It will be very interesting…and telling….to see where this man ends up after Rauner’s short regime. He’ll either be set up in the lap of luxury, or left twisting in the wind with buzzards circling.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:37 pm:
@Bored Chairman
I did actually. My union president is black, many of my co-workers are black, actually many top agency officials are black if you read the reports that are published by the state. All of them are great to work with, and I have no problem talking to them about this. Do me a favor already, quit generalizing. Now, if you want to talk about poverty, the unemployment rates across the spectrum, and lifting people out of poverty with decent wages, healthcare, able to get a college degree, and being able to save for retirement I’ll talk with you. Otherwise, quit trolling already.
- Shanks - Thursday, Jan 28, 16 @ 12:19 am:
Yet he’ll fly out to New York to get out of doing his job?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 28, 16 @ 2:14 am:
There are some very disturbing comments about Dunkin here.
Some comments wishing him harm, some bigotry and more. Gross.
- Big foot - Thursday, Jan 28, 16 @ 7:24 am:
Reminds me of that guy from Charleston, before most of you were born, Stanfield I think was his name, brought an ax to chop the budget.
- Maximus - Thursday, Jan 28, 16 @ 8:00 am:
Ill avoid all the racial undertones here. If we take at face value what Dunkin is saying it’s a good thing. He wants to craft a budget. That’s what everyone has been yelling for so now he is trying to get that done. The whole “camping out” deal is mostly played up for the camera but hey, whatever it takes.
- Carhartt Representative - Thursday, Jan 28, 16 @ 8:06 am:
I’m sorry, but that little trip to New York cost him all credibility with me as a bipartisan statesmen trying to do what’s best for the people of Illinois.
- Flynn's mom - Thursday, Jan 28, 16 @ 8:35 am:
That was extraordinarily childish. It was almost painful to watch. I pictured Ken asking his mom if he could give a speech after dad gave his speech. Mom said ok,but, why the sleeping bag? After my speech I’m going to camp out in my pillow fort.
- Big Joe - Thursday, Jan 28, 16 @ 8:38 am:
The New York trip and missing the tough votes was enough for me too. Never heard much about Dunkin before that. Any elected official that misses a session should be ashamed of themselves. Heck, how many days are they in session? From what I have observed, it would be very easy to schedule personal trips around the few days that they should be in Springfield anyway.
- Tinsel Town - Thursday, Jan 28, 16 @ 9:48 am:
Hey Ken, why not disclose the money your receiving from Bruce and the appointment some of your key people have received.
BTW, I understand Pastor Brooks has paid dearly for his Rauner support, the church pews and collection basket has been rather, being polite, meager.
- Midway Gardens - Thursday, Jan 28, 16 @ 11:40 am:
From FDR’s fireplace to Rauner’s Timex and cardigan sweater…props do sometimes work. Squeezy not so much
Dunkin is my rep. He’s been a major technical reason the Democrats haven’t used their super majority. I believe the real reason the Democrats haven’t is that staying in power is more important than any social services, students or any reform to Madigan.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 28, 16 @ 11:50 am:
–Dunkin is my rep. He’s been a major technical reason the Democrats haven’t used their super majority. I believe the real reason the Democrats haven’t is that staying in power is more important than any social services, students or any reform to Madigan.–
Those are words, arranged in complete sentences. What are they trying to communicate?