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SOTS preview

Wednesday, Jan 27, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rather than go through all the stories, here’s the complete State of the State backgrounder from Team Rauner…

The governor will make clear that he is not only taking action to turn around our economy and restore trust in government, but he is committed to transforming state government so that it is more effective and efficient, delivering better outcomes and better value for every Illinoisan.

In addition to highlighting the need for job-creating economic reforms, property tax relief, term limits and redistricting reform, the governor will address a government transformation effort that includes:

    · Pension Reform

    · Education Reform

    · Procurement Reform

    · Improvements to the Way Illinois Delivers Health and Human Services

    · Criminal Justice Reform

    · The Information Technology Revolution

    · A New Economic Development Initiative

Speech Excerpts

Pension Reform

“As a first step toward bipartisan compromise, President Cullerton and I have agreed to support his pension proposal that will save $1 billion per year.”

Education Reform

“The key to rising family incomes, more high paying jobs, and a higher quality of life for everyone in Illinois is to have a high quality, fully-integrated education system from cradle to career, from early education, to K-12 public schools, to outstanding community colleges and universities, all the way to coordinated job training and technical training later in life. To drive that result, we are committed to eliminating wasteful bureaucracy, putting more money into our classrooms, and holding our schools truly accountable for results.”

Economic Development Initiative

“Our Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity is hampered by red-tape and a slow bureaucracy that make business development and job recruitment more difficult…Last year, we introduced legislation to create a P3, but it stalled in the legislature. This year, we will move forward with a revised version that will laser focus on sales, marketing and customer service to increase our competitiveness for job creation and investment.”

Procurement Reform

“To save taxpayers money, we must also change the way we buy goods and services… The law more than tripled the time it takes to complete an RFP process, taking the process from 2-3 months to 9-12. The solution is comprehensive procurement reform… that maintains necessary ethics and transparency safeguards, streamlines bureaucracy, offers greater flexibility to agencies and follows best practices from other states. Done properly, we believe this can save taxpayers more than $500 million per year.”

Health and Human Services Transformation

“Historically, the state has spent most of its resources—tens of billions of dollars—on a broken patchwork of reactive, expensive, and ineffective interventions…Our transformation puts a strong new focus on prevention and public health; pays for value and outcomes rather than volume and services; makes evidence-based and data driven decisions; and moves individuals from institutions to community care to keep them more closely connected with their families and communities.”

Criminal Justice Reform

“Last year we created a bipartisan commission…to propose reforms to our criminal justice system…The Commission earlier this month recommended 14 reforms that can help us achieve our goal of SAFELY reducing the State’s prison population by 25 percent by 2025…These and other reforms will lead to fewer victims of crimes, a pathway back for ex-offenders, and safer communities for all.”

IT Revolution

“Illinois state government needs a digital revolution, and this week I created a secretary-level position to see this mission through. The Department of Innovation and Technology will allow us to consolidate, modernize and streamline our IT systems to better serve taxpayers and businesses, while fostering innovation among employees.”

* Some framing from Korecki

Rauner’s office last night leaked some portions of the governor’s talking points and it already had members of his own party worried. It seemed to still lack a convincing argument of why holding on to his turnaround agenda is worth taking the public through a seven-month, painful odyssey that’s allowed human services to suffer and has had higher ed institutions warning of permanent damage. To make matters worse, on the eve of Rauner’s address, Moody’s came out with a stern warning that the state faces a downgrade if the pile of unpaid bills keep growing.

Rauner is expected to clarify his bungled rollout of his backing Senate President John Cullerton’s pension legislation. According to the Sun-Times’ Tina Sfondeles, his prepared remarks will say: “As a first step toward bipartisan compromise, President Cullerton and I have agreed to support his pension proposal that will save $1 billion per year.” […]

How will Dems react as Rauner delivers his remarks? Despite their negative feelings about the governor, Dems have been told to keep it respectful. No booing or jeering.


  1. - Stones - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:44 am:

    Oh the irony…wanting to restore trust in government? I would be willing to bet there is less trust in state government than ever during my lifetime.

  2. - sal-says - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:45 am:

    == · Improvements to the Way Illinois Delivers Health and Human Services ==

    Uhhh. START delivering them?

  3. - Keyrock - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:46 am:

    Team Rauner - brought to you by ALEC, and sponsored by — oh, Hey Look, there’s a Squirrel. It’s agreeing with President Cullerton on an unconstitutional pension reform. Isn’t that cute?

  4. - Pip - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:46 am:

    Rauner will say exactly what the public wants to hear. “We need to come together” “I’m ready to work” “My door is open”.

    In other words, nothing changes and the status quo remains.

    Next week, queue “Because Madigan”

  5. - Stones - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:47 am:

    Pension reform looks great on paper but we’ll see if it passes muster with the ILSC.

  6. - anon - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:47 am:

    === Moody’s came out with a stern warning that the state faces a downgrade if the pile of unpaid bills keep growing. ===

    No problem - it will be Madigan’s fault. It is only when credit downgrades happen with a Democrat in the governor’s office that it’s the governor’s fault.

  7. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:47 am:

    The governor’s talking points *** still lack a convincing argument of why holding on to his turnaround agenda is worth taking the public through a seven-month, painful odyssey that’s allowed human services to suffer and has had higher ed institutions warning of permanent damage.

    To this, I have nothing to add.

    – MrJM

  8. - sal-says - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:47 am:

    == Department of Innovation and Technology ==



  9. - South of Sherman - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:47 am:

    “… to outstanding community colleges and universities…”

    Nice trick when we’re not funding them.

    “… eliminating wasteful bureaucracy, putting more money into our classrooms, and holding our schools truly accountable for results.”

    Watch your backs, teachers!

  10. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:47 am:

    I can feel the “IT Revolution” when I walk in the state buildings. Maybe instead of a revolution, they could just update state offices so they aren’t using computers from the 90’s.

  11. - anon - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:49 am:

    As far as making State government more efficient, Illinois already has the fewest or second fewest state workers per capita of any state.

  12. - The Captain - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:50 am:

    Rauner’s office last night leaked some portions of the governor’s talking points and it already had members of his own party worried. It seemed to still lack a convincing argument of why holding on to his turnaround agenda is worth taking the public through a seven-month, painful odyssey that’s allowed human services to suffer and has had higher ed institutions warning of permanent damage.

    Emphasis added. If there are worried Republicans this would be newsworthy, very newsworthy in fact. Yet she doesn’t support this assertion in any way, not with quotes, not with anonymous quotes and the two links to articles she includes do not in any way reference worried Republicans.

    The operating theory for the current stalemate is that each side believes it can wait out the other and that the pressure will build from the rank and file for the other side to cave. Above, she seems to indicate that is exactly what’s happening. To even the most casual Springfield watcher if Republicans are worried that’s a significant development and not a throwaway line. There should have been more here.

    Looking at the recent fundraising totals where the Republican candidates and leadership raised very little money it’s pretty clear that the Republicans have completely turned over responsibility for the 2016 elections to the Governor’s money. If Republicans are already grumbling to Korecki she’s sitting on pretty big news. I hope she fleshes this out further if there’s really anything here.

  13. - Not quite a majority - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:50 am:

    RE: Human Services
    Moving from institutions to community based services? That was ‘deinstitutionalization’ and we’ve been doing it since the 80s. It works fine — if you fund the community services. But his gripe about “patchwork of reactive, expensive and ineffective interventions” leads me to believe there won’t be additional dollars and probably more cuts to services. This is a disaster in the making. Sorry but past performance in this case seems pretty darned indicative of future performance.

  14. - GraduatedCollegeStudent - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:51 am:

    I see the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy are going to be coauthoring the State of the State speech.

  15. - illinoised - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:51 am:

    The Titanic continues to steam onward, rapidly approaching the iceberg.

  16. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    In other words…

    “I don’t feel your pain.”

  17. - Beaner - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:56 am:

    The Governor and his team have had a year, and they still will not accept leadership and call for the additional revenue to match all their spending. We are going to be buried in a mountain of debt.

  18. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:56 am:

    Going to be a lot of colorful language on the ol’ Death Spiral and how funding universities is “throwing money down the toilet?”

    Perhaps up in the galleries there can be some recently unemployed LSSI workers, or hungry senior citizens, living testaments to the bright sunny day of the fulfilled Turnaround Agenda?

  19. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:56 am:

    “President Cullerton and I have agreed to support his pension proposal that will save $1 billion per year.”

    Is Governor Rauner proposing to count this theoretical $1 billion savings in the FY 2017 budget? The courts may have something to say about that proposal before we can count on the budgetary relief.

  20. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 9:59 am:

    Don’t know how the Dems will react but here’s my reaction:

    · Pension Reform

    Another unconstitutional non-starter waste of time. Just properly fund it and do a cost shift if you think that is necessary.

    · Education Reform

    Some potential there but any savings will probably get ate up by the normal pension funding cost shift we know has to come sooner or later

    · Procurement Reform

    Always room for improvement but I’ve seen several of these rolled out. If you make it less prone to corruption, it ends up complex and costly in terms of time and money (like today). If you make it easier, then it becomes prone to favoritism, abuse and contract steering.

    · Improvements to the Way Illinois Delivers Health and Human Services

    Properly funding prevention and welfare to work programs would be improvements but that is costly. Might be some process efficiency that could be obtained, but where is the necessary money coming from?

    · Criminal Justice Reform

    Some real potential there unless / until there is a Willie Horton moment.

    · The Information Technology Revolution

    Yes, potential for improvement but achieving it will be costly. The state previously used the centralized model to cost control / starve growth in this area. Hard to believe they will commit the massive dollars required for modernization and the political capitol necessary to achieve further centralization.

    · A New Economic Development Initiative

    The biggest improvement the State could make here would be for Rauner to quit talking down the state.

    Damn. I’m starting to sound like a curmudgeon. Maybe I’ve been around too long and seen too much.

  21. - Earnest - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:01 am:

    If you just heard someone scream, it was me. He leaves out the important thing: if you don’t let me hurt labor, I won’t do any of these things and will in fact run this state into the ground. He could have accomplished progress on many of these things already.

  22. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:01 am:

    Pension reform

    Since these public employees don’t do anything anyway, why not just pay them all minimum wage and that would drastically reduce pensions and pensionable salary! Heavy snark

  23. - West Side The Best Side - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:02 am:

    I’m sure there will be no booing or jeering from members of the GA - after all, none of them are from South Carolina. But Rauner might want to pack the gallery with a “ruly” crowd the Real Mare Daley would bring in if there was anything controversial going on in the City Council so they could cheer him on.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:05 am:

    Dear GOP GA,

    There has yet to be a way to prove conclusively that holding the budget hostage for $510 million in more revenue, a 1.4% increase mind you, and Rauner is still making clear that he hasn’t purposely backed off decimating unions, including former allies like the Trades, as his end game.

    The Turnaround Agenda is bringing Democrats, Unions, even Social Service and their Advocates together against Bruce Rauner with little daylight to be found.

    Rauner says constantly, either you’re with me, or I’ll fight you. Ok, but why are the ranks growing against the Governor? Why are former allies walking away? These aren’t accidents.

    Dan Proft said in his own Op-Ed that loses may come, but “hang in there”. The loses arent the seats yiu occupy, the losses are those like the 750 jobs lost at LSSI. At some point, there will be a point of no return, and the signs bells and whistles are everywhere.

    It’s not about seat loses, it’s about the loses people feel to an agenda, $510 million, 1.4%, and that’s not going to be any “big long term gain”.

    Be autonomous. Help the governor. Please.

  25. - Ahoy! - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:05 am:

    I hope Rauner knows he needs to come out and hit a home run on this speach, acknowledge the past and propose solutions to move forward with the Democrats. In other words we really need him to sound like a bipartisan deal maker. On the other side, we don’t need Illinois Democrats acting like Washington Republicans after President Obama’s speeches.

  26. - Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:08 am:

    There’s money to update the State’s IT infrastructure, but not for social services? I know, it will pay for itself. Sure it will.
    And social service programs don’t. Give me a break.

  27. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:09 am:

    sal-says- At the press conference for the roll-out, they were calling it DoIT…

  28. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:10 am:

    == I hope Rauner knows he needs to come out … acknowledge the past and propose solutions to move forward with the Democrats. ==

    I’m not hopeful about that occurring.

  29. - IllinoisBoi - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:10 am:

    SOTS preview:

    “The Unions shall prostrate themselves before me or be mown down like grass before the ploughman’s scythe. Wretched women and children left in the street by the closure of community services shall wail and weep and their bitter tears shall be honey-sweet on my tongue. The universities shall stand desolate, with crows and foxes haunting the ruins where students and professors once dwelt. Look on my mighty works, cursed people of Illinois, and despair!”

  30. - Josh Seaman - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:11 am:

    Looks like Richard J Daley wrote his speech:

    “We shall reach greater and greater platitudes of achievement”

  31. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:12 am:

    “We are committed to eliminating wasteful bureaucracy…a slow bureaucracy..”

    Bureaucracy (most of the time) is the product of the demands for accountability. It’s just how it is.

  32. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:13 am:

    Guess my first comment was too loud on social services was too loud. If lawmakers, of any party, don’t like want they hear, especially those that stood in the “chorus” this past year, how much more are they willing to sing to Rauner’s tune. By now, all areas of the State have been damaged. It will be very interesting to see what bills are introduced, debated, voted on, and then… vetoed (?) between now on the Budget Address.

  33. - DuPage - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:14 am:

    =consolidate I.T. systems=

    They better get it right. If they do this with the same effectiveness as Rauner has shown us, the result could be bad. Different agencies have
    different I.T. needs, it is not a “one size fits all” situation. Also, security is a concern, if all state agencies, universities, and contractors get hooked into one big system, a hacker could get everybody’s information with one hack.

  34. - Ghost - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:14 am:

    80%-90% of his talking points i support…. BUT he is not homding the budget up for those…. he is holding the budget up and harming people for items he appears to be to ashamed to disucss in detail or highlight as budget items. The pink elephant i. the room, if the union changes and prevailing wage changes are demnds to improve the economy and budget, why are they not covered in detail with lots of highlights in the budget address….

  35. - Illinoisian - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    Is there a way to watch SOS online?

  36. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:18 am:

    Sun-Times steps up.

    –The state of the state is ruthless, perhaps. Short-sighted. Disorganized. Hostile to the middle class. It didn’t have to be that way.–


    It didn’t have to be that way.

    It was a choice.

    And those of you who have supported that choice, it’s on you.

    See you in church.

  37. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:19 am:

    == Is there a way to watch SOS online? ==

    Think WICS 20 was going to air it live. Don’t know if they will be streaming it.

  38. - XDNR - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:21 am:

    Earnest@10:01, no he just disguises it in “the need for job-creating economic reforms” otherwise known as his “Turn Around” agenda (eg. end collective bargaining, prevailing wage etc.).

  39. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:22 am:

    ===The state of the state is ruthless, perhaps. Short-sighted. Disorganized. Hostile to the middle class. It didn’t have to be that way.===

    A choice… Let’s NOT forget;

    @RonSandack: I’m frustrated 2, but taking steps towards reforming IL more important than short term budget stalemate.

    It’s was always… part of the plan.

  40. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:23 am:

    SOTS online- there will be many ways. Bluestream will be showing it. CMS will probably also, as will various news outlets such as RNUG referred to.

  41. - Independent retired lawyer, journalist - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:25 am:

    No Chevy Chase moments from behind the governor’s head during the speech?

  42. - Earnest - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:25 am:

    Reading the posts, I think back to the post the other day about Rauner being his own worst enemy. I don’t know…he’s just being himself. I think his worst enemy is the House and Senate Republicans. They have every bit as much leverage against Democrats that Rauner has, and they have enough leverage over Rauner to help him listen to his better angels. Yes, they could have Rauner’s money against them, but they are finally the ones in the state with the true power to make things happen.

  43. - Relocated - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    By what mechanism is he going to write the checks for this new IT system? While I agree that the state’s IT infrastructure needs improvement I find it difficult to believe even with the best systems available that it would improve actual service delivery by any significant amount. The building is collapsing and this guy is talking about new office furniture.

  44. - Big Joe - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:28 am:

    I can’t believe that there is no mention of the insistence of his Turnaround Agenda before anything regarding the budget is considered. That has been the major hangup all along. And I sure hope that we don’t see a lot of smiling by the Owl Sandack. He was so obnoxious on Chicago Tonight last week, it was beyond belief. Short term pain, he’s hurting, my foot.

  45. - cdog - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:30 am:

    “The governor will make clear that he is not only TAKING ACTION to turn around OUR ECONOMY and RESTORE TRUST in government, but he is committed to transforming state government so that it is more effective and efficient, delivering better outcomes and better value for EVERY Illinoisan.

    Your efforts to turn around the economy and restore trust in government, truthfully, are disengeous and based NOT in ABSOLUTE/REAL WORLD TRUTH. (Ponder this for a few minutes when you have time.)

    Truth is, whether you are ready for this or not, you are messing up this state at an accelerated rate, never before seen. Please adjust.

    (Silver lining — I am marginally impressed with some of your initiatives. BUT, this is completely covered by non-existent trust of what your true intentions are. I think that’s the way you want it though, so whatev. Good luck Leroy.)

  46. - Sir Reel - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    The stuff from the Governor’s Office still sounds like business speak, with “value,” “outcomes,” “drive,” etc. Still sounds like a power point presentation to a conference room full of investors.

    Unfortunately, if this pitch doesn’t work, Rauner can’t move on to the next investment opportunity.

  47. - present - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:33 am:

    @salsays its pronounced doIt no kidding.

  48. - JB - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:43 am:

    Apparently this Governor doesn’t get it: he was hired(elected) to govern and as chief executive to execute legislation enacted by our representatives Instead he wants to concentrate on his “turnaround agenda” which probably incorporates the agendas of the Chicago business community and organizations such as The Illinois Policy Institute and the Chicago Civic Committee I doubt, however if any of his agenda includes any policies to support the working class, both private and public employees

    I think it is admirable that this governor wants to “restore” trust in government. Trust has to be earned, however. Through this governor’s actions and in-actions during his first year of office it is apparent he has his work cut out for him in the “trust” area. I am not going to hold my breathe

  49. - cdog - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:45 am:

    A study in what one’s own RELATIVE TRUTHS are, as compared to ABSOLUTE TRUTH, would possibly benefit all maniacal ideologues, from every corner of the world.

    Basically, leave the rest of us out of that sh1+ that is floating around in your brain. Deal, my man, deal.

  50. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:46 am:

    Sir Reel- “Unfortunately, if this pitch doesn’t work, Rauner can’t move on to the next investment opportunity.”

    If Moody’s follows through with another downgrade, there’s an investment opportunity, right there. Any future bond sales will be even more expensive to the People of Illinois, and more lucrative (potentially) for any investors. Since I’m not an investor, but a “shareholder” (taxpayer in Illinois), I gotta ask, exactly who is Rauner and Co. LLC developing the prospectus for???

  51. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:46 am:

    Since everyone is for the reforms he lays out, he will need to quantify the benefit of the pain he has created to achieve his reforms. There is a better way. Therefore, Governor, after your big day, my prediction is:
    You. Will. Fall. Flat.

  52. - Pawn - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:49 am:

    It is clear from the human services transformation that Rauner needs community providers as more than just hostages. He needs us as willing partners to carry out his agenda. That’s not going to work — it is a logical impossibility when providers are questioning whether their state contracts are even valid and enforceable.

  53. - Yo - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    Nothing wrong with “eliminating wasteful bureaucracy”…some of the administrative bloat is caused by over-regulation and mandates. Eliminating much of the mandate and regulatory overreach would or could result in less of the “bloat” of which the governor speaks.

  54. - Yo - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:56 am:

    Also, does a $100K personal assistant for the Gov’s wife quality as wasteful bureaucracy? Just wondering………

  55. - Anotherretiree - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:00 am:

    The dropping of the G’s has ceased to be cute…

  56. - Yo - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:00 am:

    oh yes, and how does a $250K new position entitled “Secretary of Education” fit into this rhetoric? Or a State Superintendent salary of over $200K plus attempting to match Tier 1 pension benefits for a Tier 2 hire while blasting public pensions and attempting reform? Again, just wondering…….

  57. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:13 am:

    Anotherretiree- “The dropping of the G’s has ceased to be cute…”
    On one hand, don’t do it as a drinkin’ game during today’s SOTS, unless Rauner is planning on “prohibition”.

    On the other hand, he hasn’t ALLOWED many “g’s” (moneywise) to fall where they should this past year.

  58. - ToughGuy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    Yawn. All worthwhile endeavors but without details its pie in the sky stuff. I know it’s just an overview but a few examples or details of how these will be accomplished would go a long way in giving them some credibility.

  59. - crazybleedingheart - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:16 am:

    The items on the list fall into two categories: garbage and malicious.

    Hey, has anybody checked in with the Gov about all of the reports and recommendations coming out of those top-secret probably-illegal workgroups he thought were such a great strategy out of the gate?

    I mean, he announced the formation (”I think there are seven or eight” -BVR) and appointed all these members, and even had a big press event for the Latino Working Group…but then…

    I think it’s time for the guy to show his work, is what I’m saying.

  60. - crazybleedingheart - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:23 am:

    ==The Commission earlier this month recommended 14 reforms that can help us achieve our goal of SAFELY reducing the State’s prison population by 25 percent by 2025==

    So the answer is no, they’re not at 25.

    What’s the number?

  61. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:24 am:

    crazybleedingheart- Here’s their titles in this Aurora Chamber press release. Anyone know of links to them???

  62. - Flynn's Mom - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 11:24 am:

    I hope he doesn’t refer to Madigan and Cullerton as leprechauns like he did yesterday. No need to use pejoratives.

  63. - Mama - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 12:21 pm:

    - Illinoisian - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 10:15 am:
    Is there a way to watch SOS online? Yes - -
    on the governor’s website or the Blueroom

  64. - Mama - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 12:26 pm:

    He still saying state workers are not taxpayers! If I was a state-worker I would not pay any taxes this year since our governor complies they don’t pay taxes.

  65. - Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 1:03 pm:

    I mean seriously, the RAUN Man could gain instant credibility if he just threatened to pull Oreos from all state owned facilities in the SOS.How is he going to be GOP VP candidate if he can’t make a deal!

  66. - Peregrine48 - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 1:04 pm:

    Regarding the new IT agenda…

    Love it. Can’t find the money to pay bills, but hey, we have the money to create a new agency and hire a new fleet of “superstars” to run it…

  67. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 1:12 pm:

    Blue dog dem- was it just that you recently noticed Mexico on the label??? This happened a while ago last summer-

  68. - Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    Annon221: only recently have I moved to the Windy City. I had no idea they had a production facility here. I did read yesterday that they announced another round of layoffs and an enlargement of a Mexican plant. Being old school, I only know how to voice my displeasure through my wallet(and I guess my big fat belly.) 7.5 billion Oreos proced annually, untold Ritz crackers… All that for $46 mil/yr. I really wonder how much Illinois spend on these products annually.. Well old Blue Dog is going to deprive them of about $200!!!!!

  69. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 1:28 pm:

    If this move leads you boycott these goodies, please look at the Country of Origin on other items you purchase. You might be further surprised. However, on meat items, the feds are planning to rescind labeling (COOL). I won’t go into that, you can do your own research.

  70. - Mama - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    The first mention of the word “budget” comes in the last six paragraphs of SOTS address. That says a lot about his priorities.

  71. - Mama - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 2:00 pm:

    “Create a Cabinet on Children and Youth so we can better align our health and human services with our cradle to career education.”
    What exactly does this mean? Which boards or agencies will this “cabinet replace? Who is in change of it?

  72. - AJ - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 3:20 pm:

    There would never have been a need for unions if the employers would have treated their employees ethically. Fair wage, safe conditions, reasonable benefits and job security. Destroy unions now and you set back labor a hundred years. The turn around agenda should be focused on creating jobs not destroying jobs. There have been a lot of jobs lost because of this turn around agenda. Are these jobs important? Every job is important. The governor needs to know that he is a governor that leads state government. There is a lot more to governing than ripping apart a business and selling piece by piece. You destroy labor you destroy the people who pay the bills. There is still a need for unions because there are still greedy employers.

  73. - SAP - Wednesday, Jan 27, 16 @ 4:30 pm:

    The IT program is a great idea, but there is no way to overstate how much work it will be. The Department of Revenue is about 9 years into a project just to get all of its own computers speaking the same language. I cannot imagine expanding that project statewide.

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* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
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