Question of the day
Monday, Feb 1, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Tribune…
“President Obama has come out strongly in favor of both term limits and redistricting reform,” Rauner said [during his State of the State Address]. “I agree, and the people of Illinois agree. The only reasons not to do this are pure partisan politics, and a desire to cling to power.”
Obama said in his State of the Union address that the country should “end the practice of drawing our congressional districts so that politicians can pick their voters, and not the other way around.” He expressed broad support for the idea of term limits during a July trip to Africa, saying “nobody should be president for life.”While Republicans are hoping that Obama’s visit will inspire his allies to back Rauner on term limits and redistricting, Democrats said they have other priorities.
“It’s nice of him to return and grace us with his honorable self,” said Sen. Kim Lightford, D-Maywood. “But the better politics, better selves sounds like a peace offering in trying to help a real negotiation process or a real compromise to begin taking shape to get us past the budget impasse. And with all the challenges with police brutality in the state, it’s nice that he would come home for the ninth anniversary, but also in my hope, be the peace offering that we need to help us with many of the challenges that we’re facing.”
* CBS 2 hypes the visit…
Senate President John Cullerton recently wrote the president, saying now would be a good time for a visit.
“Well, he’s had some problems, himself, in Washington, so he’s certainly aware what the conflict is like,” Cullerton said. “He’s had to fight that. Hopefully he’ll have an effect on all of us.”
* The visit was a well-guarded secret, but somebody knew…
For the upcoming visit, the Springfield Police Department has had “several days” of notice, and the initial planning has begun, Deputy Chief Dan Mounce said.
The Secret Service is in charge of the detail, he said, and city police, and typically Illinois State Police and the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office, assist them.
The level of security-related planning for an event of this magnitude depends on a number of factors, Mounce said.
“Rest assured that there is a significant amount of planning and manpower that’s needed for a visit by a president,” he said.
* And…
President Barack Obama has been to Springfield before and actually worked there as a state senator several years ago. Now, Gov. Bruce Rauner hopes when Obama returns next month, nine years after announcing his presidential candidacy, the two will have time for a beer together.
Springfield sources tell NBC 5 Rauner’s office has reached out to the White House to see if the president has time for a beer at Obed and Isaac’s when he visits Illinois Feb.10.
Obed and Isaac’s, steps from what’s known as the Lincoln neighborhood, is known for its craft beers – from the Backporch Farmhouse Ale to the Ditzy Blonde — and is quite popular among residents. […]
Details on how long Obama’s visit will be and what he will do during the trip weren’t immediately known. As for whether or not he and Rauner will toast a Backporch Farmhouse Ale, we’ll have to wait and see.
* The Question: Do you think President Obama should accept Gov. Rauner’s invitation? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.
panel management
Also, stick to the topic. I mean it.
- Liberty - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:01 pm:
Obama is thinkin… Rauner who?
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:01 pm:
Barack Obama does not need to be a prop for Governor Rauner’s phony claims. I’ll be BHO is pretty PO’d over how Rauner is hurting people back at home.
- tominchicago - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:02 pm:
I like Sen. Lightfoot, but her references to the president are kind of creepy.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:03 pm:
Voted “No”
They can meet for a moment before the speech, but Gov. Rauner wants this Beer Summit to be about the politics the President as asking to end, but Rauner is not the symbol of cooperation he pretends he wants to be.
- lake county democrat - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:04 pm:
In the spirit of the President’s “beer summit” (remember the Henry Louis Gates incident - wow, that seems so long ago…), why not?
- siriusly - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:04 pm:
Yes he should, and I bet he will. He wants to show that America is purple still. Maybe they will even hug - like him and Gov. Christie did.
- LizPhairTax - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:04 pm:
Nope. Get in, make the speech, see some familiar faces, get out.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:06 pm:
He should. The President wants to establish a legacy. A cold shoulder will sent a different message.
- sal-says - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:06 pm:
Same answer as the last ‘have a beer’ invite, but even more so.
raunner will find a way to spin it for himself and himself only. And, I say yes, if raunner gets a budget done by the time for the ‘beer’. LOL.
- Colin O'Scopey - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:07 pm:
He’ll know if Obama takes up his invitation when the secret service scouts out Obed & Issac’s.
- East Central Illinois - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:07 pm:
I voted “no”. It’s time to get past the droppin’ “G’s” and the “meet me for a beer” persona that our current governor is trying to convey. It is time to govern. If you want to meet with the President, fine, do it formally, but neither Rauner nor Obama need to get into the mode of “it’s just a backyard BBQ, with beer, Carharts, etc.” Neither one of these two guys are REALLY like that.
- beer - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:08 pm:
No. Rauner only wants it in order to gain credibility.
- Mark Garrity - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:09 pm:
I agree with Chicago Cynic, Rauner just wants a photo op and knows he won’t suffer if Obama ignores the offer. After the way Rauner twisted his words if it were me I’d make sure to tell him publicly to get to work on a budget instead of drinking beer. He’s wasting taxpayer money and running the state into the ditch. Put it in D Bruce, not R.
- Triple fat - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:10 pm:
Only if someone in President Obama’s entourage hands over an arrest warrant and the beer ends in a perp walk.
- Colin O'Scopey - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:10 pm:
=He should. The President wants to establish a legacy. A cold shoulder will sent a different message.=
Methinks the president’s legacy will not be forged by a beer summit with Rauner. That’s one of the stranger observations I have seen you make on this blog, Louis.
- frisbee - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:10 pm:
The beer is good and they both could probably learn something from each other. Perhaps the Mayor could join them to ask the president for the money his ‘08 campaign still owes the city too…
- Downstate - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:11 pm:
I voted “yes”. Presidential Library to be located in Chicago. I’m certain there is the potential to get some help from the governor at some point down the road. Hoisting a beer is not too big of price to pay for the possibility.
- wordslinger - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:14 pm:
Rather than tipping a beer together, Pres. Obama should invite Gov. Rauner to join him at the Haymarket alcohol and drug detox center in Chicago that is being shut down due to the state not honoring its contracts.
Seriously, governor — you’re shutting down detox programs all over the state, but you want a photo of you and the president drinking a beer?
Is that a gag?
- mcb - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:16 pm:
Being Governor of the state the president is visiting, which is the president’s home state, is enough a reason.
- RNUG - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:16 pm:
Yes. Obama is looking to polish his legacy and if this could lead to breaking an impasse, that would be one more notch. Even if it doesn’t, the imagery of attempting to be bipartisan works in Obama’s favor.
- walker - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:19 pm:
Only if Biden mediates
- burbanite - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:20 pm:
No. He should go with the Speaker for an Apple Martini!
- Chairman McBroom - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:23 pm:
The people have spoken.
- Ahoy! - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:23 pm:
yes, because action means more than a speech regarding bipartisanship.
- Nope, Nope, Nope - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:26 pm:
Yes. Invite the media. Tell Rauner on camera that he’s hurting middle class citizens and it’s time to move on.
- Austin Blvd - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:26 pm:
Voted No. The Pres should use his time more wisely than hanging out with a governor who is holding the state hostage.
The Pres should spend some time with his former colleagues though.
- Anon - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:27 pm:
1.) Barack Obama is the Commander and Chief of the United States of America, as such, any invitation to a social event during an official state visit from the host governor should either be handled in person by phone call, ect, or through the appropriate channels.
The results should never be leaked to the media, especially before a decision is reached by the White House.
2a.) The White House Press Secretary should respond by chastising the Governor of Illinois for failing to follow protocol and to respect the office of the Presidency.
2b.) The Press Secretary respond that “The President is traveling to Illinois on State Business, not to pal around with billionaires that are a year late on introducing their budgets.”
- ToughGuy - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:31 pm:
Nope. Just gives the Gov an opportunity to try say things the President never really said. Not like he doesn’t have a track record of doing this with others.
- Responsa - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:32 pm:
Neither one will get cooties from sharing a friendly beer in Springfield. Both Rauner and Obama will benefit. Although it is not always apparent from comments on this blog, many Americans do still remember and long for the days when politicians of different political parties did not seem to view each other as enemies–but just people who (perhaps misguidedly) espouse different priorities and policies to get things done and solve problems.
- Gooner - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:33 pm:
I’m with East Central Illinois.
Two very rich guys, going to a bar?
No way. If Rauner wants to sit in his office and get work done, that’s one thing. A lengthy photo opp with the President so he can show that, gollee, he’s just like the rest of us?
On the other hand, however, if Rauner wants to be real and open a bottle 2000 Harlan Estates (from his $250,000 wine club, it sounds like he’s a fan of the big California reds), go for it.
- Commonsense in Illinois - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:34 pm:
Yes…why not?
- Mouthy - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:35 pm:
No. I wouldn’t even invite him to the speech..
- The Dude Abides - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:40 pm:
Not an easy call, you can make decent arguments for both but I voted no. Rauner’s first comment last week when we learned that the President was coming was that he disagrees with the President’s political philosophy but would welcome him and like to have a beer with him. Does anyone think the President or anyone else would have any influence on Rauner. Rauner is an ideologue who just does what he wants and disregards any other points of view. The President is more popular in Illinois than Rauner is, so if the Governor is seen talking with the President it might give him a boost, making him look more conciliatory. Why help him? A meeting between the two would be nothing more than a “sham”.
- Fezzick - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:40 pm:
Anybody want a peanut?
- VanillaMan - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:41 pm:
No - Rauner is no friend of the President. Obama, at this point in his term, is probably tired of being used by those who publically belittle him, yet use him to feather their own political nests.
- Been There - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:42 pm:
Wordslinger again nails it. I voted no. If he wants to have a beer with Rauner they should do it at the mansion and make sure the leaders are all invited along. That would at least make it a better optic for him and still show him extending an olive branch.
- nadia - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:42 pm:
He should accept just to sample some darn good beer!
- phocion - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:43 pm:
Jeez - people need to tone down some of their comments. I voted yes. I remember Kirk Dillard’s ad for Obama that touted the then-Senator’s bipartisan approach. The noise from pundits say the President is hyper-partisan. This would put lie to that. It also would set an example for Republicans and Democrats that one can disagree without being disagreeable. Honest differences should be addressed in a spirit of understanding and polity. The silent majority wants to see examples of leaders reaching out to one another to address common problems. This could be a real learning moment.
- Casual observer - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:45 pm:
They won’t have a beer together but Rauner will say they did.
- Stones - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:47 pm:
Beer? He’s the President for Pete’s sake, at least break out the JW Blue.
- Downstate Dem - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:49 pm:
Sure - why not? And maybe Speaker Madigan and Senate Pres Cullerton can join in. Add labor and business and let’s get the budget done.
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:49 pm:
In America, when visiting States, the President should meet with all Governors, without concerns of party politics.
- Earnest - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:50 pm:
I voted No. It would be unseemly for the President to go out for a craft beer when the human services system is crumbling in Illinois. No elected public servant should want to be associated with such an approach. I do think it was good for the Governor to invite him though.
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:51 pm:
==Neither one of these two guys are REALLY like that.==
I’m guessing the people at Obed’& Isaacswould disagree with that statement. Rauner goes there a lot.
- Robert the Bruce - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:51 pm:
Gov. Rauner needs to find common ground not with President Obama, but with Speaker Madigan.
- DuPage - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:52 pm:
No, he should not dignify the hostage taking actions by meeting with Rauner.
- wordslinger - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 1:52 pm:
–This could be a real learning moment.–
And establish the president’s “legacy,” too.
And “benefit both Rauner and Obama” and bring us back to the days that “Americans long for.”
That’s some beer. Best served with word salad.
- The Man on 6 - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:00 pm:
No - as long as Obama is President, he must not become involved in purely state issues, and that’s exactly what Rauner is trying to rope him into. Opining about the general state of political polarization in the country, and using Illinois as a case-in-point / backdrop, is more permissible because it’s indicative of a nation-wide problem, but the Leader of the Free World cannot let himself get bogged down in the mudfest that is Illinois state politics.
- My New Handle - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:00 pm:
It’s odd that there is perceived “broad support” for term limits from Obama when he said that no one should be president for life. Duh? No one can be president for life under current law. It might be perceived as broad support, but also graphene shallow.
- The Historian - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:08 pm:
I’m with Downstate Dem: add MJM & Cullerton and make it a foursome.
- D.P.Gumby - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:09 pm:
Absolutely not…there is nothing Brucie can do to assist Obama, so don’t waste Obama time. Instead, Obama should go to the Illinois State Museum.
- Archiesmom - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:12 pm:
No. Obama shouldn’t become a photo op for Rauner, basically for the same reasons wordslinger and Vanilla Man articulate. If he wants a beer summit, get ALL leadership together. And give them a talking to.
- titan - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:13 pm:
No one should pass up a chance to hoist a few at Obed & Issac’s
- Former Hoosier - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:18 pm:
wordslinger @ 1:14- You are absolutely right.
- Sam Adams - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:20 pm:
I voted yes. Obama should go on the off chance that Rauner keeps some valuable $2500 bottles of beer in his refrigerator or has tapped the last keg of “Billy Beer” in the world.
- lake county democrat - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:24 pm:
People showed up to events at the White House during George W. Bush’s presidency - is there anything Rauner has done that matches the 2003 Iraq War?
Sam - I have an (empty) can of Billy Beer in the attic!
- James Knell - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:24 pm:
Don’t meet with hostage takers.
- wndycty - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:36 pm:
This public request for a beer summit has me believing Rauner is on the outside looking in when it comes to the President’s visit. He literally is sending messages to the president via the press, not through aides or back channels.
- A guy - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:41 pm:
Yes. After an address to the legislature, you get thirsty.
- Big Joe - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:41 pm:
Voted NO. If they got together with the 4 leaders of the legislature in the Gov’s office for a beer and budget discussion, then I would vote YES. Otherwise, as many have said, Obama needn’t add to the ego-driven governor’s wall picture collection.
- A guy - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:46 pm:
===“It’s nice of him to return and grace us with his honorable self,” said Sen. Kim Lightford, D-Maywood.===
Yikes. If they bring her, they better have something stronger than beer around. /s
- Nope - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:46 pm:
No. Nor should he be invited to the President’s address to the General Assembly, which obviously gets no respect from the governor.
- @MisterJayEm - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:46 pm:
“Do you think President Obama should accept Gov. Rauner’s invitation?”
No. Instead, President Obama should visit some of the Illinois social welfare organizations that suffering without a state budget.
– MrJM
- Get a Job!! - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:54 pm:
I think the POTUS would be wise to avoid meeting with the Governor. Otherwise all Rauner will do is twist Obama’s words (or misquote him) in the media leaving Obama no choice but to respond.
Stay away from this trainwreck, Barrack.
- The Dude Abides - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:57 pm:
@MrJM, that’s a great idea. It would draw a lot more needed public attention to what Rauner is actually doing to the state.
- David Starrett - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:57 pm:
If I still know Barack, he’ll say yes to that, but he might want to do BYO on Air Force One.
- Rufus - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:05 pm:
Sure, and Barack will invite Mike and John to join them for a beer. Meanwhile Jim and Christine can visit the homeless centers, if they are still open.
- Jon - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:14 pm:
I voted yes in the hopes the President accepts thus creating photos of a smiling Rauner and Obama sharing a beer which will effectively negate any chance of Rauner winning the presidency in the future.
That being said, @MrJM deserves a shout out for reminding us all what governing is truly about.
- Will Caskey - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:14 pm:
Nothing good has ever come from Obama agreeing to beer photo ops.
I imagine the President has better things to do with his time, like golfing or playing candy crush or whatever.
- Norseman - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:23 pm:
Definitely not. Obama needs to rebuke Rauner - hopefully in his speech, not give him benefit of a photo op.
- Small Town Girl - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:24 pm:
Maybe POTUS should have a beer at AFSCME headquarters instead.
- downstate commissioner - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:27 pm:
My guess is that while Obama might meet with Rauner, he is more likely to have a bigger get-together with Madigan and Cullerton. He almost certainly served with Cullerton, and if he didn’t have a personal relationship with Madigan at that time, he knew who he was, and his importance in Illinois politics.
Looks to me like Rauner was almost looking for a snub…
- Wumpus - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:35 pm:
Yes, maybe now he can actually accomplish something in IL. I keed (kinda). I was tired of all these GOP govs playing games and not meeting with him. Now, he (PBHO) can show he is the bigger person.
- Jaded - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:44 pm:
I voted no. The rumor is he is looking for a poker game at the IMA…..
- A guy - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:48 pm:
Started with a beer. Now we’re back to slicing up an apple. Figures.
- bored now - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:50 pm:
presidential advance teams, and, in particular, the secret service prep team, scout every possible location that a president may visit, usually three months in advance.
while it is possible that they have only made contact with local law enforcement agencies recently, that is far from likely.
having said that, just because a location is scouted, the president does not necessarily visit. the “accept” rate is about 1 in 3. this is also generally known to all those who might be in contact with one of the presidential advance teams.
while the stat for refusal is much, much lower when fund-raising is involved, it has happened in chicago…
- AC - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 3:54 pm:
Voted Yes. It may be unlikely, but I’d like to see the presidential visit be about more than just the return of an Illinois legislator that ascended to the presidency. Those impacted most severely by the impasse, including the most economically disadvantaged from across the state, those with physical disabilities, and those whose lives will be changed forever and for the worst, are all more important than any other concern I’ve seen mentioned. Given what is literally a life and death situation for some, the impasse transcends the historical significance of the presidential visit, and it certainly exceeds any political concerns over who may potentially benefit. Beer summits don’t have a great track record, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and the President and the Governor should make an effort to discuss the human impact of the impasse. Regsrdless of the intention of the invitation, it provides a historic opportunity, and I hope everyone makes the most of it.
- vibes - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 4:13 pm:
Voted no, wordslinger said it better. The better question is who Madigan and Cullerton invite to sit in the gallery — and who Obama acknowledges
- Blue dog dem - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 4:18 pm:
No. No. No. I don’t care how hard he tries, the RAUN Man is not a down to earth normal Joe blue collar guy. The President should not be an enabler.
- SweetLou86 - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 4:21 pm:
No budget, No beer!
- Wensicia - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 4:22 pm:
Sure, why not? Obama can be in complete disagreement with Rauner’s tactics, but that doesn’t mean he should snub the governor. And I doubt Rauner would dare to lie about what was said between them during this meet.
- Mama - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 4:43 pm:
I said no - but I would change my answer to yes if Cullerton and Madigan were included.
- Mama - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 4:47 pm:
++- @MisterJayEm - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 2:46 pm:++
MisterJayEm, you have a great idea!
- Mama - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 4:57 pm:
The college and university presidents, the social program heads, & all of the contractors (who have not been paid for 7 months) should be invited to Rauner’s beer party.
- Mama - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 4:58 pm:
Oops… I forgot to include Rich Miller in the beer party invite.
- Wensicia - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 5:09 pm:
==I forgot to include Rich Miller in the beer party invite.==
Miller did the beer party invite the other day. If he can drink a beer with this governor, why not Obama as well? Especially after Rauner tried to throw him under the Madigan bus.
- burbanite - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 5:20 pm:
Is Obama a Capfax subscriber?
Some great suggestions.
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 5:33 pm:
I was feeling charitable and voted yes.
- cdog - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 7:04 pm:
Absolutely NO.
As Mr Miller knows first hand, Gov Rauner does not keep his facts straight. Mr. Cullerton knows this too.
There is great risk for anyone who gets too close to the Rauner message machine.
President Obama,
Proceed With Caution. You are the leader of the Free World, and Rauner takes pride in being a Disruptor.
Not worth the risks. Give Rauner no credibility.
- Analyst - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 7:22 pm:
The President should pick his own place — Augie’s, for example — Boone’s was one his prior stops.
- zatoichi - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 8:13 pm:
Obed and Issac has some great beer, but I don’t see the Secret Service going along with that idea particularly since it has been in the news. Meet in the Governor’s offices or at the Mansion for a formal visit with Leadership before and after the speech. There will be plenty of handshake time in the House Chambers and in the back corridors. Skip the beer.
- cannon649 - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 9:26 pm:
No - Obama has done very little for Illinois - why start now?
Also Obama will not get softball questions and as we all know we have big time issues.
- justacitizen - Monday, Feb 1, 16 @ 10:32 pm:
Governor Rauner does a head stand, President Obama shoots a beer and a budget is signed into law on the 11th-got my beer goggles on.
- Rabid - Tuesday, Feb 2, 16 @ 6:16 am:
Term limits and battle lines were drawn up by the GOP to get even with Roosevelt. This is just a feeble attempt to saw off a branch of government you don’t like
- Last Bull Moose - Tuesday, Feb 2, 16 @ 8:03 am:
Voted yes.
We need to believe that what unites us as Americans transcends what divides us.