Monday, Feb 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* There was a big rally at Eastern Illinois University the other day, but the area’s Republican legislators weren’t invited to speak…
Less than two hours before the event held in the face of coming layoffs and furlough forced by the state budget impasse, [Sen Dale Righter] said he was prevented from speaking at the event.
He issued the following statement in response to being barred from publicly speaking at the event on campus:
“I am deeply disappointed in the decision made by the organizer of this rally to not allow me to address the rally.”
Both Righter and [Rep. Reggie Phillips] said they appreciated the strong support shown for Eastern at the rally but would have liked to have been given the opportunity to speak there. […]
Organizer Kate Klipp told the JG-TC that the event was focused on the university’s students…. “It’s not designed to be a campaign stomping ground,” Klipp said.
Democratic Sen. Scott Bennett was invited to speak, even though he doesn’t represent the university. Klipp works for Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union 149, which could be the reason for the GOP omission.
* More…
The state senator’s office has reported that under Righter’s legislation, four year colleges/universities would be funded at 80 percent of 2015 funding levels, two-year community colleges would be funded at 90 percent, and MAP grants would be funded at 100 percent. […]
After the rally, state Rep. Reggie Phillips, R-Charleston, said he has spoken with Rauner multiple times about the need to allocate higher education funding and he has proposed legislation to accomplish this goal. He said Eastern has done everything it can to cut its budget while carrying out its education mission and should not be penalized by the state.
Phillips said he will not support legislation that reduces funding for Eastern and other schools by more than 10 percent, adding that he would prefer an even less of a reduction. Phillips said he also will not support higher education funding legislation that does not have existing funding sources available to pay for it.
Rural Toledo businessman Jonathan Kaye, who is running against Phillips for the Republican nomination in the 110th District, said after the rally that he would support higher education funding that is not tied to any unrelated issues in the budget negotiations.
Sounds like Kaye has broken with the governor.
* Some students tweeted their own impatience with Springfield…
- illinoised - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 12:21 pm:
Good for Mr. Kaye. The GOP state rep for my district, which houses a public university, is apparently more worried about her next campaign than with the continued existence of the biggest employer for miles around.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 12:25 pm:
The sooner the GOP GA decides that autonomy is best, maybe after March 15th, the better things might be for Illinois.
You can be a Raunerite or Not.
That’s not me saying that, that’s been Ranerites, and Rauner himself. If the “GOP” legislators want to be seen helping Charlston, helping Champaign, helping DeKalb, Charleston, Quincy… then you need to realize, Rauner cares about him, not about your districts, towns, or universities.
It’s up to you all to help Rauner by not siding with Rauner here, now, this, and side with Illinois.
- Higher Ed - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 12:31 pm:
Funding the universities at 80% doesn’t sound so bad but that 20% reduction only puts off the inevitable closure of some universities. The state has been cutting funding to higher education for years. A 20% reduction is a band aid but still leaves a a huge, open wound.
- cdog - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 12:39 pm:
Good for them! The student tweeters, the denying-hypocritical-speakers organizers!
(love the polish zinger at the end
- sparky791 - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 12:48 pm:
Righter made his choice when he took Rauners 20k
- morningstar - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 12:53 pm:
I attended Friday’s rally for EIU, and I must say that the students did a commendable job. This rally was put together by a student coalition, and most speakers were students, who stated their case passionately and articulately. Those who support the need for a clean appropriations bill for higher education across the State did not need to hear from Rep. Phillips or Sen. Righter at this event. They have already made their positions clear, and what they have proposed is not working.
- Norseman - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 1:06 pm:
Well said Willy.
- Ahoy! - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 1:11 pm:
Is the EIU using the State as a scapegoat for some of the other issues the institution is facing or is this all on the backs of the Sate of Illinois?
- Truth - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 1:27 pm:
What makes this Senator think he can just crash someone’s rally and steal students’ speech time? Then throw a tantrum and lie about it. He was not barred from anything he was simply not invited as a speaker. Embarrasing.
- New Jersey - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 1:39 pm:
A student quizzed Rep. Reggie Phillips on why he missed the MAP grant vote.
She quoted him as responding: ” That was a sham vote, young lady. You don’t understand these things.”
- morningstar - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 1:56 pm:
@ Ahoy! = EIU using the State as a scapegoat =
Who needs a scapegoat? We’ve got nothing (in terms of State support) and they’ve took some of that away.
- Chucktownian - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 2:11 pm:
Righter ignored the invitations to attend for several days and then, less than two hours before the rally and after the speakers had all been lined up, suddenly demanded to be able to speak. The way he said it made the students setting the rally up think that it would be a mistake to let him because he would probably say something unfortunate.
Frankly Rauner and Phillips need to buck up and tell Rauner where to get off. If they’ll flip and vote for appropriations, they can save us. If they don’t, well, then they’re part of the problem.
Phillips’ performance after the rally was very embarrassing. He essentially yelled at anyone who asked him a question and was pretty nasty. He is totally unfit to be a representative. His ego gets in the way. Many in the district wish he would just go ahead and move permanently to Florida. It would be better for us all.
- Mama - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 2:26 pm:
All this boils down to is… we need to start voting smarter.
- The Way I See It - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 3:57 pm:
I love #hashtag activism.
- Joe M - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 4:58 pm:
What State Sen. Dale Righter, R-Mattoon didn’t say about his GOP bill to fund higher ed was that it was tied in with another bill that gave Rauner powers to sweep other appropriated funds to come up with the money. It was really only a “rob Peter to pay Paul” bill that gave the Governor the power to sweep funds from other programs. Of course the GOP or the Governor don’t identify what those other programs are that he would sweep funds from.