Poe again opposes McCann in GOP primary
Monday, Feb 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Press release…
Former State Representative Raymond Poe, R-Springfield, has announced his endorsement of Bryce Benton, Republican candidate for State Senate in the 50th District.
“I had the honor of serving Sangamon County in the Illinois House of Representatives from 1995-2015,” said Poe. “I believe that we deserve a State Senator who calls Sangamon County home and will represent us with integrity. Sam McCann has put his interests above the interests of Central Illinois. I endorsed Sam McCann’s primary opponent in 2012, and I am happy to endorse his opponent this year. Sangamon County deserves better than Sam McCann.”
“I know Bryce Benton well, and he’s a strong public servant who will always put the interests of Central Illinois above his own,” said Poe. “The 50th Senate District is home to many current and retired state employees, and as a state employee himself, Bryce will be a strong voice for them in state government. Illinois will be well served with Bryce Benton in the Senate.”
“I’m incredibly humbled to receive the support of Representative Poe,” said Benton. “Raymond is a Sangamon County institution who has honorably served Illinois for decades, and he, more than anyone, knows what makes a good public servant - and what doesn’t. Raymond Poe has endorsed me because he knows that I have the integrity to serve the voters of Sangamon County and the 50th Senate District.”
* As Bernie notes, Poe opposed McCann in 2012 as well…
Poe joined other prominent Sangamon County Republicans backing McCann’s GOP primary opponent in 2012 — GRAY NOLL, who is now Morgan County state’s attorney. This year, the Sangamon County GOP is backing McCann.
That fight was mainly about Sangamon County not having its own Senator. But that wasn’t a good enough argument for voters. Noll won the county, but got clobbered everywhere else.
* Sen. McCann’s response to Bernie…
“I believe in Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment, so I’m not going to criticize other Republicans.”
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 9:57 am:
Local squabble with strong Raunerite ramifications.
Ag Director Raymond Poe, …appointed by Bruce Rauner, and in turn allowed Rauner to orchestrate the appointment of Poe’s successor says McCann, who Poe was against in 2012, …thinks McCann is still not good.
Vote accordingly in that district. It’s a local thing.
Will GOP state workers “come home” to McCann and be heard in those House Primaries too?
Rauner is betting against it, in case anyone was wondering…
- RNUG - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 10:07 am:
Always liked Raymond but I also recognized he was a politican. Sad but expected of Poe after he took the appointment. As I said last Friday, I won’t be voting for Poe’s replacement (Sara).
I sat down last Friday and wrote a check to McCann’s campaign since he is my Senator and the only one with an R behind his name willing to publically oppose Rauner.
- Fusion - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 10:10 am:
I’m not a McCann fan by any stretch, but it’s amazing to watch him morph into a sympathetic figure, standing up to the Gov and his run the state into the ground agenda.
- Sangamo Sam - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 10:15 am:
===the only one with an R behind his name willing to publically oppose Rauner===
I think that explains it all.
- Chairman McBroom - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 10:27 am:
=== The final betrayal (of unions) by Raymond Poe.
Enjoy your 30 pieces of silver, Raymond.===
So unions are Jesus and Poe is Judas? What a narrative.
- Team Sleep - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 10:47 am:
Poe is still well liked in the area. He never had a serious primary challenge - I think ever - and he only had one tough general election race. His voice and opinion holds serious sway in Sangamon County - which is literally one entire half of the 50th SD. This is a great get for Bryce Benton. It will also help convince some PCs to “buck” the county party and its leadership.
- Austin Blvd - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 10:51 am:
Who says money can’t buy you love?
- A Jack - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 10:52 am:
Poe has it a bit backwards. Poe put his interests above that of his constituents. And when he was called on that ran into a directorship.
McCann will hopefully prevail over that Rauner plant Benton.
- GOP Extremist - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 10:53 am:
“Poe is still well liked in the area”
To be determined.
- Norseman - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 11:05 am:
It is what it is. I don’t give the endorsement much additive value for Benton.
- El Conquistador - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 11:27 am:
Raymond just needs to go away
- Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 11:38 am:
Some folks can’t read. This isn’t the first time Poe has gone up against McCann. Sheesh.
- zatoichi - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 11:41 am:
According to the article Poe’s income went from $78,163 in the GA to $133,273 in his state director job. Not a bad increase. That should have no influence on his opinion.
Poe: “I believe that we deserve a State Senator who calls Sangamon County home”. The State 50th Senate District also includes Pike, Scott, Morgan, Macoupin, Greene, and Jersey counties. Apparently Poe now believes those counties do not deserve having a state senator living in any of them. Again no possible influence there.
- The Dude Abides - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 11:44 am:
@Team Sleep, a couple of years ago I would have agreed with you. With recent developments though some voters are just seeing Poe as a politician who was willing to support State workers when it was politically convenient to do so but now that he has been bought by the Governor he has other priorities. Once Poe accepted the Ag Secretary job the Benton endorsement should have been expected, he’s doing what his boss wants him to do.
- RNUG - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 11:47 am:
Yes, this isn’t the first time Poe has opposed McCann. It’s always been pretty much a internal power struggle over the Sangamon GOP no longer being in control of that seat.
This time I choked a bit when I read Poe thought Benton would be better for the state employees / retirees. Coming from the Rep that did not vote to support 1229, that was a bit rich.
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 12:01 pm:
This has everything to do with McCann not being from Sangamon County. If Poe was still in the House he would have endorsed Benton the same way he endorsed Noll in 2012. This has nothing to do with Rauner.
- Team Sleep - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 12:07 pm:
Dude - then that begs the same question I asked before Poe resigned and took the Ag job.
Why wasn’t he going to be primaried? This local angst is a farce. No one was going to challenge him in the primary, which is telling.
- GOP Extremist - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 12:14 pm:
“This has othing to do with Rauner”
Thanks, I needed a good laugh!!
- GOP Extremist - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 12:29 pm:
The local angst is very real and this only adds fuel to the fire. A real telling fact is that extended members of his family wore shirts supporting AFSME at the Poe family reunion late last summer, after his present vote.
- Stumpy's bunker - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 3:29 pm:
Both Poe and Rich Brauer know that their greener pastures could quickly turn brown if they give any indication of opposing the interests of this administration.
It is a sad commentary to see how these men were shipped out, and they went along with it. It is even sadder to see grown men scamper to safety, intentionally attempting to run over one of our few remaining GOP representatives (a worthy title, in this case) in the process.
- D J Wareham - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 4:17 pm:
Use to like Raymond Poe until he sold out state workers for a job with the Rauner administration. His endorsement makes McCann look real good!
- Stinks - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 6:15 pm:
Illinois Policy Iinstitute states “Illinois legislators can receive pensions equal to 85 percent of their final salary after 20 years of service.” Looks like Poe got a Golden parachute, 3 years as Director and “poof” his retirement is worth thousands more than as a legislator. Any wonder the pensions are messed up?
- RNUG - Monday, Feb 8, 16 @ 7:20 pm:
IPI is accurate as far as it goes. However, it doesn’t note that Poe, while a Representative, paid 11.5% into GARS and also did not participate in Social Security. The higher benefit level and shorter period reflect the higher payment rate.
I need to double-check which retirement fund agency directors participare in and see how the reciprocity rules apply before commenting on whether he will get much of a pension boost, if any, for his 3 years as an agency director.