Wednesday, Feb 10, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I’ve changed my mind and am now leaning toward going to the President’s event. So, blogging could be light today. I’ll have a live coverage post up soon because I need to get to the Capitol.
Let’s start with Lynn Sweet…
In his speech to a joint session of the Illinois General Assembly, “without endorsing a specific path forward,” Obama will “talk about the need to address gerrymandering, including in his home state of Illinois,” the White House said Tuesday.
The governor will love that.
* But not everything will be bipartisan…
The Chicago Sun-Times has learned that Illinois Republican Reps. Rodney Davis and Darin LaHood — whose districts take in parts of Springfield — were asked by the White House to greet Obama on the tarmac of Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport in Springfield — but not fly out with him on Air Force One.
Because Congress is in session, however, they would have had to scramble back from Washington for the arrival ceremony, flying commercial, while Democratic Illinois Reps. Mike Quigley, Robin Kelly and Tammy Duckworth got the lift on the president’s plane.
Davis’ district includes the Statehouse. He should’ve been invited on the flight.
Sen. Durbin is flying on the big plane as well. And Duckworth is a special guest to boost her US Senate primary bid.
* Meanwhile…
The president is expected to give remarks there alongside several lawmakers he once worked with, including former state Sen. Kirk Dillard, a Republican who is now Regional Transportation Authority chairman.
Dillard said he was invited to appear by the White House along with former state Sens. Denny Jacobs, a Democrat from East Moline, and Larry Walsh, who’s now Will County executive.
“I tell my children that Dad was a very lucky person that he got to work in Springfield with a gentleman who became the president of the United States,” said Dillard, who during the 2010 governor primary was the subject of Republican attack ads for his previous appearance in a campaign ad supporting Obama. “I pinch myself every now and again.”
I’m also hearing that Pat Quinn was invited to attend.
- DuPage - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:20 am:
Politics as usual.
- cdog - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:21 am:
Glad to hear you are going.
Enjoy the moment; it’s a pretty big one.
- ILPundit - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:22 am:
I have to disagree, Rich. Flying on AF1 is a big time political perk.
Davis and LaHood (Davis in particular) are members of a House caucus that, for the first time in history, are refusing to even hold hearings on the President’s introduced budget this year.
I wouldn’t offer them the boost either.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:22 am:
I’m sorry, but having such a small event and then learning that Congressman Davis isn’t going to be on the place really makes this a sideshow.
I’ve been part of a couple of presidential visits. Both were at larger venues that accommodated tons of people. This should’ve been at either the Sangamon Auditorium or Hoogland CFTA.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:23 am:
Pundit - then so much for bipartisanship. Actions always speak louder than words.
- Rollo Tomasi - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:24 am:
Everyone should respect the office today and the man even if you disagree with his policies.
It has the feel of an aging rock band on it’s farewell tour. Obama and Rauner have a lot in common. Their policies are so far left and right of center and they are not capable of compromise. Bruce has a chance to move a little to the center. For Obama time to think of Hawaii. Not a bad thought.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:25 am:
Sorry - going to be on the plane.
- Johnny Pyle Driver - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:28 am:
Obama far left? Boy, i’ve heard everything
- Behind the Scenes - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:36 am:
I’m still wondering who is paying the bills and buying the gas for that big plane. The whole trip (as announced so far, California stops included) is political. Going to take some doing to make it sound like official business, in which case taxpayers in general will foot the bills.
As an aside, I heard last night some of the people with invitations to the Hoogland Center, were told to park 3 1/2 blocks away at the First Christian Church and walk with temps in the teens.
- The Captain - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:38 am:
I hope Team Rauner uses today to get one last dig in on Dillard and Quinn, for old times sake.
- Mama - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:51 am:
Rich, I am sure you will be happy you get to experience this special event. Dress warm and take a lot of quarters for the meters.
- Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:57 am:
== As an aside, I heard last night some of the people with invitations to the Hoogland Center, were told to park 3 1/2 blocks away at the First Christian Church and walk with temps in the teens. ==
Access to the Herndon parking ramp (next door to Hoogland) is limited to only the monthly parking renters (who have electronic access cards) inside, some parking spaces along the wall adjoining Hoogland were barricaded.
No doubt the list of monthly parkers was pre-screened by the Secret Service and I’ll bet they’ve walked the ramp and peered in all the vehicle windows this morning, too.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 9:58 am:
Congratulations Rodney and Darin - you have been officially recognized as unfriendly to our lame duck president.
- Mason born - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 10:02 am:
It seems a little hypocritical to request members of the opposite party attend a speach on bipartisanship while refusing to give them a lift to the same event. Especially on a your flying on the taxpayers dime.
- Langhorne - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 10:09 am:
Glad kirk is included.
I wonder if bentohs is doing obamas lunch.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 10:10 am:
That just soured me on the whole speech today.
I didn’t think that was possible, but considering the topic of his speech his actions will now overshadow his words. This is disappointing.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 10:12 am:
Have fun Rich, it’s history, pretty jealous
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 10:18 am:
–I’ve been part of a couple of presidential visits. Both were at larger venues that accommodated tons of people. This should’ve been at either the Sangamon Auditorium or Hoogland CFTA.–
I don’t tnink so. Obama didn’t serve in the Sangamon Auditorium or Hoogland CFTA. The Dome’s a cool, historic place, much better visuals.
Those going to the show should just be thankful he’s not doing it outside at the old cap, again.
- chi - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 10:41 am:
=I’m still wondering who is paying the bills and buying the gas for that big plane.
Prevent him from leaving the White House for 8 years. Maybe he can walk to Congress to deliver the State of the Union. That’ll balance our budget.
- ToughGuy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 10:57 am:
Can’t understand it. Davis and LaHood have always been so supportive of anything the President has proposed (heavy snark). What goes around, comes around.
- wndycty - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 11:10 am:
As cool as flying on Air Force One is, isn’t the tarmac meet higher profile and wouldn’t it result in more camera time. Although they would be listed on the flight, if the flew on AF1 wouldn’t they be ushered out the back away from sight? Members of Congress don’t descend down the stairs.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 11:33 am:
wndycty, for what it’s worth, Dick Durbin came down the stairs right behind POTUS.
- yankee - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 11:49 am:
Just saw a Jimmy Johns delivery guy pass the motorcade
- wndycty - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 12:18 pm:
@ArthurAndersen did the rest of the delegation come out with POTUS (Kelly, Duckworth, Quigley)
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 12:45 pm:
- logic not emotion - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 12:53 pm:
Actions have always spoken louder than words and Obama’s actions show that he is far from bipartisan.
FWIW: I would agree that Obama is as far left as Rauner is far right. Neither position is good for this state or this country; but that is the result of our primary system where the extremes are the ones who tend to make it through to the general.
- L.A. - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 1:25 pm:
Got to shake hands with the President today at the rope line at the Feed Store. Pretty great!!! He’s shorter than I thought he would be.
- allknowingmasterofracoondom - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 3:22 pm:
So he comes to talk about bipartisanship, but stiffs the Congressional R’s on a ride. Nice to see his words are consistently different from his actions.
He has had 7 years to lead, thought he would get it by now.
- Annonn'' - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 3:31 pm:
THis is a hoot…President on his way to CA —San Jose, LA Rancho Mirage. How are LaHood and Rompin’ Rodney doing on FEMA reform???
- Mama - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 3:45 pm:
++THis is a hoot…President on his way to CA —San Jose, LA Rancho Mirage.++
- Annonn’, the prez is still here.
++How are LaHood and Rompin’ Rodney doing on FEMA reform?++ What FEMA reforms?
- Mama - Wednesday, Feb 10, 16 @ 3:49 pm:
Rich, was it worth your time to go & experience the POTUS speech today? Do you think his speech will help un-jam the no budget logjam?