Credit Unions Assist At Risk Youth
Thursday, Feb 11, 2016 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] MembersAlliance Credit Union, based in Rockford, started a fundraiser in 2009 to help fund and increase awareness for the Tutoring Clubs program, an effort of Stateline Youth for Christ that reaches out to local “at risk” school children in grades 1-5 through one-on-one relationships with adult volunteers. This year, 11 credit unions of the Rockford Area Chapter supported the Tutoring Clubs Program, resulting in their most successful fundraising year to date. Gregg Giamalva, Stateline Youth for Christ Executive Director, stated, “We are so appreciative of our local credit union members and community for their support of Tutoring Clubs, raising over $8,000−by far our best year yet! Our program is a preemptive effort to direct children in becoming productive citizens. All monies raised go directly to local Tutoring Clubs, which are growing in the stateline area.” Giamalva added, “Our mission is to help these young people increase confidence and make improvements in their academic, social and spiritual lives, and we have seen impressive results in all these areas.” “The credit union motto is People Helping People, and Tutoring Clubs is an excellent example of this philosophy,” commented Lorna Cote, Chairman, Rockford Area Chapter of Credit Unions (RACCU). “This is one of several collaborative efforts of the RACCU. As we invite people to find a local credit union to love, we also give back to our community and appreciate the giving hearts of our members.” Visit to locate a credit union near you!