Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » NFIB member poll: 88 percent want Rauner to keep pushing Turnaround Agenda
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NFIB member poll: 88 percent want Rauner to keep pushing Turnaround Agenda

Thursday, Feb 11, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a Crain’s op-ed by Kim Clarke Maisch, Illinois director of the National Federation of Independent Business

This month, we asked our members whether the governor should keep fighting to pass his economic agenda. Their answer came through loud and clear: Seventy-four percent of survey respondents say Illinois’ economy is on the wrong track, while an overwhelming 88 percent believe the governor should continue pushing his “turnaround agenda.” More than 560 owners completed the survey.

We drilled a little deeper and asked specifically whether our members support the governor’s plan to repair the state’s workers’ compensation system, repeal prevailing wage and reform our legal system; 88 percent answered yes.

The takeaway is that while some get a little squeamish amid controversy or recoil at a tough challenge, small-business owners understand the grave nature of what Rauner is trying to do and are willing to weather this storm.

They know firsthand, from experience, that sometimes hard decisions must be made in order to keep the doors open.

Make no mistake, we know this is painful to some and scary for those whose futures are in question. But for the vast majority of the private sector who pay their own freight for retirement and want their children to have a better future, there is no more pressing issue than righting this ship called the state of Illinois. Now.

You see, in business, when there’s a problem, you fix it before it gets worse. Apparently, in state government, you just keep pushing the problem aside until it is so gigantic the solutions are almost unbearable. Remember, the governor has been in office for one year; our problems have been in the making for decades.



  1. - Tone - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:08 pm:

    Why would anyone be surprised that small business owners would agree with Rauner. They create most jobs in the country and they are harmed the most by Madigan and his union goons.

  2. - Austin Blvd - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:11 pm:

    Would like to see the questions. And the responses from any members who are not getting paid by the state.

  3. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    Did they ask if those owed money by the state wanted to be paid?

    Show the work, please.

  4. - Anon221 - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:13 pm:

    “But for the vast majority of the private sector who pay their own freight for retirement and want their children to have a better future, there is no more pressing issue than righting this ship called the state of Illinois. Now.”

    Especially for those businesses NOT being paid for services rendered to the State of Illinois. My guess- they aren’t members of the NFIB.

  5. - Politix - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:14 pm:

    Business organization supports Republican governor. And…?

  6. - Christopher - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:14 pm:

    Hard decisions do sometimes have to be made, but not cruel and / or inept ones like Rauner has done.

  7. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:14 pm:

    ===Did they ask if those owed money by the state wanted to be paid? ===


    88 percent, man. Those who want to be paid are in a very tiny minority.

    88 percent.

  8. - Jocko - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:18 pm:

    Kim Maisch should ask how many of those 560 small business owners received funding from a bank (or anyone else) on the promise of a return of 1.4%

  9. - Anon217 - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:19 pm:

    I wonder if the small business owners dependent on students, faculty, and staff in Charleston, Macomb, Carbondale, and DeKalb are feeling the same enthusiasm for the budget hostage taking in the name of the Turnaround Agenda…

  10. - Juvenal - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:20 pm:

    Only 88 percent of small business owners want to reduce worker’s compensation benefits?

    That seems low.

    How many said we should gut Illinois’ human services programs if the governor can’t pass his Turnaround Agenda?

    And how many said they would support restoring taxes to Quinn’s level if the Turnaround Agenda is passed?

    I suspect 75 percent will still be opposed to raising taxes even if Rauner gets everything he wants, and that’s why I think we are stuck.

    Let’s see the poll, Rich.

  11. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:23 pm:

    Pandering to the turn around agenda. Hire a pollster to churn out a survey that supports a predefined result.

  12. - Augie - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:23 pm:

    Just left a Chamber event in North Central Illinois not one mention that RTW or prevailing wage repeal would help there business. A lot of talk about old infrastructure and working together though. This group must of been left out of the survey. Must have been exclusively for businesses that support Rauner.

  13. - Aldyth - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:23 pm:

    This poll is absurd. It’s like asking mice how they feel about mousetraps. The outcome is highly predictable.

  14. - Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:25 pm:

    Were they asked if they wanted social services destroyed? So that more homeless, addicted, and mentally ill slept in front if their business? Or so that their family members didn’t get services?

    Were they asked if they wanted state employees to go on strike or get laid off, therefore unable to shop at Edie business? Wonder what Charleston or Sprungfiels business owners say.

  15. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:25 pm:

    This is not a poll. It is a survey of a special interest group members. Equivalent of asking a pack of wolves, “would you like to have more unguarded chicken coups?”

  16. - Anon221 - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    Anonymous @ 2:23 pm:
    “Pandering to the turn around agenda. Hire a pollster to churn out a survey that supports a predefined result.”

    Wonder if they hired SSI??? /s

  17. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    Um… with the exception of repealing the prevailing wage, I generally agree. They didn’t ask how he should keep pushing the agenda. They asked if it should still be pushed. Oy.

  18. - thoughts matter - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    sorry. fat fingers. Shop at their business in Charleston or Springfield.

  19. - fred s - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:27 pm:

    How many of those who just posted are small business owners?

  20. - Enviro - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:32 pm:

    Agreeing that Rauner should keep pushing his “turnaround agenda” is not the same as agreeing that the budget should be held hostage to the governor’s “turnaround agenda”.

  21. - AC - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:36 pm:

    ==We drilled a little deeper and asked specifically whether our members support the governor’s plan to repair the state’s workers’ compensation system, repeal prevailing wage and reform our legal system; 88 percent answered yes==

    I’d love to see answers to those issues separately.

  22. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:38 pm:

    @Fred S

    Self-employed. That count?

  23. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:38 pm:

    According to the op-ed, National Federation of Independent Business in Illinois represents 11,000 small employers. “More than 560″ owners completed the survey — lets be generous and call it 570.

    570 member responses / 11,000 members = A 5.2% survey response rate.

    And 88% of the 5.2% of those small businesses who cared enough to complete the survey say “Attaboy, Gov. Rauner”? 88% times 05.2% equals… Jeepers! That’s all of 4.6% of the small employers represented by National Federation of Independent Business in Illinois!

    Four point six percent!!1!

    Attaboy, NFIB! The people have spoken!

    – MrJM

  24. - Big Muddy - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:39 pm:

    Not surprised by this at all and I’m glad to see it posted here. Adds contrast to all the Rauner bashing. Running a small business, heck any business in Illinois, has strong headwinds. Some of those headwinds really suppress job growth and if some logical legislators on both sides of the isle could get out of their foxholes maybe Illinois could grow jobs at a much better rate. Too bad compromise is the dirtiest of “C” words in Illinois.

  25. - Carhartt Representative - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:42 pm:

    I will be conducting my own survey of those served by Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services as well as students at our state’s universities and union members.

  26. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:44 pm:

    @Big Muddy

    You fail to see the difference between positive points of an agenda, and the negative points of how that agenda is pushed. Everybody loves a tax cut, but if you tied it to killing your family pet, how many people would support it? I like some of the reforms that the governor is interested in, but I loathe the man himself and wish nothing but total failure. Maybe the movement needs a new and better voice…?

  27. - Mr. Smith - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:44 pm:

    Because, you know, none of the educators and staff members being laid off from unfunded institutions EVER spend money at small businesses, right?

  28. - Mongo - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:46 pm:

    This doesn’t move me at all. The purpose of a business is to make money. That is very different than the purpose of a state, where key services are not profitable. To name a few, public safety, care for the elderly, care for the abused, homelessness, care for people with severe disabilities.

    I have both perspectives, a good government career and a good and profitable business career. Jim Edgar once made a great comment about the silly mantra of running government like a business.

    A good poll question (I was tempted to say better but didn’t) would be to ask “which state services should be defunded so your business can be profitable?”. Let’s see the business community get behind that.

  29. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:46 pm:

    –88 percent. Those who want to be paid are in a very tiny minority.–

    Strange, that.

  30. - out of touch - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:52 pm:

    Plastered on NFIB’s front page you’ll find their top 10 priorities. Work comp, prevailing wage, and legal system are not mentioned. See the NEW concern at number 2 “uncertainty over economic conditions”. Does that ring a bell?







    7. TAX COMPLEXITY [#5]




  31. - ILPundit - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:54 pm:

    I don’t think the issue is the ideas behind the Governor’s agenda are the issue. It’s holding the state budget hostage to those issues that is the point of contention.

    Not surprisingly, they don’t appear to have framed a question around the current political dynamic. Probably because they already know they would be dissatisfied in the result.

  32. - Ghost - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:57 pm:

    i notice they didnt include eliminating collective barganing, or see if respondents know what prevailing wage even is….
    i would also note they didnt include a self harm question…. ie would you support the agenda if you lost money or if t in reased poverty….

    basically they asked, if it has no effect on you are you supportive of a plan that makes other people pay…..

  33. - LizPhairTax - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:58 pm:

    ==Make no mistake, we know this is painful to some and scary for those whose futures are in question.==

    Futures? A lot of people’s PRESENTS are in question.

    Hang in there Todd and We know this is painful Kim are a real hoot.

  34. - out of touch - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:02 pm:

    –Hang in there Todd and We know this is painful Kim are a real hoot–

    That’s bleeping gold!

  35. - Belle - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:04 pm:

    How about generating some revenue Gov??? And solve the other problems when your popularity is on the way up?
    According to, Colorado’s marijuana industry has earned the state $135M in tax dollars. No matter how you sit on the moral aspects of legalization, a financially troubled state (like IL) needs to get with this financial bail-out–this is a financial windfall.
    Quartz is a head-line oriented financial site so I don’t have any specifics on this info. I assume it is correct?

  36. - Lefty Lefty - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:05 pm:

    Small businessman here. Rauner is killing this state. I was not polled, but I won’t join an organization that has this statement on its website:

    “Despite the stalemate over the state budget, NFIB/Illinois says the governor’s first year has been a success.”

  37. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:05 pm:

    There must be some mistake. Today at work I asked 100 union members if they supported Rauners turn around agenda and they all said no. 100%
    So something must not add up!

  38. - Lefty Lefty - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:05 pm:

    I will also add–poll results aren’t worth the ink used to write about them without DATA.

  39. - RIJ - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:06 pm:

    As a retired state employee who has been under attack for nearly a decade, my heart weeps not for the 4.6% of small business owners who are feeling stress now.

  40. - Tone - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:07 pm:

    Colorado’s marijuana industry has earned the state $135M in tax dollars. No matter how you sit on the moral aspects of legalization, a financially troubled state (like IL) needs to get with this financial bail-out–this is a financial windfall.

    I am very much in favor of this. Prohibition doesn’t work, never has.

  41. - Big Muddy - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:09 pm:

    @Ducky LaMoore,
    You listen to Obama yesterday? I loathe that man but think some of what he said made sense too. We should act upon common ground and check the bitterness at the door. Wishing total failure for a Governor does the entire state no good. I can’t stand Madigan and can’t wait for the day he goes but that doesn’t mean I’m not appreciative of pension reform efforts.

  42. - GA Watcher - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:10 pm:

    NFIB was probably encouraged to put out their survey results to counter the recent piece in Reboot Illinois about how members of the Small Business Advocacy Council are feeling the budget impasse pinch. Dueling business groups.

  43. - Big Muddy - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:11 pm:

    of *his* pension reform efforts.

    (Typing too fast on a phone. Sorry all.)

  44. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:12 pm:

    Eighty-eight percent approval strikes me as a very high number for a political question.

    I’m not sure you could get 88% of anyone in favor of “the flag, mom and apple pie.”

    It would be swell to see the work.

  45. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:14 pm:

    –Seventy-four percent of survey respondents say Illinois’ economy is on the wrong track, while an overwhelming 88 percent believe the governor should continue pushing his “turnaround agenda.”–

    That 14% who believe Illinois is on the right track and that Rauner should push the Turnaround Agenda?

    Gotta party with them.

  46. - Whatever - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:18 pm:

    We need to see the exact questions. If all they asked is “do you agree that we need workers comp and lawsuit reforms, and that prevailing wage should be repealed?”, I would agree. If they asked, “Is the Governor right to continue vetoing budget bills and tax increase bills until these reforms are accomplished?”, I would say no way. From the way the op-ed is written, I would be one of the 88%, but that does not mean I support the governor.

  47. - Under Influenced - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:20 pm:

    I just asked 50% of the students I know if they believe the State should fund the MAP grants promised to them, and believe it or not, 100% of the students I spoke with said they want the State to fund the grant….

  48. - ChinaTown - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:20 pm:

    What @MisterJayEm said, x1000.

    Also, self-selected participation by 5% of a member organization produces data that is so unscientific that it may as well be completely fabricated.

    Crain’s should be embarrassed for publishing a piece allowing anyone to make political claims or argue in favor of specific public policy based on this type of “data.”

  49. - AlabamaShake - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:22 pm:

    A self-selecting sample of a group that already self-selects in as members of a conservative business group. The numbers aren’t surprising.

    I would like to see the actual poll though.

    I’m a small business owner. I’m tempted to join NFIB just to mess with these polls a little bit.

  50. - illinoised - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:23 pm:

    Sloppy reporting at best, shameless shilling at worst. Yawn.

  51. - RNUG - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:25 pm:

    Would like to have seen the survey broken down by question instead of being forced to take a summary of it at face value. Went to the Illinois NFIB web site but didn’t find any mention of it with a quick look around.

    Specifically to the 88% number; if that is accurate, it just reinforces Rauner’s world view and I don’t see a compromise occurring in the next 3 years unless an external force (some kind of disaster or voter rebellion) is applied.

  52. - sal-says - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:28 pm:

    == Big Muddy: Wishing total failure for a Governor does the entire state no good. ==

    “Being a total failure as a Governor does the entire state no good.”

    There; fixed it for you.

  53. - Angry Chicagoan - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:28 pm:

    My experience with NFIB types is that they don’t see beyond the end of their noses. They see just about to the ends of the margins, which are usually pretty thin. Workers comp looks like a pretty big line, but the broader picture stuff, such as having a functioning community around them that’s going to yield customers not just next week but next decade, that’s kind of lost on them. And that’s a big part of the problem.

  54. - RNUG - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:30 pm:

    == Crain’s should be embarrassed for publishing a piece allowing anyone to make political claims or argue in favor of specific public policy based on this type of “data.” ==

    It’s an opinion piece … but definitely not up to what I think of as a standard for Crains

  55. - forwhatitsworth - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:33 pm:

    === Why would anyone be surprised that small business owners would agree with Rauner. They create most jobs in the country … ===

    I believe that small businesses are the most common structure, but I know that small businesses do not generate the most revenue and I’m not sure that small businesses create most jobs in the country.

  56. - Earnest - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:51 pm:

    I don’t find a lot of meaning in this. I don’t know what “turnaround agenda” actually means. Plus, Rauner is not going to be influenced by this–he’s already doing as much destruction as he can and will continue to do so.

  57. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:03 pm:

    Koch Industries is a Subchapter-S corporation; thus, a small business. So much fog from the right.

  58. - AnonymousOne - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:06 pm:

    ==for those in the private sector who pay their own freight for retirement==

    Do these people own their own printing presses and create their own money or is some of my public salary ending up in their retirement accounts? If it is………..then I am funding their retirements!

  59. - A Watcher - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:10 pm:

    The majority of posters are missing the point of the survey results because they are the flip side of the coin (they have direct stake in the budget whereas survey respondents probably do not). That doesn’t mean that the survey results aren’t an indication of the degree of demand for economic reform in Springfield. Ridicule the small sample size but if it didn’t represent the feelings of a significant percentage of Illinoisans the Governor would be feeling more heat than he apparently does.

  60. - forwhatitsworth - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:10 pm:

    ==Do these people own their own printing presses and create their own money or is some of my public salary ending up in their retirement accounts? If it is………..then I am funding their retirements!==


  61. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:13 pm:

    ===but if it didn’t represent the feelings of a significant percentage of Illinoisans the Governor would be feeling more heat than he apparently does===


  62. - illinois manufacturer - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:20 pm:

    It didn’t divulge details of the poll. In fact it mentions Workers comp to which I would say OK to and then prevailing wage which would be a no and then legal reform to which I say Huh? If it asked if I wanted to destroy the state for workers comp …..NO So don’t overreact

  63. - Chicago 20 - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:21 pm:

    I own a small business and a I never heard of of the NFIB.

    So I google the NFIB and I see that the Koch brothers have given the NFIB $4 million over 2 years time.

    The Koch brothers are also behind ALEC and the State Policy Network of which the Illinois Policy Institute is the Illinois branch.

    Shame on Crain’s for printing this piece of unsubstantiated propaganda.

  64. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:25 pm:

    @A Watcher

    The governor would feel an unbelievable amount of heat if not for court ordered payments. The judiciary is letting the state crumble.

  65. - Tone - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:29 pm:

    Small businesses make up: 99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms, 64 percent of net new private-sector jobs, 49.2 percent of private-sector employment, 42.9 percent of private-sector payroll, 46 percent of private-sector output, 43 percent of high-tech employment, and 98 percent of firms exporting goods

  66. - Juvenal - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:31 pm:

    === +1 ===

    Rich, again, the statement misses the point.

    Yes, there are undoubtedly a significant number of Illinoisans — maybe even 30 percent — who would like to reduce wages and benefits for teachers, police officers, and other public union members.

    But I suspect the number of folks who would be willing to pay more in taxes as long as teachers receive less is in fact very, very small.

    Rauner, other Republicans, and the Chicago Tribune argue we shouldn’t raise taxes without reforms.

    That is a statement that a lot of people will agree with.

    But if you ask the GOP base — the anti-government Tea Partiers — if they would be willing to pay more in taxes if we reform worker’s comp laws, I am betting the answer is still No.

  67. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:34 pm:

    === but if it didn’t represent the feelings of a significant percentage of Illinoisans the Governor would be feeling more heat than he apparently does ===

    + 0.5

    I have no doubt that the survey represents popular thought. Who doesn’t want economic growth? The problem is that the details of the TA and how poison pills are the key stumbling block to negotiations is not presented. Include that information within the survey and I believe you’d see different responses.

  68. - Sixes And Half Dozens - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:37 pm:

    Not at all surprising. Also, not at all relevant.

    Rauner can push as much as he wants, but pushing against Mount Rushmore doesn’t mean you are going to move a mountain. And there’s nuance to be considered. Were the poll subjects told that for every month the impasse continues, the amount of unpaid debt goes up by X amount? Likely not.

    Some parts of the Turnaround Agenda are worthwhile and should be considered, and probably would be considered by the loyal opposition. Property taxes are disgracefully high. Workers comp needs work. Rauner could actually make progress on those two points. But it goes off the rails when he starts in with his right to work and tort reform, neither of which has a chicken’s worth of egg to do bedrock fiscal issues. My guess is, small business owners would jettison tort reform and right to work if worker’s comp and taxes would get addressed. But no. We’re all just going to have to suffer while the governor keeps up this ideological fight that he has no shot of winning.

  69. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:48 pm:

    === +1 ===

    Thanks Rich for giving me a moment of complete clarity and and no doubt ruining my coming night’s sleep.

  70. - Demoralized - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 5:03 pm:

    Not sure why my posts aren’t showing up

    ==But for the vast majority of the private sector who pay their own freight for retirement and want their children to have a better future==

    So public sector employees don’t want a better future for their children? And they don’t contribute to their retirement?

  71. - RNUG - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 5:20 pm:

    == Property taxes are disgracefully high. ==

    But the primary way to lower property taxes would be for the State to contribute more to the K-12 school systems … and that is going to require higher state-wide taxes.

    So I guess everyone is OK with doubling the income tax in exchange for halving the school portion of the property tax?

  72. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 5:23 pm:

    “but if it didn’t represent the feelings of a significant percentage of Illinoisans the Governor would be feeling more heat than he apparently does”

    And if a significant percentage of Illinois social service organizations didn’t enjoy being starved into oblivion, the president of the Ounce of Prevention Fund would be feeling more heat than she apparently does.

    They don’t mind the heat.

    They. Don’t. Care.

    – MrJM

  73. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 6:29 pm:

    What happened to all of the pro business democrats who used to run Illinois? Sad there is not more support for small business in this state. They are the heroes who are paying way more than the large corporations for our government and all they get is grief from Springfield

  74. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 6:36 pm:

    Business owners support cheaper labor. Shocking.

  75. - AnonymousOne - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 6:57 pm:

    Does this behavior have precedent in any other state to this degree?

  76. - So Blue Democrat - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 7:41 pm:

    I wonder how many members of this business group assist with their retirement accounts. It appears they are more concerned about their own.

  77. - lost in the weeds - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 7:57 pm:

    Made a headline. Mission accomplished.

    Interested who and what businesses are in NFIB.

    Also same question for those in poll.

  78. - The Dude Abides - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 8:03 pm:

    If the NFIB were independent of outside influences why don’t they lobby the Rauner administration to submit workers comp legislation without the anti Union provisions?

  79. - lost in the weeds - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 9:21 pm:

    How many of the NFIB are in the top 20%?

  80. - illinois manufacturer - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 10:15 pm:

    I dont know how many NFIB members are but most S corps average a decent wage but not massive. I took average profit and added with officer wages and divided by shareholder number. Its not that different from state worker. Middle class. I suspect NFIB is trying a wedge issue for their real paymasters. I have nothing to do with these outfits. They all support cheap imports and race to the bottom garbage.

  81. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 10:21 pm:

    RNUG@5:20. Yes I am.

  82. - Finally Out (and now very glad to be) - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:14 pm:

    In a recent poll of state employees by the State Employee Policy Institute, 100% wanted Rauner to take his Turnaround Agenda and (banned). /s

  83. - Earnest - Friday, Feb 12, 16 @ 7:40 am:

    4:48 was me–sorry.

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