Question of the day
Thursday, Feb 11, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* WUIS on legislative reaction to the President’s address…
“I think it’ll kind of make it … really kind of embarrass people into not being so …. so, stuck in their ways, you know?” [Senate President John Cullerton] said, “And hope that — we still have a big gap to close, but if people (as I’ve been trying to do, by the way since I’ve been here) to try to do bring people together and try to pass some legislation.”
Republicans by and large weren’t quite that optimistic.
“I think you can never have enough reminders of the importance of coming back to a respectful tone. It’s not going to change over night, the President acknowledged that,” Rep. Tom Demmer, R-Dixon, said.
“I think we need to take his remarks today, and realize that we do need to work together to try and get things done. But is this going to move us off the dime a little bit on budget negotiations? I don’t think so,” Rep. Tim Butler, R-Springfield, said.
* GOP Rep. Ron Sandack…
Sandack said that he is ready to answer the president’s call for greater “civility” in political discourse.
“In this age where the political divide seems insurmountable, we have a responsibility to behave respectfully and with the best interests of our constituents in mind,” Sandack said. “I am ready to do my part, and invite my colleagues from the other side of the aisle to join me for those discussions.”
* SJ-R…
“I think he was addressing both sides in equal parts,” Manar said. “I do think it offers us a new perspective that I hope will be helpful moving forward. I count it as a perspective coming from the president of the United States that I hope will be helpful to break the impasse that has brought our state to a halt.”
“I think there were a lot of things Republicans and Democrats can agree to,” said Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer, R-Jacksonville. “Unfortunately I think politics are playing too big a role in Springfield for (that speech) to have an effect.”
Rep. Sara Wojcicki Jimenez, R-Leland Grove, said lawmakers will have to wait and see if there is any lasting impact.
“I think we should observe to see if it makes any difference,” she said. “I’ve been hopeful that we can work together and work toward compromise very quickly. The point is we should all be listening to all people’s points of view.”
* The Question: In the coming weeks, what sort of impact do you think the President’s speech will have? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.
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- AC - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:32 am:
Voted little to none. Everyone knows that they should aspire to be better, but knowing and doing are very different.
- Mason born - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:37 am:
Little to none. However if the Presidents rebuke of Dunkin has legs and affects the primary then I’d switch to somewhat positive.
- Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:37 am:
Given the quote from Rep. Butler, I doubt it. You have to understand the President has speaking to YOU when he made those remarks, and respect the office of the Presidency before you will change your behavior. Rauner and his minions won’t get either point.
- Austin Blvd - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:37 am:
I voted “somewhat positive.” Though one must note that Rauner was already being Rauner the evening after Obama’s visit.
- @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:37 am:
“In the coming weeks, what sort of impact do you think the President’s speech will have?”
It will be used almost exclusively to highlight the contrast between the president’s call for political compromise across the aisle and the inaction in Springfield.
But it could help bump Dunkin, so “somewhat positive”.
– MrJM
- Honeybear - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:40 am:
It was a nice distraction but will have no effect. Just look at Rauners statements afterwards. No change
- Casual observer - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:41 am:
Voted little to none. Citizens United needs to be overturned in order to allow politicians to speak more freely and be more agreeable.
- Honeybear - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:41 am:
I think the only thing that might change the dynamic is passage and veto override of HB580. SB1229 certainly changed Rauners tone. Presidential speeches are nice but no change. We need behavioral changes.
- Timmeh - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:42 am:
I think the somewhat positive effect is more eyes on Springfield, if they weren’t already.
- Collinsville Kevin - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:42 am:
None. Hard to take advice to be civil and bipartisan from someone who has gotten nowhere using such tactics.
- m - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:46 am:
Nice speech on Wednesday, same old thing Thursday. I don’t know if the president helped his cause with his own actions. Chiding Dunkin for doing what the president just said people shouldn’t be afraid to do, the whole thing with Air Force One and the local Congressmen, etc…
- Norseman - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:49 am:
A leopard can’t change its spots, nor will Rauner or Madigan for that matter. Sigh.
- Anon - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:50 am:
Little to None. The parties are not working together because of a lack of perspective. They have fundamental core policy disagreements that are causing the standoff. Both sides are waiting on the other to “give up,” and both sides see that as failure to make progress. Hard to guess how long this will go on…
- Earnest - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:51 am:
>“I think there were a lot of things Republicans and Democrats can agree to,” said Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer, R-Jacksonville. “Unfortunately I think politics are playing too big a role in Springfield for (that speech) to have an effect.”
I voted “little to none.” I don’t think Rauner’s going to change his course of action. Destruction suits his goals well. Our only hope is the House Republicans. They hold all the cards at the moment.
- Gooner - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:52 am:
The people are behaving obnoxiously don’t get that they are obnoxious.
Look at Sandack. He’s been the loudest cheerleader for Rauner, it seems that every time he speaks he’s got some attack on Democrats, and now he’s preaching civility?
Come on.
The President gave a nice speech, but it is tough to reach people who act like eight year olds.
- Blue dog dem - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:54 am:
I voted somewhat positive. There is no doubt in my mind that Dunkin was promised “something”. I guess time will tell. But I am also thinking that the Pres. Has a couple of tricks up his sleeve. We shall see.
- Gooner - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 11:56 am:
Let me add one more thing –
I get that there are percs of being in the President’s party. AF1 is one of those.
However, the President himself set a bad example when he limited the ride to Dems. At the very least, allow the hometown Congressman on the flight. If you are going into his town, and they are all making the trip, and you are talking about civility, offer the guy a ride.
The President’s own actions were not consistent with the speech.
- Ferris Wheel - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:00 pm:
While both sides seem to generally agree and applaud the President’s message, they don’t seem prepared to implement any of his suggestions.
And given that Rauner is “winning”, what need does he have to work with or compromise with the other side?
- RNUG - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:01 pm:
Little to none. Not only is there a fight between the parties, there are civil wars (or maybe insurrection would be more accurate) within each party.
- Harry - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:02 pm:
Little to none. These guys aren’t a bunch of impressionable children who never thought about this before, And while it was a good speech, Obama didn’t say anything that would be a “Eureka!” for ay adult in the room.
And, frankly, the guy who rudely blew off Paul Ryan during 2009 discussion of the ARRA, and now didn’t give Rep. Davis a seat on Air Force One, and a million similar in between, calling for bipartisanship is pretty rich.
- Big Foot - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:06 pm:
I once had a boss like the Gov, and he would often say, ” I have my mind made up, but I will think it over.”
- forwhatitsworth - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:08 pm:
Little to none. There’s nothing new that people don’t already know.
- mokenavince - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:11 pm:
Now the President knows how Bozo the Clown use to feel.The peanut galley was up and running.I doubt if anyone heard a word he said. Or cared.
When your in a state of gloom nothing seems to help. Most people in Illinois are ready to head for the exit.Nothing will ever get done.
- Papa2008 - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:16 pm:
“Do as I say, not as I do” might come into play here.
- Nick Name - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:17 pm:
It was a good speech but it will have little effect. Seeing Sandack and other Republicans drape themselves in the speech’s themes while pointing the finger at the Democrats is especially galling.
- Touré's Latte - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:17 pm:
Voted little to none. Thoroughly enjoyed all the GOPers stumbling over themselves for POTUS selfies. I think I even saw Dillard washing and waxing the Beast.
- Big Joe - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:17 pm:
Voted “little to none” because Rauner views himself as the CEO of IL, not the governor that should work together with the other party. It’s his way or nothing. He has said and done nothing to change my mind on this.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:19 pm:
Voted “little to none”, and while the discourse might change, the positions seem too, too, entrenched.
When the weather gets warmer, Rep. Sandack and I will share our true like for Gov. Kasich over some golf and beverages to show the way…
- Last Bull Moose - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:19 pm:
The problems in Springfield are not mainly about civility. Governor Rauner wants to weaken or eliminate a core constituency of the Democratic party. Madigan won’t agree.
- ToughGuy - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:22 pm:
Little to none. Rauner is not interested in resolving this crisis until he has devastated the collective bargaining process.
- Mason born - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:24 pm:
The only thing that will help to my mind is McCann surviving and Dunkin losing the primary. Unless legislators are more concerned with pleasing their constituents than the gov. wallet nothing will change. To that end if Obama’s speach helps to force Dunkin to defend himself to his constituents than it was well worth the trip.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:26 pm:
None. The governor has a winning hand and he’ll keep playing it.
The governor is a smart guy. He knows that Madigan and Cullerton couldn’t “deliver” his union-busting agenda even if they wanted to. And as long as he has Dunkin, the GA can’t override him on anything, as we’ve seen more than 60 times already.
But that alleged “impasse” gives the governor a free-hand to reshape Illinois government as he sees fit.
He’s accomplishing that by running up billions in debt at the same time he’s zeroing out billions of prior funding for social services and higher education.
That creates the new “status quo”: a planned fiscal disaster of such proportion that it will necessitate a new, greatly reduced baseline on everything, going forward.
If you’re a governor, and you didn’t want this stuff to happen, you’d do something to mitigate the damage. It’s a powerful office, the true Big Dog in Illinois government.
But after eight months, there are no unfortunate by-products. This is the plan in action.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:31 pm:
Little to none. Springfield insiders loved the speech. To the rest of us, it was as filling and nutritional as cotton candy.
Who doesn’t like horseshoe sandwiches?
- Dome Gnome - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:32 pm:
I voted “little to none,” but through no fault of the speech or the speechmaker. What will make a difference is a clear mandate from March primary voters. If we have to wait until a November mandate, I despair.
- BaronvonHammer - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:37 pm:
I voted little to none. At best it will give some encouragement to the Dems,as a Dem POTUS came to Springfield. Probably a bit simplistic .
- illinoised - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:38 pm:
I voted “Somewhat Positive” because I am looking for any morsel of hope in this sea of dysfunction. I would use a divining rod, cattle prod, voodoo, or medicine man if I thought it would push the start button of progress.
- Belle - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:51 pm:
Voted “Little to None’ since people will refer to the speech but no one will act on it.
- Steve - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 12:56 pm:
I voted little to none. Barack Obama was never a major player in Illinois state government: one speech isn’t going to help.
- D.P.Gumby - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 1:04 pm:
being the eternal optimist, I optimistically voted somewhat positive hoping at least someone will feel a little guilt when they continue the glass bowl contest.
- downstate commissoner - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 1:04 pm:
Little to None—- Might have done some good if Rauner had gone with him on Air Force and not came back.
- Mama - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 1:06 pm:
Somewhat positive. Not sure it had any affect on Rauner, but I do think it may have helped the legislature in treating each other a little better.
- Anon - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 1:14 pm:
I don’t think this blog attracts many optimistic readers.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 1:19 pm:
I hope that it will help. I am optimistic.
- Nick Danger - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 1:30 pm:
Little to none. Trench warfare has ensued. No one willing to give ground or call for a truce.
- Earnest - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 1:40 pm:
>He’s accomplishing that by running up billions in debt at the same time he’s zeroing out billions of prior funding for social services and higher education. That creates the new “status quo”: a planned fiscal disaster of such proportion that it will necessitate a new, greatly reduced baseline on everything, going forward.
House Republicans, I’m obsessed with you today. This isn’t what you want to happen, and this isn’t what being a Republican stands for. Look at the impact on the people in your district. Do you want to be a lackey to a governor who funds opposition to one of your fellow legislators because of one vote he took? Or be controlled by a Governor who puts resources into electing Democrats? You’re part of a great party…shouldn’t a Republican be building a party presences in Rep Dunkin’s district not electing Democrats? You can be great and help our state and its citizens so much right now. And, you could take out your frustrations over the last 16 years or so out on Mike Madigan!
- RIJ - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 1:42 pm:
Little to none (actually, a few days of politicians paying lip service, and then none)
- Cook County Commoner - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 1:55 pm:
No effect. Sermons from POTUS will not transcend the fiscal battle being waged throughout Illinois. Special interests are battling to retain poorly conceived and executed promises, and the politicians are borrowing irresponsibly and stalling to avoid handing the bill to struggling workers and their families in a deteriorating economy, knowing if they do their sinecures may be over. The stalemate will continue until the deterioration gnaws its way further up the food chain.
- Williamson Co. resident - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:25 pm:
Voted little to none. Until Rauner curtails his ‘my way or the highway’ attitude and actually grasps the basic fundamentals on how politics actually work then nothing will change.
- NoGifts - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:32 pm:
Little to none unless there is some arm twisting going on behind the scenes. A lot of federal money is caught up in this mess too. And it could affect future flows of federal cash.
- justacitizen - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 2:46 pm:
Voted somewhat +. Both parties will “remind” each other about the President’s plea for compromise and civility.
- Pink E Kent - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:16 pm:
Little or none.
His best lines were I got Bin Ladin and Sit down Dunkin.
Other than that this was just a victory lap to kick off his farewell tour.
I don’t begrudge him that he is a two term President.
Mostly it was a double helping of dessert a la mode with chocolate dipping sauce.
- Langhorne - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 3:52 pm:
Little yo none. Even if everyone felt warm and fuzzy, and wanted to deal, Rauner keeps reshuffling his must haves.
Rauner doesnt want a deal. A deal requires compromise. Rauner wants to destroy unions, madigan, and state government. Nothing less. Delay and destruction is winning to rauner
- Wensicia - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:16 pm:
Basically none. No need to be civil and compromise when you’re #Winning.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:47 pm:
As the prior articles on Dunkin and Why I fight everyone heard some element they could grab onto and say “I’m doing that” and other elements saying “See how you guys should act”. Problem is the Bruce and GOP worshipers heard one set while Dems basically heard the same group except in opposite grouping.
Issues will not get clear attention until House and Senate are at 60% with GOP gov, Or all three branches consistent in one party.
With Gov Bruce in place, The only way forward is Dems at 60% and repeatedly slapping down vetoes that are Gov Bruce’s personal agenda and not that of the state.
- Georg Sande - Thursday, Feb 11, 16 @ 4:59 pm:
Oh, the rich irony of many of the comments. Not too quick on the uptake.