Preserving Illinois’ Nuclear Plants is Crucial
Tuesday, Feb 16, 2016 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] A bipartisan effort to help preserve our state’s nuclear plants is not about Exelon, it is about the future of Illinois. It is about what’s best for Illinois consumers, our workers, our economy, our environment, and the reliability of our electric system. Without the adoption of energy policy reform legislation, several of Illinois’ nuclear plants are at risk of closing, which would be catastrophic to the state. According to a report issued by the State of Illinois, the state faces:
• Nearly 8,000 jobs lost, many of which are highly skilled, good paying jobs • Up to $500 million annually in higher energy costs statewide, according to a PJM analysis • $1.1 billion per year due to increases in carbon and other pollutants • Hundreds of millions of dollars to construct new transmission lines The risk is real for many of our communities in Illinois. We do not want to see the same devastating impacts that communities in Vermont and Wisconsin have already experienced and that communities in Massachusetts and New York will experience as a result of the anticipated closing of nuclear energy plants. We know the importance of the state’s nuclear power plants firsthand as they are the lifeblood of our communities. They support our schools, public works, police and fire departments, and numerous community programs and interests. We are tired of some shadowy organization called the BEST Coalition telling us what’s best for our communities. Learn the facts at Signed: Nancy Norton Ammer, CEO, Grundy Economic Development Council