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Question of the day

Wednesday, Feb 17, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Your reaction to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget address?


  1. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:07 pm:

    He seemed angry

  2. - Anon - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:08 pm:

    It’s going to be fun to see what happens when the state has neither a FY 16 nor a FY 17 budget.

  3. - Anon - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:09 pm:

    Toned down a lot but still going nowhere

  4. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:09 pm:

    Not much discussion of the actual budget. I thought it was a bit combative. He went directly after the Democrats. Once again talked about the Turnaround Agenda. The meat of the message didn’t change from the message he has been giving. We’re in for more of the same. Don’t plan on a budget anytime soon.

  5. - State Engineer - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:10 pm:

    petulant bordering on desperate.

  6. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:10 pm:

    He says he wants this year to turn out differently, but he keeps doing things the same way.

    Governor, if you don’t want a budget that spends more than $32.5 billion, then submit a spending plan with no new revenue and demand an up or down vote.

    But if you do want a budget that spends $36.5 billion, stop calling it the Democrats’ tax increase.

  7. - Grimm - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:10 pm:

    A bit distracted from the muffled chanting coming from the angry mob outside, the lackluster applause, and the half-hidden snorting coming from those listening in person.

  8. - Joe Biden Was Here - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:10 pm:

    Rauner is a complete disappointment as Governor.

  9. - Beeker - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:11 pm:

    Unfortunately the democrats in this state do not want reform. They just want to hold onto power. So whatever the governor says is actually pointless until the voters fix the problem. Which…they won’t.

  10. - Dozer - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:12 pm:

    I’m confused…what are my choices again?

  11. - Johnny Pyle Driver - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:12 pm:

    it’s so weird to me how he has now sort of shifted his rhetoric on the Turnaround Agenda to where all the union killing stuff is kind of an afterthought. It’s like he doesn’t want people to know those are the bits holding this thing up.

    Also, I don’t catch a lot of these addresses, but the Republicans sure didn’t seem to be very enthusiastic about any of it

  12. - Me Too - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:13 pm:

    Correlation does not equal causation. Also, I want that 3 billion dollars explained. If he’s taking 3 billion dollars out of State employees pockets, well that isn’t exactly a fair contract. Also, he said they were negotiatin’ a contract too. Did he forget he filed an ULP over AFSCME’s refusal to declare an impasse when he did? Did he forget he’s arguing to impose his final offer? That doesn’t sound like he’s negotiating.

    Also, “we don’t have to pass every item in my turnaround agenda this year… In their current forms…” By that logic, we’ll end up seeing even less than his 1.4% gain. I still don’t see how that gets us back to even.

  13. - Mama - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:13 pm:

    The Governor’s Proposed Budget for FY2017:

    Good luck in finding the detailed budget.

  14. - 332bill - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:14 pm:

    Where’s the Governor’s budget?

  15. - Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:15 pm:

    A budget address where the point is that the budget is not the point.

    Brilliant misdirection.

    Unfortunately, it ignores the reality that Illinois needs a budget.

    BTW — assuming he vetoes the MAP grants — why not attach the MAP grants to his K-12 request? I mean, he says ‘no games’ — but I think he misses the point where he games every single piece of legislation he introduces.

  16. - Anonymiss - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:15 pm:

    Do as I say, not as I do.

  17. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:16 pm:

    As Cullterton said- “Deja vu.”

    Rauner’s focus on the stand alone (yet to be seen) K-12 appropriation bill seems to be a “gift” to his wife’s program of work. Otherwise, very, very poor. Abdication of his constitutional duties. For the details he conveniently left out- . Best bet for viewing is the Excel spreadsheet. The pdfs aren’t downloading very well. The spreadsheet can be enabled for editing and sorted to see what has been lined out.

  18. - Pek - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:16 pm:

    More of the same. He claims he’s willing to compromise with Dems but then demands the exact education funding bill be passed as introduced by Radogno/Durkin. And does anyone actually believe he will support Cullerton’s (still likely unconstitutional) pension bill with “whatever legislative language President Cullerton wants to use.”?

  19. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:16 pm:

    I’m very discouraged. For the second year in a row, he’d abdicated his responsibility to present a balanced budget. He’s flipping off the constitution and the citizens of this state. If he didn’t want to do the job, why did he pay $60 million to buy it?

    I guess we just have to wait until the lame duck session so the Democrats can jam through another tax increase. By then, who knows how many more people will be collateral damage to this man’s partisan political agenda?

  20. - Trolling Troll - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:16 pm:


  21. - Corporate Thug - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:16 pm:

    He tried to tamp it down, but he already defined himself in his first year. No going back. Even if he tries to appear as a genuine broker, people see right through it.

  22. - Mama - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:17 pm:

    A video of Rauner’s budget address:

  23. - Team Warwick - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:17 pm:

    So where’s the link to click on so the citizens of Illnois can review the Governor’ s proposed state budget for 2017 that he was presenting today? Didn’t we just hire a guy for the Office of Technology and Innoculation or something? What’s he doing? I should have a link to click on.

  24. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:17 pm:

    A governor who failed to submit a budget and who’s done nothing to engender trust now wants to be trusted with lump-sum budget authority?

    The darkest of political comedies.

    – MrJM

  25. - Me too - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:18 pm:

    Increase spending on K-12, I see a lot of charters springing up, privatize our unis too, count on pension savings from a law that will be struck down, We’re going to spend a lot on popular stuff, somehow save the same amount as laying off nearly the entire workforce with the terms of a “fair” contract, and have balanced budgets and ponies too.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:19 pm:

    I felt there was a frustration, and a sense that he, the Governor, needs the Legislature, (no surprise), and this doubling-down and then askin’ for authority that normal governors could wield with a strong commitment to working together and a veto.

    Rauner lacks. He does.

    When a governor comes at this looking helpless, then tries to be authoritative, requesting more power, with words dripping in frustration, the structure of a budget, and priorites of a governor are the second thoughts of a governor that lacks.

    If you listened, this speech was more about the wielding of power to change the structures of government then a budgetary address and the inter workings of co-equal branches starting their duties for Illinois.

    But, we all already knew that, and the governor’s “Jerry McGuire” stylings of “help me, help you”, “my word is my bond” and “show me the money” failings wrapped around the desperate attempt to get a deal Rauner has no leverage in securing.

    The rest? That’s the easiest to see. Rauner is unable to give figures, figurin’ the wants he has will allow a budget to work out in the wash, instead of framing a budget, a roadmap, a document weighing and measuring priorites.

    That was not this speech, even thought it should have been.

    The protesters, yelling, chanting, booing….?

    Governors own, they always… do.

  27. - ash - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:20 pm:

    A clean bill only applies to the political cleavages — everything else needs to be tied to a reform.

  28. - burbanite - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:20 pm:

    Insanity: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein

  29. - Homer J. Quinn - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:23 pm:

    to the man who’s never failed: this is it. this is what failure looks like. don’t get mad, it happens to all of us, but this is YOUR failure bruce. cope however you need to but don’t take the rest of us down with you.

  30. - And I Approved This Message - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:23 pm:

    Several applause lines that were met with uncomfortable silence. Seemed like he gave an inch or two on the Turnaround Agenda but probably not enough to matter. No indication that he has learned anything about how state government works and clearly thinks he knows better. Because…Master of the Universe. The G dropping is insufferable. We need a shrink to explain that odd tic.

  31. - Digity - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:24 pm:

    I have a question rather than a comment.
    1)So if there is no FY 2016 budget, (which it appears there is not going to be), will the State still be required to pay those of us that is owed for FY 2016.
    2)Also will the court payment mandates sunset come June 30, 2016

  32. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:25 pm:

    He was like a stand up comic waiting for laughter that never came.

  33. - Higher Ed - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    No mention of me. Guess he doesn’t care if all the universities die and thousands of students flee the state or do not get four year degrees. So disappointing.

  34. - Nope, Nope, Nope - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:28 pm:

    Beeker, 1:11:
    ===Unfortunately the democrats in this state do not want reform. They just want to hold onto power.”===

    But those two aren’t mutually exclusive, unless of course you’re willing to admit that our own Li’l Scott Walker is only trying to break the unions to make it harder for Democrats to win…

  35. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:29 pm:

    I can tell you, the last thing agency directors and their budget and legislative directors want is a lump sum budget.

  36. - Mama - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:29 pm:

    Anon221 @ 1:16 pm - Thanks

  37. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:29 pm:

    Who was the female Democratic legislator that Rauner alluded to but did not name?

  38. - Mason born - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:32 pm:

    Desperate. I think he expected total victory by now. I suspect his yes men told him that he would be presiding over a broken GA with his fully functioning turnaround agenda and the dems willing vote for a tax hike. I think he expected to have AFSCME crushed and be able to crow.

    He’s desperate because he’s left himself no other course. He needed those strong man moves to succeed before the primaries so he could use his cash to smear bems for raisin taxes.

  39. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:32 pm:

    Posted extensive thoughts under the Live Coverage thread but here’s my summary:

    Re-reading it and thinking it over, the speech essentially boiled down to:

    You (implied GA and former executives) all created this mess but trust me with enough power and I’ll fix it.

  40. - Moby - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:33 pm:

    Governor’s balanced budget proposal. Where is it?

  41. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:34 pm:

    Let’s be very, very, very clear… crystal clear.

    You don’t ask that one very specific hostage be released if you have no intention of holding hostages at all.

    Asking for K-12, means there will be hostages, oh, there will be hostages.

  42. - Buzzie - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:35 pm:


  43. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:36 pm:

    Willy -

    What I found remarkable on a macro level was that last year he failed/refused/opted against using his executive authority to reduce line items to bring spending levels down to his liking, and this year he seems to be asking for legislative power (to rewrite statutes) to do exactly what he was able but unwilling to do last year.

  44. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:37 pm:

    It was so-so. And yet here is Mike Madigan spewing talking points during his talking points.

    We will not have a budget until after the election - or maybe even until after Christmas.

  45. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:37 pm:

    My first reaction from my “on the fly” thoughts during the speech:

    Summary: Short on detail. YET ANOTHER CAMPAIGN SPEECH; Rauner sounds reasonable but he probably doesn’t think the words mean the same as a normal person would

  46. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:37 pm:

    - Like a cat on a hot tin roof, throwing rocks he picked up after putting himself between a rock and a hard place during his first year.
    - Neglects to say he introduced an unbalanced budget in year one.
    - Blows off Cullerton’s education reform.
    - Throws Cullerton under the bus on pension reform.
    - Throws Thompson and Edgar under the bus.
    - Willing to sacrifice human services.

  47. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:37 pm:

    Every time I hear Mike Madigan say “extreme” I think about the late 80s/early 90s rock group featuring Gary Cherone and Nuno Bettencourt.

  48. - Yo - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:37 pm:

    Hard to believe he continues to get a pass on increases to one program that his wife supports….he seemed sincere, a bit angry and mostly frustrated but he will find $75M for ECE?

  49. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:39 pm:

    And my summary on the proposed pension changes:

    Bottom line:

    Rauner’s “go it alone” approach will do a bit of cost shifting for some TRS / SURS pension contributions and will tweak the pension contribution formula to, probably, reduce the amount of “required” contribution each year.

    Rauner is also betting on the Cullerton “consideration” proposal to generate 2018 savings but that may be a long shot.

  50. - Earnest - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:39 pm:

    Consistent–no real numbers and structural reform is what’s needed.

    I thought I saw him look over to the Republican side on his “being tough with AFSCME and getting value for the taxpayers” line, as though he thought he would get some applause. That spoke loudly to me–many Republicans used to support the rights of unions before they gave away their voting buttons. Just think how much could be accomplished if he could let that one thing go and lead us towards some effective reforms.

    A minor quibble: if education of our children must be a priority, don’t leave out those age 0-5. That is an absolutely critical timeframe where a lack of gains will never be made up, even with the greatest of K-12 programs.

  51. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:39 pm:

    === You don’t ask that one very specific hostage be released if you have no intention of holding hostages at all. ===

    Good point.

    Cullerton made it clear to the Governor that if he wants his pension deal, he has to be willing to fix CPS funding. Rauner is effectively killing his own pension reform.

  52. - the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:39 pm:

    Was there anything new in there? I think he summarized his position nicely, but it’s not really a FY2017 budget at all.

  53. - nobody - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:40 pm:

    When will action match the rhetoric?

  54. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:41 pm:

    It was like hearing Bernie Madoff asking us for our credit card numbers.

  55. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:43 pm:


  56. - CharlieKratos - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:44 pm:

    I was going to take orders for “I Survived Bruce Rauner” t-shirts to be delivered in January 2019, but by then I don’t think anyone could afford to buy one.

  57. - Red Dig - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:44 pm:

    Public budgeting is very simple. Figure out what you you want to provide and them develop the revenue to provide it. Rauner needs to figure that simple fact out.

  58. - jim - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:44 pm:

    remember, Rauner’s pension deal actually is cullerton’s pension deal. looks like Cullerton is killing his own bill, which shows he was never serious in the first place. Just window dressing to complicate the politics of the situation.

  59. - IL Pork Producer - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:45 pm:

    Where’s the beef?

  60. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:45 pm:

    There are lots of details in the actual budget document. Since it was embargoed until noon, it will take people time to dig through it.

  61. - DuPage - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:46 pm:

    The sign language interpreters were certainly highly animated and energetic.
    Rauner on the other hand was just more of the same. He wants authority to cut anywhere he wants, including skipping pension contributions. No way, governor!

  62. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:46 pm:

    == I was going to take orders for “I Survived Bruce Rauner” t-shirts to be delivered in January 2019, but by then I don’t think anyone could afford to buy one. ==

    Maybe get people to pre-pay?

  63. - budGet - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:47 pm:

    Strangest speech I’ve seen in 20some years of watching them. There was little Republican enthusiasm and Rauner stared down Democrats. The rhetoric about cooperation didn’t match his tone. Really his proposals didn’t scream compromise either. I’ll cooperate, but… I’ll only sign k-12 education funding if it’s exactly as I write the bill, no compromise there. You either pass my union busting agenda or give me complete authority to decide every area of state funding by myself. Wow, that’s really extendin that hand of cooperation, Bruce!
    I won’t reduce funding lines through veto even though I can.
    I think it’s the first budget speech that really didn’t talk about any areas of the budget except for K-12.

  64. - Invest in higher ed - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:47 pm:

    @Higher Ed I was disappointed that the Governor highlighted a high school student that most likely will choose to go to college out of state due to the lack of higher ed support in IL. Frustrated that there was mention of higher ed and absolutely no support.

  65. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:48 pm:

    == including skipping pension contributions. ==

    Actually, when you dig into the details on his pension proposals, it’s selective cost-shift and tweaking the employer contribution formula so the State has reduced payments.

  66. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:48 pm:

    “Please clap.”

  67. - Mama - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:48 pm:

    Your reaction to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget address?

    I was very disappointed. He made it very clear that he only cares about K-12 education and nothing else.

  68. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:49 pm:

    I think Bruce was fibbin’ about the value of the last tax increase. Bills were bein’ paid down, pension payments were bein’ made and the state had a better credit rating.
    Welcome to Bruce’s World: higher spendin’ via court orders, lower financial ratings, and businesses in the highly regarded IN leaving for Mexico.
    The guy just can’t catch a break.
    Dang Democrats.

  69. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:49 pm:

    It wasn’t a great speech, but it served the purpose of making him look better by contrast. The speech offered more options and compromise than the obstructionist GA.

    The Madigan mantra still looks to be “No compromise, no ideas, no changes, no surrender.” As a result, this speech improves Rauner’s standing in most public eyes.

  70. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:49 pm:

    Here’s another take-away I had from the speech:

    Don’t have to have every TA item IN THEIR CURRENT FORM THIS YEAR (key weasel words there).

  71. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:50 pm:

    - Juvenal -

    To your point, I think after watching himself look ineot at the process and “asking” the GA to go alone, the 180 Degree turn is…

    “That didn’t work, so I’ll put pressure on that the GA won’t let me wield the power I thought I could have… when I was a candidate, so.., I’ll just ask for it, I guess”

    Now the helpless Rauner, arguably holding one of the strongest executive offices, constitutionally in the United States, mind you, will go out and pleas a case that he, Rauber, lacks power.

    It’s breathtaking, ain’t it?

  72. - Saluki - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:51 pm:

    already forgotten.

  73. - burbanite - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:52 pm:

    You know I really really hate to say this, but no funding for k-12, its all or nothing now, or we will have nothing.

  74. - illinoised - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:55 pm:

    I ain’t buyin’ it.

  75. - ash - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:55 pm:

    –As a result, this speech improves Rauner’s standing in most public eyes.–
    That assumes most of the public watched or listened. Most don’t care what he says — they just feel pain and want action.

  76. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:55 pm:

    == I was going to take orders for “I Survived Bruce Rauner” t-shirts to be delivered in January 2019, but by then I don’t think anyone could afford to buy one. ==

    Maybe get people to pre-pay?

    Or just go the CPS route and have folks finance the purchase of the shirts at 8.5 percent over 28 years.

    – MrJM

  77. - In 630 - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    In exchange for doing what he wants, he will allow you to do what he wants.

  78. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    –As a result, this speech improves Rauner’s standing in most public eyes.–

    If you were to just sit back and read it without any pre-conceptions or knowing the back story, the public would probably agree with most of the speech.

  79. - SAP - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:58 pm:

    “If Illinois were just average at job creation, we’d have revenue surpluses without a tax increase” In other news, if a frog had wings, it wouldn’t bump its %@* a hoppin’.

  80. - Mix_It_Up - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:58 pm:

    The Floggings will continue until Moral improves!

  81. - Capitol View - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:02 pm:

    p 91 versus 193 - the numbers for CMS make no sense at all. Huge increase on p 91, no explanation on 193.. Classic place for hiding patronage employees, or what is going on here?

  82. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:03 pm:

    Republicans: “Great speech, stand your ground, Governor”
    Democrats: “Horrible speech. Worst Governor ever”
    Most people: “There was a speech today?”

  83. - Mama - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:04 pm:

    For those who missed it, here is the text of Gov. Rauner’s Budget Address:

  84. - Red Dig - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:06 pm:

    Blago left the day to day business to John Harris. Rauner’s corrupt mind has influenced day-to-day operations. Durkin has penalized independent thought, hence where we are today.

  85. - Mama - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:06 pm:

    ++- RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    –As a result, this speech improves Rauner’s standing in most public eyes.–

    If you were to just sit back and read it without any pre-conceptions or knowing the back story, the public would probably agree with most of the speech. ++

    This is sad but true.

  86. - A guy - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:09 pm:

    === RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    –As a result, this speech improves Rauner’s standing in most public eyes.–

    If you were to just sit back and read it without any pre-conceptions or knowing the back story, the public would probably agree with most of the speech.====

    I would soundly agree with RNUG on this statement. It would be instructive to put it to the test.

  87. - chi - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:09 pm:

    If it’s true that what the Speaker most cares about is remaining Speaker, is there a better guarantee than handing Rauner lump-sum authority and then watching as about 100 Dems are elected to the General Assembly in November in a rebuke to Rauner’s cuts?

  88. - Reformed Public Servant - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    I found myself not listening, but instead wondering what an alternative universe would look like if Dillard won the Republican primary and had beaten PQ? WWDD?

  89. - Cable Line Beer Gardener - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:17 pm:

    Why does he assume people who work for the State do not pay taxes?

  90. - cailleach - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:17 pm:

    Is no one going to call Rauner out for his “clean - no games” comments? Gov. Poison Pill wants no hidden agenda in legislation. He’s the poster boy for hypocrites.

  91. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:19 pm:

    RNUG & A Guy - that is exactly what he will do (via proxies) during the primary and general elections.

  92. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:20 pm:

    == Why does he assume people who work for the State do not pay taxes? ==

    Because State employees are being paid with tax dollars. He doesn’t seem to consider that real earned money. I think his logic goes something like all they are doing is handing back part of the taxes money the State already collected in taxes.

  93. - Stones - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:22 pm:

    Let this be a lesson to those who falsely believe that government can be run like a business. Two different animals.

  94. - Buster - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:24 pm:

    Rauner just keeps digging the hole deeper while he continues on his divinely inspired mission of union busting. You see, he’s RIGHT and GOOD and COURAGEOUS and those in the way are not just WRONG but actually EVIL. The longer this goes on, the more he’s convinced of the utter righteousness of his cause.

    Unless Rauner has a revelation, this is not going to end until the GOP takes a drubbing in November.

    The Democrats aren’t going to help him at this point. In the meantime, the State of Illinois is circling the bowl.

  95. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:29 pm:

    ==Rauner just keeps digging the hole deeper while he continues on his divinely inspired mission of union busting. ==

  96. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:30 pm:

    Oops …just realized a banned word is on the youtube page, so you may not want to link to it from work

  97. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:32 pm:

    Let this also be a lesson to those who falsely believe government can be run like a bar patron running up a tab. Eventually the bar closes and the tab must be paid.

  98. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    –If you were to just sit back and read it without any pre-conceptions or knowing the back story, the public would probably agree with most of the speech.====

    Well, it’s great to have the support of those who aren’t paying attention and have no interest in the subject at hand.

    President Lincoln referred to them as “some of the people all of the time.”

  99. - Decaff Coffee Party - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:35 pm:

    In quoting the $3 billion cost figure attached to the arbitration bill, I find it interesting (but not surprising) that he just assumes an impartial arbitrator would rule against his contract proposal given that it is such a fair deal and all…

  100. - Omega Man - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:36 pm:

    Rauner’s target audience is people who pay little attention to day-to-day politics, but who do pay attention to the deceptive political ads ad speeches just before they cast their vote.

  101. - siriusly - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:36 pm:

    Speech itself was fine. Some tones of compromise which I thought were helpful. But the eerie silence at designated applause lines was obvious and the contrast to last week’s speaker was apparent also.

    I was surprised to see Cullerton go after him so hard in the post-game interview.

  102. - Omega Man - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:37 pm:

    “Ads and speeches”

  103. - James - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:38 pm:

    Rauner doesn’t seem to need anything…except a guarantee that K-12 will be funded. He exposed that as his weakness. He wants to lock that down right away. He cannot afford to have parents who aren’t paying attention today to take notice when schools don’t open on time. Everything else is something he wants, but does not need. As long as the school appropriation is funded, I expect him to go back to the long game–holding hostages, try to provoke an AFSCME strike, go without a budget and try to pick up some seats.

  104. - Me too - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:48 pm:

    K-12 is his weakness, you are right. Use it against him the way he’s using poison pills against you Mr. Madigan.

  105. - Me too - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:51 pm:

    By that, I mean attach it to literally every bill you send him appropriations wise. I guess single subject would prohibit attaching it to the arbitration bill, but then again, how can union busting get attached to every bill he proposes? Is it all “an act relating to State finance”?

  106. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:52 pm:

    Take a lesson out of the Rauner playbook; add the binding arbitration language to the “clean” K-12 funding bill.

  107. - Eric Zorn - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 2:56 pm:

    For those keeping score, Rauner dropped 51% of his g’s today, down from 62 percent during the State of the State.

  108. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:13 pm:

    On the speech itself…nearly a 50:50 split on words actually ending with …ing and those ending with…in’.

  109. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:16 pm:

    And that was Eric Zorn, Rush chairman, and he was damn glad to meet you.

    Ask Bruce if you can give your Tribune readers some deeper analysis on the budget. I’m sure they could use the info. If you have any.

  110. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:17 pm:

    RNUG, Nice job on the pension proposal. i left some thoughts over on the other thread.

    I was,somewhat amazed that a guy could sound arrogant and defeated at the same time.

    I did laugh at the moment early in the speech where he talked about not paying the pensions was “just like borrowing at 8 junk bonds.” At least he didn’t go all the way and say “you know like Rahm and CPS.”

  111. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:29 pm:

    So our choice is:

    1) give him all the money and he’ll shoot some but not all of the hostages - just the ones he wants.


    2) give some of the money and he’ll shoot some but not all of the hostages - just the ones he wants.

    Doesn’t seem like much of a choice.

    Oh, and where’s the budget?

  112. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:39 pm:

    Disappointed that not once did Ken Dunkin jump up and yell “Heck yeah!”

  113. - Twice Baked - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:46 pm:

    ==Let this be a lesson to those who falsely believe that government can be run like a business. Two different animals.==


  114. - Enviro - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:47 pm:

    It looks like Illinois will have another painful year like last year with no budget!

    The General Assembly should not approve education spending for K-12 without a full state budget plus the needed tax increases.

  115. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:49 pm:

    Wondering where the Dems will find a revenue stream for the increase in the K-12 budget? /s

  116. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:52 pm:



    I added some thoughts there on the items you raised.

  117. - Angry Chicagoan - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:58 pm:

    Could the 2014 Republican primary be rerun so that we can have Dillard?

  118. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 3:59 pm:

    Hillary Clinton’s attack on Rauner’s plan for Illinois is pretty strong.

  119. - Huh? - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    My take away was which arm do you want cut off?

  120. - My New Handle - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 4:46 pm:

    The GA could send him one bill that includes ALL of education, P-higher ed. That would be an interesting scenario.

  121. - State Worker THX 1138 - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 4:50 pm:

    Blargh. Nothing but blargh.

  122. - jt - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 5:14 pm:

    Sounded like he wouldn’t know what’s in the budget if you asked him.

  123. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 5:16 pm:

    Perhaps one day Bruce will have an epiphany and realize that all of these students, seniors, state employees and union members ( and their families) are his constituents too.
    Perhaps one day he will wake up and think, “Hey, they are my constituents too.”

  124. - burbanite - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 5:36 pm:

    Anon221 I believe he was referencing Nekritz.

  125. - Mama - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 6:06 pm:

    If he is truly a pro- education governor, why throw college age kids under the bus?

  126. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 6:17 pm:

    ==why throw college age kids under the bus?==

    Collateral damage. It’s the union supported public colleges and universities Rauner wants to cripple, like every other union supported entity in this state.

  127. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 6:41 pm:

    Thanks Austin:)

  128. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 6:43 pm:

    Sorry, meant to type burbanite!

  129. - mitzien - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 7:09 pm:

    Another campaign speech with no substance. I would suggest that the governor enroll in a college and take Governorship 101, get off his despotic pedestal, and start playing nicely in the sandbox to come up with a budget.

  130. - Elementary - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 7:14 pm:

    It’s going to be incredibly long 3 more years. But their is light at the end of that tunnel.

  131. - Huh? - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 7:25 pm:

    Unfortunately the light at the end of the tunnel is a train coming at us. The train is the Cannonball Express and will run us over when everything shuts down because of 1.4% insistence on his TA.

  132. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 7:34 pm:

    Hoover, Nixon, Rauner; three men extremely effective at turning Republicans into Democrats.

  133. - DuPage Dave - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 7:42 pm:

    Rauner has proven to be incapable of filling the job of governor. But what’s sad (kind of) is that he could have accomplished a great deal of his agenda if he had approached the G.A. with good will during his honeymoon period. Instead it was hostility and sarcasm from Day 1, with nothing accomplished at all.

    Examples: Further improvements in workers comp reform, building on the 2011 changes; reasonable changes to state employee health insurance (i.e., small premium increases, slightly higher co-pays, etc.); low-ball increases in state employee wages; limits on step increases; carving out exceptions to the prevailing wage law for smaller communities or smaller projects; and so on.

    But as we are learning now, the work needed to reach those compromises is called real governing, and that’s something Rauner cannot seem to comprehend.

  134. - Elementary - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 7:53 pm:

    Hugh? -

    The light I was referring to was actually a different Governor not a train.

    But you are right, it is not going to be pretty, maybe outright ugly and extremely damaging until then.

    It would be my hope that Gov. Rauner and the Legislature could work together to make Illinois better for everybody.

    I am not foolish enough to think that cooperation would happen overnight nor recognize the fact that cooperation might never happen in the next 3 years.

    But one can only hope.

  135. - Jimmy0 - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 8:58 pm:

    Pretty relieved to know new taxes on raisins are off the table.

  136. - thoughts matter - Wednesday, Feb 17, 16 @ 9:00 pm:

    I think I have to agree with the poster that said to start attaching poison pills to every bill that the governor wants - MAP grants to K12 funding, arbitration to capital budget funding, etc, etc. When he complains, point out he’s done the same in the past.

    At this rate, we will have a budget Feb 2019. Hope it helps hire back laid off employees.

  137. - Austin Blvd - Thursday, Feb 18, 16 @ 7:49 am:

    After sleepin on the question, I realized that, despite his claims to the contrary, this Sounded like a governor who knows he is not winnin.

  138. - Rabid - Thursday, Feb 18, 16 @ 8:10 am:

    Fighting to keep the status quo taxes for his peers

  139. - Rabid - Thursday, Feb 18, 16 @ 8:17 am:

    Job creators massing at the borders waiting for structural reform to happen

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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