Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED *** As expected, Rauner vetoes MAP grant bill
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*** UPDATED *** As expected, Rauner vetoes MAP grant bill

Friday, Feb 19, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Veto message…

To the Honorable Members of
The Illinois Senate,
99th General Assembly:

Today I veto Senate Bill 2043 from the 99th General Assembly, which would explode the State’s budget deficit, exacerbate the State’s cash flow crisis, and place further strain on social service providers and recipients who are already suffering from the State’s deficit spending.

SB 2043 Would Exacerbate Our Budget and Cash Flow Deficits

Senate Bill 2043 would appropriate $721 million for the Monetary Award Program (MAP) and community colleges programs. Senate Bill 2043 proposes the same funding levels for these programs as were included in the unconstitutional, unbalanced budget passed by the General Assembly last year, which was opposed by many legislators, including Democrats, and which I vetoed.

Despite its constitutional obligation to balance the budget, the General Assembly has not put forward a plan to pay for these programs, whether through spending reductions, revenue, or cost-saving reforms. The Governor’s Office of Management and Budget concluded that Senate Bill 2043 would add $721 million to the State’s budget deficit.

Today, the Comptroller reports 48,000 vendor vouchers waiting to be paid, a $7.2 billion backlog of bills, and a grand total balance of $145 million in the general funds. This bill would spend money the State does not have.

Moreover, Senate Bill 2043’s unfunded spending would significantly exacerbate the State’s current cash flow challenges. To protect and prioritize General State Aid payments, the Comptroller would be forced to further delay payments for other goods and services across State government, putting social services further at risk. We have already seen that the State’s deficit spending is harshest to social service providers and our State’s most vulnerable residents. Senate Bill 2043 would further delay those payments at a time when those recipients are already under fiscal stress.

A Better, Constitutional Way to Fund Higher Education

The Constitution and our obligation to taxpayers require a balanced budget. Recognizing this, legislators in both the House of Representatives and the Senate put forward a plan to pay for higher education spending – not just those programs included in Senate Bill 2043, but also funding for our public universities. I thank them for their leadership.

House Bill 4539 and Senate Bill 2349 would appropriate $1.6 billion for higher education programs, while Senate Bill 2789 would authorize the Governor, Comptroller, and Treasurer to identify and implement funding by reallocating funds and reducing spending in other areas. Together these bills would fund MAP, community college programs, and our public universities, without exploding the deficit or exacerbating the State’s cash flow crisis. This is a far more fiscally responsible – and constitutional – plan for funding higher education.

Therefore, pursuant to Section 9(b) of Article IV of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return Senate Bill 2043, entitled “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, with the foregoing objections, vetoed in its entirety.


Bruce Rauner

I imagine we’ll be seeing some react soon.

*** UPDATE *** Responses will be added as they come in. Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs…

“The Governor hurt the working poor and local taxpayers today.”

“Last year, we made a promise to 130,000 students and their families that we would help pay for college so they could achieve a better life. I don’t know when it became fashionable to not honor a promise.”

“Not doing so also hurts taxpayers. Community colleges are funded with local tax dollars. This veto ignores our responsibility to local governments, needlessly shifts this burden to local taxpayers and flies in the face of support for local control.”

“Yes, our state faces financial challenges. I agree difficult decisions are necessary. But the decision to ignore people who have demonstrated a willingness and ability to help themselves does not reflect my priorities or the values of our great state.”

* Senate President Cullerton…

“I’m disappointed in the governor. He had a chance to back up his promises with funding. Instead, he let these students down, again. I don’t understand how he can propose funding student financial aid on Wednesday, and then turn around and veto it on Friday.”

The Senate President will discuss with fellow Senate Democrats what steps to take next regarding the legislation.

* Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider, C.M., president of DePaul University…

“DePaul University is disappointed that the political impasse has resulted in the state’s failure to meet its obligation of providing MAP awards to students in the state of Illinois. In keeping with our Catholic Vincentian mission, DePaul is announcing today that it will honor the Monetary Award Program (MAP) grants awarded by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission to DePaul students this year. That means 4,500 current DePaul students can be certain the university will stand with them during this impasse.

“In addition, thousands of high school students in Illinois are currently choosing which college to attend in the fall. Uncertainty about MAP funding should not create additional anxiety in making the college choice that best meets their academic and career goals. Therefore, DePaul will honor the MAP grant next year for all new entering students — freshman or transfer – who applied for financial aid by the cutoff date to be announced by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, if the state continues at a budgetary impasse into next year.

“Given our mission, we also will do as much as we possibly can to maximize our support next fall for all our students who choose to continue to pursue degrees at DePaul.

“DePaul makes this decision with the full expectation that the state of Illinois will ultimately have a budget that funds the MAP program, as it has for decades prior to this year. DePaul calls on Illinois’ elected officials to put aside political differences for the good of all students in Illinois who use MAP to become productive and employed citizens of our state.

“The mission of DePaul University is to provide a world-class education to all who come through its doors, especially those with great financial need and those who are the first in their families to attend college. For decades the state of Illinois and the federal government have been partners in serving low-income students. Until Illinois gets its fiscal house in order and implements a sustainable budget, DePaul must step in and make every effort to assure its students that DePaul will support them the best we can.”

* Sen. Gary Forby…

“I am disappointed in the governor. He had a chance to help students who are struggling economically and give them the chance to work toward a better and brighter future,” said Forby. “It is important we continue to work for Illinois students so they can be competitive in the workforce. I wish the governor would have seen eye to eye with us on this one.”

* Illinois Federation of Teachers President Dan Montgomery…

“Governor Rauner’s veto of tuition assistance for low-income students and funding for community colleges was expected but incredibly disappointing. It’s also hypocritical coming just two days after he delivered a speech touting education as his top priority while failing to mention his budget proposal included a 25% cut to universities and colleges across the state. Refusing to ask the very wealthy to pay a dime more while students sacrifice and suffer at his hand reveal Governor Rauner’s true priorities, and investing in working families isn’t one of them.”

* Sen. Daniel Biss…

“Today, Gov. Rauner vetoed Senate Bill 2043, which would have provided a lifeline to the 130,000 low-income students who rely on the MAP grant, as well as to Illinois’ cash-strapped community college system. The governor indicated that rather than fund these programs without a dedicated revenue source, he would prefer that the General Assembly pass a bill that gives him the authority to find the money elsewhere in state government.

“A better approach would be for him to propose a balanced budget of his own, with a clear spending plan and adequate revenues to pay for it. For some reason, Gov. Rauner refused to do this during his budget address Wednesday, but as far as I’m concerned, late would be better than never.”


  1. - Earnest - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:09 pm:

    >The Constitution and our obligation to taxpayers require a balanced budget.

    I’m not even sure it’s worth commenting on his hypocrisy anymore. I almost want to skip anything beginning with “Rauner said” as much as I skip commenters beginning with “Anon.” Even there, Anon221 has messed up my system due to some really good observations.

  2. - Annoni' - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:16 pm:

    why mention his silly money shuffle plan in his veto message? why not AV the MAP bill replace with all his razzle dazzle? The $uper$tars still don’t pay much attention

  3. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:17 pm:

    Happy Friday.

    Governor, about that K-12, “clean” Approp…

    Dartmouth got a Library and a Dorm from Governor Bruce Rauner.

    Illinois University Students may face closures of their schools.

    That is on Gov. Bruce Rauner.

    The veto says its so.

    “Vote Accordingly” in Champaign for your member in the General Assembly…

    Students, Social Services, and the Trades, not just Public Sector, all of Labor…

    Find the Raunerite, defeat the Raunerite.

    This Veto… Rauner just doesn’t think students are worth enough to make them “unhostageable”


    March 15th. It’s right around the corner.

  4. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:18 pm:

    He’s been telegraphing this for like, forever. Still, I thought he might at least offer some sympathetic words to the nearly 130,000 college students who, collectively, just had their total student loan debt increased by $373 million.

    He’s right. There is no money to pay for this. But it’s important to remember that these students were promised this money last March, well before Governor Rauner decided to burn down the village. They enrolled in college in the Fall with the full expectation that the state would keep its promise, only to find out now, at the end of February, that they’re on the hook for this money.

    So yeah, a Governor who uses the word Compassionate as a slogan for his vision of Illinois, might want to offer some acknowledgement and kind words to the thousands upon thousands of Illinois families that he just $%&* on.

  5. - Anon221 - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:25 pm:

    Thanks Earnest. Think of my “Anon” in this way-


    As to the MAP, the votes and the rhetoric from the R’s will provide more sound and written “bytes” for the upcoming elections if there is not an override. Time to see the legislator voters true colors!

  6. - burbanite - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:25 pm:

    Do as I say, not as I do.

    Sincerely, BVR

    “The Constitution and our obligation to taxpayers require a balanced budget.”

    Seriously? Did he review his own budget?

  7. - Honeybear - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:25 pm:

    L’homme armé doibt on doubter.
    On a fait partout crier
    Que chascun se viegne armer
    D’un haubregon de fer.
    L’homme armé doibt on doubter.

    Armed with our votes and voice Labor is answering the call.

  8. - Miami - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:27 pm:

    If he offered kind words, you would have questioned the sincerity. There is always a path to complain.

    He’s right, there’s no money. Why? Because Rauner won’t raise taxes? Or because Democrats won’t reform? Or because Democrats won’t raise taxes?

  9. - Mason born - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:30 pm:


    Really there is just as much money for this as there is for the k-12 bill he demanded be passed right away so he can sign it.

  10. - Mama - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:31 pm:

    “Today, the Comptroller reports 48,000 vendor vouchers waiting to be paid, a $7.2 billion backlog of bills, and a grand total balance of $145 million in the general funds. This bill would spend money the State does not have.”

    It is funny Rauner did not seem one bit concerned about the Comptroller’s back-log when he presented his budget and asked for more money for pre-K.

  11. - Handle Bar Mustache - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:34 pm:

    6 voted present - maybe a few of them could get a little courage and vote yes on an override:

    Tom Bennett
    John Cabello
    Norine Hammond
    Chad Hays
    Dwight Kay
    Bob Pritchard

    Their local students - and local reporters - need to ask them where they stand.

  12. - thunderspirit - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:35 pm:

    == Really there is just as much money for this as there is for the k-12 bill he demanded be passed right away so he can sign it. ==


    Governor Rauner has chosen his hostages, and doesn’t want K-12 to be among those he has to shoot “because Madigan.”

  13. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:36 pm:

    ===Or because Democrats won’t reform?===

    Hostages, - Miami -, it’s always the hostages.

    Only a governor has a veto.

    Rauner vetoed.

    College students, adults, those parents of state university kids…

    … Raunerites have primaries…

    “Vote Accordingly”

    Educate yourself. - Miami - thinks Governors don’t veto, but those who are educated on Rauner know better.

    Rauner is holding higher ed hostage, and is single-handedly forcing possible the closures of EIU and CSU

    That’s on Rauner, - Miami - and no one else

  14. - Mama - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:38 pm:

    My neighbor’s kid lost his MAP Grant. He has always worked & lived at home while going to school. He doesn’t know how he is going to pay back the MAP Grant for last Fall plus pay tuition for his last four semesters of school. Due to lack of money, he had to drop out of school for the Spring semester. He is a very smart kid who wants to get a college degree but his hands are tied.

  15. - Austin Blvd - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:38 pm:

    Mama, don’t let your venture capitalists grow up to be governors…

  16. - Rufus - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:39 pm:

    “place further strain on social service providers and recipients who are already suffering from the State’s deficit spending.”

    …”Further strain”… You mean he actually noticed that the people that are affected by this budget crisis are Seniors, infants, children and teens, but not poverty students trying to get a college education….

    simply aghast…

  17. - Jack Stephens - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:39 pm:

    Well, maybe we could pipe in some water from Flint to save money.

    Bruce will not stop until he has destroyed this state.

  18. - East Central Illinois - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:43 pm:

    I find this interesting, but not surprising. Just today, “Citizens for Rauner, Inc.” transferred into Reggie Phillips election account $53,000.00. The interesting point is that Reggie Phillips is a republican running for re-election in the same district that Eastern Illinois University, Lake Land Community College, and Lincoln Trail Community College is located. So how does Reggie Phillips respond now?? hmmmm

  19. - Hedley Lamarr - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:43 pm:

    On to getting a GOP majority in the GA.

  20. - Handle Bar Mustache - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:43 pm:

    I’m sorry. With this veto, Rauner enters villainous cartoon character territory.

  21. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:44 pm:

    You’re right Miami. I question the sincerity of a guy who chose the words “Compassionate” and “Competetitve” to be the slogans of his administration.

    Providing grants to low-income college students to attend college in Illinois is both compassionate and helps Illinois remain competitive. Business leaders repeatedly tout Illinois’ educated workforce as a very desirable trait, and one they value when deciding where to locate.

    So either the Superstars can’t grasp how this veto undermines their carefully developed brand, or the brand is just a smokescreen for the class warfare he is waging here in Illinois.

    I think you can guess which of those I think is the correct answer.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:44 pm:

    It would be wise to make sure in towns like Normal, Bloomington, Champaign, DeKalb, Macomb, Carbondale…

    It would be wise…

    It would be wise, it would be wise if Labor and Social Services and Democrats find where Raunerites have primaries… It would be wise… It would be wise to take that GOP ballot, It would be wise… It would be wise to strike in a primary, it would… be wise.

    March 15th, those Raunerites that have a primary are far more important to defeat… then pulling a Democratic ballot…

    It would be wise.

  23. - ZC - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:44 pm:

    This seems like a savvy way to wind hearts and minds for the Republican Party among the next generation of Illinoisans.

    I feel really bad for any college kids in 2014 who volunteered for Rauner as a reformer governor and who just saw their MAP assistance slashed.

  24. - Dee Lay - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:45 pm:

    Check on those Rs around the university towns and see how they are feeling now.

    It’s too late for the Gov. to run anybody against them, and if they are voting against their own people, well, good luck.

  25. - illini - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:47 pm:

    I don’t think it has been said here for a short while, but HE DOES NOT CARE and GOVERNORS OWN.

    There I said it, time for a shot!

  26. - Illini97 - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:50 pm:

    Remind me again what these proposed reforms are and the return from this destruction?

  27. - AC - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:53 pm:

    The thing about hostage takers is that they choose their hostages. They aren’t victims, and a veto is as much of a choice as any choice that exists.

  28. - Homer J. Quinn - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:55 pm:

    we all know he doesn’t care; I hope Illinois can learn the lesson from that: never vote for a man who’s rich enough to ignore public opinion.

  29. - Mason born - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:56 pm:

    Willy 3:41

    Amen. Defeating Raner selected candidates has to be job one. That is the only way that Rauner might decide he has lost. The GOP has to be shown that standing with Rauner is an electoral loser.

  30. - Northsider - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:56 pm:

    “I feel really bad for any college kids in 2014 who volunteered for Rauner as a reformer governor and who just saw their MAP assistance slashed.”

    I don’t. No more than I feel sorry for union members who voted for Rauner, thus cutting off their noses to spite their faces. This “reform” is what they supported, voted for, and got. They can redeem themselves in 2018.

  31. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    This guy is finished.

  32. - AC - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    Northsider, some of us saw this coming and volunteered a great deal of our personal time to try to prevent this type of disaster from occurring. But, it rains on the just and unjust alike.

  33. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:02 pm:

    ===But, it rains on the just and unjust alike.===

    This doesn’t feel like rain to MAP students, it feels like something else.

  34. - Groundhog Day - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:03 pm:

    I reached out to a UIC student I have known for years. He deferred college for 5 years because of the bad economy, and an inability to put together enough money to even make junior college affordable. Then started at junior college, and on to UIC. A very bright kid, in the top 10% of his high school class. Anyway, he was brave enough not to drop out this semester, hoping the MAP money would come through. I see the people affected by Rauner every day. It is deeply wrong to be afflicting so much suffering on the people of Illinois.

    But actually, I do not want Madigan to cave. If Bruce succeeds things will be worse for this state.

    God help us.

  35. - Mama - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:03 pm:

    ++Oswego Willy - @ 3:44 pm:++ You forgot Springfield (with 4 colleges).

  36. - Macbeth - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:04 pm:

    My comments get deleted, but here’s another:

    Michael Madigan: Do. Not. Give. Into. Rauner.

    Stand firm.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:05 pm:

    In the remaining weeks, if the collective message isn’t “Find the Raunerite, Defeat the Raunerite” the MAP Bill just vetoed will be but a continuation of Raunerites takin’ hostages, and Raunerites hurtin’ hostages.

    March 15th, in this state, “all politics is local”…

    All this pain is hurtin’ the locals. Find the Raunerite. Defeat the Raunerite. Daylight, it’s runnin’ out.

    (Tips cap to - Mason born -)

  38. - Norseman - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:06 pm:

    === The Constitution and our obligation to taxpayers require a balanced budget. ===

    Show me yours and I’ll show you …

    In Raunerville, its bad to have an unbalanced budget, however, it’s OK to have unbalanced spending due to Rauner’s intransigence.

  39. - Honeybear - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:07 pm:

    L’homme armé doibt on doubter Dwight Kay. Maybe it would be time for some 1805’s to give SIU Edwardsville students a ride over to your office. Voting Present sure doesn’t get you out of responsibility. 1805’s and many educators will be making sure all the students know and all the students vote in November. Oh and I forgot Katie Stuart, your opponent, is an instructor at SIUE. I’m sure she’ll make sure to rally the student vote.

  40. - Handle Bar Mustache - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:08 pm:

    This will haunt Bruce Rauner and the legislators who blindly followed his lead on it. It is not possible to defend with a straight face.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:08 pm:

    - Mama -

    With respect,

    McCann is about more than MAP.

    McCann is about Labor. McCann is about serving your constituents. McCann? McCann is about making sure that $20 million is useless to those actually vote and understand who Rauner is, and how much damage he can do to those he demands,

    McCann. McCann is bigger than that.

    You want to talk about the Springfield State House Races?

    “Vote Accordingly”

  42. - Cubs in '16 - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:10 pm:

    “and place further strain on social service providers and recipients who are already suffering from the State’s deficit spending.”

    Are there any left?

  43. - SO IL M - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:12 pm:

    OW and Mason Born—I second that amen. Defeating Rauner has to start with defeating anyone who stands with him. Reversing the damage he is doing has to start with repossessing the party that he bought.

  44. - Northsider - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:12 pm:

    AC @ 4:00:

    You’re absolutely right, and yes it does. That’s why I was specific about those for whom I don’t feel sorry. Everyone else is reaping the whirlwind those folks helped sow. I just hope it inspires a much more engaged electorate in 2018 to oust Rauner and his fellow travelers.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:14 pm:

    What would be delicious would be that override…

    The reason it’s so delicious is because Raunerites don’t control their switches, and they don’t control Proft’s fury, and they don’t control Rauner’s $20 million…

    Some, some don’t give a hoot that schools may close.

    Boy, that override would be delicious…

  46. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:15 pm:

    It’s just amazing to see all the democrats line up to blame Rauner. And just how do you explain a GA that won’t fund it’s budget. A GA led by Mr. Madigan that created this mess. How long can they keep up the denial, apparently as long as Bruce Rauner continues to try and change things.

  47. - Former Hoosier - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:17 pm:

    So, the Gov. is basically telling current students who were promised MAP grants that they are just…out of luck. How special.

    Some current students who have options will be transferring to out to state schools.

    Some high school seniors who have not already made their final decisions will be deterred from accepting offers at state schools in Illinois.

    High school juniors are being discouraged, by their college counselors, from applying to state schools in Illinois.

    Where is this going to leave our state schools?

    Meanwhile, Gov. “do as I say, not as I do”, continues to pontificate.

  48. - Wensicia - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:18 pm:

    Today’s posts prove Rauner has no intention of compromising on anything. He’s doubled down and things will continue to get worse unless the required number of Democrats concede to his demands. Public education? He wants to bury it in debt and bankruptcy. Social Services? He wants to eliminate as many as possible. He believes his millions will control the future of politics in this state, why he’s still campaigning, not governing.

    He’s not going to be satisfied with any other result. As for the hostages?
    He. Does. Not. Care. They’re expendable.

  49. - SO IL M - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:19 pm:

    Anon@ 4:15—I am not a democrat. On this subject it is about Rauner.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:21 pm:

    That rule - @MisterJayEm - has about ” - Anonymous - “, that’s kne good rule.

    Only a Governor can Veto. Actions have consequences. Raunerites want to take a stand, take hostages, take MAP, take the safety net of social services… Rauner is taking away front hide that need most… for an agenda.

    Rauner wants that, then Rauner owns the consequences.


  51. - How Ironic - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:22 pm:

    @Anonymous - 4:15PM

    What budget? Bruce Rauner - The GOV hasn’t submitted a balanced budget AS REQUIRED by the State Constitution for the legislature to debate.

    Go back to class. Recess is over, and the adults need to work.

  52. - Wensicia - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:22 pm:

    BTW, my daughter is a high school senior. I’ve already discouraged her from applying to any MAP funded college in this state, which is too bad, because she’s in the top ten percent statewide regarding her GPA and ACT. This state’s loss.

  53. - Mason born - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:23 pm:

    You know for a guy who was willing to “make the hard choices” and take the “slings and arrows” he can’t wait to pass the buck.

  54. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:24 pm:

    We, at IBHE, would like you to know we aware that the MAP bill was vetoed.

  55. - Beaner - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:27 pm:

    Big victory party at the Wine Club tonight. Sorry, only Winners are invited.

  56. - Big Muddy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:27 pm:

    Dear Dems and OW,
    Sooner or later you run out of other people’s money. Taxpayers cannot fund all the promises state government has promised. Either Dems raise taxes to fund all their giveaways, work with the governor to reform or bigger and deeper cuts across the board are coming.
    That’s the reality of the situation.
    You may not like the Governor, but he’s right.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:28 pm:

    “@RonSandack: I’m frustrated 2, but taking steps towards reforming IL more important than short term budget stalemate.”

    … from a member of the GA who has continued to fret and tweet about the new AD job at the University of Illinois… while students lose their MAP money.

    Raunerites. March 15th.

  58. - Why can't Rainer paid commenters choose a handle? - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:28 pm:

    Rauner’s proposed FY2017 budget has a $3.5 billion deficit. How exactly is he changing things? These Rauner bootlickers are insufferable.

  59. - Mason born - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:28 pm:

    McCann is in my mind the single most important primary election statewide. You want republicans to buck Rauner? You have to reelect the only one who had the stones to do it. In the process you will make BVR appear as a petulant child who is all talk no action.

    I understand McCann is a flawed candidate but he is the only rejection of Rauner we have.

  60. - NixonHead - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:29 pm:

    Serious question: Even if he didn’t veto it - is there even money to pay for it?

  61. - Ghost - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:29 pm:

    an unconstitutional plan like the govenors own budget proposal?

  62. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:29 pm:

    Senator Cullerton is disappointed the Governor did not propose funding for the map grants but saw no reason to do so himself. Hypocrisy is a little thick Senator

  63. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:31 pm:

    Hey, - Big Muddy -

    The K-12 Approp has no money either, but Tauner wants to sign it.

    It’s a choice of hostages.

    Your excellent hooting of Raunerite talking points is noted abd my embarrassment for you is now noted too.

    “@RonSandack: I’m frustrated 2, but taking steps towards reforming IL more important than short term budget stalemate.”

    Choices. Hostages. Raunerites.

    You are purposefully ignorant or blissfully unaware. That’s too bad.



  64. - downstate commissioner - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:32 pm:

    McCann isn’t the only representing Springfield. But the reps from the area are bought and paid for by Rauner, with little chance of being voted out, too many Rs still think Rauner has the right idea…I’ll try…

  65. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:38 pm:

    The GA rejected legislation that included a funding mechanism for MAP Grants.

    Instead, they passed an unfunded bill.

    This did not have to be an issue. If the GA does not like Rauner’s plan to fund MAP Grants and pay for them, that is fine. Simply pass a bill funding MAP Grants that does pay them, he will sign it and everyone will move on to the next compromise that helps people.

  66. - Jack Stephens - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:38 pm:

    @Big Muddy:

    Where is Rauner’s Constitutionally Mandated Balanced Budget?

    So funny that Right Wing Nut Jobs wrap themselves in the Constitution when its suits their purpose.

  67. - Baihua - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:39 pm:


    You’re ignoring that public higher ed has already been cutting and slimming down for the past 5 years. We are now at the same operating budget level as we had in 2005, adjusted for inflation.

    People who are so sanguine about cuts are rarely willing to address the human dimension of their proposals. Without MAP grant, let alone a budget that appropriates funding for universities, thousands of students’ plan are disrupted, delayed, and in some cases, damaged irreparably. Rauner talks a good game of wanting to stem the outflow of Illinois residents, but when he does things like veto’ing MAP, what do you think the students and their parents will do? Stay in Illinois? For more rounds of being screwed over, courtesy of Rauner’s TurnAround?

    Further, the GOP can propose raising taxes, too, and we’re not seeing that from them. Politicians from both sides are deathly scared of raising any taxes at all, so this is hardly a Democrat problem. What is a problem, however, is Rauner’s ideologically driven framework of governing and his callous willingness to sacrifice the middle class to reach his goals.

  68. - AC - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:39 pm:

    47th Ward +1 indeed

  69. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:41 pm:

    I guess Rauner should’ve waited later in a Friday? …….

  70. - Ghost - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:41 pm:

    but Cullertn gave him 2 weeks… /que total recall clip of arnold android head stuck saying 2 weeks….

  71. - Jack Stephens - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:45 pm:

    Its costs about $18,000.00 per person per year to house people at the Republican Party Patronage Center called Big Muddy Correctional Center.

    $18,000.00 x 1900= $32,400,000.00

    Mostly just baby sitting pot smokers.

    That would pay for alot of education and save the taxpayers money.

    Close Big Muddy!

  72. - btowntruth - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:45 pm:

    Dee Lay:
    The reaction of Rs around Macomb right now is all over the board.
    Some still support Rauner.
    Some are totally silent right now.
    Some are in almost a state of disbelief over recent events.
    Some have turned against Rauner since being so happy to elect him Governor.

  73. - Big Muddy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:45 pm:

    Cuts anywhere to you result in you chirping about hostages aka victims. Your dilusional logic forgoes the taxpayer and panders to the “hostages” as you call them.
    The state is broke and broken. Taxpayers from Chicago to Cairo cannot pay more in taxes. Those with the ability to leave are and those without the ability want to leave.
    where is the Madigan/Cullerton proposed solutions? Oh, I forgot, you think the Governor “owns” the mess that has been created for decades and therefore Madigan and Cullerton are not equally culpable in the hellhole that they had a hand in creating.

  74. - Jack Stephens - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:46 pm:

    I guess its cheaper to pay for prisons than education.

    Please post this.

    Thank you.

  75. - Omega Man - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:48 pm:

    I think the reason that Rauner always does this stuff on a Friday is he is trying to get last word before he leaves for his fabulous weekend. Classic indicator of an insecure personality.

  76. - Whatever - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:49 pm:

    ==House Bill 4539 and Senate Bill 2349 would appropriate $1.6 billion for higher education programs,== and have no new source of funds, either.

    ==while Senate Bill 2789 would authorize the Governor, Comptroller, and Treasurer to identify and implement funding by reallocating funds and reducing spending in other areas. Together these bills would fund MAP, community college programs, and our public universities, without exploding the deficit or exacerbating the State’s cash flow crisis.== and also provides no funding source. This is just smoke and mirrors accounting.

  77. - burbanite - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:50 pm:

    “They can redeem themselves in 2018.” Nope March 2016.

  78. - Soccermom - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:50 pm:

    Well done by DePaul. And good for them to remind us that the MAP grants are not solely the concern of the public universities.

    But gosh, this is going to be tough on kids applying at the private schools in Illinois this year. It’s going to be hard for an admissions officer to turn a blind eye to the possibility that a student’s funding will never actually make it through the door…

  79. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:52 pm:

    - Big Muddy -

    1) Only a Governor can veto. This is on Rauner.

    2) Rauner wants the K-12 Approp, how will Rauner fund that … Which leads to…

    3) Rauner does not have a way for his own TWO budgets to balance without a revenue increase. Can’t. Be. Done… Not optional. A need.

    ===you think the Governor “owns” ===

    Jim Edgar, a former governor, also thinks Governors own, because its true.

    ===…the mess that has been created for decades and therefore Madigan and Cullerton are not equally culpable in the hellhole that they had a hand in creating.===

    The MAPoney is for now, either keep up with what’s happening now, or pretend you do so you can hoot hollow talking points that have nothing to do with Rauner taking hostages today, and ruining people’s tomorrow…

    By Rauner’s own choice… Rauner’s veto.

    K? K.

  80. - Arsenal - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:53 pm:

    ==It’s just amazing to see all the democrats line up to blame Rauner.==

    Yeah? I mean, he’s the one who vetoed. Doesn’t seem that amazing to me, you wanna blame someone for the veto, you look at the guy who vetoed.

  81. - Huh? - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:55 pm:

    Oh Bruce, you are such a disappointment (sigh). We had such high hopes and expectations for you. When are you going to grow up and live up to your potential?

    No /s

  82. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:56 pm:

    Two days after proposing a budget $5 billion out of whack he vetoes financial aid citing the requirement that the budget be balanced?


    To answer some questions about where the money for MAP would come from, the state didn’t stop collecting taxes when the governor vetoed the budget. There’s no dedicated funding source in the K-12 budget he signed. The GA gives the governor spending authority. He can’t spend without it. But he doesn’t have to spend it.
    So, right now, if there’s $50 or $5 million available, he can’t spend a dime of it on MAP. SB2043 gave him the authority, if he wanted to spend it.

  83. - Soccermom - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:57 pm:

    And 47th, this is the money quote:

    Nearly 130,000 college students who, collectively, just had their total student loan debt increased by $373 million.

    If you’re running in a community that has parents of teens and college students, keep saying just that.

    (speaking as someone who is trapped in a ridiculous job by the need to pay off my children’s student loans)

  84. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:57 pm:

    ===$5 billion out of whack===

    $6.6 billion.

  85. - Arsenal - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:58 pm:

    ==and therefore Madigan and Cullerton are not equally culpable in the hellhole that they had a hand in creating==

    Unless Madigan and Cullerton broke in and stole Rauner’s veto stamp (is it a stamp?), then they’re NOT equally culpable for Rauner’s veto. He did it. If he was right to do it, go out and sell that.

  86. - enough already - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 5:09 pm:

    March 15..Vote Accordingly

    March 16..Let the Recall Rauner countdown begin!

  87. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 5:11 pm:

    March 15th is the opening salvo election pitting Raunerites and Non-Raunerites.

    It’s not Republicans or Democrats.

    Some may be in Republican primaries, one is for sure in the Democratic primary.

    It’s important to make this clear, you aren’t voting Republican, you are pulling a ballot to vote against the Raunerite.

    Otherwise, hostages like MAP will be embraced more and more.

  88. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 5:15 pm:

    I am not in favor of Recall

    At all. Period. I would work against Recall. Rauner is the governor, and while with his policies and politics I find little common ground, Rauner won, he is the governor, abd that’s that until 2018 or 2022.

    Now, March 15th… Raunerites are fair game.

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