* CBS 2…
The governor said the way to fix the [Chicago Public School] district’s budget woes it is a state takeover of the school system, something the Illinois General Assembly has not authorized.
“If Chicago Public Schools continues just to say ‘Send cash, we’re out of money, we’re going to have to fire thousands of teachers,’ I think the legislature will say, ‘No, that’s not a good scenario. We should have the state Board of Education take over.’ I believe that’s very likely,” he said. […]
“I personally believe once the legislature really understands what’s going on, they will give us that authority. I believe that that is coming and that will happen. Once the facts are known, I believe that they’ll give us that authority. There are some lawyers who believe that the state board does have the authority themselves unilaterally to take over. I’m not sure I agree with them. There may be a legal fight about that. I don’t know, I’m not an attorney,” he said.
* But CPS’ borrowing and its budget cuts have bought it some time…
Springfield Democrats will be able to wait out Rauner a while longer — likely until the Legislature’s post-election veto session in November, under the timetable Claypool suggested.
“We’ve bought ourselves some time,” Claypool concluded. Finances could get a little tight in July but then the district will get its second-half property tax payment, he said. “The irony is that the governor who’s calling out CPS leads a state with $7 billion in bills and can’t pay them.”
In the phone call, Claypool, who has been arguing that the state’s current aid formula shortchanges CPS, conceded that the system’s reprieve was temporary.
He also said that “hundreds of millions of dollars” in further management efficiencies are coming but will take perhaps a year to flesh out and implement. He declined to indicate what they are but said they’re not from closing more schools.
* Raw audio from the governor’s press conference…
- out of touch - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 2:43 pm:
More media games from the inept Governor that has chosen to lead by distraction instead of substance. He couldn’t submit a balanced budget proposal this week because it cannot be mathematically reconciled with his wing-nut narrative. Instead, he signs orders and blares about consolidation, while blaming everyone but himself. His budget speech not only lacked substance, it lacked ownership of the problem. Year #2, no budget. It’s on you, Governor.
- 360 Degree TurnAround - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 2:44 pm:
He is leading the charge on lawsuit abuse.
- Last Bull Moose - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 2:50 pm:
On two radio shows this morning I heard Governor Rauner say the State had the ability to block CPS from issuing more debt. The review of CPS financial records is probably building the case for the State to block CPS from the credit markets.
Leverage and chaos.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 2:58 pm:
Be careful of what you wish for. Is Governor Rauner really sure he wants a man with James Meeks’ background, and all of the really distasteful beliefs he’s espoused over the years, to get this much attention?
For example, does Governor Rauner really want a proudly anti-homosexual to lead a taken-over CPS? Does anyone want to revisit some of James Meeks greatest politically incorrect (at best) or borderline bigoted (at worst) comments over his career?
Really? This is the guy Rauner wants in the spotlight?
- Lester Holt's Mustache - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 2:58 pm:
==There are some lawyers who believe that the state board does have the authority themselves unilaterally to take over.==
One of those lawyers wouldn’t just so happen to be noted Mitch Daniels and Bruce Rauner yes-man Jason Barclay, would it?
- Beaner - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 2:59 pm:
The Chicago Public schools have audited financial Statements with an award for Excellence from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board for meeting or exceeding all required disclosures. The independent auditor concluded from their work the Statements are fairly presented.
The results are in…Rauner laid a big smelly brown egg when he presented his second unbalanced budget, and he is desperately trying to keep control of the news cycle and keep it off what a figuring rascal he is.
- Mama - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:01 pm:
“The ‘Illinois School Code’ does NOT allow the ISBE (state) to take over CPS. Period.”
- D.P.Gumby - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:01 pm:
Because Brucie has done such a great job takin’ over the state, he wants to bring the same skills to CPS…oh goodie.
- cdog - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:04 pm:
I hope the self-appointed avenger of all things wrong in public education is watching all districts with an equal intention for protection of students and taxpayers.
This article about East St Louis schools from the other day, is interesting. I am sure Rauner is monitoring them just as closely because he would never indulge in focusing on just what suits his agenda. /S
- burbanite - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:06 pm:
“The word ‘minority’ from our standpoint should mean African American. I don’t think women, Asians and Hispanics should be able to use that title,” he said. “That’s why our numbers cannot improve — because we use women, Asians and Hispanics who are not people of color, who are not people who have been discriminated against.” James Meeks
- Mama - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:06 pm:
++-47th Ward - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 2:58 pm: ++ “Is Governor Rauner really sure he wants a man with James Meeks’ background, and all of the really distasteful beliefs he’s espoused over the years, to get this much attention?”
Rauner already spotlighted the Rev James Meeks by making him the chairman of the IL State Board of Education. Meeks is pro-school voucher & charter schools and so is Rauner.
- Mama - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:11 pm:
++ burbanite @ 3:06 pm:++ “The word ‘minority’ from our standpoint should mean African American. I don’t think women, Asians and Hispanics should be able to use that title,” he said. “That’s why our numbers cannot improve — because we use women, Asians and Hispanics who are not people of color, who are not people who have been discriminated against.” James Meeks
OMG…. this is the guy Rauner wants as the top brass of all IL schools???
- Lester Holt's Mustache - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:18 pm:
So does ISBE have a whole division of people sitting around with nothing to do that can get started on fixing CPS right away? Or will they have to hire the dozens of new employees a project like that would require? It’s a good thing that conservatives in Illinois don’t believe in things like smaller government and decreasing spending.
- Austin Blvd - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:18 pm:
An earlier poll by Rich showed Rauner’s disapproval rating at 74% in the heart of the city.
One must wonder, in light of the Ken Dunkin debacle, how The Rev. Sen. Chairman Meeks’ congregation view Rauner.
Maybe the idea is to put Meeks in charge of CPS.
- JS Mill - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:40 pm:
=This article about East St Louis schools from the other day, is interesting. I am sure Rauner is monitoring them just as closely because he would never indulge in focusing on just what suits his agenda. /S
http://fox2now.com/2016/02/09/east-st-louis-school-admins-take-home-large-salaries-while-district-slips/ =
Ahhh Art Culver, the great education Messiah from Texas. He was at Champaign #4 before and could not technically hold the “superintendent” designation because he did not have licensure. He hired or tried to hire a lot of high priced talent from Texas too. That story is in no way a surprise, his time in Champaign was a disaster from the federal consent decree to horrible test scores and building fiascoes.
- Rollo Tomasi - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:43 pm:
I think the CTU’s “Big Bargaining Unit” has made a HUGE mistake in voting down the last offer from the city. Bruce will use ever means at his disposal to go after the most wasteful unit of government and union in the state.
The Big Bargaining Unit should have considered do I want to lose big or do I want to lose small. Come late spring I guess that holding the high school seniors hostage is their ace in the hole.
- Elo Kiddies - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 3:46 pm:
Victory is certain, and soon. How many times, on how many issues, has he said that?
- Norseman - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:15 pm:
Being a lawyer has been THE growth industry since Rauner took office.
- Elliott Ness - Friday, Feb 19, 16 @ 4:25 pm:
Keep in mind that state financial takeovers of districts like East St. Louis have resulted in tens of millions of additional state dollars funneled into those “state managed” districts in addition to the regulR funding formula allocations. Will financial oversight add additional funding in this case as well?