There are always two audiences for formal gubernatorial addresses: 1) Legislators who actually attend; and 2) Everyone else outside the Statehouse who watch it or read about it later.
Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget address last week seemed far more designed for people outside the building, most of whom don’t really care about the intricacies of government finance. Most do, however, want to see everyone finally get along and end this 8-month governmental impasse, despite what you may read in online comment sections.
That’s probably why Rauner barely even talked about the budget. It’s no surprise why. For the first time since Illinois became a state in 1818 a governor has submitted a budget for the next fiscal year without having passed a budget for the current fiscal year.
The failure is not just an embarrassment. Tens of thousands of the most vulnerable Illinoisans are paying dearly. No budget means the state can’t help homeless teens, assist women with the trauma of a brutal rape or help addicts kick heroin.
Tens of thousands more may have to drop out of college because state universities and a special scholarship program aren’t being funded. The majority African-American Chicago State University is perilously close to shutting down, as are Western Illinois University and Eastern Illinois University.
Even Rauner’s lines that some described as an “olive branch” to the Democratic legislative majority seemed aimed more at the folks back home.
Why? Well, words, even very kind words, are not going to be enough to get this done. The sides are simply too far apart, and now that election season has cranked up again, I’m not sure how this thing is going to be resolved.
The governor wants Democrats to help him undermine their labor union allies before he’ll cut a budget deal. But he’s got tens of millions of dollars in campaign bank accounts which are already being unleashed on Democrats. They won’t unilaterally disarm themselves in the face of a threat like that.
House Speaker Michael Madigan is one of those Democrats with a well-funded primary opponent. Despite adamant denials from the governor and the opponent himself, Madigan firmly believes that Rauner put the guy into the race.
So, after Rauner concluded his budget address and turned to shake Madigan’s hand, Madigan leaned in and sarcastically cracked, “Thanks for the candidate.”
This was the second time that Madigan “thanked” the governor for his opponent. The first time was immediately after January’s State of the State Address. A noisy House chamber meant Rauner didn’t understand what Madigan said, thinking he made some comment about state Rep. Jack Franks. But the message came through loud and clear last week.
Some people think that if we could just get rid of Mike Madigan then the governor would have a free hand to solve all the state’s problems.
But that’s just not the reality. Almost all rank and file Democratic legislators are adamant about opposing Rauner.
Hours after his budget address, Rauner attended the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus’ annual dinner event. The governor chatted with folks and was then unexpectedly asked to speak. Rauner relied on his usual stump speech that he gives at black churches, saying “The Good Lord didn’t make us Democrats and Republicans, the Good Lord put us on Earth to do His work.” He talked about how he wanted to work with everyone in the room. But then he laid an egg.
“My agenda, my goal aligns exactly with the interests of the African-American community,” Rauner declared. “But we’ve got a broken politics in Illinois and around America where African-Americans primarily vote Democrat and as a result Democratic leaders can pretty much ignore the interests of the African-American community because they have the votes all locked up anyway.”
Um, most people at the dinner were Democratic leaders, and most of them were also African-Americans. His remarks were taken as a direct insult by many in attendance.
Rauner’s comments were from an often-used GOP playbook. And I don’t think he had ill intentions because he also said, “Republicans don’t want to listen to African-American concerns because they never get their votes. That is wrong. We should change that. We should work together in the common interests.”
I don’t know if many people heard that, but they did applaud when Rauner said he wanted to spend more money on education “so it goes disproportionately to low income schools.”
What he didn’t say, but what everyone in the room knew, is that he will only agree to do this after Democrats help him gut the power of organized labor.
And that brings us back to Square One.
- Norseman - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:15 am:
=== But that’s just not the reality. Almost all rank and file Democratic legislators are adamant about opposing Rauner. ===
Facing reality is not a Rauner strong point.
- wordslinger - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:15 am:
It’s easy to understand why the governor didn’t wish to speak about state finances.
– When the governor took office, the state backlog of unpaid bills was $4.3 billion. The comptroller estimates that could be as high as $12 billion on June 30.
–Due to the governor’s inaction on the budget bills, including the use of his extensive veto powers, the state is running an FY16 deficit of $6.2 billion.
– That $6.2 billion deficit does not include billions in usual spending for social services and higher ed, which have been slashed to zero.
– If the governor had simply signed the approp. bills passed last May by the GA, the deficit would be billions smaller and higher ed and social services would be funded. If he’d used his veto powers, he could have substantially cut deficit spending.
– The governor’s proposed FY17 budget is about $4 billion out of whack between revenues and spending.
That’s the status quo.
- Sir Reel - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:17 am:
Blago was a better campaigner than Governor. Rauner is the same.
For such a successful business man he doesn’t seem to be much of a problem solver. And we have a great big problem.
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:19 am:
This state is a crappy place for those trying to recover from depression
- Mama - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:21 am:
==Rauner said he wanted to spend more money on education “so it goes disproportionately to low income schools.”==
He said this with a smile while throwing CPS under the bus. Whoa…
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:23 am:
First, great column Rich. Breaking down the nuance of the intended audience is critical in understanding Rauner and this “approach” at… “governin’”?
Second, couple things stuck out…
===What he didn’t say, but what everyone in the room knew, is that he will only agree to do this after Democrats help him gut the power of organized labor.===
The “poison pills” that Raunerites seem to forget, “accidently” but notoriously every time they bring up a reform (property taxes and local controls stick out for me) will not get 60 and will not get 30. Those poison pills tell me that’s so. The continual embarrassing omission by Raunerites on their push for reforms that include Union decimation speaks to the Raunerites already knowing they lack 60 and they lack 30. Enough.
===Um, most people at the dinner were Democratic leaders, and most of them were also African-Americans. His remarks were taken as a direct insult by many in attendance.===
From above, and the story preceding it really shows two things going on. Either the Staff and Crew have zero control of Rauner in helping… in helping… to guide Rauner in understanding his audience and building, or… Rauner just believes this stuff so desperately, even the best intended Crew and Staff can’t save Rauner from himself and his tone deaf message to specific audiences. The Crew has to be more respected, or Staff needs to step in and “try” (ugh) to intercede and just have Rauner attend and not speak, to literally save Rauner. Be pros. Help Rauner. Someone tackle him.
===The governor wants Democrats to help him undermine their labor union allies before he’ll cut a budget deal. But he’s got tens of millions of dollars in campaign bank accounts which are already being unleashed on Democrats. They won’t unilaterally disarm themselves in the face of a threat like that.===
I’ve yet to see an opposite party member get viciously attacked on their core beliefs, then capitulate against their base because of it during a campaign session. Goldberg is masterful, the “Prince of Snarkness” as Rich labeled him, but all that snark isn’t flipping “red” to “green”, and may not be enough to beat them in the precincts.
===So, after Rauner concluded his budget address and turned to shake Madigan’s hand, Madigan leaned in and sarcastically cracked, “Thanks for the candidate.”===
IllinoisGO and Proft and all these attacks in the Democratic Prinaries… let me say that again… The Democratic Primaries… by an alleged Republican governor will not lead to a harmonious relationship with the Legislative and the Executive.
Raunerite Caucuses is the goal. The big mistake will be ignoring that Rauner is running the Blagojevich playbook for caucuses owned by the Executive to usurp the co-equal Legislative branch.
If you are a Democrat, and you don’t kbow who the Raunerite is in these Democratic primaries, that’s on Labor, Democrats, and decimated Social Service groups and their Advocates.
“Vote Accordingly” isn’t a cutesy catch phrase, it’s the reality Dems, Labor, and Social Services need to grasp. Really grasp. Understand how critical March 15th is, and if you even “think” someone is a Rauberite, “Vote Accordingly”.
It would be wise.
Great work Rich, as always.
- RNUG - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:24 am:
Like I said last week after the speech, if you just read the speech without knowing the back story, almost everyone would agree with the words.
The problem is the Governor’s actions don’t match his words. While the general public doesn’t know that, the needed 60 House votes and 30 Senate votes DO … and right now that is the only audience that matters.
- History Prof - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:30 am:
“Whoa” indeed, Mama, whoa indeed.
Rauner is not unique. The habitual mendacity of, as it seems to me, all active Republicans at the moment begs explanation. It’s not just Rauner and Trump. It’s my state legislators and every other Republican presidential candidate.
The question is what is in the water they are drinking, figuratively speaking of course.
But there doesn’t seem to be any point in pointing out the inconsistencies. There is a mania abroad on the right in the land, including the land of Lincoln. And its not like attacking Unions or building walls on the border represent long-term, deeply-held Republican beliefs. These are recent will-0-the wisps. So what gives? What ARE they drinking? I don’t get it.
Wo indeed, Mama, wo indeed.
- Earnest - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:47 am:
>For such a successful business man he doesn’t seem to be much of a problem solver. And we have a great big problem.
He is being very effective at accomplish exactly what he set out to do. The problem is confusing what he says with what he does.
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:04 am:
That is a perfect and succinct summary of where we are and what this governor has brought us. Total disaster.
- Arsenal - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:11 am:
==“But we’ve got a broken politics in Illinois and around America where African-Americans primarily vote Democrat and as a result Democratic leaders can pretty much ignore the interests of the African-American community because they have the votes all locked up anyway.”==
Does he realize how insulting this is to the African-American community?
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:16 am:
“He is being very effective at accomplish exactly what he set out to do.”
That’s what the sledgehammer in the campaign was all about. Rauner is here to smash public unions. It must be a big and perhaps unacceptable failure if he doesn’t accomplish this. After all, other Republican-led/dominated states are curtailing union rights, such as West Virginia, following in the footsteps of Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin.
We are in the “spanking” phase now. We may hate and resent it, but we’ll get over it and it will make us a better state and people later. The people suffering from the cuts and lack of revenue? They’re heroes, in a sense, “taking one for the team,” so that Illinois will prosper in a future union-free utopia.
- Jocko - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:16 am:
==…the Good Lord put us on Earth to do His work.”==
Someone will have to tell me where it says in the Bible, “sit on your hands or go out for breakfast while the working poor suffer.”
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:18 am:
===Does he realize how insulting this is to the African-American community?===
I honestly don’t think so, but it’s not due to malice or an intended slight or insult.
Rauner believes Raunerite ideals are bigger than Democrats or Republicans, and touting those Raunerite ideals is his #1 goal all the time.
It’s up to his Crew and Staff to try to stop these types of time-deafness because Rauner, personally, can’t see what damage he does staying on the Raunerite messaging no matter the audience.
Someone needs to “tackle him” when he starts up like this, that’s a Staff/Crew error.
When they know he’s likely to do things like this, a “stand abd wave” guest appearance helps more than walking back things like this.
- Independent retired lawyer, journalist - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:30 am:
Great column, Rich.
Fundamental presentation rule…know your audience. That Rauner doesn’t get that makes him an amateur. A rich amateur, but an amateur.
The more he speaks off the cuff, the more he helps Democrats.
- RNUG - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:31 am:
===Does he realize how insulting this is to the African-American community?===
No. Rauner is on a (religious like) CRUSADE to destroy Madigan and unions. That OBSESSION makes for tunnel vision. NOTHING is allowed to interfere with those two primary objectives. And in Rauner’s world, they are one and the same; destroying the unions is seen as a mean’s to destroying Madigan and removing Madigan is equated with removing the sole union protector.
I hesitate to use the word, but on those items Rauner appears to be a fanatic.
- river rat - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:37 am:
I am beginning to wonder about the cognitive ability of the general press and I do not mean Rich Miller. To buy into the argument that if only we could compromise our problems would be solved is nuts. Everything has been cut, payments have stopped. Only things ordered by the various courts remain. Is that a hard concept to grasp? Illinois is at the legal base line and there is insufficient revenue to pay for even that. Rauner wants authority to cut. Cut what? Everything that is not under court order has already been cut. Nothing is being funded but the state is entering bankruptcy. Why? Because there is insufficient income to pay the legal base line. What is to compromise about? What can Rauner cut that has not already been cut? He already has the authority, under the state constitution, to cut what ever is not court ordered. and has. He has nothing to bring to the compromise table. He has no bargaining power. He has nothing to offer for whatever it is that he wants. What’s to talk about? .
- thechampaignlife - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:46 am:
We need longer terms in office, maybe 4 years all around and with a difficult but possible recall provision, to get past this constant cycle of putting off issues until the primary/general is over.
- RNUG - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:57 am:
The other problem is Rauner has misread his “mandate” from the voters from day one. People wanted him to be the anti-Quinn. IMO, he was elected to be a competent manager / administrator, not a wrecking crew of one. The was elected to rein in the union raises and abuses, not to destroy the unions. He was elected to to balance / moderate Madigan’s power, not to take the place of MJM.
In other words, Rauner was elected to slow things down, not to drive the State into a demolition derby. Since he has so drastically misread things, we need the proper officials to black flag him (for none racing fans, that means remove him from the race) but I don’t see that happening yet.
- Facts are Stubborn Things - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 11:18 am:
The Rauner speech is a Trojan hoarse.
- Peoria Guy - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 11:46 am:
Hell, everybody is insulted these days by just about everything. We have become a society of massive victimization. All kinds of public figures–media, politicians, etc are constantly apologizing for something they said that offended somebody. It really inhibits honest conversation.
==Does he realize how insulting this is to the African-American community?==
- Peoria Guy - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 11:49 am:
Actually, many in the African-American community have said just that–that Dems simply count on their votes without really doing anything to help their community.
- Norseman - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 11:52 am:
=== … many in the African-American community have said just that–that Dems simply count on their votes without really doing anything to help their community. ===
And you expect us to believe the GOP is going to come in and fill that void?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 11:55 am:
- Peoria Guy -
You do realize those attending included African-American Democratic members of the General Assembly… right?
The audience Rauner was addressing were, according to him, part of the problem.
That’s as tone-deaf as you can get.
- sideline watcher - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 12:17 pm:
“But we’ve got a broken politics in Illinois and around America where African-Americans primarily vote Democrat and as a result Democratic leaders can pretty much ignore the interests of the African-American community because they have the votes all locked up anyway.”
And this is up against the Republican leaders who use dog whistle politics, race baiting, and class warfare to keep African Americans at the bottom as long as possible. And before anyone gets all defensive and hot and bothered…save it. Trump is winning. Cruz is in second place. And everything crashing and burning in Illinois is affecting the African American community first and worst.
So to be clear…I am not saying that Rauner is racist. I am also not saying that all African American’s are poor. I am saying that Rauner’s waterloo policies aren’t doing us any favors anywhere so he can’t claim any moral high ground about how Black folks should all of a sudden trust him. For what?
- Precinct Captain - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 12:19 pm:
==- Peoria Guy - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 11:49 am:==
Bruce Rauner never hired an African American in his decades in business. Not one. Nada. Zilch. Zero.
- Robert the Bruce - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 12:21 pm:
Gov. Rauner is like the lousy contestant on Surivor, trying to disrupt alliances of people who are quite close, misunderstanding the group, and failing at every challenge.
- CharlieKratos - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 12:24 pm:
RNUG - Your last “yet” gives me hope.
- illinois manufacturer - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 12:39 pm:
RNUG you are right perhaps Edgar when we hit summer and Chicago State is dead and Eastern is next….maybe he gives Madigan the political cover he would want for a black flag because the taxes that we would need if this goes on would be a disaster.
- sal-says - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 12:46 pm:
== - RNUG - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:57 am: ==
Thank You !
- Huh? - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 2:56 pm:
Who is going to black flag 1.4%? The way I see it, that will only occur when a significant veto is overridden by a bi-partisan vote in the GA.
He has already sneered at the thought of a kitchen cabinet made up of former governors.
The only other people who might be able to rein him in are his 0.01% buddies. But given his personal wealth, how likely is that to occur?