That one’s gonna leave a mark
Monday, Feb 22, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * Remember Jonathan Kaye? He’s the Republican House candidate running against Rep. Reggie Phillips (R-Charleston) who posted an utterly fascinating life story and confession about a dark chapter of his past on Facebook last month. Well, that dark chapter is the subject of a new Liberty Principles PAC TV ad… Kaye’s problem is that he doesn’t have enough money to respond to a TV ad which uses devastating newspaper headlines against him. He’s reported raising just $8,000 this year, almost all of it from himself. Then again, even if he had a bunch of money, I’m not sure he could effectively respond. * Tribune…
Kaye is a Republican, of course, but Rauner is in it to win it.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:28 am:
Charleston, the home of EIU…
Recognize the Raunerite, and “vote accordingly”
At least send a message, because Raunerite cash will makes sure the Raunerite wins.
That’s the ball game and Rauner will prevail often on March 15th and this race is likely to become of those wins.
- In the Middle - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:33 am:
I think the ‘R’ now stands for ‘Rauner’
- Mama - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:34 am:
“Kaye is a Republican, of course, but Rauner is in it to win it.”
It sounds like Rauner is in it to win total control over Illinois. The question is, do we want him to have total control on 100% of the votes?
- Blago's Luxurious Grey Mane - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:38 am:
It’s telling to me that the geniuses in RaunerLand are forced to spend money and resort to some of the worst tactics in order to “combat” a candidate who has raised $8,000 and lives in the middle of nowhere.
- Austin Blvd - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:39 am:
The common folk in that house district remind me of a video I saw about the people of Mississippi and why they vote Republican and against their interests.
What do they get? Guys like Rauner and Phillips.
These are voters who are led by people who have convinced them places like EIU are bad.
It’s the townies vs. the outsiders.
The townies always win.
- illinois manufacturer - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 9:54 am:
Tribune says Kaye is a dem. That would be the Nov election.
- Chucktownian - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:34 am:
My favorite thing is that all Phillips ever does is yell at his constituents. He even does it on Facebook. Here’s a direct quote from his FB page (this is a post written by Phillips):
“This will probably seems pretty arrogant to you and if it does you will have to just deal with it. You better hope I get re-elected because to me my number one agenda is fighting for EIU funding and because of the respect ive earned even as a freshman legislator I along with others will get this done. Now stop being part of the problem and help me kick this can back into the court of we are united to fund all OF Higher education. Reggie Phillips”
Phillips is such an embarrassment.
This sort of ad bought by dark money should be illegal. I’d suggest that would be a great start for a real “turnaround agenda” for this state.
- A guy - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 10:48 am:
That one’s pretty indefensible. Ouch.
- Blago's Luxurious Grey Mane - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 11:00 am:
@illinois manufacturer: Kaye is a Republican candidate, in spite of what the Tribune may state.
- anonymous - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 11:17 am:
This is really low. This is the kind of tactics voters resent.
- wordslinger - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 11:22 am:
–You better hope I get re-elected because to me my number one agenda is fighting for EIU funding and because of the respect ive earned even as a freshman legislator I along with others will get this done. Now stop being part of the problem and help me kick this can back into the court of we are united to fund all OF Higher education. Reggie Phillips”–
And all that fightin’ and respect earnin’ has added up to ZERO.
For crying out loud, the guy voted against all funding for higher ed. Yet’s he claims he’s a -fightin’ for it.
The way these guys abuse the language. It’s like a reverse barometer. Whatever they say they’re doing, it’s really the opposite.
- Qui Tam - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 12:06 pm:
Jon Kay - Born To Be Wild.
- morningstar - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 1:37 pm:
- that one’s pretty indefensible -
If by “that one” you are referring to the unspecified charge in the video, only persons who accept a Rauner-backed video and/or the Mattoon Journal Gazette as the benchmark of truth would consider it “indefensible.” There are others in the district (coincidentally, ones who are trying to make a case for an educated populace) who would accept neither of those two sources as a sufficient threshold of truth.
- Annonin' - Monday, Feb 22, 16 @ 2:50 pm:
So under Reggie’s leadership EIU gets zip, zero, nada and he gets a bucket of $upper$tar $ that shold get him tossed.