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Because… Madigan!

Tuesday, Feb 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

As Rauner has done throughout the past year, he tried to pin the problem on House Speaker Michael Madigan, saying the current school funding formula that Democrats now want to change was created by the longtime lawmaker.

“I did not create the school funding formula, I just got here,” Rauner said. “This has been in place for decades and you know who created? Speaker Madigan and the Democrats in the General Assembly. Somehow, I’m new, and it’s all my fault and I’m the defender of it. I mean, good grief.”

Um, no. Try Lee Daniels and Frank Watson

And the formula which determines how much state aid each school gets hasn’t been changed since 1997.

* That was a huge piece of legislation, by the way, pushed hard throughout most of 1997 by Gov. Jim Edgar

I felt that in the end, we got 75 percent of what we were out to get. I mean, we didn’t get property tax relief. I think the media has a tendency to dwell on property tax relief. We didn’t get that, but we did get the minimal foundation level, we did get more money for schools; we did get some reforms, but most importantly, we got the minimal foundation level. We helped poor school districts in the state; that was the basis of what we wanted to accomplish, and we did accomplish that.

The bill also created EFAB and a school construction program.

This legislation took months to pass, over the initial opposition of suburban Republicans, who eventually decided that their Downstaters were getting such heat that they needed to cut a deal with Edgar. That’s why Downstate Sen. Frank Watson was made the chief sponsor.

* The bill had problems in the House Democratic caucus as well because it started off as an income tax hike. Here’s Jim Edgar again….

I think we were in April, late April, probably, because we still had time in that Senate. But Madigan came to me and said, “My guys are nervous that they’ll vote for this and then you’ll campaign against them for raising taxes. They want an endorsement.” I said, “I’m not going to give them an endorsement.” Finally we settled on I’d give them a letter thanking them for their support of this proposal. He came back and said, “Okay, that’ll work.” Anybody who votes for this will get a letter from me thanking them for their courage in voting for this important piece of legislation.

* And it required some serious horse trading in the Senate GOP caucus

We knew we had all the Democrats, and we needed two or three Republicans to vote for a discharge. Now, this is a trickier vote than voting for it on the floor. There are some guys who just won’t vote for a discharge, and we knew that. But I was down to one vote; I knew who the senator was, and I had him down in my office. At that time we were building a new prison in Illinois, and this senator came from a long family of politicians who cared about jobs.

* My overall point here is that when a governor completely engages, he can get things done. Maybe not everything he wants, but 75 percent isn’t bad. You live to fight another day.

What you don’t do is spend all your time publicly bashing one guy. It might make you feel good. It might make your supporters love you more. But it doesn’t actually get anything accomplished. Keeping your base and the Tribune fired up and giddy as little schoolgirls is no substitute for governance. Period.


  1. - argh - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:01 am:

    Spot on, Rich. The “I just got here” mantra is getting old. Every other first term Governor has managed to get a budget passed. Every other first term Governor has managed to get at least some of their agenda passed.

  2. - thunderspirit - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:02 am:

    == What you don’t do is spend all your time publicly bashing one guy. It might make you feel good. It might make your supporters love you more. But it doesn’t actually get anything accomplished. Keeping your base and the Tribune fired up and giddy as little schoolgirls is no substitute for governance. Period. ==

    This presupposes that Governor Rauner wants to get something accomplished beyond his Turnaround Agenda.

    By all evidence, I remain thoroughly unconvinced that he does, Rich. I hope I am wrong.

  3. - Downstate - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:02 am:

    Is it possible for Madigan/Cullerton to pass a budget and simply override Rauner’s veto (by picking off just one Republican rep?).

  4. - Norseman - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:07 am:

    Rich, your point is on target, but Rauner and the frat boys will OODA Loop this story around to add Edgar to the blame list. Governing is not what these guys do.

  5. - illini - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:07 am:

    Never let the facts interfere with your mantra!!!!!

  6. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:09 am:

    It comes down to consequences.

    What are the consequences for Rauner NOT to govern??? we have all seen what those consequences are, and continue to be, for millions of people across the state, but what are the consequences for HIM?

    Rauner stands alone, apart, and in isolation. A place he clearly feels is a position of power. Let him keep his “high ground”. In the meantime, the GA and the Courts will need to govern, and the People need to know the scorecards. Votes, both legislative and public, will be the consequences Rauner needs to be subject to. Otherwise he keeps on winnin’.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:11 am:

    “Never mistake activity for achievement.” - John Wooden.

    You can never replace Institutional Knowledge with talking points that don’t fit the history.

    Again, this is Raunerite thinking


    Republicans that are honest and have the institutional knowledge would NEVER go about harping about school funding and place the blame at “Speaker Madigan” and completely ignore the roles of Edgar, Daniels, even Watson.

    Those hooting this Rauner institutional knowledge can only be seen as Raunerites, and disingenuous to… the actual truth, which is a Raunerite calling card.

    Now, the Tribune, and self-proclaimed school funding “watchdog” Kristen McQueary who wrings her hands about all things school should have a difficult time with this “rewritten history” Rauner is pushing too. I will watch for the Trover or “ck” press release disguised as a Tribune Editorial Board “perspective”.

    Institutional Knowledge is like gold. At times like this, perspective in historical context shines a very harsh light in the dishonesty of Raunerites, and the lacking of Bruce Rauner.

    Great post, Rich, outstanding.

    Raunerites refuse to see what us true, but want seen what they believe.

    That’s not even remotely governin’ and is definitely not workin’ to have a working relationship with someone who knows the history that one might want to rewrite.

    Enough Rauner. Enough Raunerites.

    You can have your future as you think you want it to be, but the past is what it was and trying to rewrite it makes your own future a big ole falsehood too.

  8. - Stones - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:12 am:

    Spot on!

  9. - Just Saying .... - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:13 am:

    Period. But, need to add that winning by less than a percentage point is not an electoral mandate. Unfortunately, the gov is still campaigning. Doesn’t want to govern. Truth is, MJM is perhaps the only leader that can keep a caucus together to come up with the necessary votes. Can Durkin cone up with 20 votes when a “deal” is struck? Doubtful. We all need focus on real solutions to the budget problem and govern our way through this! The Gov’s continued campaign tactics will drag this into November I’m afraid.

  10. - Facts are Stubborn Things - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:13 am:

    Rauner spends all his time bashing the system, when it is his obligation to work within that system to govern. Build trust, cut deals, do the doable. Nudge the needle to the right by being in the room and building relationships etc. Don’t shoot the hoarse, but rather hoarse trade. Rauner needs to stop campaigning and govern.

  11. - SAP - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:13 am:

    Downstate: Until further notice, the House GOP is a bought and paid for subsidiary of Rauner, Inc.

  12. - Don Draper - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    Rauner’s original Turnaround Agenda has been streamlined down to two issues at this point, term limits and maps. And all he wants is votes on those. If you are Madigan, why not just do the votes and move on?
    Also, I generally agree with the overall point, but it could have been made without having to preface it with 8 graphs put together by House staff complete with links to historical references.

  13. - AJ_yooper - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    Excellent summary, Rich! That is why I read the blog.

  14. - Wow - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    “My Overall Point” Hit the nail on the head. Lets grow up people and stop this high school behavior. Unfortunately, some people are so spoiled they never grow out of it. sigh

  15. - Independent retired lawyer, journalist - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    Maybe it’s just me, but after 14 months in office, I don’t think you can rightly say ‘I’m new; I just got here.’ No, he wasn’t there in 1997, but all he’s accomplished so far is to make those who care about the 90% look at Madigan like he’s a political hero.

  16. - Frenchie Mendoza - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:16 am:

    I said this before Rauner was elected — when he was campaigning and giving speeches where he was clearly uncomfortable — but I continue to wonder why Rauner chose to run. Rauner would have been much more effective behind the scenes. The money guy. The “director”.

    Why he didn’t — or whoever drafted Rauner didn’t — get a more charasmatic, more statesmanlike person to run is — to me, at least — baffling. I don’t know this, but I suspect many d’s might be interested in Rauner’s position — if not actually willing to support those same positions with votes — if it were anybody *but* Rauner out front and politicking.

    There’s something very shifty, disingenous, and … well, uncharismatic about Rauner. He’s not a guy that can close. He moves on, but he never really closes.

    I think about all this when I hear Rauner whining — whining! — about being the new guy. As if someone being new — being elected *governor* — absolves him of responsibility. No, he didn’t create it — but he wasn’t elected to create. He was elected to *fix*. That’s the part of the electorate’s mandate that Rauner does not understand. At all.

  17. - RNUG - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:17 am:

    == But it doesn’t actually get anything accomplished. ==

    If the objective is to:

    Stop all non-mandatory spending

    Hoard what cash the state does have

    Destroy the State’s vendors

    Worsen state health services

    Reduce state employee morale to zero and drive out all career employees, especially Tier 1

    Either close higher education institutions or try to force said schools to use up their endowments

    To back the Democrats into a corner where they have to propose and pass a tax increase on their own

    … then Rauner’s course of action atacking the one person who can hold up legislation is correct. But how that makes the State better for everyone, I don’t know.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:18 am:

    - Don Draper -

    You must’ve missed that whole “School thingy” rollout recently that included labor costs and collective bargaining drops.

    You are keeping up, right?

  19. - out of touch - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:19 am:

    Wow. That reads like someone actually GOVERNING!

  20. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:20 am:

    ===Also, I generally agree with the overall point, but it could have been made without having to preface it with 8 graphs put together by House staff complete with links to historical references.===

    The spotlight a bit too bright… or…

  21. - illinois manufacturer - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:20 am:

    Edgar is a rational person and so were all these other people. They had different ideologies and interests . I dont see how the pre enlightnment group of Rauner and the Tribune can learn anything from it.

  22. - Facts are Stubborn Things - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:21 am:

    @Don Draper - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    =Rauner’s original Turnaround Agenda has been streamlined down to two issues at this point, term limits and maps. And all he wants is votes on those=

    MJM knows the votes will be used by Rauner and his millions as flyers and adds in the upcoming electioin. Why hand Rauner the ammunition. Make no mistake, much of what is going on is for control, power and of course the upcoming election — on both sides. MJM is going to hold fast to the budget and Rauner is holding fast to I want reforms and then we can do the budget. It is a non starter to think the Dems are going to hand Rauner all the power needed to balance this budget.

  23. - Facts are Stubborn Things - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:21 am:

    @Don Draper - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    =Rauner’s original Turnaround Agenda has been streamlined down to two issues at this point, term limits and maps. And all he wants is votes on those=

    MJM knows the votes will be used by Rauner and his millions as flyers and adds in the upcoming electioin. Why hand Rauner the ammunition. Make no mistake, much of what is going on is for control, power and of course the upcoming election — on both sides. MJM is going to hold fast to the budget and Rauner is holding fast to I want reforms and then we can do the budget. It is a non starter to think the Dems are going to hand Rauner all the power needed to balance this budget.

  24. - Facts are Stubborn Things - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:22 am:

    sorry for the double post…

  25. - out of touch - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:23 am:

    ===Rauner’s original Turnaround Agenda has been streamlined down to two issues at this point, term limits and maps. And all he wants is votes on those. If you are Madigan, why not just do the votes and move on?===

    Uh, no. There’s still anti-union “local empowerment” garbage, further erosion of work comp, privatization of currently public services (which has failed elsewhere) and needless “tort reform” that does nothing for Illinois or its budget.

  26. - Angry Republican - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:24 am:

    First it was the Edgar ramp, now it’s the Edgar school funding formula. What’s next?

  27. - bullet - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:24 am:

    btw bashing just one person works,geo.bush was the cause of everything worked for someone but i forgot who?

  28. - DuPage Bard - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:25 am:

    If we have to shut it down for a little bit, so be it. I’m fine with that.-BR
    The continuation of negotiations doesn’t matter, he wants to and will do everything in his power to shut it down.
    Why do we keep talking like there are paths and vehicles and that he’s looking for compromise, that’s not his goal.
    It’s time the message changed from how’s that helping to he’s driving another nail in the coffin. This is the plan.

  29. - Ray del Camino - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:27 am:

    History began the day Rauner walked into the Capitol. Facts to the contrary be damned.

  30. - Frenchie Mendoza - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:27 am:

    First it was the Edgar ramp, now it’s the Edgar school funding formula. What’s next?

    Why, this of course: Edgar’s endorsement of Rauner for a second term. And the two of them standing uncomfortably together on a stage. Smiling but seething.

  31. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:28 am:

    –Rauner’s original Turnaround Agenda has been streamlined down to two issues at this point, term limits and maps. And all he wants is votes on those. –

    Says who? Seriously, where do you get that information? Or are you just making it up?

    Does adding a projected nearly $8 billion to GRF debt in 18 months and taking the wrecking ball to social services and higher ed for votes on old goo-goo chestnuts like term limits and redistricting strike you as the actions of a reasonable person? That would be insane.

    Rauner has been governor for more than a year. He’s a smart, grown-up man.

    Despite his ever-changing spin, I think his actions make it clear that what is happening now is what he wants. Then, all this willful destruction makes sense.

    “Squeeze the beast” to advance the “necessary shakeout.”

  32. - AC - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:29 am:

    “I just got here”

    How much longer does he get to say that? He’s completed approximately 27% of his 4 year term.

  33. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:29 am:

    ===Turnaround Agenda has been streamlined down to two issues at this point, term limits and maps===


    Step away from the marijuana.

  34. - LizPhairTax - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:30 am:

    Good grief?

    So which Bruce are we getting today? Alpha dog, motorcycle ridin’, carhartt wearin’, tough guy who will drive the politicians nuts or widdle fwaidy cat Charlie Brown who can’t get anyfing done becawse the speaker is a big ol’ meanie?

    Can we still use the Blagojevich-era DSM-IV or is there a DSM-V out now?

  35. - Bluegrass Boy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:30 am:

    Was there anyone at this press conference to correct the Governor’s statement? How is the general public going to know he’s lying? Not everyone reads Capitol Fax.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:31 am:

    ===…the Edgar ramp, now it’s the Edgar school funding formula.===

    Governors own. Rauner has yet to learn that part too. That part is known to everyone it seems but Rauner.

    To bring it back to the Post,

    A governor would be honest with this history, work with Manar, work with GOP suburban legislstors, or even a Franks in the House…

    … get a formula to sell to legislators, horse trade with Madigan, twist GOP arms, and cobble 60/30.


    Rauner can’t do it all alone, Rauner can’t bash possible partners, Rauner needs floor leaders that collect votes not hoot insults, and Rauner needs a legislative staff that can be respectful to all 177 members, not be concerned about how snarky an email can be.

    Do the doable here. Work the process. Know the history, build consensus, and make common ground evolve to actual legislation.

  37. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:31 am:

    ===geo.bush was the cause of everything worked for someone===

    Was Bush the House Speaker at the time, or in power at all?

    Don’t be a moron.


  38. - AnonymousOne - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:32 am:

    Not my fault!!!!!!

    Pouty like a whining child. That’s what this entire tenure of his has been.

  39. - Austin Blvd - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:33 am:

    Amen Rich. Lessons in political leadership.
    He’s holding out for the big prize.
    Rauner is reminiscent of the fisherman in Hemingway’s, The Old Man and the Sea.
    What will Illinois be like if he should finally bring his fish in?

  40. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:34 am:

    I am amazed at the lack of accountability for the Democrats for the budget crisis we are in today. If the school funding formula was a problem it could have been addressed in the past decade when they had total control of state government. The real problem with CPS budget was the skipping of the pension payments for a decade with the consent of the General Assembly.

  41. - CharlieKratos - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:34 am:

    What would it take for Rauner to start governing? Is it even possible at this point? The bridges that were burned then had walls built at both ends. Trust, once lost, is very difficult to regain. Is that even possible either? Looking at this situation from a realist viewpoint, what is the path forward? What is the most likely outcome?

  42. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:38 am:

    –Rauner is reminiscent of the fisherman in Hemingway’s, The Old Man and the Sea.
    What will Illinois be like if he should finally bring his fish in?–

    What was the condition of that marlin when Santiago finally brought it in?

  43. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:41 am:

    The Madigan Whine is all we’ll be hearing until November as Rauner tries to play the victim in the mess he created.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:41 am:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    @RonSandack: I’m frustrated 2, but taking steps towards reforming IL more important than short term budget stalemate. - Ron Sandack, 9/28/15

    Is that difficult for you to understand?

    It’s the Raunerite plan and choice in this impasse. The Democrats, this year (you keeping up) are asking for a budget but won’t be bullied to vote against their “core beliefs”…

    … Raunerites say, “Fine. No budget.”

    The Owl’s tweet IS what’s goin’ on.

  45. - Westward - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:42 am:

    Thanks, Rich, for reminding us, the legislature, and the Governor’s office for the umpteenth time how it’s time for action and not finger pointing. Of course, as usual, you’re just banging your head against a wall.

  46. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:44 am:

    “…I just got here,” Rauner said. “This has been in place for decades and you know who created? Speaker Madigan and the Democrats in the General Assembly. Somehow, I’m new, and it’s all my fault and I’m the defender of it. I mean, good grief.”

    “I hate math! I am tired of doing homework. My teacher thinks I have nothing else to do than do school work. I have no life except school. No one needs to know how to multiply or divide fractions when we have computers and calculators!”
    - VanillaKid 1

    “The coach doesn’t like me. She always spends time with the bigger girls. She never lets me try to do the bigger flips that I can do. I don’t want to go anymore.” - VanillaKid 2

    “I can’t read. Lots of guys can’t read. I don’t understand why we have to. If I read this, can I play basketball with Ben?” - VanillaKid 3

    “I’m bored. I don’t want to. No, I didn’t poop my pants. No, I don’t want to change my pants. I’m telling Mom you are angry with me.” - VanillaKid 4

    Listen up kids!

    Growing up means doing the jobs you have to do, even when you don’t want to do them. You have to do them even if you think the other kids, coaches, teacher and Michael J. Madigan are out to get you.

    You will not get more responsibilities if you do not show that you can do what you have already been given. You will not get to do more trampoline flips, pass Turnaround Agenda legislation, go to see another movie, or be respected, if you do not do your jobs.

    Now, I certainly see hope for the VanillaKids. They are still in elementary school and have many loving adults, especially parents, who will teach them how to be good dependable adults.

    However, I am very concerned about little Brucie. He is being depended upon as governor to do his job as governor, and it seems that he may be too damn old to be taught anything. Brucie has poor listening skills and an exaggerated ego which is preventing him from being open minded to compromise and bipartisanship. There are many adults trying to work with Brucie but find him unable to understand why his work needs to be done.

    If Brucie was my kid - I’d make him go back to Kindergarten and start all over again. He is a useless man too lazy to do his job.

  47. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:45 am:

    Governing 101:

    If you cant get dinner, get lunch.

    If you cant get a whole sandwich, get half a sandwich.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:46 am:

    - Westward -

    Governors own.

    Did you even read what this Post is about?

    Gov. Edgar and the Institutional Knowledge, or lack thereof.

    “Speaker Madigan” or “Fire Madigan, 2.0″ isn’t getting anything done… for a Governor. Especially if the narrative is out and out false.

  49. - Westward - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:50 am:

    OW - “What you don’t do is spend all your time publicly bashing one guy. ”

    Finger pointing.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    - Westward -

    Use your words, then I know what you are exactly saying.

    Thank you.

  51. - LizPhairTax - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    Noting, Rauner has been Governor for 407 days. New here does not apply anymore.

  52. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:54 am:

    Governing 102

    A rational, compassionate leader strives to reach consensus, or at least compromise. Seriously harming tens of thousands of our most vulnerable citizens is indecent, immoral and not an acceptable tactic.

    And then along comes rauner.

  53. - Westward - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:56 am:

    Silly Willy, I will.

  54. - G'Kar - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 9:59 am:

    Generally I am able to follow the argument and discussion, but sometimes it is a little too “inside baseball.” Would someone help to educate me by explaining what Edgar meant when he talked about “a vote for the discharge”?


  55. - Cheswick - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 10:00 am:

    Side note: After that legislation was passed, Doc (R- chiropractor, longtime representative from Springfield - I can see his face, but I forgot his last name already) went on Springfield TV and told everyone that a permanent solution to school funding had been worked out. He was so happy, so proud.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 10:04 am:

    - Wesward -

    If you are insinuating Gov. Rauner is a victim to me, cripes, that’s swell you think I can “victimize” a governor.

    To that, elevating me to Rauner, (or lowing a governor to my level) is probably the saddest part of this “Rauner is a victim to words”.

    Also, then calling me “silly” kinda reinforces all your points, including the first, because making it about me is just too important than discussing why it shouldn’t be about me.

  57. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 10:12 am:

    –Side note: After that legislation was passed, Doc (R- chiropractor, longtime representative from Springfield - I can see his face, but I forgot his last name already)–

    Doc Davidson.

    Not to be confused with Doc Adams, Springfield GOP patronage boss.

    If you wanted a job in Springfield back in the day, you went to see the Docs.

  58. - @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 10:21 am:

    If the objective is to:

    • Stop all non-mandatory spending

    • Hoard what cash the state does have

    • Destroy the State’s vendors

    • Worsen state health services

    • Reduce state employee morale to zero and drive out all career employees, especially Tier 1

    • Either close higher education institutions or try to force said schools to use up their endowments

    • To back the Democrats into a corner where they have to propose and pass a tax increase on their own

    … then Rauner’s course of action attacking the one person who can hold up legislation is correct.

    This is the correct way to think about Bruce Rauner, i.e. don’t accept his stated objectives as his actual goals, rather use his actions as governor to determine what his actual goals as governor are.

    I used to think Rauner’s ultimate goal was the elimination of the public sector unions, but now I believe his goal for Illinois may be the elimination of the public sector itself.

    – MrJM

  59. - Boone's is Back - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 10:23 am:

    Spot on Rich.

  60. - Jocko - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 10:52 am:

    For the record, has this guy taken a single arrow? MJM and Cullerton should go on the record saying that Bruce’s actions are either deliberate or reflect an unwillingness to accept the duties of office.

  61. - Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 11:10 am:

    Gosh, am I glad I live in a state where the governor isn’t a gross incompetent and the GA isn’t run by the corrupt who couldn’t care less if they lead the state to disaster as long as they protect the right of their cronies to continue plundering the public treasure.

    If Rauner has a “plan for success” or even a DEFINITION of what “success” is, I haven’t been able to find it.

    Madigan and Cullerton will let the state disintegrate as long as their union, patronage, lawyer, and crony contractor buddies can keep on sucking the state dry a little longer.

    Folks, get out of Illinois once in a while and see the way the rest of the nation functions. It doesn’t have to be this way. The people of Illinois have the power to fix things, but they still think the “evils are sufferable” enough to avoid breaking down the power bases and institutions that led Illinois to ruin.

    It’ll take a revolution in Illinois to fix things, but I just don’t see a base coming up who has the interest in doing it. The professional class is leaving, businesses like manufacturing that create a middle class are running away from Illinois like locusts, and public workers and unions are fighting every sustainable change big time.

    OW, the sad fact is that Rauner isn’t the only one who “owns it” here. YOU own it, as well as all the rest of the posters drawing a government paycheck or pension on this blog. You elected these clowns for decades, or didn’t do enough to PREVENT them from being elected.

    YOU own it from Rich to Vanilla Man to Norseman and Demoralized who thinks anyone who doesn’t support tax gouging and fighting for the people against the union interests is a “troll”.

    People like you made this bed. Don’t complain about the lumpy mattress now..

  62. - Mama - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    – MrJM @ 10:21AM, “I used to think Rauner’s ultimate goal was the elimination of the public sector unions, but now I believe his goal for Illinois may be the elimination of the public sector itself.”

    MrJM, you hit the nail on the head. Eliminating the entire public sector by contracting all services out to the public sector is the Tea Party’s goal. The Tea Party want to get rid of state & federal laws and taxes. Each city/town will have to raise taxes to suit their local needs. However, I’m not sure how Interstate roads & schools are suppose to be built and maintained.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    ===OW, the sad fact is that Rauner isn’t the only one who “owns it” here. YOU own it, as well as all the rest of the posters drawing a government paycheck or pension on this blog.===

    I’m not a state employee.

    the rest I’ll just ignore because I’m not on your lawn.

  64. - tominchicago - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 11:19 am:

    Generally I am able to follow the argument and discussion, but sometimes it is a little too “inside baseball.” Would someone help to educate me by explaining what Edgar meant when he talked about “a vote for the discharge”?

    I don’t remember the history of the bill but my guess is that the bill was not approved by whatever committee to which it was assigned. Normally, that would kill the bill but there is a provision in GA rules that permits bills to bypass committees via a discharge petition and go straight to the floor. I assume that is what Edgar means here

  65. - Westward - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 11:25 am:

    Willy, in your haste to nitpick my post, you failed to remember Rich’s conclusion (”My overall point…”). And to those last 2 paragraphs of his did I directed my original comment, which I stand on. And to be even more clear, Rich dishes out practical and rational insight based in his extensive and first hand knowledge of Illinois politics. But his observations always fall on the deaf ears of those who might right the ship.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 11:36 am:

    ===But his observations always fall on the deaf ears of those who might right the ship.===

    The governor? I don’t think Madigan is sayin’ “Because… Madigan”

    I am excited after you decided to go “silly” to use words…

    That’s fun.

  67. - Austin Blvd - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    Yes, now that Rauner has won his election (caught his Marlin), the state of the state worsens each day. How bad can it get is the question?
    This is all on one man.

  68. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 12:04 pm:

    ==who thinks anyone who doesn’t support tax gouging and fighting for the people against the union interests is a “troll”.==

    Um, I never said that. Stop being a victim.

    Now do us all a favor and go away again.

  69. - walker - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 12:11 pm:

    Don Draper: Unless you’re Governor Rauner in disguise, and just made a major announcement of a change in position, then you’d be the first in Springfield to believe that the TA has been pared down to those two items.

    If only it were true.

  70. - Twice Baked - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 12:15 pm:

    One of your best posts, Rich. Thank you.

  71. - Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 12:59 pm:

    So, OW, I make a comment that many anti-rauner posters here are on government paychecks and pensions (that includes county, municipal, schools and universities)and your response is that you’re not currently “a state employee”? Seems you might fit into one of the other categories I mentioned. Certainly you or a close family member getting a pension or paycheck from “government” would explain some of your anti-Rauner rants from someone who supports the wants of the public unions over the needs of the remaining citizens.

    Regarding “ownership” of the Illinois mess, every one of us who voted for one of Madigan’s crew “owns” this debacle. I’m one of them. I supported Maggie Crotty and Kevin Joyce at one time, so I’m to blame as well.

    The problem is that the disastrous path the Dem machine and the RINO combine community took that made things so bad that the people became desperate and elected the only “outsider”, Rauner, to run.

    I looked to volunteering for Rauner early on in his campaign, but I saw there really was no plan from him to solve the state’s problems, so I just left. If he has one now, I sure can’t figure it out.

    I really don’t know what he’s trying to accomplish. If he wanted to defang public unions, prohibiting teacher strikes in financially ailing districts would’ve had the most impact and would have had popular support, especially in Chicago. “Protecting the kids” is a much better line than “throwing the disabled to the wolves”.

    Ending prevailing wage should’ve been an easy sell as well. Asking the people, “should we pay double the market rate for construction labor to give our children safe learning environments or spend the money as effectively as we can to protect them” is a far better argument than the convoluted labor attacks I’m seeing from him.

    Right now, there’s a deal to be made to move this budget fiasco forward. Rauner is a one termer, so there’s only so much pressure you can put on him. The Dem machine is another matter.

    OW what are you doing now to pressure the Dems to get a sustainable spending approach to the state government, including Higher ed and K-12? No pressure, no progress. You know that. Whining about Rauner does nothing at this point. Why do you keep obsessing on it?

  72. - Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 1:03 pm:

    Demoralized, every time I drop in I plan on a short stay. then you chime in with some asinine insult and get me motivated to stick around if for no other reason that to dispute your nonsense.

    “I try to keep out…but they keep on draggginnggg me back in!” Michael Corleone

  73. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 1:08 pm:

    ===Certainly you or a close family member getting a pension or paycheck from “government” would explain some of your anti-Rauner rants from someone who supports the wants of the public unions over the needs of the remaining citizens.===


    What else do you have?

    Please, I’m not going to feed your trolling when you make assumptions about me or my family.

    ===Gosh, am I glad I live in a state where…===

    Ok, so I’m not on your desert…

    I read your comment.

    Good luck.

  74. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    YOU own it from Rich to Vanilla Man to Norseman and Demoralized who thinks anyone who doesn’t support tax gouging and fighting for the people against the union interests is a “troll”.

    When the temporary income tax was in effect, our state financial situation was much better, our bills were being paid, people dependent upon doing business with Illinois were not going into bankruptcy and NO ONE was claiming they were getting gouged.

    “Gouged” - what a ridiculous thing to say. We have hurting people getting more hurt. Who are trying to better their lives. That are trying to make their lives better for their kids. That are trying to get a college education. Yet you want to be the victim? Stand in line, whiner!

    Your political stand does NO ONE a favor. Not you, not your friends, not your community, not your generation, not your churches, not your neighbors. NO ONE. Your political view doesn’t help anyone.

    You are not here in spirit or physically. You are not here. When the hungry are looking for help, they won’t come to you, so you don’t have to be bothered by them. When our charities close, you won’t have to know about the real victims.

    You go cuddle up with your pity pot and whine about how you are worried about being gouged and are afraid that someone is going to ask you for anything. You don’t want to confront your own selfishness.

    Got it.
    Thanks for nothing.

  75. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 1:36 pm:

    ==I just got here==

    That seems to be the sum belief of the Governor and all of his supporters. Playing the constant victim. Nothing is his fault because he “just got here.” I presume he “got here” for a reason and presumably that reason was to govern. Well, it’s been a year and he’s not done that yet. Perhaps he can let us know when he will really “get here” and start governing. We’re waiting.

  76. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 3:53 pm:

    OW, you may have missed it last night, but we have placed heavy regulations on Tweets by that fellow Sandack. Future references of him by you may result in you having to purchase them cannoli things to all CapFax readers. You have been warned!

  77. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 3:59 pm:

    - Blue dog dem -

    I did miss it. Was this a secret?

  78. - Whatever - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 4:25 pm:

    ==Step away from the marijuana.==

    Said no University of Maryland - Munich campus alum, ever. Until today. Rauner has a lot to answer for!

  79. - Eastside - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 4:25 pm:

    Your point about “when a Governor engages” he can get 75% of what he wants completely ignores the fact that Edgar and Ryan had one very significant factor in common……Pate Philip. He was the best at dealing with Speaker Madigan and provided a backstop and necessary support for the Governor. Governor Rauner does not have such an ally therefore he is unlikely to be able to accomplish results by the same means.

  80. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 4:38 pm:

    ===provided a backstop and necessary support for the Governor===


    Where you around then?

  81. - justacitizen - Tuesday, Feb 23, 16 @ 8:24 pm:

    Sorry for the late blog, but some of us work. Interesting thread. With all due respect, one of Rauner’s main turnaround agenda items (term limits) is to get rid of Madigan. I know this blog is generally supportive of Madigan, but I think most IL govt insiders from both sides of the aisle would not be too disappointed if Madigan goes away.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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* Roundup: Jury begins deliberations in Madigan corruption trial
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