Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Stratton hit by “dog whistle” attack
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Stratton hit by “dog whistle” attack

Thursday, Feb 25, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* OK, before we watch the new IllinoisGO TV ad bashing Rep. Ken Dunkin’s Democratic primary opponent Juliana Stratton, let’s look at the script…

Let’s do the math. Juliana Stratton has been recruited by party bosses to push the same policies that have resulted in hundreds of thousands of job losses in Illinois and put us billions of dollars in debt. Policies that have cut social services for thousands of Illinois families. And as a Cook County official in charge of public safety, she did exactly the opposite, pushing a program that put thousands of inmates back on the street. Add it up, Juliana Stratton would be disastrous for Illinois.

The thing is all over the place. Not to mention that this is a Democratic primary in a district which is majority black (and significantly more so in a Democratic primary), so the “releasing inmates” dog whistle probably ain’t gonna work and may even backfire. And this was recorded off a TV by a pal of mine who lives near Washington Park, so it’s not even being confined to the white northern end of the district - where Stratton is backed by the white aldermen (you can see Brian Hopkins in one of the photos).

* OK, now watch it

Kinda underwhelming.

*** UPDATE *** From IllinoisGO…

Rich – dog whistle? Are you seriously alleging that communicating about crime in a political race in the City of Chicago is somehow racially motivated? That African American voters do not care about crime and only white voters do? Gun violence and its effects on our communities are the single highest concern among voters in this district and that is especially true among African-American voters – of which ninety percent have serious concerns.

Juliana Stratton has touted her public safety record consistently throughout the campaign. But she has a record that includes releasing inmates that that have an average of eighteen arrests, including at least one arrest for a violent crime, despite law enforcement officials finding them ineligible. She fought against a promising proposal to establish a gun court which has gotten illegal guns off the streets in other cities.

Her record is hers to defend and gun violence is a valid issue of concern that cuts across every ethnicity, every age, and every neighborhood. To suggest that somehow this ad is playing into racial fears is flat out wrong and says more about others’ biased assumptions on what voters can or cannot care about.

Feel free to publish our response.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* And now for an actual direct hit, via AlderTrack

“Dark” could be a bit much, but yikes!

I mean… I just… Oh, never mind. She gone, as the Hawk might say. Seriously, did she not watch “Goodfellas” and see how stuffing coke in a baby’s diaper ended poorly?

The mailer was paid for by the House Democrats, probably because Vaughn has long been rumored to be Rep. Ken Dunkin’s candidate in the 6th House District, which was formerly represented by the late Rep. Esther Golar.


  1. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 11:57 am:

    How did Vaughn get busted? Did she have to go home and get her hat before the flight to Pittsburgh?

  2. - Guzzlepot - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 11:58 am:

    If Vaughn has a felony conviction how is she on the ballot? Why even spend the money on the mailers, if somehow she wins she can’t take office anyway?

  3. - Spliff - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:00 pm:

    How do you not think doing time as a drug mule won’t be found?

  4. - DuPage - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:00 pm:

    Are the allegations about Vaughn exaggerated? If they are accurate, I am surprised no one noticed this before.

  5. - anon - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    Kenyata sounds like another example of bad judgment by Dunkin.

  6. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    ===I am surprised no one noticed this before===

    Why would they? She’s not an elected official. And it’s prime time for negative hits right now. No reason to have mailed on this in December.

  7. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:04 pm:

    What percentage of Raunerite candidates have criminal records?

  8. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:16 pm:

    “a program that put thousands of inmates back on the street”

    The program that allowed pre-trial release of poor people whom a judge already ok’d for release but who couldn’t afford a few hundred bucks for bond?

    Ms. Stratton oughtta run an ad highlighting that.

    With friends like IllinoisGO, Ken Dunkin don’t need enemies.

    – MrJM

  9. - Michael Westen - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:20 pm:

    Convicted felons can serve in the legislature. Just not local government. Weird but true.

  10. - cdog - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:28 pm:

    “Job losses”
    “put us billions of dollars in debt”
    “cut social services”

    Wait. Doesn’t this describe the Rauner Administration and its soldiers?

    “Put inmates on the street” What was Rauner’s targeted decrease in Illinois prison population? There aint no “Planet Moolah” option!!

    smh. and a little angry at the audacity of the duplicitous messaging.

  11. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:28 pm:

    Nothing like a bunch of white guys writing a hit piece for a minority district. LOL

  12. - Annon3 - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:30 pm:

    Who is IllinoisGO’s target audience? They got more money then sense.

  13. - cdog - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:31 pm:

    (The reference to “Planet Moolah” is that inmates have to be released “back on the street” if there is to be a near term decline in prison population, as compared to the video gaming game “Planet Moolah” where things just evaporate and disappear to “Planet Moolah.”)

  14. - Gooner - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:33 pm:

    Is an attack on “party bosses” really a winning strategy in a typically low turnout primary?

    That might be a great ad — in a general election in Naperville.

    In a Chicago primary? The only benefit was that it created jobs for a few people creating ads, which is more job effort at job creation than Dunkin has accomplished during his years in office.

  15. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:35 pm:

    I agree with Norseman.
    It is pathetic how badly this group overlooks a voter base for a piece of generic crap that would only appeal to them. Whoever put together that television ad owes Dunkin a refund.

    Both ads are pathetic, insensitive and insulting. The people generating this crap are amateurs.

  16. - JS Mill - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:36 pm:

    It seems more than just distasteful that Dunkin has the audacity to run a candidate in Golar’s district.

  17. - Annonin' - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:37 pm:

    But wait Capt Fax
    Did ILGo miss a meetin’
    The $uper$tars are FOR “early release” Roger heaton calls it somethin’ else but it is all about cleanin’ out the joint to save bucks. Guessin’ Ms. Stratton was probably workin’ with wrongfully accused, youthful offenders who could get into Duke or MIT.
    Bettin’ someone at Resolute gets spanked this afternoon.

  18. - tinsel town - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:41 pm:

    smells like dan proft style journalism ( or lack of it).

    I don’t think more than 10 people in that district will see it.

    But does Proft has some problems regarding disclosure? Has a FCC Complaint been filed alluding to sponsored identification?

    Has proft recent scored tens of thousands of dollars in his pac, only to use some of it to retire his own political debt?

    Would this violate FCC standards on pay to play?

  19. - Honeybear - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:45 pm:

    I do love learning from Capfax. “Dog whistle” attack. That’s such a great term. I can’t wait to use it in my own stuff.

  20. - Soccermom - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    Also, it’s kind of weird to do a hit on “failed policies of the past” when you are the LONGTERM INCUMBENT.

  21. - The Middle - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:59 pm:

    Interesting that IllinoisGO(P) isn’t tying Stratton directly to Madigan — just a vague reference to party bosses. Maybe that’s coming next, but if it doesn’t, you can bet it means the speaker isn’t polling as poorly in that district as he does elsewhere. Fighting Rauner is helping Madigan’s approval rating in at least some parts of the state.

  22. - Anon221 - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 12:59 pm:

    Proft and Dunkin have some “homework” to do. Spelling doesn’t seem to be a strong suit-

    Illinois Oppurtunity Project

  23. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 1:07 pm:

    Nothing like a bunch of white guys writing a hit piece for a minority district. LOL

    “Us frat boys really know how to connect with the folks in the hood. We even listened to Bell Biv DeVoe in college.”

  24. - FTR - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 1:22 pm:

    @The Middle

    Could it be they’re not polling at all? I can’t believe the “releasing inmates” line of attack would poll well there. They might be just blindly throwing darts, though there’s no excuse for that given all the money Goldner has at his disposal.

    Then again, maybe the cable buy was screwed up and an ad that is supposed to be running downtown is running in the entire district.

  25. - chicagonk - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 1:25 pm:

    “Dark could be a bit much.”

    It is a bit much.

  26. - CharlieKratos - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    This is what you get when Republicans put together a Democratic ad. They don’t understand the audience.

  27. - Touré's Latte - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 2:05 pm:

    As a hit piece it is mostly effective. You get the name and dark criminal past before it hits the recycle bin. Say a solid B.

  28. - NSideLady - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 2:11 pm:

    Seems a bit amateurish to me. This may give Stratton a slight edge. I notice the term “party bosses” was used, instead of MJM. Maybe Republicans are realizing that Rauner has done the impossible — made a lot of different types of Democrats allies of Madigan. Madigan is now poised as the anti-Rauner. Politics makes strange bedfellows. The great irony is that I think Madigan and Rauner have more in common than we would think.

  29. - Stumpy's bunker - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 2:17 pm:

    ==”releasing inmates” dog whistle probably ain’t gonna work==


    The ‘partial fingerprints” on this thing could more likely lead to, say, Winnetka or Proftville than Ken Dunkin’s district.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 3:07 pm:

    Dear IllinoisGO,

    If you are using paragraphs to explain your Ad, you’re losing.

    If you have to explain the rationale of the Ad, it’s underwelming.

    Even Raunerites should know that.

  31. - The Captain - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 3:18 pm:

    When did outside money get so sensitive? Your job is to pay for the kind of ugly hit pieces that people criticize, that’s why in a race with no contribution limits you still have outside money.

  32. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 3:21 pm:

    So the fake Democrats at IllinoisGO are in a huff because Stratton may have been in charge of someone with “one arrest for a violent crime”? This, while their lapdog, deadbeat dad Ken Dunkin, has a record of abusing women? Once you get past the rank hypocrisy, you can see that Rich’s analysis is spot on. The “lock ‘em and throw away the key” is not going to work with AfAm audiences. It has been tried (and once supported enthusiastically by black pols and organizations) and failed. The people of Dunkin’s district will see through this hypocritical charade.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 3:22 pm:

    Is is cute that IllinoisGO thinks they have integrity.

    They’re a Shadow Raunerite PAC designed to infiltrate Democratic politics with Faux Democratic Candidates that Rauner wants.

    Seriously, it’s cute.

    IllinoisGO, you’re a shell corp for Rauner, you’re not about politics or policy.

    K? K.

  34. - burbanite - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 3:25 pm:

    Wow, those IllinoisGo guys sure are sensitive.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 3:30 pm:

    @FakeIllinoisGO - We can handle things! We’re smart! Not like everybody says… like a shell corp, a prop. We want respect! #FredoDefense #HailMary #CredibleDupes

  36. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 3:38 pm:

    To be clear,

    I am Resolute in my belief that IllinoisGO thinking their explanation to an Ad that IllinoisGO is the victim to how an Ad they put together is seen outside.

    Yep, I am Resolute in believing that those connected to this needed cover when they were “called”, and not by a whistle.

  37. - illini97 - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 3:44 pm:

    Explaining an ad is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better, but it dies in the process.

  38. - How Ironic - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 3:49 pm:

    @IllinoisGO “Are you seriously alleging that communicating about crime in a political race in the City of Chicago is somehow racially motivated?”

    When IllinoisGO rolls out their Ken Dunkin Expose’ outlining all of his criminal deeds…I’ll take them a little more seriously.

    Until then…yes, this is ‘dog-whistle’ to the wrong audience.

  39. - There is power in a union... - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 4:31 pm:

    Is Illinois go basically arguing their own candidate shouldn’t have been released?

  40. - Ghost - Thursday, Feb 25, 16 @ 4:32 pm:

    yes minorities, who are disproportionally jailed , often complain that criminals need more jail time and want people to hold multiple convictions against teleased inmates


  41. - @MisterJayEm - Friday, Feb 26, 16 @ 7:01 am:

    Are you seriously alleging that communicating about crime in a political race in the City of Chicago is somehow racially motivated?

    “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” — Queen Gertrude ‘Hamlet’ Act III, Scene II.

    – MrJM

  42. - VanillaMan - Friday, Feb 26, 16 @ 7:44 am:

    Are you seriously alleging that communicating about crime in a political race in the City of Chicago is somehow racially motivated?

    Nope. What we have here is concrete proof that your group cannot communicate without spinning it as racial. If that is inadvertent, all the worse for you - amateurs.

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