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“Awaken your humanity”

Wednesday, Mar 2, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Richard Melcher…

Good morning, Rich,

When words have failed to break the state budget impasse, social services providers and young artists are turning to another tactic – art. On behalf of the Illinois Collaboration on Youth (ICOY), a statewide network of organizations delivering programs, services and advocacy for at-risk youth and families, I wanted to let you know that artists from Chicago will take to the Capitol Rotunda on Wednesday, March 2, with tapestries and paintings that illustrate the damage from the ongoing deadlock. We’d love for you to take a look and speak to provider organizations, advocates for youth programs that are being cut, and artists themselves: all will be in the Rotunda from 8am-11am.

I’ve attached a release, along with images of some of the work that will be on display. By way of background, the art protest was organized by ICOY and the Beverly Area Arts Alliance to illustrate the damage from the ongoing deadlock. The centerpiece of the artists’ work is a six by sixteen foot tapestry tying together 4,000 torn strips of fabric, each one representing 10 of the 40,000 youth served by programs in the ICOY network affected by the absence of a state budget. Additional smaller tapestries and a work in progress demonstrate the continued expansion of those affected under the impasse. The project has been created with help from Chicago youth residents of a homeless shelter, a girl scout troop, Southside artists and numerous community members, many of whom brought pieces of fabric salvaged from significant personal items, adding weight to the expression of human lives being torn apart. Additional fabrics were donated by The Quilter’s Trunk. Several artists of the Alliance will also exhibit paintings inspired by the suffering the budget impasse creates.

I very much hope you can stop by – and, of course, post an item.

The full press release is here.

* Photos of the tapestry…


  1. - Dan Johnson - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:02 am:

    The 5% income tax really wasn’t so bad, was it?

  2. - There is power in a union... - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:05 am:

    What’s a little humanity when you and your friends can make billions busting the state out…

  3. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:07 am:

    After 40 years of political power in a state like Illinois, how much humanity can anyone have left? You have to slowly make a lot of trade-offs to remain the King for so long.

  4. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:08 am:

    Wait a minute — are there real people being tuned up by the “squeeze the beast” strategery?

    I thought it was just like Dungeons and Dragons for the Oompa-loompa Frat Boys and the dorm-room revolutionaries in Trib Tower.

  5. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:08 am:

    After 40 years of political power in a state like Illinois, how much humanity can anyone have left?

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:11 am:

    Dear ILGOP, GOP GA, Governor Rauner…

    @RonSandack: I’m frustrated 2, but taking steps towards reforming IL more important than short term budget stalemate.

    Show me, and all of Illinois, your humanity instead of being deafly silent about Ron Sandack, his tweet, and what his tweet means when people speak up and ask about the humanity of the ILGOP, the GOP GA, and the social conscience of Governor Bruce Rauner.

    Are you all going to let Ron Sandack dictate your humanity and that choices are worth pain like we are seeing?

    Someone speak up.



    Oswego Willy

  7. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    No compromise, no alternative suggestions, no reforms, no surrender in this epic struggle.

    Party first. The kids come secondary to compromise.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    The - @MisterJayEm - Rule on ” - Anonymous - ” is such a great rule, proved out again and again.

    To the Post,

    GOP GA,

    Ignoring constituents in Illinois isn’t doing your job.

    Recognize you are part of a collective body representing all of Illinois, not just your districts that you may coldly believe “my district isn’t represebted here”

    Maybe. But your state is being hurt here. Recognize that.

  9. - cdog - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    “4,000 torn strips of fabric, each one representing 10 of the 40,000 youth served by programs in the ICOY network”

    The act of turning this era of Illinois history into a visual installation is not easy.

    This is a job well done by those on the front line of the Rauner Recession.

  10. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:17 am:

    Dan - that extra 1.25% for my wife and me pays for 10 weeks of our younger son’s preschool. 10 WEEKS. So yes - to me, that extra 1.25% is pretty darned important.

  11. - Norseman - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:21 am:

    Vulture capitalists have no humanity. And, Rauner’s money will keep his supplicants from considering what humanity they have left.

  12. - State worker - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:23 am:

    Not sure about the art itself, but a great idea in general. I sure hope all those families, if they survive, engage in the political process.

  13. - olddog - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:34 am:

    Team Sleep 9:17 === that extra 1.25% for my wife and me pays for 10 weeks of our younger son’s preschool. 10 WEEKS. So yes - to me, that extra 1.25% is pretty darned important. ===

    I’m happy for your family, but let’s do some math.

    While your grandson could afford a preschool, Voices for Children reports “nearly 1,800 families across the state have either lost services or are at risk of losing critical autism services after The Autism Project closed its doors on September 30, 2015.” That’s only one example of the damage done to families across the state.

    You see, it’s not just about you.

  14. - Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:35 am:

    Multiply that 4000 by all the other organizations and individuals negatively impacted by this budget impasse. Picture that.

  15. - Hard-working Art Student - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:36 am:

    I appreciate the time and effort it took to make such a work. It can be hard to articulate a complex series of emotions in a way that is accessible to all people.

  16. - olddog - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:38 am:

    Correction at 9:34: “While your son could afford …”

  17. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:39 am:

    Olddog - but it is. People vote their interests, and for me having enough extra money in my pocket to pay for 2.5+ months of preschool is important and helps me either save or pay down other debts/expenses.

  18. - New & Improved - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:41 am:

    This breaks my heart. Hope it helps move someone to action.

  19. - cdog - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:49 am:

    @team sleep

    I hope you are not the type that constantly expects to borrow neighbors.

    You sound too cheap to even own your own mower/trimmer, ladder/drill. Borrow eggs? Milk?
    Don’t. It will ruin the image you are trying to create.

  20. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:51 am:

    People vote their interests, and for me having enough extra money in my pocket to pay for 2.5+ months of preschool is important and helps me either save or pay down other debts/expenses.

    Well, be sure to let us know when you’ve saved enough that you can take an interest in the lives of the children formerly served by the Autism Project.

    – MrJM

  21. - Jocko - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    TS Sorry to hear you’re living hand to mouth. I’m sure you, like Bruce, give plenty to charity.

    With the passing of the greatest generation comes individuals who’d prefer to pay little now and refuse to consider they’ll pay far more later.

  22. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:54 am:

    Cdog - quite a leap of logic there. So because I don’t want to pay more in taxes I’m a tightwad?! I’m not sure how you reached that conclusion, but whatever.

    MrJM - feel free to make a donation to the Illinois Department of Revenue. I’m sure they’d gladly accept it - and you can even make it in my name! I’d be flattered.

  23. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 9:57 am:

    Jocko - thanks for being condescending. I appreciate it.

  24. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:03 am:


    It’s quite ironic that you would whine about taxes on a post discussing humanity. Apparently you, like our legislators and Governor, just don’t get it.

  25. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:05 am:


    Go read this post and then come back here and whine some more.

  26. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:17 am:

    So… will Bruce tweet and take selfies in front of the tapestry, all the while shakin’ his head and blamin’ Madigan?

    To the artists- Excellent! I hope this gets a chance to travel the state and educate others. More close-ups of the writing on the tags (both literal and visual) needs to be done. The Voices report is also a vital addition to this.

  27. - downstate commissioner - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:20 am:

    Team Sleep. You stepped in it on this blog. Now stand still; spreading it around doesn’t clean it off your shoes…

  28. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:20 am:

    Demoralized - I was replying to the first reply on the post. I’m getting a little tired of hearing about what should and shouldn’t rile me up and how not wanting to pay the previous rate makes me a horrible person.

  29. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:29 am:

    I’m getting a little tired of hearing about what should and shouldn’t rile me up and how not wanting to pay the previous rate makes me a horrible person.

    Goodness! I had no idea that you were suffering so! This really puts everything in perspective.

    – MrJM

  30. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:41 am:

    MrJM, you’re such a funny guy. I don’t know how you can live with yourself for being such a card.

  31. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:51 am:

    Team Sleep expresses a rational, reasonable opinion and the “comment crew” immediately pounces with insults and derision. Nice going.

  32. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:52 am:

    10:51 - thanks, and you will be pilloried as well.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:56 am:

    - Team Sleep -

    Nah. ” - Anonymous - ” has very little weight. You never know which one says what, lol.

  34. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:58 am:

    ===thanks, and you will be pilloried as well.===

    Don’t be a victim. You’re defending yourself pretty well. Keep at it or don’t. But stop whining.

  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 11:01 am:

    Don’t feel bad. You are paying more in taxes. The state income tax rate from 1990-2010 was 3. Now it is 3.75.

    Your property taxes, sales tax, and miscellaneous other taxes and fees have likely increased during the past 2-3 years as well. You are doing your part and then some.

  36. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 11:02 am:

    Rich - thanks, and point taken. Sorry for the snark. I do appreciate your missives to get regulars and visitors to use a better tone.

  37. - Norseman - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 11:02 am:

    === 10:51 - thanks, and you will be pilloried as well. ===

    I’ll criticize him, but not for what you’re expecting. 10:51 pick a name. 5 seconds to come up with a name. Favorite actor, sports figure, movie role, etc. Too hard. Ask for help. We’d

  38. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    The value of compassion: 1.25%

  39. - illini97 - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    All of this is pointless arguing.

    There WILL be a tax increase. It will go above 5%. We DO have a massive backlog of bills. We owe interest on those bills. That interest is approaching $1 billion.

  40. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 11:24 am:

    ===Awaken your humanity===

    Humanity has been hitting the snooze alarm for eight months.

  41. - cdog - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    team sleep.

    The logic is that you have positioned your self as not being a willing “giver” of 1.25% of your income to avert the life-altering impacts on these 40,000 youth represented in this visual representation.

    Therefore, and according to my interpretation of natural law, you are the opposing force — A Taker!

    Takers expect to borrow way too much stuff from their neighbors. Trust me, I know.

    It is a little leapy-logic, but hey? :)

  42. - northsider (the original) - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 11:27 am:

    10 WEEKS tuition?? That is quite a bargain for quality pre-school!

  43. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 11:40 am:

    Cdog - you got me. I once borrowed my neighbor’s hacksaw.

  44. - Jocko - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 12:05 pm:

    I give credit to TS for speaking his mind. My first sentence wasn’t snark. When my kids were young (0-5) the money went out as fast as it was coming in.

    After age 5, the local public school (ding! ding! ding!) took some of the financial pressure off me. By everyone contributing a small portion in taxes, my children received an education and my wife and I got an(emotional and financial) break.

  45. - Papa2008 - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 12:12 pm:

    Cdog: Perhaps TS is not a willing giver of 1.25% more of his salary. May be TS, like myself, believes 3.75% should be enough.

  46. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 12:27 pm:

    Team Sleep:

    Just doing the math in my head, correct me if I have missed something:

    You and your wife make about $200,000 a year combined, and until Rauner came along a year ago and pushed to have the tax rate rolled back, you didn’t know how you were going to pay for child care?

    You do realize that we whacked the subsidy that allows poor people to afford child care, but you are still receiving your subsidy from the state and federal government in the form of the child care tax credit, correct?

  47. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 12:39 pm:

    Juvenal - no, we make a bit less than $100,000 a year combined. 1.25% of what we earn is exactly what I stated - enough to pay for 10 weeks of preschool tuition. I also just did our 2015 tax return last weekend. Because we earn above the $43,000 married filing jointly threshold - which is extremely low - then we can only claim the .2 multiplier (which is also very low). If you pay ANYTHING for childcare you can claim the credit, so that is a straw man argument.

  48. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 12:40 pm:

    1.25% of just under $100,000 is about $1,150-$1,200 dollars. We made plenty of sacrifices before the rate went down, and the rate reduction has helped us out a great deal.

  49. - cdog - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 12:54 pm:

    Papa, 3.75% should be enough? oh.

    It isn’t for any state in the region.

    Also, cuts have been made before Rauner seized the State. $5.7 billion between 2009-2015.

    (scroll down to FY15 Budget Cuts Fiscal Years 2009-2015)

  50. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 1:17 pm:


  51. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 1:19 pm:


    All I can say is that I’d rather see services for the disabled and the poor be reinstated rather than keep that 1.25%. Who among us wants to pay higher taxes? Not me. But I’m also not willing to watch the state go down in flames over 1.25%. Think about that for a while.

  52. - Papa2008 - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 1:21 pm:

    Cdog: And the fact it isn’t enough for any state in the region is why Mr. Rauner and Mr. Trump are where they are. Rightly or wrongly, that is why. A lot of people have had enough. And are expressing that opinion in the voting booth. And on political blogs :)

  53. - Papa2008 - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    Demoralized: Instead of reinstating the 1.25% to take care of the disabled and poor, let’s reapportion the 3.75% away from the able and wealthy.

  54. - Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 1:31 pm:

    Look, no one wants to pay more in taxes than they have to. Most of us can find things to pay for with our 1.25%. The tax reduction makes the revenue side of the budget more difficult, yes. All that being said, this blog article is related to the fact that we don’t have a budget. The main reason for that is that Rainer won’t consider a budget until he gives up on his Turnaround Agenda.

  55. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 1:41 pm:

    TS and Papa, I’ll give you points for being honest as to your reasons for supporting the governor’s actions.

    The governor and his acolytes pretend that they’re not doing it on purpose. And some of the people, all of the time, believe them.

  56. - Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 2:02 pm:

    Ok, slow down..acolytes,pilloried,missives. Old blue dog can’t look these words up fast enough.

  57. - Mama - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 3:57 pm:

    Will this art only be on display at the state capitol for one day (today)?

  58. - Mama - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    I hope most of the people being affected by the budget impasse can & will vote accordingly.

  59. - IL17 - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 4:37 pm:

    Many articles ago sometime last year Gov Bruce’s plan was identified on CapitolFax. What was it?
    To create leverage by building a wedge issues.
    As great the suffering being shown, this plays directly in Gov. Bruce’s technique.
    The con-man will use talk glowingly about how he can solve this IF you just buy all these other items he is selling. In true con-artist fashion the IF will be soft pedaled while great flourishes of the anguish will be made.

  60. - Mama - Wednesday, Mar 2, 16 @ 10:12 pm:

    Suggestion: sew all of the tags into one huge quilt, but that would be a lot more work. With a quilt. one can see what is written on all of the tags. Plus a quilt would be easier to transport.

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