FEC reports came out in IL-10 and it’s just as ugly on the Democrat side as we expected. Brad Schneider has spent over $900,000 while Nancy Rotering has shelled out more than $650,000, and there are still nearly two weeks until Election Day! While Schneider and Rotering burn through cash attacking each other, Bob Dold has stockpiled more than $1.6 million for the general election.
Here’s a look at cash on hand as of the latest report:
Bob Dold $1.6 million in cash on hand
Brad Schneider: $296,000 in cash on hand
Nancy Rotering: $452,000 in cash on hand
In the final two weeks, Schneider and Rotering will ramp up their spending even further, ensuring the eventual nominee is damaged and far behind in the cash race on the morning of March 16th.
NRCC Comment: “While Brad Schneider and Nancy Rotering burn through cash attacking each other, Bob Dold has stockpiled more than $1.6 million for the general election. Whoever is the eventual Democrat nominee is sure to be damaged, broke, and facing an uphill climb in the expensive Chicago media market.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter
That’s wishful thinking if they believe whoever wins that primary won’t have the money to compete this fall. It’s gonna be one of the very top races in the country, after all.
* But, money aside, check out Rotering’s new press release…
Nancy Rotering for Congress launched “Values,” the campaign’s third television ad of the 2016 primary election cycle. The :30 second TV ad highlights the difference between Rotering and Schneider on access to health care, Schneider’s voting record against President Obama and touts Rotering’s endorsement by the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times.
“When given the opportunity to increase access to health care, Brad Schneider chose to side with the Republicans and diminish the opportunity for nearly half a million people to finally receive access to health care and effectively deny women access to birth control,” stated Stacy Raker, Campaign Manager for Nancy Rotering for Congress. “Brad cannot run away from his record. It is an undeniable fact that Schneider voted with Republicans to undermine Obamacare. Nancy Rotering would never stand in the way of increasing access to preventative care or birth control.”
* Schneider has been complaining about Rotering’s ads for weeks. From February 12th…
Yesterday, Brad was added to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s (DCCC) competitive “Red to Blue” program because Democrats nationwide consider our race as one of the BEST opportunities to flip a seat this November.
But right now our opponent is spending thousands on a vicious and deceptive ad campaign that is misrepresenting Brad’s progressive record.
*** UPDATE *** Schneider response to Rotering ad…
“Nancy Rotering is behind in the polls and has resorted to desperate, dishonest tactics to try to hurt Brad,” said Campaign Manager Magen Ryan. “His 100% ratings from Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America say it all; Brad always has and always will stand with women to ensure they have full access to quality, affordable healthcare. Implying anything different is playing politics with an issue that is too important to us all. We have enough Republicans trying to do that – we don’t need our fellow Democrats doing it too.”
Rotering Claim:
Schneider voted to effectively deny women access to birth control.
Schneider earned perfect, 100% ratings from Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America for his votes in Congress.
In fact, the legislation Rotering references dealt with funding the ACA through penalties. The cited bill would have delayed the employer mandate and fine for one year, until 2015, just as the Obama Administration itself had done earlier by executive order. Furthermore, under the law, employees whose employer did not provide compliance coverage in 2014 could purchase subsidized coverage on the exchanges. As Healthcare.gov notes, “Plans in the Health Insurance Marketplace must cover contraceptive methods…”
Doesn’t this signal to NRCC donors that they can/should put their money elsewhere? Not sure on their strategy. As for our side, shame on Nancy for this dirty ad. It’s ridiculous.
I am not a fan of Schneider by a long shot, but I think this Rotering ad is pretty skeevy. Without having been there herself it’s awfully easy for the mayor of a small village to criticize Congressional votes, and occasional horse trades and compromises isn’t it?
==Interesting to see Brad Schneider, who ran away from the “progressive” label in past campaigns, suddenly embrace it now.==
TominChicago, you are misinformed about Schneider. One of the several reasons he lost in 2014 was because he touted his Progressive bonafides to the extreme and his ads treated the whole tenth district as though it were highly progressive yuppiedom when in fact, it is not.
Wait until Rotering campaigns in the rest of Lake County, bragging about banning guns and being anti-NRA. They love their guns outside of Highland Park.
**Wait until Rotering campaigns in the rest of Lake County, bragging about banning guns and being anti-NRA. They love their guns outside of Highland Park.**
Really? You’re saying that Dold is going to run on guns? Good luck with that.
There is a reason that Dold has a terrible voting record with NRA and the Gun Owners of America.
Rotering ain’t what she says she is. Other then the gun BS her terms in office in HP included purchasing a useless theatre for millions of taxpayers $$ that we can’t unload. She also has refused to stake out s position on the divisive school referendum issues. That’s not leadership -it’s cowardice.
Atsaves- “Wait until Rotering campaigns in the rest of Lake County, bragging about banning guns and being anti-NRA. They love their guns outside of Highland Park.”
Maybe back in Geo’s first term as Mayor, Louis. 1987 was a long time ago. But you obviously haven’t been to Zion, Waukegan, Grayslake and Gurnee lately. Both Schneider and Rottering polled very well on their responsible gun positions in those areas.
And yeah, we know you worked for her. The question remains as to whether you learned from Geo.
BTW, Rottering inherited the theater contract. Breeching it would have cost buku-bucks on top of the same ultimate result.
@Springfieldish, all I’ve seen of Rotering’s ads is she will fight the NRA and celebrating “her” ban of certain types of weapons. If your polling shows “responsible gun ownership” that appears to be closer to Dold’s position instead of Schneider and Rotering in Northern and Northwest Lake where the district runs.
- Tenth Dem - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 11:06 am:
Doesn’t this signal to NRCC donors that they can/should put their money elsewhere? Not sure on their strategy. As for our side, shame on Nancy for this dirty ad. It’s ridiculous.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 11:12 am:
Interesting to see Brad Schneider, who ran away from the “progressive” label in past campaigns, suddenly embrace it now.
- TominChicago - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 11:30 am:
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 11:12 am:
Interesting to see Brad Schneider, who ran away from the “progressive” label in past campaigns, suddenly embrace it now.
When Donald Trump is at the top of your opponent’s ticket, being considered progressive is a nice contrast.
- Responsa - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 11:41 am:
I am not a fan of Schneider by a long shot, but I think this Rotering ad is pretty skeevy. Without having been there herself it’s awfully easy for the mayor of a small village to criticize Congressional votes, and occasional horse trades and compromises isn’t it?
==Interesting to see Brad Schneider, who ran away from the “progressive” label in past campaigns, suddenly embrace it now.==
TominChicago, you are misinformed about Schneider. One of the several reasons he lost in 2014 was because he touted his Progressive bonafides to the extreme and his ads treated the whole tenth district as though it were highly progressive yuppiedom when in fact, it is not.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 12:06 pm:
Wait until Rotering campaigns in the rest of Lake County, bragging about banning guns and being anti-NRA. They love their guns outside of Highland Park.
- AlabamaShake - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 12:09 pm:
**Wait until Rotering campaigns in the rest of Lake County, bragging about banning guns and being anti-NRA. They love their guns outside of Highland Park.**
Really? You’re saying that Dold is going to run on guns? Good luck with that.
There is a reason that Dold has a terrible voting record with NRA and the Gun Owners of America.
- Shore - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 12:11 pm:
Love the NRCC, but in the superpac era coh isn’t what it used to be. Left wing groups will have mega gen elex $$$ for this.
WTTW has been doing debates and carol marin did a great job. Rotering is running to schneiders left-hard.
Schneider and friends should ask her about the movie theater she spent millions on and went busto.
- Sue - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 12:23 pm:
Rotering ain’t what she says she is. Other then the gun BS her terms in office in HP included purchasing a useless theatre for millions of taxpayers $$ that we can’t unload. She also has refused to stake out s position on the divisive school referendum issues. That’s not leadership -it’s cowardice.
- wordslinger - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 12:24 pm:
–Doesn’t this signal to NRCC donors that they can/should put their money elsewhere? –
That was my take. Otherwise, what’s the purpose of the message?
Geez, who brags in March that they have sooooo much money?
Those DC groups are really third-rate.
- Ninth Dem - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 1:16 pm:
Schneider’s camp put out a video with a ton of women defending his record on Women’s Health. Pretty powerful https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oUNTiGdSDKU
- Springfieldish - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 1:39 pm:
Atsaves- “Wait until Rotering campaigns in the rest of Lake County, bragging about banning guns and being anti-NRA. They love their guns outside of Highland Park.”
Maybe back in Geo’s first term as Mayor, Louis. 1987 was a long time ago. But you obviously haven’t been to Zion, Waukegan, Grayslake and Gurnee lately. Both Schneider and Rottering polled very well on their responsible gun positions in those areas.
And yeah, we know you worked for her. The question remains as to whether you learned from Geo.
BTW, Rottering inherited the theater contract. Breeching it would have cost buku-bucks on top of the same ultimate result.
- Reme - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 2:28 pm:
Odd how the handshake in the ad is with her left hand. Maybe it’s a subliminal message to progressives.
- Sue - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 2:46 pm:
Maybe Nancy should post some more pictures with HRC
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 3:08 pm:
@Springfieldish, all I’ve seen of Rotering’s ads is she will fight the NRA and celebrating “her” ban of certain types of weapons. If your polling shows “responsible gun ownership” that appears to be closer to Dold’s position instead of Schneider and Rotering in Northern and Northwest Lake where the district runs.
Good luck with that!
- walker - Friday, Mar 4, 16 @ 3:32 pm:
Responsa for word-of-the-day: