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“We are not all criminals”

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This Rep. Ken Dunkin mailer hit yesterday…


* This Dunkin mailer also landed in boxes yesterday…

* Related…

* Kass: Obama backs Boss Madigan the Chicago Way: And speaking of shrieking, just before the Obama endorsement in the Dunkin-Stratton race, another unproven allegation was made, that Dunkin was buying votes.

* Zorn: Ken Dunkin gets Obama’s seal of disapproval: No one seems to be able to remember a sitting president of the United States inserting himself into a contest this far down the ballot. But Dunkin vs. Stratton is likely to be the most pivotal race of the year — general or primary — in Obama’s home state. Dunkin is almost exclusively funded by Republican money. If he survives next week it will deal a major blow to the Democrats, effectively marking the end of their ability to use the threat of veto overrides to force Rauner to set aside his “turnaround agenda” items and negotiate a budget.


  1. - Former Downstater - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:04 pm:

    At least Dunkin’s fellow African American colleagues are standing with him against these attacks. Oh, wait, that’s right.

  2. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:07 pm:

    “And speaking of shrieking, just before the Obama endorsement in the Dunkin-Stratton race, another unproven allegation was made, that Dunkin was buying votes.”

    Maybe Dold should just give Kass a comp subscription to their paper:

    – MrJM

  3. - Reality Check - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:07 pm:

    To the first piece, interesting strategy by Dunkin to remind people that there is a convicted abuser in this race.

    I also enjoy the irony that, for some reason, they chose a prison mugshot from New York state. You know, where Dunkin was when he should’ve been voting to save child care.

  4. - old pol - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:10 pm:

    Since when is denying a political boss a super majority a bad thing? Is Madigan not capable of negotiating? Guess not.

  5. - The Captain - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:10 pm:

    I’m still dumbfounded that someone gave Dan Proft $800,000 to pass along to brilliant political strategist Ken Dunkin to fund these mailers.

  6. - Reality Check - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:11 pm:


  7. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:11 pm:

    That should be Ken Dunkin’s campaign theme. “We are not all criminals” Re-elect Ken Dunkin.

  8. - AC - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    When Durkin’s opponents look at him, they see a tall billionaire wearing Carhartt and posting selfies with folks at downstate restaurants.

  9. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:15 pm:

    I would so hate going to the mailbox if I lived in Dunkins district. God help them if they have a landline still. God help them.

  10. - Will Caskey - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:17 pm:

    Surprised it took Dunkin this long to put out such a sharp/organized response to the attacks.

  11. - cdog - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:18 pm:

    from the mailer, “the same political machine that created a crisis in Springfield.”

    That’s laughable.

    Just more projection by the by the scorched-earth obstructionists on to their prey.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:18 pm:

    To the mailers,

    Being in the mailbox with a continued thumping that both voters and Ken Dunkin are trying to break free from a thinking or a premise is one way to go about your mail program business, and the top one, whoa, the undercurrent becomes a narrative.

    These both are “fine”, until the Obama GOTV mail piece is sent, with the Sun-Times grab about Dunkin is right next to the Obama endorsement.

    These two pieces are designed to him up Dunkin’s “ID’d” alleged base. When you have the cash, you can try about anything to gin it up, or even find new ways to gin it up too.

  13. - jt - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    Next up: Derek Smith endorses Ken Dunkin.

  14. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    Kass is self-parody. He has about a 500-word vocabulary and four columns that he recycles every week.

    The real gags, though, are the inevitable, perfect quotes from “anonymous sources.” Most of the time they’re so innocuous there would be absolutely no reason why a source wouldn’t allow themselves to be attributed — if they were real.

  15. - Gooner - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:39 pm:

    Were there allegations that Dunkin was in a gang? I don’t recall those allegations, if they happened. The list is interesting. “Thug” has become a dog whistle, but “abuser” seems to be pretty well documented. I’m not sure where “gang member” fits.

    Is he trying to get ahead of something?

  16. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 2:51 pm:

    “We are not all criminals”

    Of course not, Ken.

    But you are.

    – MrJM

  17. - said so - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:02 pm:

    Um, juliana Stratton is african american. Lol yeah Dunkin’s mailers make so much sense. #desperate

  18. - Change is in the wind - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:10 pm:

    Even if the Dems lose Dunkin, and he is re-elected, it doesn’t change their chance to override the Governors veto, there have already been several other Republicans besides McCann to cross that line and actually vote what their constituents want. So I don’t think it’s truly a deal breaker if he gets back in, it just shows that he could be bought for a price, and the Governor was willing to pay that price.

  19. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:13 pm:

    Not an effective mailer. I think Dunkin is behind and desperate. If he loses there will be no more checks from Rauner.

  20. - Change Agent - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:18 pm:

    Juliana Stratton has dedicated much of her career to reducing the disproportionate impact of the justice system on men of color, while Ken Dunkin has… um… oh yeah, singlehandedly done more than any other ineffectual lawmaker to undermine the network of social services and supports that keeps people from getting involved in criminal activities in the first place.

  21. - chi - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:22 pm:

    =effectively marking the end of their ability to use the threat of veto overrides to force Rauner to set aside his “turnaround agenda” items and negotiate a budget.=

    When was the effective start of this ability? Seems to me a Dunkin win just equals status quo. Dems will actually be put on the spot if Dunkin loses and their majority gets stronger (though with the Franks and Drury caveats).

  22. - Springfieldish - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:29 pm:

    Anything and everything beneath Kass’ byline, even the date, for cryin’ out loud, is suspect and inevitably leads to an overwhelming sense of nausea. One of these days, the angered ghost of Royko is going to smite the Tribune Tower.

  23. - CharlieKratos - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:30 pm:

    -The Dude Abides-
    Rauner won’t turn off the $ tap until after next January. Even then, he’ll want Dunkin to be his poster boy for how he “takes care of his friends”. The first to fall usually gets the sweetest deal to make it look like it’s a good idea.

  24. - scott aster - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:37 pm:

    who cares what BO thinks…he is worst mistake by Dems in the last 50 years for ILLINOIS. I hope he stays in DC forever.

  25. - NSideLady - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:37 pm:

    I’m amazed at how much money the Republicans are sinking into this effort to save Dunkin. It strikes me as a waste at this point.

  26. - G'Kar - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:43 pm:

    I just don’t get it. Why would anyone put their own mug shot on a political mailer? Your opponent’s mug shot I can understand, but yours?

  27. - Eugene - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:51 pm:

    Who wouldn’t want John Kass and Bruce Rauner as your validators in a Democratic primary?

  28. - Snucka - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:56 pm:

    They probably could have omitted the photo of Stratton if they wanted to charge her with racism.

  29. - walker - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 4:13 pm:

    The ad is just plan bad on multiple counts

    Can’t anyone in that race spend big money effectively?

    Couldn’t Proft/Rauner figure out a way to refer and pay for a decent ad designer (without coordination of course)

  30. - Me too - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 4:53 pm:

    Dude, regardless, I don’t think the gov can count on his vote until next January. I wouldn’t be surprised if the vote buying (even though it used to be A-okay) gets him ejected. I mean what Rod did used to be business as usual too. I think they’ll refuse to seat him even if he wins the primary and escapes charges. I’m a wishful thinker though.

  31. - Mama - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 5:03 pm:

    Will Dunkin & his peeps go to jail for selling votes?

  32. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 5:05 pm:

    Thanks for reminding me of why i dont read kass.

    Its not even worth responding to his nonsense

  33. - Get 'em, Ken - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 5:24 pm:

    It is heartening to see Dunkin stand up to Madigan. I hope he prevails!

  34. - DuPage Dave - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 7:02 pm:

    If the newspaper profession was still valid, Kass would be an embarrassment to everyone involved. But this is today’s Trib and they have no sense of embarrassment. They can’t afford it.

  35. - burbanite - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 6:33 am:

    Just saw a very strangely cut Dunkin ad, why does he have a shot of Gonzales in it? Hope you can find it Rich.

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