Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Davis, LaHood endorse Benton, AFSCME urges members to vote McCann
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Davis, LaHood endorse Benton, AFSCME urges members to vote McCann

Thursday, Mar 10, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 50th Senate District candidate Bryce Benton was endorsed by two more area congresscritters today…

US Rep. Rodney Davis

“I’ve known Bryce for over a decade and am proud to call him a friend. We both grew up in Taylorville and share the same small town values – hard work, honesty and accountability. I know Bryce will serve us with the same dedication and integrity that he’s brought to his career in law enforcement. I am proud to endorse Bryce Benton for State Senate because he’ll make sure our children will inherit a better, stronger Illinois.”

US Rep. Darin LaHood

“When you think about Central Illinois and the 50th Senate district – its people who work hard, play by the rules, have a strong faith in God, love their community and are frustrated with state government. Bryce epitomizes those values. He has served us honorably as a law enforcement officer, and will serve voters well in the State Senate. I endorse Bryce Benton for State Senate because he’s one of us, and will serve us with integrity and pride.”

* Meanwhile, a blast e-mail isn’t gonna do much, obviously, but AFSCME has been trying to convince its members to take GOP ballots and vote for McCann. I’m not sure it’ll work, particularly after what happened in Michigan this week. Democrats may now take D ballots to vote for their favorite presidential candidate…

$2.5 million! That’s how much Bruce Rauner’s cronies have spent to defeat Senator Sam McCann—all because Sam dared to defy Rauner and stand up for the people of his district.

Sam McCann stood with state employees to support SB 1229 and HB 580, legislation to ensure a fair contract settlement. He stood with senior citizens in voting against cuts to pension benefits and retiree health care. He stood up for public employees everywhere who deserve fair treatment.

That’s why AFSCME, Illinois Education Association, FOP, Police Benevolent, Firefighters and dozens of other unions are all supporting Sam McCann for State Senator.

Sam put his whole political career on the line to stand with us. Now he’s counting on us to stand with him on Election Day.

Even if you’ve never voted before—or never voted in a Republican primary before—now is the time to take a Republican ballot and cast your vote for Sam McCann.

And please don’t vote alone—when you go to your polling place, bring your spouse, your brother, your sister, your neighbor. Encourage everyone you know to cast their vote for Sam McCann.

Vote early! Early voting is now underway at a polling place near you. Most early voting locations are open all day Saturday. Click here to find the polling place nearest you for early voting.

Or vote on Tuesday, March 15 at your local polling place any time from 6AM to 7 PM.

If you don’t vote, Bruce Rauner and his big-money pals win. If we all vote together, we can send a powerful message that we will stand with those who stand with us.

With less than a week to go, let’s go all-in to reelect Sam McCann.

In Unity,

Roberta Lynch
Executive Director


  1. - Fusion - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:17 pm:

    ==and are frustrated with state government. Bryce epitomizes those values.==

    Wow. Frustration with state government has been elevated to “value” status. Impressive.

  2. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:18 pm:

    Anyone but Bry-uce. See how that is played, half Bryce and half Bruce.

  3. - Handle Bar Mustache - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:20 pm:

    The Rauner cabal is all in for Bryce Benton.

  4. - MSIX - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:20 pm:

    ==I am proud to endorse Bryce Benton for State Senate because he’ll make sure our children will inherit a better, stronger Illinois.==

    Albeit one without a public university system.

  5. - Anon50th - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    I hope all these state workers that get on here and comment about McCann/Benton are doing it on their lunch break or union mandated 15 minute break.

  6. - Anon - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:29 pm:

    I really wish AFSCME hadn’t picked a dog in this fight.

    So many issues with this candidate and the union is still trying to turn out supporters for him.

  7. - Honeybear - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:29 pm:

    Yesterday I reported that I didn’t think any of my sisters/brothers were going to switch over and get an R ballot. HOOOOWEEEEE did I catch it hard last night. I now know a bunch of folks who are going to do this. A BUNCH. They figure that Bernie is going to catch it hard in Illinois and so they are going to do some good with their vote. Rich you would be proud of me. I directed them to google capfax for when we discussed how Kasich had made peace with the unions in Ohio to get things done. Thus you will I’m sure see an uptick for Kasich in McCanns district. McCann is definitely still in play, definitely. Union folk really don’t care what McCann did (I’m bugged by it but I don’t live in his district.) Thus I say McCann is still in play. I’m now betting that Kasich will take Sangamon County.

  8. - AC - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:31 pm:

    ==Anyone but Bry-uce. See how that is played, half Bryce and half Bruce.==

    Nope, it’s all Bruce.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:32 pm:

    Dear AFSCME,

    This is the micro.

    Unless AFSCME has the Dillard union plus list and massage that list to actually “have pluses”.

    Geez, Louise, if this is the “big push” at the end, and given Michigan as Rich points out, this is a recipe for collossal failure with a half-hearted GOTV surrounding chain emails and likes on a Facebook.

    “Show me something”

    Labor is give to need… minimum… 5-6% crossover turnout, and that’s not factoring in Trump bringing in a possible higher voting universe in the GOP Primary.

    It’s critical for Labor to drag voters to the polls to vote for McCann, and not helpful for member to drag this email to the trash file.

    Up to now, I’ve been fairly impressed with Labor answering the bell, but what is Labor prepared to do these last 5 days?

    Finish, or don’t.

    Don’t half-heartedly send emails, Facebook posts and Instagram pictures. If that’s the game plan these last 5 days, please, do yourselves a solid a fold your tent now so the embarrassment is held to a minimum.

    It up to you.


  10. - There is power in a union... - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:33 pm:

    “I hope all these state workers that get on here and comment about McCann/Benton are doing it on their lunch break or union mandated 15 minute break.”

    Or are using ABT. Or are on leave. Or are off-shift. Or are on the can.

    Thank you for your concern though. I’m sure when you are at work your own phone is locked in your car.

    (FYI - a lot of state offices have work rules that say your phone can’t be on your desk during your shift.)

  11. - Mouthy - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:36 pm:

    “- Anon50th - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:26 pm:
    I hope all these state workers…”

    So, what gives you the uncanny ability to spot state workers from the posts?

    signed, retired state worker…

  12. - AC - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:43 pm:

    ==Don’t half-heartedly send emails, Facebook posts and Instagram pictures.==

    So, is it your belief the union shouldn’t use social networking in addition to their more traditional and ongoing GOTV efforts?

  13. - Norseman - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:43 pm:

    Money, money, money.

  14. - Reality Check - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:45 pm:

    OW, if you think one email from one union is the sum total of all labor is doing in this race, then you’re far less informed than you usually appear. “With respect.”

  15. - Goldwater Repulican - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:47 pm:

    you can practically smell the desperation in that blast email.

    Seriously pull a republican ballot? how funny is that. these poor state workers are so afraid of their unions and the government that most of them skip primaries all together. So yeah go ahead pull that republican Ballot. lol

  16. - Ottawa Phil - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:48 pm:

    Sam, Sam, the flim-flam, man
    Came to the Senate as a Tea-Party man
    Flipped right around to a Union hack
    Made it clear he didn’t have the Leader’s back
    Mileage scam here, military scam there
    Man, there’s a scam everywhere!
    Sam, Sam, the flim-flam, man.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:49 pm:

    - Reality Check -

    ===…then you’re far less informed than you usually appear.===

    Wonder if I’m pushing them, knowing they are doing other things, but saying “yeah you!” isn’t the best way to cajole them to continue?

    Lots of ways to motivate.


  18. - Anon - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:52 pm:

    Wonder if this was just a cut-and-paste from a Kirk Dillard email…

    ==Even if you’ve never voted before—or never voted in a Republican primary before—now is the time to take a Republican ballot and cast your vote for Sam McCann.

    And please don’t vote alone—when you go to your polling place, bring your spouse, your brother, your sister, your neighbor. Encourage everyone you know to cast their vote …

    Vote early! Early voting is now underway at a polling place near you. Most early voting locations are open all day Saturday. Click here to find the polling place nearest you for early voting.

    Or vote on Tuesday, March __ at your local polling place any time from 6AM to 7 PM.

    If you don’t vote, Bruce Rauner and his big-money pals win. If we all vote together, we can send a powerful message that we will stand with those who stand with us.

    With less than a week to go, let’s go all-in to …

    Doubt it will work, but who knows?

  19. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:54 pm:

    One thing you can say about the Rauner crew, whether it’s McCann or Dunkin:

    They bring the house, and they play for keeps.

    Politics is a zero-sum contest. You don’t get points for coming in second.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 1:58 pm:

    - Reality Check -


    ===Politics is a zero-sum contest. You don’t get points for coming in second.===

    Five days out, pushing through is what wins, not a cheerleading, with early congratulations.


    “With Respect”

  21. - Betsy - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:01 pm:

    Any English teachers/grammar experts out there?

    Small, minor point, I know, but shouldn’t LaHood’s quote say “it’s” instead of “its” below?

    “When you think about Central Illinois and the 50th Senate district – its people who work hard, play by the rules, have a strong faith in God, love their community and are frustrated with state government. …”

  22. - Stumpy's bunker - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:10 pm:

    Sorry to say that Rich’s assessment of how Michigan primary results could/will affect Illinois’ is logical & likely accurate.

    AFSCME members, and everybody else who works for a living, in the 50th Senate District need to bring registered-voter friends & family with them to the polls.

    The fact that Bryce Benton was incubated in the virulent let-them-eat-cake political environs of Senator Bill Brady is not surprising.

  23. - CharlieKratos - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:19 pm:

    Betsy, “its” is correct in that excerpt.

  24. - RNUG - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:25 pm:

    == these poor state workers are so afraid of their unions and the government that most of them skip primaries all together. ==

    But if you are a State employee and decide to vote in a primary, it is usually best to pull a ballot that matches the executive you work for … and for most, that would be an R.

  25. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    Goldwater,do you have anything other than your opinion to back up your statement that government workers don’t vote in primaries? As far as Sangamon and surrounding counties go I believe it’s a ridiculous delusion.

  26. - RNUG - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:29 pm:

    I do have to admire how well the Rauner crew has played this one … even though they were given lotz of raw material to work with.

    If McCann does squeek out a win, it will be a stunning defeat for Rauner, Inc.

  27. - RNUG - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:31 pm:

    - Huh? - , I voted early for McCann. I figured I could always ABC in the general.

  28. - Mama - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:35 pm:

    “If you don’t vote, Bruce Rauner and his big-money pals win. If we all vote together, we can send a powerful message that we will stand with those who stand with us.”

    They need to revise their ad to, “Stand with us by voting for McCann because McCann is the only Republican who will stand with you.”

  29. - Secret Square - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:38 pm:

    “most of them skip primaries altogether”

    That was probably true pre-Rutan and for some time after due to force of habit, but is that really still true today?

  30. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:45 pm:

    Rodney Davis continues to disappoint.

  31. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 2:56 pm:

    2:45 - how so? Rodney is a party guy - always has been and always will. He has been as interconnected in ILGOP politics as anyone else.

  32. - Small Town Girl - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 3:13 pm:

    Secret Square,

    I think it is still true for those of us who were around during the time that there were serious repercussions for those who pulled the wrong kind of ballot. The taste of that kind of thing is hard to wash out of a person’s mouth. Now with union representation I would be less afraid to vote in a primary. Still not crazy about the label that exists from it. It is a very hard mentality to conquer.

  33. - Skeptic - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 3:21 pm:

    “poor state workers are so afraid of their unions and the government that most of them skip primaries” That’s exactly the point. Yes, McCann is a flawed candidate. Yes, many State workers (myself squarely in the middle of that group) worry about repercussions of voting in a primary. That’s why it’s so notable that many of them *are* not only voting in the primary, but many (well, ok, there are only about 25 Democrats in Sangamon county, so “many” may not be “many” but you get the idea) are crossing over to vote for him. It has very little to do with McCann and whole lot to do with Rauner.

  34. - Dr X - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 4:28 pm:

    The generalities about the values of a district are sickening. Especially when the district has a large union population and Benton would not consider them worthy of a vote.

  35. - Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 8:33 pm:

    AFSCME voter outreach:send email to rank and file members, next reserve a room at Darcy’s on Tuesday and wait for the votes to come in.

  36. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 8:38 pm:

    Team Sleep-
    Rodney disappoints because he was part of the GOP, he’s now selling out to the Rauner Party rather than the GOP he grew up in.

  37. - Donald J. Wareham - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 10:46 pm:

    Rodney Davis just one disappointment after another

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