Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - “Blatant lie” *** Madigan claims Gonzales workers arrested for allegedly trying to force open a woman’s door
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*** UPDATED x1 - “Blatant lie” *** Madigan claims Gonzales workers arrested for allegedly trying to force open a woman’s door

Friday, Mar 11, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve been hearing that the Madigan folks have been warning voters in the 22nd House District that the Speaker’s Democratic primary opponent has hired thugs to walk precincts and are advising folks to not open their doors. Now comes this…

State Representative Michael Madigan’s spokesperson Steve Brown issued the following statement Friday regarding a police report filed Thursday evening involving workers for the campaign of Jason Gonzales:

“Jason Gonzales has gone to great lengths to tell voters how much he’s changed after it was revealed that he pleaded guilty to numerous crimes of deception and dishonesty. But it would appear that his disrespect for the law is being followed by his own campaign.

“Last night, we learned that two of Gonzales’ campaign workers were arrested by 8th District police officers after they allegedly attempted to use force to open the door of a local woman’s house.

“Throughout this campaign, Michael Madigan has spoken about the differences between him and Jason Gonzales and issues impacting local neighborhoods, including how Madigan will continue to work for middle-class families and stand up against dangerous right-wing agendas. There has also been an effort to inform voters about Gonzales’ deceitful and dishonest past. Voters have a right to know how Jason Gonzales’ history of deceit and dishonesty could negatively impact them and the representation they receive in the State Capitol, and they should know that historical behavior appears to be carried on by his campaign.”

…Adding… From last night on the Garfield Ridge Neighborhood Watch Facebook page

This evening, CPD arrested 2 African American males on 60th and Parkside for attempted burglary. They were passing out flyers for the Gonzalez campaign, and while knocking on doors in Clearing, they tried forcing their way in to a home. The homeowner was inside at the time and called police. The 2 offenders are in custody.

*** UPDATE *** From the Gonzales campaign…

“The notion that any of our campaign workers were arrested is a blatant lie from the Madigan campaign. No Gonzales campaign workers have been arrested or even talked to by the police,” said Ben Gould, Campaign Manager for Jason Gonzales.

I was also told that “none of our canvassers yesterday fit the description of the those who were apprehended.”

The campaign also says that their canvassers weren’t in that neighborhood last night.


  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:06 am:

    Let’s hope some of the naysayers apply the same level of doubt and skepticism they applied after someone threw a brick through Jill Stanek’s window and similar recent events. Political dirty tricks come in many different flavors.

  2. - phocion - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:14 am:

    Let’s see the police report.

  3. - Tumbleweed lines - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:18 am:

    Wow it looks like someone is getting pretty nervous…wonder what Madigan internal poll numbers are showing? The old trick of arrest the campaign worker…oh that’s original.

  4. - m - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:18 am:

    “Hey you two want to put on Gonzalez shirts and kick open an old lady’s door?”
    “But Mr. Speaker, we work for you, not this Gonzalez guy.”
    “Yes, yes you do…”

  5. - Jose Abreu's next homer - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:20 am:

    I really hope Madigan catches a break for once. Poor guy.

  6. - Anon2U - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:25 am:

    I know Madigan losing this race is a longer than long shot. But what if he does? What does the remainder of this session look like? Who fills the Dem power vacuum? Will Steve Brown be rendered speechless for once? How long will the GOP celebration last? It’s just a mind-blowing thing to think about all the implications if it happens!

  7. - Really - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:26 am:

    They were also ticketed for parking in a no parking zone.

  8. - cgo75 - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:28 am:

    By keeping quiet, Madigan would appear above the fray….of late, he appears to be knee deep.

  9. - present - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:29 am:

    Rauner needs to keep getting fresh faced kids for his endorsements. They have less of a past.

  10. - Matter of Time - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:30 am:

    This is what you risk when you pay temps because you don’t have any people willing to go door to door on your behalf.
    Jason, you needed to learn somehow.

  11. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:30 am:


    Put the bong down man, it’s not even 10:00am.

  12. - present - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:31 am:

    Rauner needs to keep endorsing fresh faced kids. They have less of a past.

  13. - Team Sleep - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:33 am:

    Eric Cantor can tell people what a “surprise” feels like.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:33 am:

    ===It’s just a mind-blowing thing to think about all the implications if it happens!===

    Class starts at 10 am…

  15. - titan - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:35 am:

    The precious snowflake generation can’t even hear an idea they disagree with. One despairs for the future of the country.

  16. - Almost the Weekend - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:35 am:

    Is this race getting so nasty because Madigan wants to have such a large win (90-10 or 80-20) that he wants to scare off any future candidates or donors in future elections?

    Or is it because Gonzalez has actually gained some ground and in the 30% range? I’d be shocked if it’s the latter, but be interesting to see come Tuesday.

  17. - MOON - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:37 am:

    Madigan wins 70% to 30%

  18. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:39 am:

    ===I’m having fun thinking about the day the witch finally does… ===

    Bad form.

  19. - realitycheck - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:40 am:

    I am so glad the Gonzalez supporters were arrested, now that the importnat police/political work is done we can do something about the shootings and murders in Chicago/Cook County.

  20. - Decaff Coffee Party - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:40 am:

    Well, I thought one of Jason’s sound bites was that he was going to open doors of opportunity for people in his district. If true, it would be nice to know we can take what a politician says literally.

  21. - titan - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:41 am:

    Sorry - wrong post

  22. - Cassiopeia - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:55 am:

    This incident sounds too much like a trick by a worried incumbent. I would be interested in the history of the arrestees

  23. - Not it - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:01 am:

    I would pay serious money to see Mike Madigan walk a precinct.

  24. - LizPhairTax - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:03 am:

    Not it are you Blair Hull?

  25. - Niblets - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:13 am:

    Can this be real? I sorta doubt it.

  26. - Not it - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:14 am:

    Question to Steve Brown: You’ve said a lot why people shouldn’t vote for Jason Gonzales, but can you please explain why people should vote for Mike Madigan?

  27. - Anonymouth - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:20 am:

    === but can you please explain why people should vote for Mike Madigan? ===

    It’s simple - He has done well for his district.

  28. - 630 - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:22 am:

    Not it must have no concept of the 22nd district.

  29. - A Citizen - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:22 am:

    Hmmmm, Madigan sure appears scared and weak lately. Not lookin so good on the health front either.

  30. - A guy - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    ===There has also been an effort to inform voters about Gonzales’ deceitful and dishonest past. Voters have a right to know how Jason Gonzales’ history of deceit and dishonesty could negatively impact them and the representation they receive in the State Capitol, and they should know that historical behavior appears to be carried on by his campaign.”====

    And since the Speaker’s history of deceit and deception is so clearly on the record over a period of decades, it’s only fair that people get an opportunity to understand how much better he is at it than this rookie.

  31. - LizPhairTax - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:30 am:

    A Citizen,

    An astute observation. Back this up with anything?

  32. - A Citizen - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    Soon liz soon - as soon as madigan releases his doctors health statement. Be patient though - its prolly gonna take a while.

  33. - wolf - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:36 am:

    ==A Citizen, et all==

    You’re offering conclusions not found in evidence.

    I see the brilliant, drive-by commentators are out in force this morning.

  34. - Not it - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    A Citizen — uncool, dude. The only way your post is remotely appropriate would be for you to say the Speaker looks tired from walking so many precincts.

  35. - Georg Sande - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:43 am:

    Madigan, Brown & their political gang clearly are worried. That itself has been interesting to observe.

    More to come too.

  36. - Politix - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:51 am:

    Unfortunately for Gonzalez, people don’t always act the way you want to them to act. And then this happens. And then other people use it to their advantage.

    This kind of hostility is tough on residents.

  37. - Politix - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:51 am:

    “This incident sounds too much like a trick by a worried incumbent. I would be interested in the history of the arrestees.”

    Cmon man

  38. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:53 am:

    – It’s just a mind-blowing thing to think about all the implications if it happens!–

    What would happen?

    Would higher ed get funded?

    Would Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services be made whole on their state contracts by Deadbeat Illinois?

    Would homeless shelters for children reopen, since the money’s sitting in the Treasury anyway?

    Would a $6.2 billion FY16 deficit disappear?

    No, that’s on the other guy. And he’s doing it on purpose. It’s The Plan.

  39. - Elo Kiddies - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:56 am:

    Given the comments here, it seems that even if Gonzalez loses 2 to 1 or worse, his supporters will still crow that the race revealed Madigan’s true colors, or some other such “analysis” that gets us no closer to burying the hatchet and passing a budget.

  40. - Set Up - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:57 am:

    Lets see the facts. Who is the homeowner? A politically connected Madigan operative?

    This election cycle, if it does nothing but educate the public about how corrupt our government is, then at least we’ve accomplished something.

  41. - phocion - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:03 am:

    To the update:
    Steve Brown looks like he has as much credibility as Pat Camden.

  42. - Athens - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    The organization with all the integrity run by people of their word is telling a lot of lies lately. But don’t question their integrity.

  43. - Downstate - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:12 am:


  44. - Jose Abreu's next homer - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    When is Madigan going to release his taxes? Yeah!!!!! Oh wait, it’s just a state rep election. NM.

  45. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:25 am:

    Does Gonzo get a Citadel job after this, to do some innovatin’ and consultin’?

    What’s in it for him, this escapade?

  46. - wolf - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    ==Georg Sande==

    You really must have just started paying attention. MJM treats all his primary challenges seriously. Doing the same stuff they’ve done for the past umteen years is now some specific indication of worry? Please, step out of the bubble.

  47. - A Jack - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:27 am:

    Perhaps the gentlemen in question were on loan from Dunkin’s campaign. In which case Gonzalez could deny they were his goons.

  48. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:29 am:

    If you click that Facebook link from above, you’ll see a woman named Nicole Portillo said she was the victim and claimed they were carrying Gonzales fliers. I’ve asked her to call me.

  49. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:33 am:

    If she calls you Rich, ask her if she called the Ward office first, or if she called 911 first.

  50. - walker - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:46 am:

    Maybe it really was a couple of robbers who saw all the door knockers workers in the district, and figured it might work for them too.

  51. - Georg Sande - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:53 am:

    Wolf, Umteen? Well said.

    To the update, it appears it is two days in a row on this blog for Brown. #Untruthful

  52. - Michael Westen - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    According to the voter file, Ms. Portillo has only been registered at that address since 2013, so not a long time 13th ward resident. She did vote Democratic in the 2014 primary but as Rich has pointed out, so did approximately 90 percent of 13th ward residents who voted in that primary.

  53. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 12:02 pm:

    It’s always informative to hear from George Sande. He has the pulse of the sneering misanthrope vote.

  54. - Anon221 - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 12:26 pm:

    As walker posted, these might be burglars taking advantage of the campaigning. Go to the Facebook page and read the comments of the people that live in that neighborhood.

  55. - Bubu - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 12:32 pm:

    Now we know why Rauner wanted Madigan to stay in Springfield and do his job so Gonzo can get ahead. Madigan 75 percent Gonzo 25 percent!!!

  56. - Will Caskey - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 1:18 pm:

    I don’t care one way or another about the primary’s outcome. Just an observation: Both claimes could be true. A lot of canvassers are around in contested primaries and pretending to be one could be used as a ruse for a forced entry burglary, if you’re the sort of person who thinks forced-entry burglary is a worthwhile pursuit.

  57. - Will Caskey - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 1:18 pm:

    Ah, I saw a couple others have beaten me to that idea. Carry on.

  58. - wolf - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 3:18 pm:


    Yep. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

  59. - Stumpy's bunker - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 3:20 pm:

    Gosh, who knew that Dunkin’s crew were free agents?

    (snark, I guess)

  60. - Wake Me Up When It's Over - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 3:35 pm:

    No way on earth to get to the bottom of this.

  61. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 4:10 pm:

    Class did start at 10. The lesson of the day appears to be that Madigan and Brown are being less than truthful about this.

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