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Unclear on the concept

Friday, Mar 11, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A Democratic ward organization’s sample ballot is not an official government ballot, ya amateur goofballs.

* Sorry Madigoons (and I use that term with great affection), but I kinda doubt that chatting with a voter outside a polling place is the worst thing happening in that district right now…

* Student leaders used to proclaim: “Don’t mourn. Organize!” Now they openly worry about people being “triggered” by a candidate

The email from the UIC student government relayed safety contacts for students who felt threatened or think they need a police escort around campus. At the same time, it urged students to behave respectfully.

“Our hope is that all students will demonstrate peacefully, display class, and remain safe during this highly contentious event,” the email read. “Furthermore, if students are offended or triggered by statements made by Donald Trump or his campaign, we would recommend you to use any of our vast support networks. If you are put into a dangerous or life-threatening situation we have listed numbers you may call in order to best assist you.”

If you’re offended by a politician, don’t faint. Walk a precinct! Get yourself to a candidate call center (well, maybe not this one)! Pick up a picket sign!

You’ll feel so much better. I promise!


  1. - Enlightened - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 8:55 am:

    These students make me embarrassed for my generation. The 1st Amendment is for everyone. If you don’t like what the person is saying, support candidates who do. Go out and volunteer for a campaign inline with your beliefs. These Social Justice Warriors (SJW) on college campuses are ridiculous and keep getting more and more out of hand. Grow tougher skin you will always run into people you disagree with in life.

  2. - unspun - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 8:55 am:

    While I wouldn’t disagree that this isn’t the worst thing happening out there, I just wonder what would happen if it was Gonzo’s opponent caught doing the same thing? Front page of the Tribune?

  3. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 8:56 am:

    This entire post confuses and bewilders this simple caveman lawyer.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:00 am:

    “You want a picture?”

    That’s just priceless.

    Come Monday night, early Tuesday morning and…

    This will be kids play.

  5. - Hello, it's me - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:01 am:

    The really sad part is you’ll never, ever, ever see Mike Madigan shaking hands with the unwashed masses asking for their votes. You don’t touch the King.

  6. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:03 am:

    Our vast support networks? After a campaign appearance? Goodness gracious, let us hope that is the most traumatic thing these children ever have to encounter.

    This is a quality post that speaks to the beauty of politics. If you disagree with a candidate, get out there and organize!

  7. - AC - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:05 am:

    ==Pick up a picket sign!==

    and in these strange times, protest against an anti-establishment candidate like Trump if you actually want to help them!

  8. - Norseman - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:09 am:

    Wow, Highland Park closed down a campaign call center because the store is only to be used for retail. Give me a break. Using empty storefronts for short-term campaigns is an age-old practice. Either this is a political action or the action of pinheads who have no common sense.

  9. - Joe M - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:10 am:

    I would say this Trump protester in Kentucky was threatened, but had pretty tough skin:

    I thought the elder veteran was coming to her aid, but instead he started shoving her also.

  10. - Langhorne - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:14 am:

    Good grief, will the student protesters be “triggered” if someone wlks up to them and yell “BOO!” ?

    The larger the protest, the greater the theater and entertainment value for trump sound bites. Previous generations had “i marched in selma”. For this generation, will it be “i got thrown out of a trump rally”?

  11. - m - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    +1 to Ducky for the 80’s SNL reference…

  12. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:16 am:

    Nancy Rotering reveals her inner Jim Ardis. That was quite an authoritarian maneuver there.

  13. - m - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:16 am:

    For this generation it will be, “I spent two years in therapy because a politician said something I didn’t like”

  14. - siriusly - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:19 am:

    Breaking the 100 foot rule in that neighborhood is like going 5 over the speed limit. So what?

    The bigger campaign sin is that Gonzo didn’t have on a button or any literature to give to people - is he dumb enough to think that voters will simply remember his name ? Rauner is betting big on some real losers. Maybe he will double down and write a big check to Marco Rubio!

    I wonder how house and senate Republican candidates who lose their races this fall will feel about Rauner spending all that money on Ken “Southpaw” Dunkin and Jason “9 Times” Gonzo.

    Those are the people of integrity that Rauner is counting on to help him Turn Around Springfield?

    In the meantime CPS is going bankrupt and the public Universities are closing.

    You’re doing a heck of a job Raunie!

  15. - Johnny Pyle Driver - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:31 am:

    To be fair, Trump protestors ARE getting sucker punched and manhandled at these events.

    You old timers really get a little carried away with your outrage about microaggressions and triggers

  16. - Biker - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:32 am:

    I think the grey hairs these days are too busy tweeting to mentor the next generation of engaged citizenry

  17. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:34 am:

    That student government email is astounding. “Oh snowflake, my special snowflake…”

    I apologize if anything written in this comment, or not written, or considered being written ever, offends or triggers anyone.

  18. - Joe M - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:40 am:

    ==Previous generations had “i marched in selma”==

    Don’t worry, we are getting there. Remember, this is just the primaries! The main event is still to come.

  19. - titan - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:43 am:

    The precious snowflake generation can’t even hear an idea they disagree with? One despairs for the future of the country.

  20. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:43 am:

    ===To be fair, Trump protestors ARE getting sucker punched and manhandled at these events.===

    True. But I seriously doubt that anyone who is being traumatically “triggered” by Trump’s visit is actually gonna venture inside the rally.

  21. - Illinoisvoter - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:43 am:

    My daughter taught and lived in Pilsen for several
    years so it’s just the dad places. The hardware stores, the going out to eat that are familiar.
    Now after months of the belligerence to stage
    an event next door at UIC one can only hope that
    the fears for this day are unfounded.

  22. - Responsa - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:45 am:

    Nancy Rotering may not have personally ordered the eviction of Brad’s call center–but someone who wished to curry her favor certainly was responsible for using “the law” to justify this petty and childish idiocy.

  23. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:50 am:

    UIC’s student body is a richly diverse melting pot of races, ethnicities, religions and cultures. Pretty much one of the last places Trump’s supporters would fit in comfortably. Kinda get the impression his team chose that particular location just to see if trouble would emerge.

  24. - hocke - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    Responsa - that downtown is full of high end expensive stores and most of the landlords fight with each other and they all hate each other.

    It’s way more likely that one of them dropped a dime because they wouldn’t want a lowly campaign office next to their mani-pedi spa!

  25. - hockey fan - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    sorry that was me

  26. - Georg Sande - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 9:59 am:

    There is obvious concern by Madigan and his people about this race. It appears now to be bordering on fear.

    Very interesting.

  27. - Serious questioner - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:01 am:

    Give UIC credit - it’s hosting the event and the protest, while also giving students who might be triggered (probably none, but that’s the trend these days) the support they think they need. That’s what a university should be doing.

  28. - Joe M - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:03 am:

    I’m guessing that those making fun of UIC students being traumatically “triggered” by Trump’s visit, are white Caucasians, as I am. And granted, this situation pales compared to the struggles faced by civil rights activists of previous generations. But having a major presidential candidate and/or his followers, basically saying to many, you are useless and we want you out of this country, can sink into one’s soul. The only thing I’ve experienced that I can compare it to, is having a boss who feels you are useless and wants to get rid of you. That, although minor compared to racial issues, eats at you every day, and also sinks into one’s soul. Fortunately, that boss is gone, and I’m still here. Which is what many of these protesters hope will be the case with Trump.

  29. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:06 am:

    Let’s face it, UIC had no choice. They need the rental fee cash.

  30. - AlabamaShake - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:08 am:

    **There is obvious concern by Madigan and his people about this race. It appears now to be bordering on fear.**

    LOL - they’re just playing. Except they’re playing chess, and Gonzales is playing uno.

  31. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:08 am:

    ===But having a major presidential candidate and/or his followers, basically saying to many, you are useless and we want you out of this country, can sink into one’s soul===

    And that’s no excuse to curl up and moan.

    Remember Pat Buchanan’s presidential races? C’mon.

  32. - siriusly - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    Maybe Bill Ayers can teach the students how to protest.

  33. - A guy - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    ===If you’re offended by a politician, don’t faint. Walk a precinct! ===

    Simple and succinct! Bravo.

  34. - Joe M - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:18 am:

    ==Remember Pat Buchanan’s presidential races? C’mon==

    You are right that is no excuse to curl up and moan. But, I don’t remember Pat Buchanan being anywhere near enough the leading candidate this far in the primaries, for anyone to take him seriously, or worry that he’d become president.

  35. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:21 am:

    Wow - Jason Gonzales has really bad posture.

  36. - Jack Kemp - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:27 am:

    Was this video recorded on an Etch-A-Sketch?

  37. - olddog - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:39 am:

    Any possibility the student government’s message about “vast support networks” at UIC for students “offended or triggered by statements made by Donald Trump or his campaign” was tongue-in-cheek undergraduate humor? I don’t know, but I certainly wouldn’t rule it out.

  38. - A guy - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:46 am:

    It’s tragic to see how far the professionalism has gone down with the Electioneering citizen arresters. The filming and writing is really low quality!
    By election day, the Speaker’s team will have folks opening the door with one hand and passing a palm card in the other; an admirable skill.
    Without seeing how far the table is for the judges on the inside of this building, it’s hard to even conclude that this is a violation. He doesn’t appear to be blocking anyone and he looks a good distance away from the entrance. Camera guy needs a tape measure and some chalk. This skill has taken a beating here.

  39. - phocion - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 10:48 am:

    I’m not sure what’s worse…young adults who can’t handle differing opinions or adults who enable their infantile behavior.

  40. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:46 am:

    –If you’re offended by a politician, don’t faint. Walk a precinct! Get yourself to a candidate call center (well, maybe not this one)! Pick up a picket sign.–


    I’d like to add, if I may, I’m sick of the “thoughts and prayers to the families” twitters after every mass shooting.

    What a meaningless copout.

    Like the great Mary Harris Jones said, “Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.”

  41. - David Starrett - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:51 am:

    Personally embarrassing.

  42. - Stormfield - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 11:55 am:

    “If students are offended or triggered by statements”

    What have we done as leaders to have reached the point that we find it necessary to enable childish behavior like this?

    Rich - good on you for encouraging students to act rather than act out when confronted with things they don’t like to hear.

  43. - Hard-working Art Student - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 12:21 pm:

    As a 20-something college student I feel I must interject. We are not curling up and moaning about “the bad man shouting mean things at us”, we are protesting and rallying, but no one takes us seriously. That press release could have been worded differently most certainly. A number of students Trumps rhetoric affects can’t vote so they are protesting and rallying, but do you take them seriously?

    Hope y’all enjoy

  44. - crazybleedingheart - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 12:23 pm:

    Cook County Commissioner/11th Ward Committeman John Daley seems to have passed a sample ballot recommending Alvarez over the county party’s slated candidate.

    Would love to see the back of that 13th ward sample ballot.

  45. - A guy - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 1:42 pm:

    “….but do you take them seriously?”


  46. - Responsa - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 3:51 pm:

    ==UIC’s student body is a richly diverse melting pot of races, ethnicities, religions and cultures==

    Yes it is, just like America. The university is also a place where students are supposed to continuously learn new things and become more adapt at analyzing events rationally instead of emotionally–a place to be exposed to diverse ideas and values and people of all kinds. That is exactly why speakers of varied persuasions and outlooks should be welcomed to campuses and heard rather than shouted down. It seems that this university admin “gets” that. Too bad so many of the students don’t, because they apparently think they are above it all and already know everything there is to know about life.

  47. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 4:03 pm:

    Responsa +1

    However, I would hasten to add that some of the man’s rally goers ain’t exactly my type of folk.

  48. - titan - Friday, Mar 11, 16 @ 4:59 pm:

    Well said to Responsa.

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