Chamber board meets today
Thursday, Mar 17, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* This kinda got buried under election coverage, but you may remember the memo I posted on Tuesday evening…
Dear Chamber Board Members:
This week, the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, through its special independent expenditure committee, launched a large advertising campaign in Chicago on behalf of a key candidate for state representative, Rep. Ken Dunkin. We believe this is the single most important race in this Primary Election, and perhaps the most important in many election cycles. Rep. Dunkin has shown a willingness to vote against the status quo in Springfield and support a better path forward for our state. He is being vigorously opposed by forces of the status quo.
While Rep. Dunkin was endorsed by the Chamber’s regular political committee, Chamber PAC, this independent expenditure was made through the Chamber’s special independent expenditure committee, which requires strict non-coordination with candidates. The restriction greatly limits our ability to communicate intentions before a campaign is launched. In addition, you should know that is was fully funded by a like-minded organization and NO Chamber dues or other revenues were used to pay for the campaign.
The advertisement we are running is primarily positive about Rep. Dunkin, but does highlight that he is independent from the political powers that be in Chicago. Some of you may have received calls from Chicago Mayor Emmanuel’s representatives complaining about the ad. Given the nature of Chicago politics, we believe this is quite an overreaction. However, we apologize if you feel this has put you in an uncomfortable position. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about this issue, please call me directly at one of the numbers below.
Thanks, and I look forward to seeing everyone next week at the Board meeting on the 17th in Normal.
Todd Maisch
President and CEO
Illinois Chamber of Commerce
* Well, today is the 17th. Greg Hinz has a preview…
Team Emanuel reacted with total fury to the ad, and Maisch in his letter to board members notes that, “Some of you may have received calls from Chicago Mayor Emmanuel’s [sic] representatives complaining…We apologize if you feel that this has put you in an uncomfortable position. […]
One board member, who asked not to be named, told me he did hear from the mayor’s forces and isn’t angry, but said the board “didn’t get the chance to decide if we wanted to be in the middle” of a fight involving Madigan, Emanuel and Gov. Bruce Rauner.
Another said he was “surprised” when he saw the ad on TV, as were “a lot” of other chamber directors. “We look at what we do as a process of addition, not subtraction,” that board member told me. “In situations like this, you may win the battle but lose the war.”
Translation: This guy and his company have to do business in Chicago with a mayor who now is first-class PO’d. […]
It should be interesting to hear why the chamber dropped a cool $1 million on a guy who got blown out 67 percent to 32 percent. And though Maisch’s letter notes that the money for the ad came from another group and involved “NO chamber dues or other revenues,” it might be interesting to hear if the group’s independent-expenditure unit now is effectively for rent to the highest bidder.
Historically, the Illinois Chamber was a more pragmatic group, but it’s always leaned Republican, although perhaps not enough for some of its more strident members. And many of those members are undoubtedly in Gov. Rauner’s corner and don’t really care at all about Chicago’s mayor (or worse, because of his support for things like raising the minimum wage). So I’d be shocked if something happened to Maisch beyond a light hand slap.
* But there are real problems here. The TV ad ripped into Emanuel, undoubtedly at Gov. Rauner’s behest. Emanuel, for good reason, is constantly criticized for being too cozy with big business interests and Dunkin has had a very poor Chamber voting record.
So for a business group to whack a more often than not ally like Emanuel when he’s already down with a million dollar TV ad, only to end up participating in a spectacularly humiliating defeat on behalf of a not pro-business legislator seems imprudent, at best.
Love him or not (and most, understandably, have no love for Rahm) this just wasn’t a particularly bright move, particularly since Chamber members regularly ask for help from the Hall.
Rauner and his folks can be mightily persuasive, and the governor can also do a lot for business interests, but a polite “Thanks, but we have to pass” probably would’ve been the smarter play.
- SAP - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 8:47 am:
The whole point of a trade association having a board of directors is so that you can blame them for not doing something you really don’t want to do anyway.
- Norseman - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 8:50 am:
Todd has some splaining to do!
- Give Me A Break - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 8:51 am:
Chamber leadership has also been getting some not some not so friendly calls from their members who are human services providers who have not been paid. When you encourage the Gov to “hang in there” which means some of your own members suffer, you might want to change your tone and message.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 8:53 am:
@FakeToddMaisch - I’ll just go in today and plead mercy after I shill for Gov. Rauner one more time #Priorities
@FakeToddMaisch - the board needs to understand, it’s because Madigan! #SuperStarExcuses
@FakeToddMaisch - yeah, I coulda used better judgement, but I told myself to hang in there and went with what I was leveraged #SorryMaybe
@FakeToddMaisch - Sometimes you have to go against the grain and do the un-smart thing #Bold
- Linus - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 8:54 am:
It’s hard to imagine Doug Whitley being sucked into such foolhardy nonsense. Chamber members are right to be at least irritated, if not enraged.
- snark intended - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 8:56 am:
As has been said, elections have consequences. Labor gets hit on endorsements all the time.
- A guy - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 8:58 am:
This will blow over quickly. While the Mayor may be first rate PO’d. He’ll get over it the moment they can work on something mutually beneficial. Bet the farm on it.
- phocion - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 8:58 am:
The Chamber took a hard turn to the right when it hired Maisch. While he’s correct in noting that the Chamber itself cannot control its independent PAC, I suspect he has something to say about how PAC dollars are spent. This is on him. If his Chicago area members are unhappy because of their now strained relationship with Rahm, they need to make Maisch responsible. If the Rauner supporting members are ok with how the money was spent, they need to have Maisch’s back.
- LizPhairTax - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 8:59 am:
Business dudes are usually pretty cool about it when you explain why you set their money on fire and jacked up relationships they’ve been cultivating.
Hang in there!
- Century Club - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:01 am:
They endorsed a guy who they rate poorly and take a gratuitous slap at a pro-business mayor. They just made themselves a Rauner front group, plain and simple.
The effect goes beyond the political retribution that you could expect from the Mayor or legislative Democrats. Reasonable lawmakers will ask why they should listen to the chamber’s issue lobbying when it’s clear that their real litmus test is whether you support Rauner.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:02 am:
“Dear Chamber Leaders,
Look, I do what I’m told, I shill when I suppose to, and take heat for it when I need to. I guess I’m sorry?
There are forces at work here you can’t possibly fathom.
Yours in Chambering,
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:02 am:
I’m sorry to bring up old references, but this is like Schock losing key staff and not having a proper check-and-balance system in place. Doug Whitley would’ve never signed off on this. Even someone like an Andrew Proctor would’ve argued against this kind of last-minute power play. I like Todd, but I’m sure he’s feeling the heat after Tuesday.
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:05 am:
Setting aside whether Dunkin was a good candidate for them or the ads worked, why launder that money for someone else who could set up their own PAC and buy ads?
That no dues money was used makes this whole thing seem more bizarre to me.
It’s not like the IL Chamber name is going to move a whole lot of votwrs in that district.
- Daniel Plainview - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:08 am:
What’s overlooked is who in their right mind thought a chamber endorsement would be at all helpful in that race.
Are these guys really this clueless?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:08 am:
===If the Rauner supporting members are ok with how the money was spent, they need to have Maisch’s back.===
Agreed. No snark.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:08 am:
Todd Maisch made more than a few mistakes on this. He took the Chamber into a political civil war on a losing side, on a candidate who had a record of being opposed to the Chamber throughout his political career, who is a candidate who has publically berated the very people he owed his career to. No candidate with such a record should have been considered for Chamber money. A candidate willing to turn against his communities, his promises and his own political party should have been seen as an unstable political candidate for any office.
It is one thing to support the Rauner agenda, and quite another to support the means Rauner used to undermine the leadership of the General Assembly. The Chamber should never have considered supporting underhanded or unethical political machinations to achieve its goals. The integrity of the Chamber cannot be bartered away on a single political campaign and then regained after election day.
Relationships within the City and the State should be cherished above petty party squabbles and intraparty politics. The integrity of The Chamber should be protected above the political haggling of any one individual. Elected officials, governors and mayors come and go, so it is vital for The Chamber to rise above the means they use to gain power.
The Chamber’s honor and integrity was abused by Governor Rauner in order to reelect a dishonorable candidate he needed in order to prevent the governing will of a majority of Illinoisans. Todd Maisch permitted that to happen. It was wrong. It was a terrible blow to The Chamber. It uncut the vital relationships Chamber members have within government and it has set the Chamber back.
The problem here was not the success of the candidate. The problem here was the prostituting of The Chamber to gain a nefarious political advantage.
He should get more than a mere hand slap, in my opinion.
- Tone - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:10 am:
Rahm may be one of the few adults left in IL politics.
- The Captain - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:10 am:
The better question is why the Gov’s political strategists thought the best way to win a Democratic primary in a predominantly black Chicago district was to funnel $1.3 million through a former Republican Governor candidate and then run ads from the Chamber? Do they not understand even the most basic differences between what’s important to Republican and Democratic primary voters? I’m surprised they didn’t bring in Phyllis Schlafly and the Club for Growth.
- Langhorne - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:10 am:
Todds letter sounds like it was written by a superstar.
Dumbest move i have seen in a very long time. Very little upside, enormous downside with lasting damage. If i were a board member, i would offer todd the opportunity to explain himself, followed by accepting his resignation, effective immediately.
- Anon - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:11 am:
Oh, no!! Now the chamber will be irrelevant!! //snark
- siriusly - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:12 am:
Exactly right Century Club
The message this sends to legislators is that the Chamber’s ratings mean absolutely nothing. They will endorse you if the Governor wants them to.
Chamber membership is now a faux stamp for saying you support the Governor. The problem with that is that as a lobbying organization - they still need to get stuff through a legislature that is controlled by the Democrats. oops
- Earnest - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:12 am:
I’m only familiar with some small towns, but in my experience, human service agencies are good chamber members, boards of directors have overlap between the chamber and human service agencies, and the chambers are good supporters of human services. Also, businesses who provide services to the state are chamber members.
>As has been said, elections have consequences. Labor gets hit on endorsements all the time.
Good point
- LizPhairTax - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:12 am:
Looking forward to the launch of Proft, Jackson, Dunkin & Maisch.
When you have money but don’t really need results!
- wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:14 am:
–The advertisement we are running is primarily positive about Rep. Dunkin, but does highlight that he is independent from the political powers that be in Chicago.–
Yeah, go with that. I’m sure Emanuel will be forgiving about being identified by name as one of the politicians who “abuse our community,” as stated in the spot.
–We believe this is the single most important race in this Primary Election, and perhaps the most important in many election cycles. Rep. Dunkin has shown a willingness to vote against the status quo in Springfield and support a better path forward for our state. He is being vigorously opposed by forces of the status quo.–
Hilarious. The spot says “Dunkin took on Republicans to restore child care.” I thought the GOP was against the “status quo,” too.
Strange for a spot coming from the chamber, it does not mention one of the chamber’s 13 “key legislation” topics listed on its website.
Believe it or not, home care for seniors and child care for working parents, which are in the spot, don’t make the Chambers baker’s dozen of priorities for “our communities,” as the spot puts it.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:16 am:
The Maisch Beef is easy too see…
Todd thought having the Chamber being the pass-thru aiding a GA member with a 48% Chamber “rating” was a wise move.
Not only a pass-thru of couple thousand dollars, but the pass-thru for an Ad shown in the Chicagoland market.
Todd did it, but seeing this beyond a “public/private” discussion by members might be a stretch.
The lesson that will be learned is “be more thoughtful with our brand, Todd”, then… “Moving on… ”
And that’s about right, abd as it should be.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:16 am:
Membership associations generally avoid doing anything divisive so as not to lose any members. It’s the members, after all, that pay the dues.
Not clearing this in advance or giving the membership a head’s up is the cardinal sin here. We’ll see if this costs them any memberships, but if I’m Rahm and Steve Koch, that’s my demand. Cancel your Chamber membership, at least for a year, or you’re dead to me.
But I’m not Rahm. Or Steve Koch.
- Norseman - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:16 am:
Todd’s ham-handedness will make passing Chamber-backed legislation harder, but at least he’ll get easy approval when he wants to talk to a State agency. Possibly a “talk with me without prior approval” card to show the folks.
- Anon - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:17 am:
Liz Phair tax, you forgot to add Goldner to that robust list of winners!
- Springfield - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:17 am:
How would the other biz groups have handled this? I’m pretty sure that IMA & IRMA would have taken a pass and not gotten involved. Ask Baise & Karr but I bet they would have been too smart to get sucked in to that mess.
- Jack Stephens - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:18 am:
I dont think Red Light Cameras are a burning issue when social service providers are closing their doors. And with no new tax revenue to build more prisons (which is what we’ll need)…Dunkin didnt have any solution.
- This Guy - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:21 am:
For Maisch, this sucks. I’ve worked for boards before. Sometimes you have to do the will of a vocal minority just to get them to shut up. However, I’d suggest it be wise to move cash to another entity and let that group do the work.
Like it or not, sometimes you have to wear the jacket.
Maisch had to have consulted with SOMEONE in leadership. He either had to convince them, or do this as their insistence or will. Maybe it was the Governor pushing some of his board members?
That said, he’s taking the BIG check, with the BIG title. HE’S GOTTA WEAR THE JACKET.
I like the guy. I think he’s a become a bit ridiculously rabid when it comes to partisanship and support for Rauner, but I do like him.
That all said, this was a major misstep in Illinois politics, City politics and frankly Board / Organization politics.
I’m sure he’ll wander around with this tarnish for a long time. But he probably won’t lose the gig. His power might be clipped inside the Chamber, but I’d bet they’re gonna pin this thing on someone lower down the chain. Just like organizations do.
- out of touch - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:24 am:
Great coverage of an epic blunder by Maisch and an association that is supposed to be an advocate for businesses. Much has been said about Emanuel, but I can’t think that the Chamber’s actions are lost on the Speaker. Long memory there, as well.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:27 am:
Why was the chamber necessary, anyway? Unless you catch the disclaimer, you sure wouldn’t think it was a chamber spot, what with them keepin’ it real “in our community” on seniors and child care.
Why the pass-through? Was there some conflict with a direct payment from the true source of the funds, IllinoisGO, to the ultimate recipient on the B-1, Stick, Rudder Strategies?
By the way, it’s “Annapolis” and “Emanuel.” Chamber types really need to work on their spelling.
- Magic carpet ride - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:31 am:
More “burning of bridges” by the rauner. The gov supports a dem rep with a poor chamber voting record and loses. More recklessness by BVR. Besides its hard to withstand a POTUS endorsement.
- Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:47 am:
Just more of that Rauner #winning
- Formerly Known as Frenchie - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:48 am:
I’m not a business owner. I buy stuff, but I don’t sell it.
Tell me why in the world — why in the world — do I care whatsoever what a ‘Chamber of Commerce’ does or doesn’t do?
I mean, as far as I’m concerned, the “Chamber” — as those in the know apparently like to call it — is a bunch of old, white, Republicans grousing about the need “for a better business climate” when they really mean “I’m not getting enough profit yet”.
It’s an advocacy group, I get it. But I feel so, so, so disenfranchised what with the “Chamber” and “Bruce” talking about all this business stuff. What about those of us who have other (dare I say: “more important”) stuff to worry about than padding our wallets with money from other people?
I mean, I had more interest in the discovery of gravitational waves last month than I do what the “Chamber” does (or doesn’t) do. I think I’m supposed to be, like, um … well, a strong “Chamber” means a strong economy?
But in Rauner’s world of destroy it all, pad pockets, and then destroy it completely — there’s no sense of any kind of positive business climate here — whatsoever — whatever the “Chamber” does or doesn’t do. It’s all just a bunch of old dudes talking and griping.
- Ahoy! - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 9:49 am:
Looks like the IL Chamber took the Board of Directors list off their website too. I see an executive session at today’s meeting.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 11:08 am:
A guy — I’m sure you’re right. Mayor Emanuel has never been known as a guy who holds grudges.
- Annonin' - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 11:08 am:
How would you like your Todd Toast today, sir
medium or well done?
- Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 11:16 am:
Very dumb move by Maisch. Unforced error by a guy who’s supposed to understand politics.
- Gman - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 11:17 am:
I am not an insider but what Frenchie said above reflects my thoughts as well.
- Ghost - Thursday, Mar 17, 16 @ 11:36 am:
So is the Chamber adding a dark money unit?
A second point, the chamber will want some input and support for Work Comp reform…. Madigan was willing to talk about it, but now that buisness is lining up against him they may have reduced their odds of getting some of the bigger changes they wanted….