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Time for a messaging reboot

Tuesday, Mar 22, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* When you flatly deny something that everybody else can plainly see with their own two eyes, like the governor’s high-profile primary election losses last week, it tends to create problems. From WLS Radio

Gov. Bruce Rauner is calling for more budget talks now that the primary elections are over, but he’s ignoring the results of those primaries.

Now that Speaker Mike Madigan (D-Chicago) trounced him in last Tuesday’s primaries, Rauner wants Madigan to compromise.


That’s gotta sting.

* Also, let’s reexamine this other gubernatorial quote from yesterday

“It seems to me that the crisis is being extended for political gain and messaging, and that’s wrong.”

At the very least, doesn’t that statement imply that the other side’s message is “#Winning”?


  1. - Austin Blvd - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:21 am:

    In Rauner’s world, deception is 9/10 reality.

  2. - TominChicago - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:21 am:

    I don’t blame Madigan for not wanting to talk with Rauner one on one. Who knows what sorts of imagined quotes Rauner would attribute to him.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:25 am:

    Um… Governor…

    @RonSandack: I’m frustrated 2, but taking steps towards reforming IL more important than short term budget stalemate. - Ron Sandack, 9/28/15

    Sometimes things backfire so bad that inept Legislative and Press Shops can’t fix what you wanted to happen.

    Here endeth the lesson.

  4. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:30 am:

    Winning consists of emphasizing things like the improvement in DCFS right now. He is proving he can be trusted to right the ship and should focus on publicizing that at the moment.
    Public support, and pressure on Democrats to compromise with him, will follow.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:33 am:

    ===At the very least, doesn’t that statement imply that the other side’s message is “#Winning”?===

    Ball Game.


    Learn… or Tweet something snarky at Rep. Lang, or write letters dripping with snark…

    … as the state loses… and Rauner loses race after race after race… that make Rauner the Referendum.

  6. - AC - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    Even if Rauner traded the trash can van for an AMC Pacer, and George Burns appeared with a message to change direction, Rauner would reject his message and call him a deity that Madigan controls.

  7. - @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:36 am:

    “the crisis is being extended for political gain and messaging”

    Yes. But extended by whom?

    – MrJM

  8. - Century Club - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:36 am:

    The true believers (D and R) view any loss as a result of a game that’s rigged against them. The losses only reinforce how powerful ’special interests’ are and actually bolster how strongly they believe in their own positions and the need to persevere.

    If you believe, as I do, that Rauner is completely OK with the disintegration of Illinois’ social safety net, its university system and other functions, then he doesn’t need to win 1 election to continue his plan. Time is on his side and he is #winning!

  9. - Illannoyed - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    Consistently balancing budgets and paying down debt is “winning.” For more than a decade, Illinois has been “losing” while we’ve limped along from year to year trying to hold things together with duct tape and bailing wire.

  10. - Century Club - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:38 am:

    Maybe a Question of the Day - What should Rauner’s new message be?

  11. - Northsider - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:39 am:

    Anonymous @ 10:30: If “righting the ship” means throwing passengers overboard, then sure, he’s righting the ship.

    He’s also blowing bigger holes in the hull, but hey; a little water’s not going to matter up in First Class, now, will it?

  12. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:39 am:

    –“It seems to me that the crisis is being extended for political gain and messaging, and that’s wrong.”–

    Again, with the impotent figurehead victim.

    No, the crisis is being extended to put as much of higher ed and social services out of business as GOP GA members are willing to stand for.

    Turns out, quite a bit, so far.

    And that’s why the governor spent millions on Ken Dunkin, to keep the crucial vote to sustain his overrides and continue the bustout of Illinois government.

    But the governor knows all that. Much of the media allows him to play the powerless victim, as absurd as that is.

  13. - MurMan - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:41 am:

    ===Consistently balancing budgets and paying down debt is “winning.” For more than a decade, Illinois has been “losing” ===

    That totally discounts Quinn administration, which was half of the last decade. We were “winning” under Quinn. We are losing again under Rauner. Never thought I would miss the “good old days” of a Quinn administration

  14. - cdog - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:45 am:

    The Gov says, “It seems to me that the crisis is being extended for political gain and messaging, and that’s wrong.”

    A comment like this insults the listening citizen’s intelligence. This is why we are beginning to see the lack of support for Rauner’s approach to governing, as shown in primary results and favorability rating decline.

    It is not acceptable to say no revenue compromise, or no relief to budget crisis, without political “structural reform.” And then accuse the other side of being political. Geez, and duh.

    The Madigan could take this too far though. He, and Dem leadership, should demand everyday that the political reforms Rauner wants, which are not representative of the electorate, must be set aside, and a comprehensive budget be passed.

    (not forgetting that the ROI on Rauner’s political reforms are pennies in the larger picture of the Illinois economy.)

  15. - Liberty - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:46 am:

    Cognitive dissonance

  16. - Rollo Tamasi - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    All the Governor has to do is submit a budget to be voted on either up or down. It’s constitutional job to do so. Then let’s see what Madigan does.

    This is like a tennis match in which Rauner has the first serve but refuses to make it because he wants a 100% guarantee of the outcome. In a hostile take over he has always the majority stake holder. In this endeavor he is the minority stake holder. This has to be extremely frustrating for a venture capitalist being involved with an established entity.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:48 am:

    The - @MisterJayEm - Anonymous rule is a good idea about now.

    Pick a name.

    If you think you have something to say, pick a name

    To the Post,

    ===Rauner is completely OK with the disintegration of Illinois’ social safety net, its university system and other functions, then he doesn’t need to win 1 election to continue his plan. Time is on his side and he is #winning!===

    Yep. But Rauner doesn’t like to be upstaged by pesky election losses. Hurts the phony narrative, as what you observe is Spot On.

  18. - Ahoy! - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:49 am:

    I think the political insiders are putting way too much emphasis on those two primaries. Dunkin had way more issues than Rauner in that race. Also, all that race means now is that Madigan has one less vote until Jan 2017. Also, McCann’s district played a lot into the race and Benton was frankly a horrible candidate for the district and did exceptionally well.

    All politics is local and all our elections (until there are more legitimate political parties or more independents) are a choice between two people, and Mike Madigan & Bruce Rauner ain’t running against each other in an election, although I would love to see that race for Governor.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 10:58 am:

    - Ahoy! -

    You’re walking it around the barn and still missing the point of micro versus macro and Rauner in the districts, taken piece meal in districts, lost, and lost big.

    An alleged leader of the Illinois Republican Party dumped millions to save a wedge player in governing, who happened to be a Democrat.

    An alleged leader of the Illinois Republican Party went after a sitting GOP state Senator, dumping millions, and Labor and Republicans repudiated the alleged leader of all things… “Illinois Republican”

    Rauner absolutely does not, in the micro, make November a referendum on Bruce Rauner.

    I can’t think Kirk or Munger want to make their races a Rauner Referendum either.

    That’s what these two races taught.

  20. - Norseman - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 11:05 am:

    Rauner is incapable of learning. He thinks his money and willpower will win out. Until his legislative allies are held accountable for the destruction of higher education, social services and government services, this pattern will continue.

  21. - CharlieKratos - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 11:09 am:

    With as many uncontested races as Illinois has, is there any chance of some R to D flips in the House?

  22. - HistoryProf - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 11:14 am:

    Norseman is correct.

  23. - Facts are Stubborn Things - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 11:33 am:

    time is on MJM’s side, Rauner must come to him. Rauner is the Gov. and owns this mess, while MJM daily reiterates his pledge to work cooperatively and professionally with the Gov. to pass a budget that has both cuts and new revenue. Rauner has taken hostages and now he finds out the gun he is holding on them has no bullets. MJM is well aware of this fact and there will be no concessions.

  24. - walker - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 11:43 am:

    Not so sure these two “Rauner losses” in primaries will much diminish the shadow of his big-money threats on other legislators. Who needs the extra hassle, expense, and extreme personal attacks?

    No way Rauner and friends will stop or recalibrate. It’s still chump change for them.

  25. - Decaff Coffee Party - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 11:49 am:

    Nothing changes on either side until legislators fear voter backlash more than they do Rauner or Madigan.
    In the two high-profile primary races it seems to me that a candidate who went against his constituents (Dunkin) lost and one that voted for the majority of his constituents (McCann) won despite all of the $$$$ spent to prop one up and destroy the other.

  26. - Mama - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 11:52 am:

    “Rauner wants Madigan to compromise.”


  27. - Mama - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 12:03 pm:

    Dem leadership, should demand everyday that the political reforms Rauner wants, must be set aside, and comprehensive budgets for Fiscal Years 2016 & 2017 be passed.
    Doctors, hospitals, dentist, etc. need to be paid!

  28. - burbanite - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 12:12 pm:

    “He thinks his money and willpower will win out.” I have never seen any one with the patience and will power of Madigan in my life. Do I think the Gov can outlast him? No. Your move ILGOP. Do you think the Gov can get Madigan to cry uncle? Are you willing to bet your seat on it?

  29. - Markus - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 12:18 pm:

    ===Dem leadership, should demand everyday that the political reforms Rauner wants, must be [set aside] , and comprehensive budgets for Fiscal Years 2016 & 2017 be passed.
    Doctors, hospitals, dentist, etc. need to be paid!===

    Estimates of savings from “Reforms” based on Magic Beans and WAG’s are not valid budget currency.

  30. - Jimmy H - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 12:20 pm:

    I think what is being perceived as Rauner not learning is the misunderstanding of his goals. He has no intention to “Govern”. He does what he does very well, hence the $600 million net worth. People can be very smart and at the same time be devoid of a conscience. Read Jim Edgar; Rauner makes money through destruction. It’s “harvest” time in Illinois. Only some R’s flipping or come November the D’s gaining an actual supermajority will stop him.

    As an aside; George W. Bush is generally viewed as a failure, though among “his” people they had a windfall under his Presidency. They had a great harvest.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 12:24 pm:

    ===Estimates of savings from “Reforms” based on Magic Beans and WAG’s are not valid budget currency.===

    What does that even mean in this context, lol.

    You can use words, no one is stopping you.

  32. - Markus - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 12:46 pm:

    ===Estimates of savings from “Reforms” based on Magic Beans and WAG’s are not valid budget currency.===

    ===What does that even mean in this context, lol.===

    Sorry, Context was stripped by a web filter or using characters the html form did not like.

    2 posts in this thread advocated demanding reforms be put aside. I’m suggesting the demand should be changed to allow consideration of any and all reforms proposed as long as they can be quantified and supported with real data. Flat out rejecting an ideological position tends to entrench the position. Exposing its weak points and fatal flaws can either kill it or transform it into something useful.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    ===I’m suggesting the demand should be changed to allow consideration of any and all reforms proposed as long as they can be quantified and supported with real data.===

    It’s already been done.

    1.4% increase at $500+ million

    What else ya got?

    ===Flat out rejecting an ideological position tends to entrench the position.===

    Rauner wants to destroy unions. Poison pills tell me that’s so. Rauner continues poison pills. Rauner refuses to leave poison pulls out.


    ===Exposing its weak points and fatal flaws can either kill it or transform it into something useful.===

    1.4% at $500+ million has been done.

    Again, please keep up.

  34. - Markus - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 1:08 pm:

    ===What else ya got?===

    Back at you.

    Just trying to “work the problem” rather than winning the next election.

    How does that end in a balanced budget and the bills backlog paid down?

    Hard to keep up with that. Appears to be just fanning the fire and blowing smoke.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 1:13 pm:

    - Markus -

    You’re clueless.

    ===Hard to keep up with that. Appears to be just fanning the fire and blowing smoke.===


    Please, get out of the dorm room, have lunch, or… read, learn, and keep up.

  36. - RNUG - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 1:17 pm:

    == Consistently balancing budgets and paying down debt is “winning.” For more than a decade, Illinois has been “losing” while we’ve limped along from year to year trying to hold things together with duct tape and bailing wire. ==

    Quinn did balance budgets and pay down debt. 5-6 years of Quinn’s frugality was destroyed by Rauner in 1-2 years.

  37. - Tinsel Town - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 1:22 pm:

    Dear God man, before the primary election, I was so frustrated, depressed reading you’re column. I had hoped after the election & Rauner’s, then apparent loss, now confirmed, ya sorta wonder what is really going on between this guy’s ears.

    No wonder his wife is a psychologist…. he gets free psychotherapy.

  38. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 3:01 pm:

    Bruce Rauner is a mega millionaire who thinks he is in touch with average people. Problem is, he thinks that his old van, his cheap watch, his cheap wardrobe and appearance, or his motorcycle reaffirms it. In reality, he is just a rich classless slob who doesn’t value anything, so he confuses the two.

    Rauner is an owner - not an earner. He doesn’t know the difference, so he doesn’t understand why he is losing politically.

    He is a one-note Nelly who thinks he got where he is, through hard work. He thinks buying up what others build and rolling them up, stripping them, and selling off is the same things as building and earning. Even Jim Edgar had to publically explain that Rauner is not a typical business entrepreneur.

    How can someone be like Rauner? Well, after a year watching him roll up, flip and strip our government, I’d say he is like that because he doesn’t understand what value is, or values anything.

    He overvalues himself politically. He bought the 2014 election, so now he thinks he earned it. He thinks he can do what he wants because he thinks like an owner, not as an earner.

    If Rauner actually earned anything, he would value it. So, his approach to governing is just wrong because he can’t relate to anyone who has earned anything. He has no idea how to value anything - just how to own it.

    Edgar is basically correct here. Rauner can’t relate to people because he thinks owning something is the same as earning it. So he cannot understand that he is losing his political battles. He can never understand that he has earned only defeat so far in his administration.

    He is the worse governor in our history.

  39. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 3:12 pm:

    You can’t have it both ways Governor. You need to take a stand and stick with it.

  40. - Dale Cooper - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 3:51 pm:

    Yes, the crisis is being extended for political gain and message and you should stop, Mr. Governor.

  41. - Mama - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 4:23 pm:

    == “Consistently balancing budgets and paying down debt is “winning.” ==

    Illannoyed, I must have missed that news release in the last 14 months. Please direct..

  42. - Norseman - Tuesday, Mar 22, 16 @ 4:29 pm:

    Mama @ 4:23 pm, well said.

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