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Today’s “outrage”

Wednesday, Mar 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

OUTRAGE OVER GAY RIGHTS GROUP NOT BACKING DUCKWORTH — “Why Did a Major Gay Rights Group Endorse a Republican Senator Over a Pro-LGBTQ Democrat?” by Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern: “The Human Rights Campaign is undoubtedly the biggest and most influential LGBTQ rights organization in the world. It deserves great credit for its work on marriage equality, and has even begun to atone for its questionable record on trans rights by leading the charge against anti-trans “bathroom bills.” But HRC recently committed an unforced error of astonishing ineptitude that necessitates a re-evaluation of the group’s core mission: It endorsed Republican Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois for re-election over his challenger, Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth.”

OUTRAGE OVER GAY RIGHTS GROUP BACKING KIRK (AND DOLD) — “Two Republicans endorsed by radical LGBT group in upcoming elections,” by Life Style News’ Dustin Siggins: “The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has backed two GOP members of Congress against their Democratic opponents – specifically because the Republicans back legislative priorities of the LGBT movement. On Saturday, HRC announced its first set of endorsements. Out of more than a dozen candidates for office, Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois and Rep. Bob Dold – who took Kirk’s old seat in the House – received support due to their ‘strong commitment’ to LGBT issues on Capitol Hill.”

* Reason for Democratic “outrage,” which was confined to websites like Daily Kos and Slate

It’s wonderful that Kirk supports equality, but his own leaders—men like Sen. Mitch McConnell—will never let allow his pro-LGBTQ bills to become law. Kirk’s about-face on LGBTQ rights is very nice, and may presage a future shift within his party. But right now there is only one way to pass the Equality Act, and that is to restore Democratic leadership in the Senate. Accomplishing this objective will likely require Duckworth to defeat Kirk. And I am deeply puzzled that HRC, an organization that prides itself on pragmatism, does not seem to grasp that very simple reality.

Meh. Can’t please everybody. If they say they’re bipartisan, then they need to act that way. Plus, the Republicans will filibuster if they wind up in the minority. The idea is to create more allies.

* Reason for hardcore right wing “outrage” by a pro-life group

Both Kirk and Dold also support federal funding of Planned Parenthood. Many pro-life activists, especially Catholics, consider marriage and abortion two sides of the same life equation. The founder of 40 Days for Life, David Bereit, told LifeSiteNews at the 2015 March for Marriage that “the various moral issues we confront in our culture today are all intrinsically connected. When you look at the various factors that lead to the breakdown of nations and civilizations, they are moral factors. It’s the devaluing of human life, it’s the abandonment of religious belief and practice, it’s immorality – the increase thereof – and it’s the breakdown of the family.”



I happen to think it’s highly immoral to judge someone by the consenting adult s/he loves.


  1. - Federalist - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:13 pm:

    “Kirk’s about-face on LGBTQ rights is very nice…”

    I know things change and we can all forget but I do not remember when Kirk has not supported gay rights.
    Something I missed a long time back- if so when?

  2. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:13 pm:

    “radical gay rights group”

    I almost spit out my coffee I was laughing so hard.

    Oh, and by the way. If the gov’mint is going to regulate a Woman’s body….they should als be policing Men and their bodies too. In case anyone forgets “how babies are made”.

  3. - Peets - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:19 pm:

    it’s not like Duckworth is this big purist on gay marriage either.

  4. - Caitie - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:20 pm:

    ||I know things change and we can all forget but I do not remember when Kirk has not supported gay rights.

    You and me both. And I’ve been active in the gay rights movement since I was young. Kirk has always been a strong supporter.

    People outraged are just showing their true colors. They’re democrats first, and care about equality second.

  5. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:25 pm:

    Slate’s decision to illustrate their article with a photograph of Sen. Kirk and Alexi Giannoulias sharing beers is nothing less than baffling.

    – MrJM

  6. - JoanP - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    The HRC is a *radical* LGBT group? What have these people been smoking?

    And, frankly, I’m tired of disagreements always morphing into “outrage”.

  7. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:28 pm:

    “People with different ideas are not traitors.”

    - Paul Ryan (R-WI), Speaker of the House on Wednesday March 23, 2016.

  8. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:32 pm:

    –When you look at the various factors that lead to the breakdown of nations and civilizations, they are moral factors. It’s the devaluing of human life, it’s the abandonment of religious belief and practice, it’s immorality – the increase thereof – and it’s the breakdown of the family.”–

    Actually, Gibbon attributed the rise of Christianity as a major reason for the fall of the Roman Empire.

    When more people became interested in the world to come, they were less interested in empire.

  9. - Federalist - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    “They’re democrats first, and care about equality second.”

    That is what I assume unless someone can show me that Kirk has had a big about face on this issue in recent years.

  10. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    It seems like a quite practical and wise decision by HRC to me.

    Sends a wise message to the party that often disagrees with their agenda. Run more moderates. Provides an incentive for other republicans to support gay rights next time.

  11. - KJ - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:45 pm:

    Hey Rich, think your language on the Senate is off.

    Republicans wouldn’t invoke cloture. They would filibuster, Democrats would try to invoke cloture, they would fail, lacking a 60 vote majority and therefore the bill would fail to pass.

    Cloture=good from gay rights perspective.
    Filibuster=bad from that perspective.

  12. - JackD - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:47 pm:

    They really shouldn’t have endorsed anyone in those races. They’re just asking for loss of support financially from Democrats who otherwise share their positions.

  13. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:51 pm:

    It is worth noting that this wasn’t a choice between two equally pro-LGBTQ legislators from opposite parties.

    Duckworth has a perfect House voting record on LGBTQ equality. For that reason, HRC awarded her a 100% score. Mark Kirk scored a 78%.

    I’m not sure this endorsement merits outrage, but I am sure that 100% is a better score than 78%. And while we can argue whether that distinction using HRC’s own metric should be enough to swing the HRC endorsement, those arguments should take that distinction into account.

    – MrJM

  14. - NoGifts - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 2:58 pm:

    Kind of a funny way to put it “consider marriage and abortion two sides of the same life equation.”

  15. - Cousin VInny - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 3:03 pm:

    -@MisterJayEm- “I am sure that 100% is a better score than 78%.”

    “Still, some have questioned his imperfect Congressional Scorecard rating. But Senator Kirk’s score from the last Congress does not reflect his current co-sponsorship of the Equality Act. And because bills in the House and Senate have differed, comparing his rating to a House Member’s is apples to oranges.”

  16. - Earnest - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 3:31 pm:

    >Cousin Vinnie

    I agree with the point in here about the very low rating from 2009-11, but disagree with the point about which party it is better to have in power.

  17. - Just Me - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 3:43 pm:

    Politics is the art of addition. The zealots operate by subtraction, which isn’t productive.

  18. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    “And because bills in the House and Senate have differed, comparing his rating to a House Member’s is apples to oranges.”

    The HRC ratings come from the HRC’s Congressional Scorecard” which the HRC describes as “measuring support for equality in the 113th Congress”.* But they shouldn’t be used to rate, measure or keep score of candidates support for equality? That’s weird.

    That said, Sen. Kirk should be commended for co-sponsoring the Equality Act.

    – MrJM


  19. - Independent retiree/lawyer/journalist - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 7:26 pm:

    +++ I happen to think it’s highly immoral to judge someone by the consenting adult s/he loves. +++
    Thank you, Rich.

  20. - Property of IDOC - Wednesday, Mar 23, 16 @ 9:25 pm:

    Thank you Rich.

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