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Trump Chicago roundup

Saturday, Mar 12, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Two completely polarized views of what happened in Chicago last night…

* Walsh is a Trump supporter, and he took what is usually the standard conservative line: Blame the black, brown and hippie protesters. But the right is split because Trump is still fighting off Republican presidential rivals. Some of Trump’s GOP opponents pounced on him for inciting violence and Fox News at times seemed unsure about what slant to take last night. Also, check this out…

To: Illinois Media
From: Illinois Patriotic Veterans, Inc.
RE: Trump Hate Speech
Date: 3.12.2016

Illinois Patriotic Veterans, Inc. condemns the continued political hate speech of Donald Trump which last night resulted in discord and violence at Trump’s Chicago rally which he cancelled.

The First Amendment does not protect Trump’s speech when he suggests violence against those who have protested at some of his recent events.

Last night, Trump ran away from the violence which he himself created in Chicago, just as he ran away in 1968 from his military obligation to defend our Country.

Jim Nalepa, Illinois Chairman
Paul Caprio, Director

Paul Caprio ain’t no leftie. At all.

…Adding… Caprio’s group has a new radio ad which rips Trump a new one…

* Moving right along, as I noted on Friday, some early arrests were made at the rally. But the anti-Trump folks were there in force, and their chants appeared to halt further arrests.

* And speaking of arrests, a journalist for CBS was busted last night for no apparent reason

Sopan Deb was on the floor of the arena as tensions built - raw emotions on both sides.

He interviews both protesters and Trump supporters.

Police clear the pavilion, and the streets outside are quickly blocked.

Tensions are high. Deb shoots video of an arrest. Police surround a man whose face is bloodied.

Protesters scream at police.

Deb says he was thrown to the ground and handcuffed, without notice or warning.

Illinois State Police charged him with resisting arrest although there is no sign of that on the video.

* But the Illinois State Police say they had no role in the arrest…

Hi Rich

The CBS reporter was not arrested by ISP. The officers in the video making the arrest are uniformed CPD.

M/Sgt. Matt Boerwinkle
Illinois State Police
Chief Public Information Officer

* As you probably saw elsewhere, Trump said he canceled the event after discussing things over with law enforcement

“I spoke with law enforcement and made [the call to cancel] in conjuction with law enforcement, and I think we made a wise decision,” Trump said in a phone interview on MSNBC.

* The Chicago Police Department said they had nothing to do with it

However, CPD spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the department never told the Trump campaign there was a security threat at the venue. He said the department had sufficient manpower at the scene to handle any situation.

Mr Guglielmi said the decision to cancel the event was made “independently” by the campaign.

Interim Supt John Escalante confirmed in a press conference that police became aware the event was being cancelled at 6:30pm, adding: “The Chicago Police Department had no role, we were not consulted or provided an opinion as to whether or not the event should be cancelled.

The U of I police claimed they were surprised at the “abrupt” cancellation of the event. The Illinois State Police’s spokesman I quoted above told me “I’m not aware of any advice given to his campaign.”

* And there is some speculation that Trump never actually even arrived in Chicago…

* Mark Brown was supremely unimpressed with the anti-Trump crowd

To be clear, I’m glad people came out to protest Trump. I was hoping for it.

But as I watched an elderly man with a walker trying in vain to return to his car because idiots were running wild through the parking garage where many of Trump’s fans parked their cars, I was ashamed.

“This is what free speech looks like!” shouted a leader of the protesters on his megaphone while the old man asked the police if it was safe yet to get to his car.

I hope this isn’t what free speech looks like.

Agreed, but when covering a big, fast-moving event like that, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the brief moments that you, yourself see.

* Related…

* Who is Jedidiah Brown, the pastor who stormed Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago?

* @BYP_100: One of our beloved members was beat & hospitalized by police at anti-Trump protest in Chicago. Taken straight from ER to jail. #FreeTimothy

* Donald Trump, Chicago, and the Lessons of 1968

* @PhilipRucker: Loud boos at Cleveland rally venue when announcement instructs Trump fans not to physically harm protesters.


Proft’s closing ads in McCann district

Saturday, Mar 12, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* The first closer by Dan Proft’s Liberty Principles PAC is called “Dishonor” and hits Sen. Sam McCann hard because he “lied his way into office… We can’t trust him again.” Oof

* The second is a positive spot for McCann’s Republican primary opponent Bryce Benton, who Proft claims will “challenge Madigan at every turn”

* Related…

* Sam McCann campaign hits Bryce Benton on PCCC financial losses


Two new TV ads in Madigan district

Saturday, Mar 12, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* The first ad was recorded off WGN TV last night by a subscriber using his mobile phone. The ad was paid for by Blair Hull’s Illinois United for Change PAC. It hits House Speaker Michael Madigan on his property tax business, whacks him for not increasing the minimum wage “even though voters approved it,” and says one of his “top lieutenants took bribes from the company that makes red light cameras.” It’s a pretty good ad

If they had started running it a week or two ago and had lots more money behind it (from what I can tell, only about a hundred grand has been spent so far), that ad could’ve left a major mark.

* The second TV ad is somewhat unusual. This spot was also recorded by a subscriber using his mobile phone and it features Congressman Luis Gutierrez speaking Spanish. Check out how “soft” the ad makes Madigan appear as he speaks with his constituents

…Adding… Helpfully translated by the original sender…

Gutierrez: “When it comes to protecting our working families, few work harder than Mike Madigan. Michael Madigan supported a tax on millionaires in order to create a billion dollar fund to guarantee a better education for our children and their success. He has also demanded that banks give homeowners more time to make their payments. March 15 is our opportunity to vote for Mike Madian.”


Sen. Mark Kirk says he’ll endorse Trump if nominated

Saturday, Mar 12, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Pearson

Lost in the coverage of Friday night’s protests was the announcement that Republican U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk, viewed as one of the most politically vulnerable senators seeking re-election, said he would support Trump if he won the GOP presidential nomination. Kirk’s comments came during an interview with WMAQ-Ch. 5 before the Trump event was called off.

* According to the Duckworth campaign, Kirk told Channel 5 “If he’s the nominee, I certainly would,” when asked about endorsing Trump.

The Duckworth campaign’s response…

“Two men are making news in Illinois tonight. One of them recently said people ‘drive faster through’ black neighborhoods, called a U.S. Senator a ‘bro with no ho,’ and suggested President Obama’s end goal for the Iranian nuclear agreement was to ‘get nukes to Iran.’ The other man is Donald Trump.

…Adding… The video clip

* But Sen. Kirk’s timing was unfortunate, to say the least

Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and John Kasich suggested Saturday they may not support Donald Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee, as violence at the front-runner’s rallies deepened the party’s chaotic chasm.

Rubio told supporters that while he was currently sticking with his pledge to back the nominee if he wasn’t the party’s choice, “it’s getting harder every day.”

Kasich said the “toxic environment” Trump is creating “makes it very, extremely difficult” to support him.

“To see Americans slugging themselves at a political rally deeply disturbed me,” Kasich said while campaigning in Cincinnati. “We’re better than that.”

Rubio and Kasich have previously committed to backing Trump should he win the Republican nomination, despite reservations about his qualifications. Their extraordinary shift came hours after clashes between Trump supporters and protesters Friday night in Chicago, and just a few days before Tuesday’s elections in five delegate-rich states.


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