The perils of hiring protesters
Monday, Apr 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* This happened while I was away…
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tammy Duckworth’s campaign initially wasn’t going to let reporters inside a post-primary “unity breakfast” in Bronzeville on Monday, then some protesters showed up.
It’s unclear who organized the group of roughly three dozen mostly African-American people who gathered outside Pearl’s Place chanting, waving signs and shouting “Shame on you!” at Democrats walking into the meeting. That’s because the group’s leaders declined to give their names or explain their affiliations.
One man holding an anti-Duckworth sign asked a Tribune reporter whether Duckworth is a Democrat or a Republican, then said he expected to get paid for his time outside Pearl’s “by the man who sponsored” the protest. Before he could explain further, other protesters nearby told him to be quiet. They declined to discuss why they were demonstrating or whether they supported incumbent Republican Sen. Mark Kirk.
There was at least one Kirk campaign staffer on hand outside Pearl’s shooting video and speaking to protesters. But Kirk campaign manager Kevin Artl said the staffer was simply there as part of his regular duties tracking Duckworth at events and had nothing to do with the protest.
This is not unusual in Chicago, where people make a few bucks by rounding up small crews of rabble rousers. Gov. Rauner’s campaign was accused of doing the same thing to Pat Quinn.
* But this one was particularly inept…
A dozen protesters, all African-Americans, lined the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, holding signs and chanting. But they wouldn’t answer questions about the protest or say which organization they represented. Most held hand-lettered signs that bore one of three messages: “What’s Our Vote Worth Duckworth?”, “Picked by Washington In$iders” or “D.C. Hatched a Plan,” showing a duckling emerging from an egg.
Kirk campaign staffer Matt Custardo mingled with the protesters outside the restaurant. The Kirk campaign said he was on hand to tape the event, but he appeared to be helping pass out coffee and doughnuts to the demonstrators. And whether they liked Duckworth or not, the protesters were happy to accept breakfast from the candidate, munching on bacon and eggs Duckworth staffers brought out of Pearl’s in foam boxes after the meeting adjourned.
Jeffrey Coleman was one of the few people standing among the protesters who was willing to talk with a reporter, though he admitted he had worked for Kirk’s campaign. Coleman, who is black, said African-American voters should not vote reflexively for Democrats.
Two of those three slogans come directly from the NRSC talking points about this campaign. The NRSC even posted TV news video of the event.
* More…
BNR has learned that an attendee of the event recognized some of the protesters as residents of a local homeless shelter. Several of the protest signs, pictured below, were duplicates and appeared to be written with the same hand:
Kirk campaign manager Kevin Artl dismissed the notion that they organized or paid the Duckworth protesters, telling the Tribune that there was only one staffer at the event who was “simply there as part of his regular duties tracking Duckworth at events and had nothing to do with the protest.”
But an Illinois Democratic party official told BNR that there were two Kirk staffers there, Kirk’s regular campaign tracker (pictured below in a gray hat) and Custardo, who was shown in the video above.
The video is here.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 12:42 pm:
Dear Kev,
Seriously? And they were caught in pictures and video? Really? Ugh.
Do better.
- Honeybear - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 12:44 pm:
- walker - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 12:51 pm:
So some poor folks got a couple of bucks from one side, and some bacon and eggs from the other.
Good. Old-style Chicago politics.
The only dupes were the campaign staff, and reporters, who thought it meant anything.
- Sir Reel - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 12:59 pm:
- Anonymous - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 1:00 pm:
Welcome to the city. Always has been, always will be.
- Curious - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 1:04 pm:
If the goal was to raise awareness of the fact that Duckworth’s Af-Am support is luke-warm at best (which is a legitimate gripe the Kirk campaign could and should try to play up), then this was an epic failure.
- The Captain - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 1:05 pm:
If only an allied group had recently built a local field staff to work against an actual Democrat on some other recently completed south side campaign that was closely enough aligned with the Kirk campaign that they could ask for/hire reliable people. If only.
Oh that’s right, IllinoisGO paid almost $300,000 to a company called Progressive Organizing Solutions for field for Ken Dunkin. Either those people weren’t available or now we know why Dunkin lost by 36 points.
- Anon - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 1:11 pm:
===And whether they liked Duckworth or not, the protesters were happy to accept breakfast from the candidate, munching on bacon and eggs Duckworth staffers brought out of Pearl’s in foam boxes after the meeting adjourned.===
Too many folks watching House of Cards.
- Rabid - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 1:29 pm:
Bacon and eggs, the pig is committed but the chicken is evolved
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 1:32 pm:
Staffer tip 1: Avoid being in the shot…especially when you’re supposed to have nothing to do with the protest. #amateurhour
- Century Club - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 1:33 pm:
Captain +100
- Bro Mark - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 1:47 pm:
Sen. Kirk, of course, was not there, as his car sped up to pass through the neighborhood.
- wordslinger - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 2:04 pm:
These DC-based campaign groups can’t even phone it in right.
- Jerry - Monday, Apr 4, 16 @ 6:33 pm:
If Senator Kirk would hire fake protesters to cause trouble, how low would be go?