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Another “turnaround”

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From back on March 21st

Governor Bruce Rauner said he’s ready to sit down at talk with House Speaker Michael Madigan about budget issues, though he’s not publicly suggesting he is backing off any of his previous positions, reports WBBM Political Editor Craig Dellimore. […]

“The reality is, I don’t think the speaker…his style is not to be compromising in a group,” Rauner said. “That’s not how he works…my own view is further four leader meetings probably will not be productive. I’m hoping that the speaker and I can meet in private soon.”

As you already know, the governor said this same thing several times during the spring break.

* But, now

After spending the past few weeks saying a meeting among himself and the four legislative leaders would be unproductive, Gov. Bruce Rauner now is calling for such meetings this week and next in an effort to end the state’s budget impasse.

Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno, R-Lemont, and House Minority Leader Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs, brought up Rauner’s apparent change of heart during a news conference Monday, the day House members returned to Springfield after a monthlong break. The Senate, which has been in recess for two weeks, returns today.

Durkin said the governor’s office announced Friday that it was setting aside time for the meetings.

“We’re just waiting to hear back from Democrats,” he said.

I’m starting to get whiplash.

* More

It was unclear Monday which of the leaders Rauner’s office has reached out to.

“I’m not aware of anything different on that topic since last week,” Madigan spokesman Steve Brown said. “I’m not aware of any meetings.”

Brown said that if Republican lawmakers wanted to make progress on the budget, they could support some of the appropriations bills approved by Democrats, such as a bill to provide millions of dollars in spending authority for universities, community colleges and a variety of human-services programs.

Rauner and Republican lawmakers called those bills shams because they only authorize spending authority, they do not provide money to actually pay the bills.

“Those are propaganda votes,” Durkin said. “Illinoisans are not going to be served well if (Democrats) are going to pass these massive appropriations bills that don’t have any revenue attached to it.”

* One more

Republicans sought to up the pressure, arguing it’s time to cut a deal as the financial condition of public universities and social service providers grows more bleak. House GOP Leader Jim Durkin of Western Springs argued the onus is on Democrats to give in on the governor’s pro-business, union-weakening agenda, saying Republicans won’t go along with a tax increase without a win on that front.

“The fact is, we’re not just going to give away our votes for nothing,” Durkin said. “The votes are going to mean something.”

Translation: neither side is ready to back down.


  1. - steward - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:44 am:

    Alright Durkin. Then go to those college town and social service providers and inform them that you believe they are “nothing.”

  2. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:47 am:

    ===…Democrats to give in on the governor’s pro-business, union-weakening agenda…===

    If one thing March 15th taught me is that Raunerites trying to weaken unions right now won’t get any Democratic support.

    I know that. Maybe a freeze on prevailing wage, maybe. Weaken collective bargaining? Can’t see many Dem “green” on that.

    All these Kasich supporters, Gov. Kasich with Republican majorities got beat on Labor weakening. You also don’t have 60 or 30 to get that.

    Is this where Ron Sandack says he’s frustrated?

    The Dems won’t budge against Lanor right now. Why would they?

  3. - forwhatitsworth - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:48 am:

    ===“The fact is, we’re not just going to give away our votes for nothing,” Durkin said. “The votes are going to mean something.”===

    What do the Democrats get in return for voting for a tax increase?

  4. - UMAN - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:50 am:

    “…Durkin said the governor’s office announced Friday that it was setting aside time for the meetings…”

    In what year?? How difficult is it to extend a meeting invite then announce the specific date/time once confirmed? This is shear nonsense.

  5. - Abe the Babe - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:50 am:

    ==“The fact is, we’re not just going to give away our votes for nothing,”==

    Translation: we want political cover for the tough tax increase votes that are a necessity.

    When the right thing to do is the right thing… you do it. And then educate your constituencies on why you took an unpopular vote. Its called being an elected representative.

    You don’t hold votes hostage to get random pie in the sky proposals that even some in your party don’t want. Where did the republican statesmen go? Bill Black would have stood up to the Baron. Others should too.

  6. - WiTuLo - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:53 am:

    “I’ve got this thing and it’s (bleeping) golden”, Durkin said. “And I’m just not giving it up for (bleeping) nothing.”

  7. - Cubs in '16 - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:54 am:

    “The fact is, we’re not just going to give away our votes for nothing,” Durkin said. “The votes are going to mean something.”

    So the logic here is Dems are going to have to “give in” to Rauner’s union-weakening agenda in return for green lights on a tax increase that Rauner himself acknowledges is necessary. What’s in it for the Dems? Is having one’s name attached to a green light for a tax increase really worse than doing nothing and allowing what is happening to continue? Either way the voters won’t be happy with you so why not hold your nose and do what’s best for the state as a whole?

  8. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:54 am:

    This is going to be one of the “quotes of the year”. Right up there with Radogno’s visions of too many social service providers.-

    “The fact is, we’re not just going to give away our votes for nothing,” Durkin said. “The votes are going to mean something.”

    Rauner has already said, very publically, that there is going to be no tax increase- remember his “…period, end of story…” message at CTA in Mt. Vernon?

    So, where does that leave the R’s. Continue to vote yellow and red? Those votes mean something. Try and force it all on the D’s. Not going to happen. Vote accordingly??? Support your constituents??? THOSE votes MEAN something. Rauner’s cash will not solve any of this mess. Votes WILL.

  9. - Gruntled University Employee - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:55 am:

    ==“The fact is, we’re not just going to give away our votes for nothing,” Durkin said. “The votes are going to mean something.”==

    So in his mind, a budget that releases the hostages doesn’t “mean” anything. Pathetic.

  10. - Great quote there - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:56 am:

    The Durkin quote about not giving away votes for nothing has got to be the dumbest line of the day. Just out of curiosity, how many Republicans in either the House or Senate have general election opponents?

  11. - Magic carpet ride - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:57 am:

    The general election is seven months away. Why the urgency now. It feels like the dems are slow playing this letting the GOP take some “heat.”
    Some here said this would go on until 2017!

  12. - Bluegrass Boy - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 9:58 am:

    Hey Durkin,

    Illinoisans are not particularly well served by having 47 Republican House Reps not doing anything either.

    Also not a big fan of your plan not to “give away” your vote “for nothing”. Sort of hearkens back to “I’ve got this thing and it’s (expletive) golden. I’m not just giving it up for (expletive) nothing.”

    Thanks very very much for your government service Durkin.

  13. - RNUG - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:00 am:

    All the noise from the GOP side means they got an earful from their constituents during spring break. Now they are looking for a way out and futily hoping the DEMs will save them by passing new revenue without GOP support. Ain’t goin’ happen, nothin’ in it for the D’s. The GOP will have to sponsor and fully support any new revenue.

  14. - Norseman - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:01 am:

    === … are going to pass these massive appropriations bills that don’t have any revenue attached to it. ===

    As opposed to the GOP alternative of passing a higher ed bill backed by forgiveness of loans that don’t have to be paid off until FY 17 and the passage of a procurement bill with questionable savings which would take time to accumulate significant funds.

    Pass the appropriations bill and override the veto so higher ed and human services will get their rightful place in line for funding.

  15. - RNUG - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:03 am:

    Given as fast as this is spinning, the Turnaround Agenda has become the Tornado Agenda … and it’s starting to leave a path of destruction in it’s wake.

  16. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:04 am:

    All this spin just shows the governor isn’t serious yet about any budget agreement.

    The beast hasn’t been squeezed enough, the necessary shakeout is not complete.

    Why should he move on a budget? The governor is way ahead by his standards.

    He’s somehow convinced enough people that it’s reasonable not to honor contracts with vendors unless there’s a term limit law; that it’s reasonable to zero out funding for higher ed unless there’s a redistricting law.

    If you can sell your peeps on that stuff, what in the world do you have to worry about? They’ll buy anything.

    And that leaves the governor free to tirelessly travel the nation lining up “dozens” of corporations “ready to come” to Illinois.

    That’s a lot of work and obviously very time consuming.

    P.S. His peeps probably believe that stuff, too.

  17. - The Dude Abides - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:10 am:

    Ok, given the amount of debt that the state is running up under the current administration, what will have a bigger impact on stabilizing our finances, increasing revenue or significantly weakening Unions? Unions have had very little impact on our financial status. The tax rate decreasing from 5% to 3.75% has. Everyone in the Capitol knows that more revenue is needed but the GOP is looking at agreeing to more tax revenue as a concession to Democrats. Republican constituents need tax revenue as much as Democrat constituents do. There are some Rauner agenda items that the Democrats will concede on if they are offered something in return. The Union busting is something the Democrats will never offer as a concession. The GOP offering to vote for a tax increase isn’t a concession, it is something that absolutely needs to happen, weakening Unions isn’t. The impasse continues.

  18. - Ghost - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:11 am:

    Durkin need not worry about repubs willing to give up antiunion agenda to fund universities. All those republican reps in university districts will most likely not be back, since they do not appear to be representing their dostricts.

    Durkin may help raunder ride the gop to its weakest point in Il history…. afterall the majority of voters are not behind the antiunion stuff. if they rephrased the internal polls they would get good data.

    Is Durkin clueless about Kansas, Wi an Louisiana? or does he think the low wages, low tax anti union stuff that wrecked those states wont happen here be ause if you follow failed economc picy long enough its nound to work somewhere?????

  19. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:11 am:

    Rauner, radogno and durkin are flopping around like fish dumped out of a net.

    Let me help–the constitution is your guide to the process–30 and 60. Bills. Amendments. But the process works only if the partcipants have a moral compass. It is immoral to destroy the social services net, universities, etc. rauner doesnt see it that way. Starving the beast, and doing damage, is a win for him. He wins either way, in his mind. Come november, most votes will be cast against someone wherever possible.

  20. - Streator Curmudgeon - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:17 am:

    Rich, do you think your column about the Governor refusing to recognize reality had anything to do with this willingness to meet?

    Until he admits his Run Aground Agenda has no chance, they can meet until doomsday and the situation won’t change.

  21. - DownStateGrl - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:18 am:

    The republican campus town reps will be reelected. Thinking they will be ousted in a general is too idealistic. The districts are drawn the way they are to make them noncompetitive. But will those legislators be able to live in their own communities, shop at the grocery, go to the ball game without being kicked around? Doubtful. Sounds like a pretty terrible existence… Continuing to collect your check paid by taxpayers who are now out of work because of your failure to do yours…

  22. - Earnest - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:25 am:

    >I’m starting to get whiplash.

    Nothing but continued tactics to take attention from the deliberate destruction of our human service and higher education systems. They do it effectively.

  23. - Sir Reel - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:25 am:

    Rauner wants to meet with all 4 leaders so he has an audience for more of his campaign rhetoric. He’s not really ready to cut a deal. Just more campaign’n.

  24. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    If the Governor has this much trouble scheduling a meeting, there’s not much hope that he’ll be able to clean up the mess he’s made of the state budget. This is a joke.

    Can you imagine Jim Thompson making himself look so ridiculous with a pathetic display of ineptitude? Rauner can’t get a leaders meeting convened? Is he that weak and powerless?

    I hope the guys at his club give him a good ribbing for this. The rest of us don’t find it terribly amusing.

  25. - Whatever - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:30 am:

    ==Durkin said. “Illinoisans are not going to be served well if (Democrats) are going to pass these massive appropriations bills that don’t have any revenue attached to it.”==

    “Appropriation bills shall be limited
    to the subject of appropriations.” Ill. Constitution, Art. IV, Section 8.

  26. - Annonn'' - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:31 am:

    Durkie and The Senate Minority leader looked a little fearful with the media —- the revolt is hurtin’ em.
    BTW one of “sham” votes was approval of the k-12 approp with all the GOPies votin’ “no”
    It appears these folks a in a very bad spin cycle

  27. - Ms. SHEESH - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:36 am:

    47th Ward….Amen!

  28. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:41 am:

    “House GOP Leader Jim Durkin of Western Springs argued the onus is on Democrats to give in on the governor’s pro-business, union-weakening agenda, saying Republicans won’t go along with a tax increase without a win on that front.”

    The longer Republicans hang on to the belief or hope that Democrats are going to allow someone making over $150,000 a day to knock down the protections and incomes of thousands of workers making five figures a year, the longer we are going to suffer.

    Rauner is the “poor kid on the block” of some of his key supporters, who are worth a billion or more. That sharpens the perspective even more.

    But, as some say, these may be ruses and covers used by Rauner and his allies to squeeze the state. Keep blamin’ Madigan and Democrats while the cuts and squeezin’ proceed.

    If it wasn’t like this, wouldn’t Rauner have given up his unattainable demands by now?

  29. - cdog - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:50 am:

    “Those are propaganda votes,” Durkin said. “Illinoisans are not going to be served well if (Democrats) are going to pass these massive appropriations bills that don’t have any revenue attached to it.”

    @10:30 Whatever highlighted Constitutional language. So no revenue can constitutionally be a part of an approp bill? If that is a simple truth, it is a learning moment for me and a game-changer.

    If the GOP IS SERIOUS, Radagno and Durkin need to talk about specific revenue to make up for Rauner’s inability to balance HIS agencies to HIS requested 3.75%. (Progressive tax constitutional amendment? We could only hope.)

  30. - Mama - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 10:55 am:

    Two interesting statement by Radogno yesterday:
    •Leader Radogno says there is a new sense of urgency on budget impasse. Hopes for bipartisan cooperation on a resolution.
    •from the ILSenateGOP
    Between now and end of session Radogno says she expects Democrats to realize it’s time to bring this in for a landing.

  31. - walker - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 11:23 am:

    Let’s borrow yesterday’s headline:

    “Grandstand Lineup Announced”

  32. - Mama - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 11:40 am:

    More quotes from Durkin:

    Leader Durkin: “we are ready, willing and able to negotiate to resolve this budget impasse.”

    Durkin: “Dems shouldn’t do more ‘political propaganda bogus votes’ “

    Leader Durkin: “it’s up to Democrat leaders in the House and Senate to decide if they want to pass a budget.”

    Leader Durkin: “Democrats have a supermajority in both chambers. They can finish this right now on their own terms.”

    “House GOP Leader Durkin on at what point ending impasse trumps Rauner agenda: We’re not going to give our votes away for nothing.”

  33. - Joe M - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 11:46 am:

    Madigan has a history of being able to work with Republican governors - until now, with this governor. So is Madigan the problem - or is this governor the problem?

  34. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 11:56 am:

    How do you “set aside time” if you don’t keep a calendar?

  35. - Sense of a Goose - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 12:40 pm:

    Let’s go back to the years when the Democrats discovered that Blagojavich had no interest in governing. What did they do? Ring their hands and stand by him? No. They worked around him. They did this with Quinn at times as well. The Republican members of the House and Senate may want to do the same. They have the power to get some changes. They don’t have any power with Rauner so maybe work with the people who have been willing to do their jobs no matter who was sitting in the governor’s chair.

  36. - Jocko - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 12:46 pm:

    There’s a fire in the restaurant, but Durkin refuses to turn on the hose for fear of running up the water bill. Meanwhile, Bruce keeps running up the credit.

  37. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 1:08 pm:

    The Democrats in both chambers need to pass budgets every week sending them to the Governor to veto. The press cannot not report the Governor vetoing a budget every week.

  38. - Mama - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 3:25 pm:

    == Sense of a Goose - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 12:40 pm:==

    Excellent advice!

  39. - Nothin's easy... - Tuesday, Apr 5, 16 @ 4:05 pm:

    Can anyone tell me why the democrats should do anything? Afterall, the governor vetoed the budget. The ball is in his court. And, he said, “we may have to close it down for awhile.” He didn’t define “awhile”. Take him at his word. This is what he wanted. This is his gubernatorial term. This is his.

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