Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Madigan: Rauner’s impasse is a feature, not a bug
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Madigan: Rauner’s impasse is a feature, not a bug

Wednesday, Apr 13, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE ***  Illinois Review has transcribed MJM’s speech. Click here.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Sun-Times political reporter Tina Sfondeles

Just hours after a private meeting with the governor, House Speaker Michael Madigan widened the gap between them Tuesday afternoon, telling legislators the state budget mess is “completely avoidable” and the result of Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner pursuing “a personal agenda.”

The Southwest Side Democrat’s relatively rare extended remarks on the floor came just before the Illinois House voted to pass a $3.89 billion appropriations bill to fund state universities and social service agencies. And it also came just two hours after Madigan wrapped up a meeting with Rauner and the other three top legislative leaders about the budget impasse that’s reached its tenth month.

“Never before has the state gone this long without a budget. Every other governor that I have worked with has negotiated with the General Assembly in good faith to help the people of Illinois and to ensure the people of our state did not needlessly suffer,” Madigan said. “The fact is the current budget crisis was completely avoidable. While this crisis was avoidable, Gov. Rauner has refused to put an end to the crisis.”

Madigan called Rauner’s Turnaround Agenda “his personal agenda, which is targeted at diminishing the wages and standard of living of the middle class and other struggling families.”

* Finke

“The governor’s objections to House Democratic budget priorities are based on his insistence the General Assembly first pass his personal agenda, which is targeted at diminishing wages and the standard of living of the middle class and other struggling families,” Madigan said. “Progress will not be made by targeting the wages and standard of living of the middle class.”

Madigan said he’s had differences with all six governors with whom he has served.

“Every other governor I have worked with has negotiated with the General Assembly in good faith,” Madigan said.

* Reboot

“Differences with governors is not something that is new to me. Nor is it something that has prevented me from working with governors of both political parties for the good of the people of Illinois in passing state budgets,” Madigan said. “Over 30 years I have worked with six governors from both political parties. Twice as many Republicans as Democrats… I have had differences with all the governors I have worked with including governors of my own party… Many of you will recall the very strong differences I had with former Gov. Rod Blagojevich. However, we found a way to compromise. My record over the years is one of compromise…”

* Tribune

[Madigan contended] it has been the Republican governor’s strategy all along to try to get rid of public unions and seek a state government shutdown.

The Democratic leader quoted from a speech then-candidate Rauner made a couple of years ago in Tazewell County in which he likened the need to act in state government the way President Ronald Reagan did in a 1981 decision to fire thousands of striking air traffic controllers.

“I apologize but we may have to go through a little rough times and we have to do what Ronald Reagan did with the air traffic controllers,” Rauner said at that dinner.

“We sort of have to do a do-over and shut things down for a little while, that’s what we’re going to do,” Rauner said.

* AP

Rauner met with Madigan and other legislative leaders Tuesday. But the speaker’s remarks indicate they made no progress on a budget deal.

* Our good friends at posted video of Madigan’s prepared remarks. They’re even harsher than portrayed in the above stories. Check it out

…Adding… The full video of Rauner speaking at that Tazewell County Lincoln Day Dinner referenced in Madigan’s speech is here

Rauner said

“But even if they’ve got a major majority against us, you know what, they can’t stop us. They won’t stop me if I want to spend dramatically less. You need the legislature if you want to spend more. If you want to spend less, they can’t stop me. They can’t stop me.”


  1. - Delimma - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:10 am:

    The governor wouldn’t use his line item powers because then he would be responsible for the cuts that he chose. Rather than do that, the preferred course of action is to just let everything fail so that there will be such massive failures in the state that Democrats will cave into his hostage demands. He will then blame them for raising taxes to pay for necessary services that could have been paid for had we had a budget as though that was their goal all along.

  2. - burbanite - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:11 am:

    Watched it last night. Definitely worth the watch. Wish others would call the Gov out on this as well. Wish there was a video of the meeting.

  3. - slow down - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:11 am:

    In my view, this speech from Madigan was long overdue. Until Rauner is held to account for his desire to leverage the state’s most vulnerable in order to bust the unions, nothing is going to change.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:16 am:

    If I were to do an Ad, come July, I’d have it roll out like this..

    (Open to Rauner speaking at Lincoln Day dinner)

    “We may have to shut down the state”


    Gov. Rauner has thought for a long time that shutting down the state and hurting Illinois is the best way to get his agenda…


    “We may have to shut down the state”


    While Rauner plays games, Illinois’ most vulnerable are hurting. Colleges may close for good, students may have no money to go any colleges…


    “We may have to shut down the state”


    … as Gov. Rauner continues his own plans for Illinois.

    A governor can stop this…


    “We may have to shut down the state”

    … Bruce Rauner wanted this to happen.

  5. - Dread Pirate Roberts - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:19 am:

    Good to see Madigan on the record plainly stating what we have known for quite some time.

  6. - Albany Park Patriot - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:22 am:

    Rauner used bankruptcies all the time in his businesses; he was willing to see Detroit go broke; he bragged about shutting down government. Now he wants us to believe he didn’t mean what he said for all those years? C’mon.

  7. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:26 am:

    After 14 months the Speaker puts one line in a 10 minute speech about doing more to help the business environment in Illinois. Of course he offers no specifics. Be declined to address the business group in the morning unlike the Governor, The Senate President and Leader Radogno.

    One line in a 10 minute speech and the snub of the business group say a lot about how little he thinks of our terrible business climate.

  8. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:30 am:

    ==If you want to spend less, they can’t stop me. They can’t stop me==

    So why haven’t you used that power Governor? You could have settled this budget a long time ago by simply spending less than what was appropriated.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:32 am:

    ===One line in a 10 minute speech and the snub of the business group say a lot about how little he thinks of our terrible business climate.===

    What does of say?

    Use your words…

  10. - cover - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:32 am:

    Lucky Pierre, that business group the Speaker snubbed gave Gov. Rauner a standing ovation. I doubt that would put the Speaker in a mood to do them any favors.

  11. - cover - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:34 am:

    = If you want to spend less, they can’t stop me. They can’t stop me. =

    Federal judges can - something the Governor obviously did not anticipate.

  12. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:35 am:

    Lucky Pierre, he’s trying to help Illinois businesses by helping many of their customers, passing a budget, and not letting the governor destroy business’ customers with his unpassable, crackpot, ideological agenda.

  13. - Niblets - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:36 am:

    The Gov has been so helpful to the business community, especially the small businesses that work with state and communities with universities.The stable predictable economic environment that he has fostered is helpful to all.

  14. - doofusguy - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:37 am:

    ‘personal agenda’might stick - and asking legislators if they support it could make for nice campaign sound bites for the other side

  15. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:38 am:

    Illinois has been at budget impasse for 14 months over the Budget because the Governor believes just raising taxes will not fix the ongoing budget problem Illinois has had for decades. We will need to enact reforms to stop the loss of jobs and population that is causing our tax base to erode. The Speaker and Democrats don’t agree with the Governors plan but won’t offer an alternative. In a ten minute speech the business environment problem gets one line.

  16. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:39 am:

    Anyone thinking Madigan hasn’t addressed the problems facing illinois businesses until now, is flat out refusing to listen, or have been enjoying some Kool-aid served up by an extreme partisan political group.

  17. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:39 am:

    Neither party wants to spend less. They each want to spend more-just on different stuff. Politicians always want more money.

    Both parties have the same goal here. Get the money from the middle class via a big and regressive income tax increase and, possibly, property tax increases as well. Spend it.

    Illinois has a remarkably passive electorate, so they may get away with both. There is still the problem of who pays at the ballot box, but maybe the answer is nobody if they manufacture a crisis via govt shutdown. Or everybody-same thing.

  18. - Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:40 am:

    Demoralized made my first point.

    My second point is that Rauner set the stage for the leaders meeting by trashing the Dems. He just can’t help himself.

  19. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:41 am:

    “But even if they’ve got a major majority against us, you know what, they can’t stop us. They won’t stop me if I want to spend dramatically less. You need the legislature if you want to spend more. If you want to spend less, they can’t stop me. They can’t stop me.”

  20. - TominChicago - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:42 am:

    “But even if they’ve got a major majority against us, you know what, they can’t stop us. They won’t stop me if I want to spend dramatically less. You need the legislature if you want to spend more. If you want to spend less, they can’t stop me. They can’t stop me.”

    I can’t decide if the above quote is more reminiscent of a Central American dictator or Capt. Queeg.

  21. - Lakeview J - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:50 am:

    If you want to see how strong the governor has made the Speaker’s position in the Democratic caucus, watch who is among the first to shake his hand after the standing ovation. Rep. Will Guzzardi, who just two short years ago was on the receiving end of the full Madigan treatment.

  22. - King Louis XVI - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    No g-dropping in Tazewell in 2013.

  23. - Driveby - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:53 am:

    “Completely avoidable?” How? He doesn’t have the guts to say. It was in fact completely inevitable.

  24. - cdog - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:57 am:

    So it has been obvious for some time that Rauner wanted this chaos.

    It appears that he either didn’t anticipate the explosion in the bill backlog or he is setting the game board for a nice round for the hedge funds.

    Regardless, as he stated yesterday, the big bad Dems are trying to set him up for a “massive tax hike.” But he is not doin’ that! No way.

    I guess that means he is happy with the dollars he has to work with. Sorry Higher Ed, Sorry Social Services, Sorry Citizens of Illinois.

    This man is incapable of reconciling his own books to cover the $7billion dollar gap (and growing), the gap for which he asked.

    Rauner lacks the character to be truthful enough to admit it or do anything about it.

  25. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:59 am:

    Bruce bought his own election, but Illinois voters wizened up. He couldn’t use his money for a republican turn around.

    Ironically in the Tazwell County video, he said he even bought the best two bird dogs in the country…. nothing more than checkbook politics.

  26. - Linus - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:59 am:

    That Tazewell flashback helps to reinforce what’s already become too apparent.

    To the Governor, Illinois is just going through “a little rough times.” Somewhat frustrating troubles, but only as a means to an end. And soon, the state can “do a do-over!”

    Hey, people losing services for mental health, homelessness, child care, LIHEAP, autism: Don’t sweat the “little rough times.” A “do-over” is right around the corner–if you can survive that long without the help you desperately need to stay healthy, working, off the streets, and just plain alive.

  27. - Jimmy H - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:00 am:

    I think Madigan is saying: 36 & 71 because Rauner will not compromise, there’s no way for 30 & 60. Rauner has lost trust with too many. It will only take a few R members to save themselves from Rauner’s poison and Madigan will have 71. I hope the recent meeting between D and R members gets us to 71.

  28. - Because I said so.... - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:02 am:

    Bruce doesn’t have a social agenda.

  29. - Johnny Pyle Driver - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    So did Durkin’s comments about stopping the rhetoric come right before Madigan’s? Is that how the sequence went?

  30. - Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    Heard this speech over the radio in its entirety. Speaker Madigan, thank you. Governor Rauner - time to govern. Sign the bill when it gets to you. Put these services in line to get paid. Then figure out how to get the money to pay for the needed services. That’s your job.

  31. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    “But even if they’ve got a major majority against us, you know what, they can’t stop us. They won’t stop me if I want to spend dramatically less. You need the legislature if you want to spend more. If you want to spend less, they can’t stop me. They can’t stop me.”

    It can get worse and it will. If the captain of the ship wants to steer for the center of an iceberg, there isn’t much to stop him. You can try and debate with him whether to go to different ports, but it doesn’t do much good if he doesn’t want to ever reach a port.

    Adding to Madigan’s speech–not only has he compromised with Republicans, he often compromised more easily with Republican governors. Until Rauner. What’s different again?

  32. - ILPundit - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:36 am:

    Gotta say, there were those who apparently felt the Speaker’s plan yesterday was to peel of GOP votes by run mining the Currie bill yesterday. Anyone who really believes that wasn’t paying attention:

    Madigan’s comments were carefully prepared well in advance. He read from a clean, typed statement. There were new phrases repeated throughout, such as the references to the Governor’s “personal agenda”. I guarantee that speech was completely poll tested and focused grouped weeks ago.

    If Madigan cared about peeling off GOP votes, he wouldn’t have given the speech, period.

    This was him launching their messaging for the fall campaign. Don’t hold your breath for a budget. Short of GOP capitulation, there will be no meaningful movement before November.

    My 2 cents

  33. - OldIllini - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:41 am:

    Anti-Rauner comments lately remind me of the stoning scene in Monty Python’s “Life of Brian.” Only not as funny.

  34. - A Jack - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:44 am:

    “They can’t stop me” Taunting your opponents might work in professional wrestling, but seems out of place in governing.

    Madigan sounds like a statesman, while Rauner sounds like a petulant child.

  35. - Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:44 am:

    === Short of GOP capitulation, there will be no meaningful movement before November. ===


    === My 2 cents ===

    Pundit, you just spent your profit.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:49 am:

    To the Post,

    When I read the speech yesterday, wow.

    I think the framing by the Speaker, using Rauner’s own words in historical context really puts front and center the false premise of almost every “Democrats Fault” blather Rauner loves to use.

    A governor’s choice, and historical statements reinforcing a governor’s choice(s) are difficult to refute. If you say you are going to do something, you make choices leading to that end, and that end happens, it’s not considered “accidental”

    Sorry. No.

    Where Democrats and even Edgar have failed is the underpinning of the happenings to the rhetorical flourishes that became gubernatorial strategies, choices that were the feature, not the bug.

    Democratic GA members know, but do their constituents know?

    Republicans know too, but is looking the other way honest in the governing of Illinois?

    At what point do we have to guess what is real and what is honest?

    Madigan was making the case I hope Labor, Social Services, Democrats and Republicans understand when tackling Raunerites come November.

    No one can refute their own strategies when they make them public then follow through on the premises.

    It’s now up to non-Raunerites to make clear, “we’ve been on to you for a while, governor, and your choices are coming back to haunt.”

  37. - SAP - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 11:02 am:

    It is swell to relish a battle with your legislative adversaries to get something you want, but the Governor seems as though he wants to fight just because he wants … to fight.

  38. - Big Joe - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 11:04 am:

    Great, succinct post by “thoughts matter”. Just sign it Bruce, then deal with how to govern and obtain the necessary revenue to pay for it.

  39. - Ahoy! - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 11:09 am:

    One problem is that Madigan is just as out of touch with reality as Rauner, he’s just been around longer and more responsible for the mess we’re in, but I don’t see anyway those two come to terms on how to fix it. Although I’m not sure Madigan has reached step 1 and acknowledged there is a problem and he is part of it.

  40. - Team Warwick - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    Speaker Madigan is acurate.

  41. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 11:25 am:

    –they can’t stop me-

    Revealing and chilling. Starve the beast.
    Passing a budget is not a priority.

    This is a defacto “do over”.

  42. - illinois manufacturer - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:03 pm:

    It’s a date because a supermajority does have options for stopping him.

  43. - Ready to leave IL thanks 2 Rauner - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:35 pm:

    Matt Murphy stated while on a panel that Rauner doesn’t care whether he’s re-elected or not. Makes sense then that he is willing to hold up the budget, kick those who really need help in the teeth, and claim he’s doing it for the good of Illinois. Please remember this is the same man who bankrupted businesses for a living. We now have “Larry the Liquidator” playing with other people’s money as our Governor. Problem is this is the public sector, not the private sector and people’s lives, well-being and future’s are at stake. This is Government Mr. Rauner. It is not a for profit endeavor. Pass a budget and work for the people. I would fire you for your failed leadership if I could.

  44. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:00 pm:

    –“But even if they’ve got a major majority against us, you know what, they can’t stop us. They won’t stop me if I want to spend dramatically less. You need the legislature if you want to spend more. If you want to spend less, they can’t stop me. They can’t stop me.”–

    Geez, better get him back in the bunker.

    Off script, in public, not so good.

  45. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:13 pm:

    –They can’t stop me.–

    From refusing to pay the light bill. Or the gas bill. Or the water bill. Or for refusing to pay the state contracts with those no-good goo-goos at Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services.

    JHC Almighty, is there not a conservative Republican in this state who will call out this deadbeat?

  46. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:15 pm:

    “You can’t stop me.”

    This is the quote for November. This is the threat and abuse being heaped on the state by a failure to govern. THIS needs to be remembered at every legislative vote and every citizen’s vote. The reply needs to be, “Yes we will. Just watch,” as buttons are pushed and ballots are marked.

  47. - blue dog dem - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:18 pm:

    The more Madigan talks, the more I think the RAUN Man has some legitimacy. However, he’s still a hypocrite.

  48. - Pawn - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:01 pm:

    Reposting from another thread.

    “You need the legislature if you want to spend more. If you want to spend less, they can’t stop me. They can’t stop me.”

    That statement is false and disconnected from reality. The truth is that the more front end systems are shut down, systems of last resort such as prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatric wards, and foster care — systems that are extremely expensive and often covered by consent decrees — end up picking up the slack. It is much more difficult to control costs on these systems.

    Gotta look at the whole picture, not just specific line items. It’s like whack-a-mole.

  49. - Emily Booth - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 6:46 pm:

    It’s all there in a 5 minute speech from Tazewell County: IL is awful, everything is crummy, he’s going to shut it down & create a more perfect IL for his grandchildren and private equity businessmen just like him & NO ONE can STOP him. He has 2 of the TOP bird dogs in the country! Imagine that! Why, sign me up! He’s got my vote.

  50. - PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 7:21 pm:

    Yup. Pay the bills first, then go crusading. Quinn knew it. The donkeys are goin to get their d***s handed to them in November. That will be rauner’s greatest achievement. I can’t wait.

  51. - PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 7:24 pm:

    Oops. Elephants will have it handed to them.

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