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What’s good for the goose…

Wednesday, Apr 13, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller


[Comptroller Leslie Munger], who was appointed by Rauner to fill the term of Judy Baar Topinka who died shortly after being re-elected, said the lack of a budget is affecting universities, community colleges and students waiting for MAP grants.

“Things are stretched at the seams, and seams are splitting in places,” Munger said. “And yet our legislature doesn’t seem to have any urgency to get this solved.”

Munger criticized the legislature for working on bills that weren’t budget-related.

“Life would be much better if we had a budget in place and running the state like a normal, responsible group would be running things,” Munger said.

Not all legislators are budget experts, and there is other business to do. But it certainly made me cringe today when I saw legislation move which designates the pirogue as the state artifact. Until I Googled it, I thought they were trying to stretch the meaning of the word “artifact” to include Polish dumplings.

* Munger was in the Metro East to personally apologize “to those who are served by the Lessie Bates Neighborhood House in East St. Louis, which plans to lay off 117 employees.”

As the state’s bill-payer, she’s supremely and understandably frustrated about the lack of a budget. I’ve gotten to know her over the past year or so (we had a chat last night, in fact), and I have found her to be a decent person with a deep and abiding worry about the imperiled future of our social service network.

* But it takes two to tango. So if Comptroller Munger is demanding that the General Assembly dump the non-budget stuff, then she should publicly call on Gov. Rauner to do the same. And no disrespect intended, but her late predecessor would’ve certainly done that months ago.

I mean, really. Can you imagine what JBT would’ve done about this situation? I don’t think the history of any American state has ever been so hugely altered by the death of a comptroller. I miss that woman every single day.

Nobody could ever fill Judy Baar Topinka’s shoes, and I do not now nor have I ever expected Munger to do that. But our comptroller should keep in mind that Illinois voters from both parties reelected Topinka for who she was. Comptroller Munger has a duty to uphold that legacy while she’s serving out Judy’s term.



  1. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:52 pm:

    Yes you’re right JBT, to use an Oklahoma colloquialism, would have shown Rauner “how the cow at the cabbage”. I want to personally thank Mrs. Munger for apologizing to Lessie Bates. Thank you. That actually means a lot. It really does. Things are going down fast here. I kind of lost it today with the overwhelming nature of need. We had to pull about 8 processors off to see people to clear the lobby to a manageable level. Knowing that somebody upstairs gave a crap enough to apologize means more than you will ever know. Really thanks again.

  2. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:53 pm:

    Sorry, “How the cow ATE the cabbage”. What a day.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    ===“Things are stretched at the seams, and seams are splitting in places,” Munger said. “And yet our legislature doesn’t seem to have any urgency to get this solved.”

    Munger criticized the legislature for working on bills that weren’t budget-related.

    “Life would be much better if we had a budget in place and running the state like a normal, responsible group would be running things,” Munger said.===

    Dear Labor & Social Services,


    Comptroller Munger is making very clear she’s with Gov. Rauner.

    This absolute refusal to put onus on Rauner, and making clear, herself, the legislative “absence” of urgency is the siren you need to hear.

    Leslie Munger is NOT Judy Baar Topinka, and statements like the one above will cement the “wingman” mentality Munger, in her own words no less, cultivates.

    Lest you forget Munger’s hometown, Lincolnshire, is pushing RTW, Labor.

    Remember when the Munger Crew pivoted on Munger’s opponent, refusing to say she’s against RTW? I do.

    Social Services? Remember Rauner’s vetoes?

    Munger does not, it appears.

    I’d be hard pressed right now to think, with those quotes above, Munger is going to stand up for herself and the citizens of Illinois, but might be just as happy to stand along side, under the Wing of Bruce Rauner.

    You know, I hear often, “OW, I can’t ‘vote accordingly’ this November!”

    Really? You can’t send Bruce Rauner a message? You mean Labor, Social Services, your groups can’t find one statewide race to… Vote Accordingly?

    Hmm. I’ll have to give a hard think on this, because it’s better to run as the Comptroller of Illinois versus the Wingman to Illinois’ destruction?

    Munger was doing so well, would be a shame if Munger faced the statewide wrath, of a presidential turnout, for choosing a side against people, when being Comptroller might be all she would need to be successful.

    So… Labor, Social Services…

    If I were you, I’d watch, listen, and learn, and don’t be fooled.

  4. - Illinois is capsized - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    Seems like Munger is doing the right thing by visiting every region to talk about the specific budget impacts. She’s been visible downstate. Lots of media. Dealing with this mess in Springfield as best she can. Topinka would have been blasting Madigan and Rauner.

  5. - Mama - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:59 pm:

    “Comptroller Munger, it is time to kick some state officials’ butts! The voters will support you for standing up for us.

  6. - illini97 - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:02 pm:

    Ok, “Rauner’s Wingman”, are you apologizing to the unemployed on the Governor’s behalf? Will those unemployed be better off when you get right to work passed?

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:03 pm:

    Imagine what my comment would have been had Munger included Rauner, called on the Governor to stop with non-budget stuff, acted like the Comptroller, and as the fiscal officer said the budget needs to be done by all, and these non-budget road blocks need to be removed to save Illinois…



    Do. Better.

  8. - Excessively Rabid - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:06 pm:

    Also wishing every day for several of my hard core Dem friends to be afflicted with maladies because they voted for Rod or went third party instead of JBT saying “I could never vote for a Republican.” If the voters of Illinois had used better sense in that election, we would be on a different path now. Not Nirvana, but better than this **********. /grump

  9. - GA Watcher - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    You are right to miss JBT, Rich. She would have done whatever she could to force an end to the impasse. For example, I don’t think she would have been as quick as Comptroller Munger to issue state employees paychecks without the necessary appropriations — even if it meant she’d have to take some heat.

  10. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:15 pm:

    Not fooled OW, just thankful that someone noticed our pain. Sure she didn’t do jack about it but at least it was a nice gesture. At this point anything feels better. Metro Easterners are usually gracious by nature and respond well to apologies. At least it’s acknowledging the wrong rather than the rank perfidy of Rauner who won’t even acknowledge it or misattribute the causes….well she did kind of do that didn’t she. Still because she said sorry, I’ll give her a temporary pass. I met her as well once when she and Rauner came through before his inauguration.

  11. - Illinois is capsized - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:16 pm:

    Yes Munger has a great opportunity to take this message on the road over and over — and call for and end to this budget impasse. Normally that office is irrelevant - but she’s turning that theory upside down with all the press and community town meetings she’s doing. Smart politics. Not holding by breath, though, for her to blast the Governor.

  12. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:19 pm:

    I’m sure Comptroller Munger is a good person.

    I’m also sure she is a very smart person.

    And I’m gobsmacked when smart people don’t give the governor credit for doing what he’s doing.

    In our lifetimes, in our parents’ lifetimes, in our grandparents’ lifetimes (if your peeps were here then), this stuff didn’t go on.

    There’s a not-so-new sheriff in town, and his name is Gov. Bruce Rauner.

    What’s happening right now is happening because he’s employing all the resources of his powerful office and his vast personal fortune and financial network to make it happen.

    A blind man can see that.

    For the record, one of the many stupid things I’ve done in my life was to vote for Whitney for governor. By then, I knew Blago was a lousy crook (in all senses of the phrase), but in a petulant, childish act, I took out my frustration for the perceived sins of the Illinois GOP by refusing to vote for JBT.

    What a dope.

    Geez, she’d tear the paint off the walls right about now, wouldn’t she?

  13. - illini - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:20 pm:

    Willy @ 1:57 - was going to make a fairly complementary statement about her comments about the EStL center, but you put in perspective. I respect, and miss JBT, more than I could have ever realized!!!!!

  14. - IllinoisBoi - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:24 pm:

    So the pirogue is the Illinois state artifact? Cool! Let’s go down to the Illinois State Museum to see one on display! Oh wait…bummer.

  15. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:31 pm:

    “But it takes two to tango. So if Comptroller Munger is demanding that the General Assembly dump the non-budget stuff, then she should publicly call on Gov. Rauner to do the same.”

    Absolutely agree Rich but isn’t the issue that Munger and Raunerites don’t see the TA stuff as separate from the budget?

  16. - illini - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:31 pm:

    “A blind man can see that.” Yet there are many individuals in this state that are visually impaired, and I feel sorry for them.

  17. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:39 pm:

    ===Munger and Raunerites don’t see the TA stuff as separate from the budget?===

    You might also argue that the pirogue bill could spur some business somewhere. Doesn’t mean it’s worth the time, though.

  18. - Linus - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:52 pm:

    JBT would absolutely have noted the lunacy emanating from the 2nd floor. And some of the rank-n-file Repubs who privately feel likewise would have felt at least a tiny bit more emboldened to inch out of the dark corners.

  19. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:54 pm:

    I really think that expecting this little-known, appointed officeholder to bang heads and go after a Governor of her own Party in an election year is expecting a little much.

    She can say the words that Democrats and their allies want to hear, but it still wouldn’t be the same as a JBT saying it.

    Frankly, I have been impressed with her ability to make ordinary Illinoisans understand the numbers and the impact of the state’s dire, fiscal outlook. She’s done well with the local media I have seen posted online.

    As for the outrage, I save that for all the Democrats like Quinn, Madigan, and Cullerton who endorsed Blago for a second term while the Feds circled.

  20. - Anon - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 3:02 pm:

    But check out how much time she’s spent redoing that website. That’s a key priority for her office. Her website.

  21. - olddog - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 3:08 pm:

    Munger had my vote for more than a year. She’s capable, she’s professional, she seems to be a moderate, and I like to cross over and vote for moderate Republicans whenever one makes it to the general election ballot. To have a functioning two-party system, we need a strong Republican Party. But with this kind of blind support of Rauner’s destructive ideological agenda, she’s lost my vote.

  22. - Mockingjay - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 3:09 pm:

    Don’t be so sure Leslie Munger can’t fill Judy’s shoes.
    Munger is terrific.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 3:13 pm:

    ===Don’t be so sure Leslie Munger can’t fill Judy’s shoes.===

    Munger can’t fill Judy Baar Topinka’s shoes.

    No one can.

    Trying to will lead to failure.

    Munger needs to be the Conptroller of Illinois to win, not…

    … a poor facsimile of Comptroller Topinka, and especially not the Wingman of Bruce Rauner.

  24. - illini - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 3:19 pm:

    Actually, the Governor and his minions and lackeys have been doing a great job of getting their messages out in the Southern part of the state. Whenever anyone attends a Chamber meeting or any other event it is always reported as “straight” news ( and always the right news with the right spin ).

    I know the state is without a budget, but yet the Governor and his staff are able to cover the state and “preach the gospel” ( sorry Honeybear, couldn’t resist ). Who is paying for all this PR and good will they are trying to sell us?

    Honestly, I would like to know how many days BVR has spent on the road since he was inaugurated as opposed to days that he has actually been in his office attempting to formulate a budget that will not detrimentally impact the most needy residents of this great state?

    Oh, I forgot, he has his people doing the work for him!!!!!

  25. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 3:33 pm:

    Stay in yo lane illini! lol. I do have to correct you though. “Gospel” means “good news”. Rauners message is one of doom and gloom about Illinois to necessitate the draconian solutions he wants. You might have said that Rauner was “goin round the state havin tent revivals” and I would have known exactly what you were saying. I’m just playing. Thanks for the levity at the end of a horrific day. I chuckle to think of Rauner as the reincarnation of Oral Roberts. Unlike Oral, Rauner has no good intentions. Oral brought a lot to Tulsa with his university and hospital. I had a lot of friends attend ORU.

  26. - illini - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 3:54 pm:

    Honeybear - thanks for the rebuff, and I certainly did not intend to overstep my bounds or get into areas where I shouldn’t go.

    I will definitely stay in my own lane from now on.

    Great comeback - thanks

  27. - Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 4:10 pm:

    Munger is a wholly owned subsidiary of Raunercorp. While they’ll let her roam a little off the reservation to hopefully make her re-election easier, but she is expected to toe the general line. If she doesn’t, there will be no money for her.

  28. - Bleh - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 4:42 pm:

    I also like Munger, would like to vote for her, but I doubt I will.

  29. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 5:11 pm:

    Well, I won’t be voting for Mrs. Munger.

  30. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 5:49 pm:

    if Wingman had a clue she would have supported appropriations so these entities could enter the vendor assistance program or arranged one of those “interagency loans” for them.
    Instead she rambles — look like she is doin’ exit interview.

  31. - PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 6:51 pm:

    So she made it out of there OK?

  32. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 7:15 pm:

    Met with JBT shortly before her death. Her comment to our group, “There would be plenty of money in Illinois to care for all the disabled properly if the people in Springfield weren’t lining their pockets with money.” Enough said.

  33. - Jimmy H - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:00 pm:

    - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:57 pm:


  34. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:28 pm:

    “How the cow ate the cabbage.”

    Honeybear, I haven’t heard that gem since I was a kid. Thanks for bringing it back. Hope tomorrow is a better day. AA

  35. - peon - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:14 pm:

    Democrat but voted for JBT instead of Blago#2. Could not understand why it was even competitive for Blago.

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