Maybe now we know why things heated back up in January
Tuesday, Apr 19, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * That graduated income tax poll we talked about yesterday had some more responses which I didn’t have yesterday. For instance…
The responses… ![]() Keep in mind the poll was taken in January. I wish it woulda asked specifically about Speaker Madigan, but the more generic “Democrats in the State Legislature” outpolled Rauner back then? And unions outpolled everything and everyone including President Obama? Interesting. * More…
Responses… ![]() These sorts of numbers may have been why Rauner came roaring back from the holiday break, blasting Democrats wherever he went in January (and February, and March…). It was a distinct contrast to December, when folks seemed to be trying to keep a lid on stuff.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 11:54 am:
Governors Own…
When you ignore the truth of that, all you can do is pivot off your own fallacy.
Governors own “the good” too, but… when Union Decimation and Eliminating state universities and crippling social services is worth it to a governor for an ahebda that won’t pass…
… all ya got is ratcheting up rhetoric, but, then governors own that too.
Lots of ignorance to governors own.
- Milton Friedman - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:02 pm:
Willy… the majority of the polls respondents believe that both equally share the blame or that the Democrats are primarily at fault.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:05 pm:
===the majority of the polls respondents believe that both equally share the blame or that the Democrats are primarily at fault. ===
50 percent is half, not a majority.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:06 pm:
“…the majority of the polls respondents believe that both equally share the blame or that Gov. Rauner and the Raunerites are primarily at fault.”
That was fun…
Rauner was “trailing” by 4 points (MoE?) to Democrats.
That’s not how you convince the opposing party to come over.
You’re welcome.
- Milton Friedman - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:07 pm:
Pardon. “A plurality* of the respondents.”
- Albany Park Patriot - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:10 pm:
Say one thing about Rauner-he doesn’t care about poll numbers. His policies are pretty much universally opposed, beyond paid-for front groups, and yet he’s willing to drive Illinois off a cliff for them.
- Try-4-Truth - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:11 pm:
Mr. Friedman, your mathematical analysis would make the namesake very sad.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:13 pm:
- Milton Friedman -
You keep trying, eventually you might stumble on something…
- NoGifts - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:20 pm:
Maybe I don’t know how to read the charts, but the bar length and values look strange. How does -19% and -17% for wealthy and rich have bigger bars than -23%? The chart would be much more informative if the bars were proportional to the percents they represent.
- Mama - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:21 pm:
This poll is interesting to say the least. Have the same questions been polled recently?
- Milton Friedman - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:25 pm:
Um… okay..?
Help me out. What is it about my revised statement you find to be untrue? I mean.. wouldn’t that make your first response, uh, equally untrue?
You even said those four points are maybe the margin of error. So we’ve got about a 50/50 split. Half who think that it’s either both or mostly Rauner. Half who think it’s both or mostly the Dems.
How does that demonstrate that “Governors own.” At all? Even a little?
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:26 pm:
So Rauner and the GOP GA were behind in the polls and Rauner’s response was to be even more of a jerk? Sheesh.
- Federalist - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:28 pm:
It is interesting that Obama does so well among this readership. At best I would think it would be neutral even though I understand the readership of this site tends to be more liberal.
The other responses fit pretty much in line with what I thought.
- cdog - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:30 pm:
From whom does Rauner get his advice? smh.
Double-down on the same old insults and word jumble when the polls are already bad? Not smart.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:37 pm:
–It is interesting that Obama does so well among this readership. At best I would think it would be neutral even though I understand the readership of this site tends to be more liberal.–
Who are “this readership” that you are talking about?
It’s swell when people actually read the post before commenting.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:41 pm:
–Say one thing about Rauner-he doesn’t care about poll numbers. –
That’s why he ran $2 million of image spots last summer, five months after he had taken office.
Because he doesn’t care about poll numbers.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:42 pm:
===So we’ve got about a 50/50 split.===
No you don’t.
First you say majority, then plurality, then “just about”…
Milton Friedman would’ve used the numbers that existed, used the language that describes it, and wouldn’t have spun himself so silly that a drive-by stating “Because… Madigan!”… is now “please let’s call this 50/50 and not really look at the numbers.
- SalukinCU - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:45 pm:
Bruce Rauner doesn’t care about poll numbers /s
- TominChicago - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:49 pm:
- Milton Friedman - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:02 pm:
Willy… the majority of the polls respondents believe that both equally share the blame or that the Democrats are primarily at fault.
Ummm….. 54% believe that both equally share the blame or that Rauner and the GOP are primarily at fault.
FWIW 54% is a majority.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:51 pm:
When factoring in the +/- 3.7 percentage point MoE, Rauner and the Dems are both blamed about equally.
Let’s stop splitting hairs and get back to the topic at hand. People are not happy.
- AC - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 12:59 pm:
Rauner is winning, when he was merely a billionaire he had 21% favorability but as governor he has 28%, imagine what his numbers would be if he joined a union. /s
- Milton Friedman - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 1:11 pm:
Thanks, Rich. I thought that was pretty clearly my point but I guess some people will argue what shade of blue the sky is.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 1:18 pm:
Oh - Milton Friedman -, lol
To the Post,
A “wash” with Labor favorables at the rate measured here isn’t something, statewide, a Rauner-supported candidate can look at and say, “Rauner is not a plus, even if he’s doing better than Madigan”
I felt the $2 million Rauner spent to prop himself up was to be able to prop up the premise “run with me, and I’ll fund you and the polling shows it’s a winner”
Right now, in the statewide, we’ll see soon enough, I’m sure, and internals done in Tier 1 races, I’m sure, done after the Primary are looked at with the December snapshot and both sides are probably asking…
“We seeing trends?”
Governors own, “Pat Quinn failed” (Thanks for the idea Eric Zorn!) and taking on Labor, all Labor are all mitigating factors now, and this past January, with this poll, made Rauner turn on himself, for the political.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 1:26 pm:
An individual rating is far more significant than a rating of a specific yet nameless, faceless caucus.
- Nick - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 1:49 pm:
It appears to me that the first graphic should have “The Rich” as a favorable of +5 instead of -5
- Juvenal - Tuesday, Apr 19, 16 @ 2:46 pm:
The most important poll is the one commissioned by the Illinois Observer showing that only 16 percent of voters support the Rauner Plan: raising taxes in exchange for weakening worker’s rights.