* OK, things are really getting weird now. The St. Clair County Republican Central Committee has voted to censure 114th House District Republican candidate Bob Romanik, who has personally deposited over $2 million into his own campaign account. Press release…
The St. Clair County Republican Central Committee (SCCRCC) has voted to censure Bob Romanik, Candidate for State Representative in the 114th Legislative District, after his attacks on the Republican Party, its elected officials, and candidates escalated in the last month.
“Bob Romanik has demonstrated that he is only interested in a self-serving agenda and is not interested in improving our county,” said Doug Jameson, Chairman of the SCCRCC. “He is using the electoral process to execute his own personal vendetta for past legal troubles.”
By issuing this censure, the Republican Party of St. Clair County is officially breaking all ties to Romanik, a lifelong Democrat who is attempting to run as a Republican in the 114th Legislative District following his run-ins with local Democratic leadership.
“His half-truthful, vulgar and destructive campaign of terror works to destroy anyone who does not agree with him,” Jameson continued. “The Republican Party is a party of inclusion, ideas and growth–not destruction, which is why the Central Committee voted almost unanimously to rebuke and censure him.”
After listing a series of offences, the Censure concluded: “Therefore the St. Clair County Central Committee expresses its official displeasure and vehement disapproval of the aforesaid language, actions and behavior of Bob Romanik, and adopts this measure as a formal and stern rebuke. This rebuke carries with it the following actions:
• The SCCRCC will not support nor endorse Bob Romanik’s election in any way.
• Bob Romanik and his representative will be denied attendance to any official meeting or event conducted by the SCRCC.
• Bob Romanik’s name will not appear on any official SCCRCC list of Republican candidates.
• SCCRCC will make no financial contributions to Bob Romanik’s campaign nor receive contributions from Bob Romanik.”
“Mr. Romanik’s language and behaviors have become so unacceptable and outrageous that this decision was absolutely necessary to send a clear message that no individual will be allowed to use the electoral process, which people have died for to protect, for personal vengeance,” said Chairman Doug Jameson. “It is hypocrisy to fight a ‘Culture of Corruption’ by using the same methods as the ‘Culture of Corruption’.”
“This election is a critical one for the people of St. Clair County. Voters want real change and the Republican Party is the voice of that change. Bob Romanik does not represent the St. Clair County Republican Party. By taking this action, we are taking a stand for decency and honesty. “
* The list of particulars…
• Republican Candidate for State Representative, Bob Romanik has proclaimed on his radio show “I am not a Republican” and “I am a Democrat”.
• At a meeting called to discuss “The Future of the Republican Party” on April 6th, Romanik said, “[F—] the Republican Party.”
• Romanik has intimidated political persons, which whom he does not agree, with threats of character assassination.
• Romanik verbally assaulted a Republican candidate for Judge on April 6th.
• Romanik on his radio show on April 7, malign the character of the Chairman of the Republican Central Committee with materially false statements.
• Romanik has stated at a SCCRCC event that he intends to give Democratic Precinct Committeemen $5,000 each to work their Precincts in East St. Louis.
• Romanik has caused the printing, public distribution and mailing of tasteless imagery of public officials in contradiction to any standards of decency of our Party.
• Romanik continuously uses profane language on and off the air in a political context that does not reflect proper decorum of our Party.
• Romanik has hosted a fundraiser for a Democratic candidate for County Board in opposition to a Republican candidate for the same office.
If Mr. Romanik would like to respond, I’d be more than happy to publish it here. But no profanity, please.
- Blue Bayou - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 10:40 am:
So, basically, Rauner. But with charm.
- Magic carpet ride - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 10:40 am:
Mr. Romanik is getting the name recognition he needs using Trump tactics.
- Formerly Known as Frenchie M - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 10:42 am:
Um … ?!
“It is hypocrisy to fight a ‘Culture of Corruption’ by using the same methods as the ‘Culture of Corruption’.”
- illini - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 10:42 am:
===“Bob Romanik has demonstrated that he is only interested in a self-serving agenda and is not interested in improving our county,”====
Remind you of anyone else?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 10:45 am:
If he would like to meet to discuss his campaign, Oswego is but 4 hours away… Check is acceptable, wire payments, preferred.
To the Post,
Romanik’s cash makes his need to feel like a team player… difficult.
Of course, whatever he decides to do and is doing isn’t helping, obviously.
A person that can get him on the reservation would be worth whatever the price paid to St. Clair GOPers
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 11:02 am:
Sounds sorta like that other great Republican Trump.
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 11:09 am:
Bob, Bob, Bob, what are we going to do with you? Although I somewhat agree on some of his points, I get what the R’s have to do. Welcome to the mess of St.Clair county. God help us.
- A guy - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 11:09 am:
At least the “truthful” glass is half-full. That might be considered progress in that county. Oy. They might be better served ignoring him out loud than doing this. Weird.
- Annonin' - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 11:10 am:
So he seems like a prime prospect for the Proft Combine to sink their teeth into
- walker - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 11:21 am:
No one cares if a political Party issues a letter of censure — unless of course it get widespread play in the press and blogosphere.
Fun idea, though.
- illini - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 11:23 am:
=== Welcome to the mess of St.Clair county. God help us. ===
Well said Honeybear. Years ago I was involved in several campaigns that included St. Clair County and became very familiar with the well deserved reputation that it had and to a fairly great extent still has. This will definitely be an interesting race to keep an eye on.
Can we possibly have as much fun with this as we did with Jason?
- anon - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 11:41 am:
I’m sure Leader Durkin looks forward to having Bob join his caucus!
- illini97 - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 11:48 am:
His mistake was having enough money to self finance but not enough to finance the whole party (or opponents to it) So, he gets censured. But add a zero to that $2 million and he could be Rauner of Downstate.
- illini - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 12:05 pm:
@illini97 - actually he has made contributions to some Republicans in the GA, my incumbent and yet unopposed representative included. Could be interesting to see how he chooses to help/hurt other candidates.
- Ghost - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 12:17 pm:
has anyone told trump and cruz about them being in the party of inclusion? bans on muslims, giant walls, telling your followers to seek out your opponents and sending thenpolice after certain religious grps doesnt sound all that inclusive.
- Payback - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 12:40 pm:
“His half-truthful, vulgar and destructive campaign of terror works to destroy anyone who does not agree with him,” So there is some truth, or one-half truth to what Romanik says?
Per the U.S. Constitution, the only issue is whether or not Romaink’s statements are true and factual, not whether they hurt the feelings of the local self-appointed ruling class of aging baby boomers.
Sounds like Romanik is taking on the local Rotary Club Mafia types. I don’t know Bob Romanik, but anyone who threatens the status quo this much must be doing something right, or they wouldn’t be so upset.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 1:04 pm:
=== I don’t know Bob Romanik, but anyone who threatens the status quo this much must be doing something right, or they wouldn’t be so upset.===
I’d ask you what you mean by this, but I already know, lol
You do realize being angry just to be angry isn’t a political stance, right?
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 1:28 pm:
–* …114th House District Republican candidate Bob Romanik, who has personally deposited over $2 million into his own campaign account.–
He’s loaned his campaign $2 million (two $1 million loans) but he’s only spent about $50K, the great majority transfers to a few local committees, according to ISBE.
Big Talker. Which I suspect is the point — he’s trying land a real radio show and the “loans” to himself are free publicity.
The censure is free publicity, too.
- illini - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 1:29 pm:
Ok - $5000 per precinct for 25 precincts comes to $125,000. Small change for Bob - significant income for these Committeemen.
Yet, I can recall an incident related to me years ago by a friend of mine who was meeting with a Committeeman. Two candidates running in a contested primary came to visit - each offering GOTV assistance for his help in the Primary. Needles to say the election day expenses were accepted from both. In one instance, the Committeeman stated “I can support you” and in the other instance he said “My people can support you.” Do you notice the difference?
- WhoKnew - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 3:19 pm:
No Profanity!
How will he get his point across? \s
- Winning - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 7:37 pm:
Bob is a great American. He is an amazing person and great taste in strippers.
- Winning - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 7:42 pm:
Illini- there’s only one person maybe two that hustle East STL properly. I’d be surprised if either one ever talked about what goes on “down the hill”
- illini - Wednesday, Apr 20, 16 @ 8:11 pm:
Second attempt to post.
Winning - my info came from an attorney who was born and raised in ESt.L. where his family had a business. He was meeting with the individual on quite another matter.
I have to admit that I am unfamiliar with the Committeemen and how effective they are or potentially could be to influence a race. Or perhaps this is an indication of the way business had been done and the way some influential individuals will continue to try to buy favor among the voters.