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*** UPDATED x6 *** Face reality, please

Thursday, Apr 21, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The House Democrats have introduced their proposal to fund higher education and social services. Click here to read it.

The bill spends way more than the governor has proposed and it relies on lots of generic General Revenue Fund money, which means there is no way to pay for some of that spending.

There’s some speculation that this is a deliberate attempt by HDem leadership to derail everything by making the package too heavy. On the other hand, it could also just be a way to get to the governor to agree to more spending than he has so far. Whatever the case, the Senate can’t make any changes if this bill passes the House because it’s a Senate bill.

* However, I have been told by the governor’s office that there’s no way on Earth Rauner will sign an appropriations bill that doesn’t have a way to pay for it.

Rauner has outlined about a billion dollars in special state funds (subscribers know more), but the Democrats’ bill goes way beyond just tapping those funds. If the Democrats do this, then today’s work could very well be for naught. So, stop it already and make a darned deal.

*** UPDATE 1 ***   I’m told the GRF money is “maintenance of effort” (explained here) to obtain federal matching funds. So, it is paid for, they say. Hopefully, this will all get worked out. Keep your fingers crossed and hope for calm.

*** UPDATE 2 *** From a senior administration official…

It appears the Speaker could not accept compromise and at the eleventh hour has tanked a bipartisan plan to save higher education. The governor will veto any plan that spends money the state doesn’t have. In the meantime, members of the majority will go home to their districts for a week to explain why they couldn’t support a bipartisan compromise to fund higher education and social services that the governor said he would sign into law.

*** UPDATE 3 *** The Rauner administration continues to insist that there is way more GRF money in the bill than the maintenance of effort stuff. “They have too much in there,” one top guy said of the Democrats.

*** UPDATE 4 *** In caucus today, House Republican members were asked if they planned to vote for the Democratic approp bill. Nobody raised their hands.

*** UPDATE 5 *** Dems are indicating there could be another approp bill vote if this one goes down. That second bill, if it happens, would apparently spend less money.

*** UPDATE 6 *** Sounds like they will do a stand-alone higher ed approp bill. CSU will reportedly be full funded, schools with big trouble get 50 percent, everyone else around 30ish. Not sure if that’ll pass, though. And not sure if that’s 100 percent accurate, either. There is also word that everything could revert back to yesterday’s levels. Stay tuned.

From now on, all updates on this topic today will be on our live coverage post.

[ *** End Of Updates *** ]

* There’s lots of behind the scenes stuff happening right now, so make sure to follow the live coverage post for updates.

* Related…

* Cash Reserves Exhausted, Hispanic Drug Treatment Agency Closure Looms


  1. - Higher Ed - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:11 pm:

    That just burst my bubble.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    I guess the HGOP will have first crack, and if Rauner, as a governor, vetoes, Rauner will own his vetoes, and if Rauner commands the HGOP to be “Red”, and then signs it anyway, that would be just too much…

    If I were a member in…



    You’re “Red” on your economic engine, no matter what Rauner decides to do…

    “Why take a chance?”

    I’d be “Green”

    It’s your chance College Town Reps to… “Vote Accordingly”

    Lots to go here, but…

  3. - Demoralized - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    Apparently they don’t want a solution yet. It’s still all a game to them right now.

  4. - Joe M - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    The Governor keeps saying there is no money to fully fund higher education and social programs. Rauner needs to decide if fully funding higher ed and social programs are important. If he decides that fully funding them is important, then he needs to work with the General Assembly to come up with revenue to fund them. If he does not feel that they are important enough to fully fund, then he needs to come out and say that, instead of playing both sides of the fence. Higher ed and social programs have been funded under every other Governor.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:14 pm:

    My hope?

    Make a deal that Rauner will sign and save Higher Ed.

    That’s what’s needed. Period.

  6. - Tired - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:18 pm:

    for once it is nice to read facts about the actions of the Dems and not just the rhetoric about or equivocating about the Repubs. This is a Dem state and even though we have a Repub Governor, this mess hangs on their necks due to decades of irresponsible government. Glad to see that called out today.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:23 pm:

    - Tired -

    Let’s be clear how this works…

    A state university that closes on a governor’s “watch”, the governor owns the consequences.

    “Pat Quinn failed”

    If Madigan gets this to Rauner to Veto, can’t explain away a Veto stamp to families not having a college to return to…

    On the flip side, Madigan going down this road is disappointing to the art of compromise and saving Higher Ed, but the Dems know, like K-12 not opening on time… a college closing is something no governor wants.

    Make the deal… Everyone.

  8. - Demoralized - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:25 pm:

    ==this mess hangs on their necks==

    Just stop already. Yes, they should take blame. But please stop perpetuating the myth that the Governor is a victim in all of this. He isn’t. He’s been here for 15 months now and he’s had a definite hand in the budget stalemate going on right now.

  9. - Joe M - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:25 pm:

    ==The governor will veto any plan that spends money the state doesn’t have.==

    His same old line of no money to pay for it is getting tired. If there is no budget there is no money to spend on K-12 or any other state appropriations either. Yet he will keep trying to fund K-12 and bits and pieces of programs here and there, so he can continue to hold higher ed and social programs hostage to his anti-union agenda.

  10. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    Rauner has a tiger (mjm) by the tail, and he is the one that kept hitting it with a stick.

  11. - illini - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    Thanks Willy === Make the deal… Everyone ===

    It really is this simple

  12. - Annonin' - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    Guessin’ BigBrains gettin’ some instruction on billreadin’ then they can calm themselves.

  13. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:41 pm:

    Annonin’ from your typing fingers to God’s ears. :)

  14. - Tired - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:42 pm:

    Past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior, with a Dem Governor and super majority for several years they didn’t fix it. Yes, Rauner is there, and things are worse. What is the only variable that is the same? I want the Dems to completely capitulate. They failed, own it, take your loss move on. They failed the state, they failed their constituency, and now they want to play on, and on, and on. Hostage taking took place when they were going to cut all state contracts several years ago, remember that? The Dems need to captivate and get out of office. Sacrifice themselves to save the state. The only great fear they have is that organized labor will go away. Take the tinfoil off boys, it will never go away.

  15. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:42 pm:

    Make a deal? Yeah, like the deal they made before with childcare? Yeah, let’s make a deal with that guy. I think the dems are being too generous. They are giving the governor a chance to look and act decent. The governor has proposed his own budget that did not have enough revenue to fund it. So he can just cram it when it comes to saying there is not enough revenue in this bill. Pass it already. If the governor vetoes it… when the governor vetoes it… it was what he was going to do with any bill no matter what. Can’t trust him. He wants the suffering.

  16. - cdog - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:43 pm:

    It’s either a necessary play for fed funds or it’s not.

    Does Rauner need to catch up?

  17. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:43 pm:

    To Update 1…

    Seems to be in order, seems to meet criteria…

  18. - Tired - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:43 pm:

    Past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior, with a Dem Governor and super majority for several years they didn’t fix it. Yes, Rauner is there, and things are worse. What is the only variable that is the same? I want the Dems to completely capitulate. They failed. They should own it, take their loss and move on.

  19. - Demoralized - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:45 pm:

    ==I want the Dems to completely capitulate.==

    Take a look at the title of this post - FACE REALITY.

    Think on that advice and then tell us all why your “want” is ridiculous.

  20. - Emily Miller - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:47 pm:

    It’s interesting that the Governor’s office would so vehemently oppose appropriation from GRF on the grounds that he opposes spending money the state doesn’t have. Illinois has been spending money we don’t have at the Governor’s direction since Departments entered contracts with providers last July without appropriations to make good on those contracts.
    What’s the plan to make good on those contracts? Where’s that money coming from?

  21. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:47 pm:

    ===I want the Dems to completely capitulate.===

    No one is on your lawn.

    Politics is the art of compromise.

    The water “here” might be too deep for you to swim.

  22. - Anony - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:50 pm:

    Question for those more plugged in than most of us…. Why doesn’t Madigan bring Rauner’s TA items up for a vote? They’ll certainly fail, easily enough that he can give some dem members a free pass to vote for one or two of them. How can Rauner publicly ask for more than that? I’m sure there’s a good reason he hasn’t picked this route.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:50 pm:

    ===Dem Governor===

    Governors own. You know that too.

    Colleges close on a governor’s watch, a governor owns that too.

    You’re a troll, I fed you, you even know governors own.

    Good luck.

  24. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:52 pm:

    ===They’ll certainly fail===

    You think term limits will fail?

  25. - Joe M - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:53 pm:

    The Governor and the GOP are the ones who need to face reality. They do not have the votes to do anything. They only can hold the budget hostage to their turnaround agenca

  26. - IsityouDB? - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:53 pm:

    The reality is that there is a projected $600 million to spend, in a fund designated for education. Mucking it up with other stuff is counterproductive. Other priorities should wait for further legislation.

  27. - Saluki - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:55 pm:

    Face Palm.

  28. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:58 pm:

    Leveraging federal money makes sense, if that, indeed, is what’s happening.

    Seems the ice is breaking, regardless, with agreement among all parties that something has to move.

    That, to me, is the hard part. After that, it’s the usual sturm und drang.

  29. - Anony - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:58 pm:

    Rich, perhaps not, you’d certainly have a better handle on that than me. Is that the reason Madigan hasn’t chosen that route?

  30. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 2:59 pm:

    “Seems to be in order, seems to meet criteria…”

    This is accurate. The link Rich provided is a very good explanation of it. If the Governor doesn’t have advisors who can explain that to him, Illinois may be in even more trouble than I thought. He would be flushing federal money down the toilet for a wide variety of programs including those like TRIO that supports low income and first generation students. Not sure on the reporting cycle, but depending on when it hits, this is critical. Unless you just want to give money away to other states.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:04 pm:

    Fake - Fake - Fake…

    Rauner Saves Higher Ed & Social Services

    Rauner holds firm, gets fully funded appropriations.

    Springfield - Gov. Bruce Rauner today signed legislation to save both Higher Education and Social Services and held true to his own promise of having actual funding to fulfill his request to end phantom funding sources…

    Fake- Fake - Fake


    Sometimes, you just declare victory and move on for everyone’s sake

  32. - Honeybear - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:05 pm:

    So does this mean we go to DEFCON 1 if this all goes down? Do the really really ugly things start to happen? Where do we go from failure like this?

  33. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:05 pm:

    The risk is adding all of the human services to the Higher Ed “must pass” bill. Too much weight, and the bill is no longer “must pass.”

  34. - Jack Stephens - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:05 pm:

    Since Bruce became *Illinois/CEO* there has been no increase in revenue to offset the expansion in Welfare for the Wealthy.

    Why worry about revenue now?

  35. - AC - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:07 pm:

    Emily Miller +1

  36. - Jack Stephens - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:08 pm:

    In addition, OW…what happens to the Franchise Pizza/Sandwich shoppes when the university closes?

    What happens to those Small Business Owners?

    A certain Presidential candidate is all about protecting small businesses, on the flip side he wants Mandatory Government *Checks* in the bathroom.

  37. - Ghost - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:12 pm:

    the maitenance of wffort seems pretty critical. losing free fed money would just be bad government. perhaps somone with actual budget knowledge should explain this to rauner. he needs people who do more then push cuts to the needy to explain federal dollars and grants.

  38. - Jay - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:19 pm:

    There is no money to pay for it because Rauner vetoed new revenue bills and Republicans vote against the millionaire tax. These ppl need to go!

  39. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:26 pm:

    ===Rauner vetoed new revenue bills===



  40. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:30 pm:

    To Update 3

    Ok all the GOP members representing college towns…

    You seen the source of the monies, Rauner still says “dunno, too much”…

    Are you “Red” or are you “Green” to your college towns?

  41. - PutUpTime - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:34 pm:

    Come on Norine, Macomb/WIU needs YOU!

  42. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:34 pm:

    Can Rauner just line item veto the too much stuff and let the other money through?

  43. - Just Me - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:38 pm:

    hisgirlfriday - that is exactly what the Speaker wants. He also wants all the Republicans to vote against the bill. That way the Republicans and Governor have to be against all the fun stuff, but the crucial stuff still gets done. Its a win/win!

  44. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:38 pm:

    - hisgirlfriday -

    Rauner has refused to own vetoes of decisions.

    Full vetoes had been the norm in the FY2016 Budget Approps.

    I can’t see Rauner picking and choosing.

    Rauner also said he doesn’t see that as his “role” to decide, per presser of “short term pain for big long term gain” fame.

    Check it out.

  45. - WIUoblivion - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:41 pm:

    @ PutUpTime 3:34

    Yes, a thousand times yes — but with respect, have you called to tell her so and that we’re watching? And that if she doesn’t put up, we will — in OW’s phrase — “vote accordingly”?

  46. - Waffle Fries - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:43 pm:

    I mean, we can’t afford to spend money on outpatient mental health services dammit! How are we going to hospitalize and incarcerate people and pay those bills if we are stopping all that stuff up front by paying for mental health services. Duh.

  47. - Austin Blvd - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:43 pm:

    Note to Gov Rauner:
    Use. Line. Item. Veto. To. Weigh. In.
    You. Can. Do. This.

  48. - Juvenal - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:47 pm:

    === “They have too much in there,” ===

    Someone please explain to governor his line item reduction powers.

  49. - PutUpTime - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:50 pm:

    Yes, yes I have, in person.
    We are most definitely watching…

  50. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:50 pm:

    ===Someone please explain to governor his line item reduction powers.===

    Rauner doesn’t want to own the Veto, period. Anything in choosing what is saved and what is Vetoed is NOT a Rauner thing.

    Full Vetoes, blame Democrats, “wash hands of it”

    Rauner refuses to use the levers, it’s bktbthst he doesn’t know the levers….

    Huge difference.

  51. - Austin Blvd - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:55 pm:

    Note to Rauner:
    If you do not have testi….r veracity to use line item veto, then You. Should. Resign.
    You would be a faux governor.

  52. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:56 pm:

    Annonin’ since you claim to have the full brief on this proposal, could you help me understand why a $540k approp from a DHS fund is made to IDOT for a grant to the “Illinois Latino Family Commission” for some make-work kinda projects?

  53. - Norseman - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 3:57 pm:

    Emily Miller +2

  54. - WIUoblivion - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:01 pm:

    PutUpTime at 3:50

    Then we’re on the same page — cool!

  55. - Truthseeker - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:11 pm:

    There was a deal on Higher Ed worked out last night with money that actually exists. The Governor agreed to sign it. No turnaround agenda items at all included. The Speaker just blew it up. Spinning it any other way is nonsense. The Dems involved in very good faith negotiations are furious. Truth.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:12 pm:

    - Truthseeker -

    See “Update 2″ above.


  57. - Wensicia - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:13 pm:

    Previous message: “Turnaround Agenda or nothing.”

    Rauner’s new message: “I could have voted for…but they sent me…instead. It’s still the Dems fault if I won’t let the hostages go.”

  58. - PutUpTime - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:21 pm:

    ===*** UPDATE 4 *** In caucus today, House Republican members were asked if they planned to vote for the Democratic approp bill. Nobody raised their hands.===

    Not a good sign, Norine. Macomb/WIU is watching…

  59. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:21 pm:

    ===*** UPDATE 4 *** In caucus today, House Republican members were asked if they planned to vote for the Democratic approp bill. Nobody raised their hands.===

    Welp, Macomb… well, Charleston… hey, Urbana-Champaign… hello Carbondale…

    “Vote Accordingly”

    Ubderstand… your members… are voting against the Economic Engines… and your towns. Don’t. Be. Fooled.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:22 pm:


    - Anonymous - was me.

    My phone cycled out.

  61. - Jack Kemp - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:23 pm:

    Lots of valuable insight in this thread. After months of squealing at the Governor to drop the “poison pills” and “find another way,” the administration and House Republicans offer up a perfectly reasonable compromise that does both of those things and funds higher education and social services. The Speaker decides that he’s not done playing politics, and the CapFaxers can’t hold their applause. Incredible.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:26 pm:

    - Jack Kemp -

    Explain “Update 2″ and how it does NOT meet the Gov’s Criteria?


  63. - Austin Blvd - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:31 pm:

    Gop refuses to support bill
    Rauner vetoes bill.
    Politics 101 Lesson to Editorial Writers:
    GOP swings, whiffs, walks off field holding breath and later, refuses to eat vegetables.
    Rauner issues line item veto and invites Gop to mansion for dinner.

  64. - Jack Kemp - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:32 pm:

    I have no idea what that means. Explain how the Governor’s explanation does not meet the Governor’s “Criteria?” How does that make sense?

  65. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:35 pm:

    ===I have no idea what that means. Explain how the Governor’s explanation does not meet the Governor’s “Criteria?” How does that make sense?===

    Please, keep up.

    The Governor has stated he won’t support any funding without proper revenue sourced.

    Use the link in “Update 1″ Click the link. Read. Re-read “Update 2″…

    Explain how “Update 1″ does not meet the funding source criteria.

    You can do it…

  66. - Put UpTime - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:43 pm:

    OK, Jack Kemp (welcome back to the living):

    1) Dems draft a bill providing *vital* (yet only partial) funding to our Universities and Human Services
    2) Rauner advisors threaten total veto (he could use his Amendatory veto however he like, but noooooo)
    3) On cue, GOP caucus decides to put zero “Greens” on it

    What is left to explain? Who is spinning who? At a critical juncture, Rauner and his legislators are choosing to burn down Illinois.

  67. - Joe M - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:44 pm:

    ==House Republicans offer up a perfectly reasonable compromise that does both of those things and funds higher education and social services.==

    An important word is missing in that: “partially” -
    partially funds higher education and social services. Why doesn’t the Governor want to fully fund higher education and social services?

  68. - Jack Kemp - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:44 pm:

    Willy, if you’re all caught up, why do you need me to explain it to you? Too much GRF. Pretty simple stuff here. Certainly not rocket science.

  69. - Dr X - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:46 pm:

    I’d like to see a story on how, even if higher ed is funded, several departments in schools have been gutted. No full timers teaching, less course offerins, etc. Any future fundin’ will not bring that back. Then these depts will have to justify their exisitence based on their lowered capacity.

  70. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:47 pm:

    ” Too much GRF. Pretty simple stuff here. Certainly not rocket science.”

    Amendatory veto then.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:49 pm:

    - Jack Kemp -

    I just wanted to make clear your drive-by habits continue without a clue.

    Thanks for not disappointing, LOL

    To “Update 5″

    Great. Glad to hear it.

    Of course, they will run THIS bill first, putting University Reps out there on “Yellow” or “Red”…


    Yeah… more campaign votes hurting the HGOP

  72. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:50 pm:

    It’s hard to say without seeing numbers from every grant that the universities have, but I funding at 30% is not unlikely to be the required amount. The point of the requirement is to make sure that universities aren’t supplanting what they do with federal funds. In cases like TRiO or other programs that can include financial aid decisions for those who are low income.

  73. - Johnny Pyle Driver - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:53 pm:

    can somebody help me untangle the politics of this? Is the bill in current form meant to attract R votes, or at the very least put them on the spot for a tough vote? If so, why telegraph that there’s another bill they’d bring up that spends less. Why wouldn’t the Rs just wait for that one? Or is the first vote a known loser and they’ll take it anyway to get some R no votes on the books? Or i’m missing something?

  74. - PutUpTime - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 4:59 pm:

    JPD: If you were a rep who cared about your district (cough, say, Norine Hammond for Macomb/WIU), you would clearly want to vote for the first bill because it provides more funding to help your suffering students, University, and Macomb constituencies — the ones you represent and care about the most!

    Unless you don’t care about them the most.

  75. - Johnny Pyle Driver - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 5:02 pm:

    Is that going to be a strong message though, if they’re green on the second bill? The ‘Noes’ on the first bill will sorta wash, won’t they? “I voted to fund higher education, as evidenced by $X of dollars contained in this bill right here. I just didn’t vote for the wasteful partisan bills the Ds put forth.”

  76. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 5:20 pm:

    ===Is that going to be a strong message though, if they’re green on the second bill?===

    Depends on the mailers…

  77. - Truthseeker - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 5:33 pm:

    I had it exactly right Willy. Downstate Dems joined GOP in telling the Speaker to get real. Heavy negotiations going on as we speak. Truth.

  78. - Just Sayin - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 5:36 pm:

    All of this seems to be awfully arbitrary. And with a huge price tag. Are we rewarding schools that have been poorly managed, or can no longer attract enough students to pay the bills, by giving them more tax dollars than the ones that do well? Is enrollment going down at some of these smaller schools? Aren’t the big schools providing more on-line classes? Maybe we should concentrate on the schools that are doing well, and have them provide more services for an even larger number of students? Some of the question is geographic, I know - but for schools with student housing, it shouldn’t matter as much - they obviously can’t draw enough students from within driving distance. And in Chicago, it looks like they have a bunch of schools that wind up trying to compete with each other as well as with the larger ones like UIC and Urbana - good luck. Time all these state-funded schools joined forces a bit? Another case of tax-funded enabling. I know I’ll probably get some flak here, but I know some very capable professionals who got their degrees on-line.

  79. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 5:40 pm:

    - Truthseeker -

    LOL, there have been 6 updates so far…

    Nothing is done until it’s done.

    Don’t hurt yourself patting yourself on the back prematurely.

    Also, rubbing the 1st Bill, lots of damage yet to be inflicted(?)

    “Truth!”, lol

  80. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 5:41 pm:


  81. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 5:51 pm:

    House Amendment 3 is Higher Ed only which should be more attractive to R votes, but Franks hits it with note requests…what’s up with that?

  82. - Old and In the Way - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 5:53 pm:

    Just Sayin
    Really? What you don’t know about Illinois higher education is astounding! I suppose you could make the decisions on which schools and communities should close or die? What’s the criteria? Please enlighten those of us who are skeptical that you know squat about higher education in Illinois.

  83. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 6:04 pm:

    ===Also, I’m told all House GOPs will be on the bill.===

    All GOP “Green”? Interesting.

  84. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 6:17 pm:

    – Heavy negotiations going on as we speak.–

    You say that like it’s a bad thing, legislators actually legislating like they’re in a legislature or something.

    You know — different constituencies, competing interests, that sort of thing.

    Get real on, yourself, and try not to lose your head at every bump in the road.

    It’s never pretty, but it seems something positive is happening for the first time in a long while.

  85. - WIUoblivion - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 6:28 pm:

    If this actually happens, I may have to have 31 percent of a drink tonight.

  86. - Norseman - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 6:33 pm:

    Franks is a great one for wanting his cake and eating it too. He votes against full funding because not enough revenue, but then assails a stopgap bill because it doesn’t provide full funding.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 6:36 pm:

    ===Franks is a great one for wanting his cake and eating it too. He votes against full funding because not enough revenue, but then assails a stopgap bill because it doesn’t provide full funding.===

    Franks being Franks… he’s a piece of work.

  88. - Norseman - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:02 pm:

    oops - “hopping from crisis to crisis”

  89. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:20 pm:

    - Truthseeker -

    Held until tomorrow…

    Is that how you drew that up… or…

  90. - cdog - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:23 pm:

    schedule says senate out until 5/3

  91. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:25 pm:

    If I could buy cannoli for every member of the rank and file who was a part of this tonight, I would.

    Well done, ladies and gentlemen. Despite the bitter attempt by one partisan to tank this bill, you stepped up for the state and made progress.

    Thank you.

  92. - Demoralized - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:25 pm:

    What exactly just happened? I’m confused now.

  93. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:25 pm:

    I have to admit, sadly in any and every way you want to be considered sad…

    … never thought I’d see it held in “3rd Reading” tonight.


  94. - Norseman - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:26 pm:

    The way this was going down evidently stuck in somebody’s craw.

  95. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:28 pm:

    ===Well done, ladies and gentlemen. Despite the bitter attempt by one partisan to tank this bill, you stepped up for the state and made progress.

    Thank you.===


    You have odd reasons to buy Cannoli…

  96. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:29 pm:

    Looks like it’s not soup yet in the Senate.

  97. - Demoralized - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:29 pm:

    Why does this feel like I just watched a basketball player in open court going for a layup who stopped and called time out

  98. - eiuprof - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:31 pm:

    Okay, why did she pull the bill at the last minute? That makes no sense. Any ideas?

  99. - cdog - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:32 pm:

    The Harris vs Harris battle was interesting.
    The (R) Harris made a big deal about how the bill that had been passed to Rauner Had No Funding.

    The (D)Harris said Not So Fast. The bill Rauner’s desk was using the exact same funding from the $600m expected to be in the EAF.

    The real difference, imho and unspoken from what I heard, is that the bill that Rauner has at least gives vendors recourse by appropriating.

    Hopefully tomorrow something will work and the Senate hangs around….?

  100. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:33 pm:

    To clarify…

    Knowing it could be held, I never thought, never, it would… and… I just was caught flat-footed. Stunned.

  101. - Norseman - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:42 pm:

    EIUprof, take you pick of theories until Rich gives us the scoop.

    T1: Words thought that Senate may not be ready.
    T2: The long debate stuck in the craw of Dems who wanted Human Services to be in mix.
    T3: Madigan the top cat was toying with Rauner the mouse and it was time to pull the cheese away from the hungry mouse.
    T4: Franks was so upset about losing his motions he promised to support override.
    T5: Springfield CWLP told them that the lights would be turned off in 5 minutes for non-payment.

  102. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:44 pm:

    Would the difference in the language between House Amendment #1 and House Amendment #2 have caused this to be held? Amendment #1 was valid for costs incurred prior to July 1, 2016. The date in Amendment #2 is September 1, 2016 - going into FY17.

  103. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:55 pm:

    Between - Wordslinger -’s call on the Senate and - Norseman -’s added items, the truth is somewhere in that(?)

    Sandack looked stunned when he asked “who” was the Sponsor…

  104. - More Courage - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 7:56 pm:

    CDog - the university money may be from EAF in both but don’t forget that MAP grants and social services received $3.1 billion GRF in SB 2046. Now, if the dems would agree not to override vetos of GRF that would be one thing. . .

  105. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 8:11 pm:

    Senate back tomorrow.

    Been quite a while since we all have seen sausage being made. It can get pretty bloody.

  106. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 8:15 pm:

    Rich also said it appears this is being done to squeeze more money out of the Governor.

    How far will Rauner allow himself to be squeezed?

    Game of chicken…

  107. - Macbeth - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 8:20 pm:


    Dude. Enough of Sandack. His moment has passed.

  108. - ClumsyTuna - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 8:21 pm:

    How can we trust that the appropriation will actually pass tomorrow?

    Bet on nothing and Speaker Madigan just did this to play God for another 24 hours.

  109. - Mama - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 8:26 pm:

    Is the House coming back tomorrow?

  110. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 8:26 pm:

    Sandack is the Governor’s House Floor Leader.

    He’s relevant in the role of the Governor’s mouthpiece in the Lower Chamber.

  111. - Norseman - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 8:29 pm:

    === Senate back tomorrow. ===

    Dare I say Human Services stopgap back in play.

  112. - Abigail Adams - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 8:44 pm:

    Catch the Gov’s tweets?

  113. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 8:48 pm:

    @Oswego Willy - yeah, I missed the surprise hold at the end as I was typing.

  114. - peon - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 9:22 pm:

    If the New Math sticks (i.e. money I spend as Governor is covered, other expenses are not), then there is no alternative to a comprehensive budget 2016/7 going forward. This is madness.

  115. - Mama - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 10:13 pm:

    What about the Universities and Human Social Services?

  116. - illini - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 11:15 pm:

    Damn, my power was off for almost 6 hours and I am just now catching up.

  117. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 21, 16 @ 11:48 pm:

    From successful, bipartisan compromise to ==hostage== in just a few hours. smh.

  118. - wordslinger - Friday, Apr 22, 16 @ 7:27 am:

    –From successful, bipartisan compromise to ==hostage== in just a few hours. smh.–

    LOL, you can’t be serious.

    Would you be happier if the House sent the bill to the Senate and they voted it down or just went home?

    Instead, the Senate is in, the bill is alive and for the first time since last April’s sweeps all the parties are actively engaged in getting something done. That’s a good thing.

    This is what it looks like when the GA and the executive are actually doing their jobs. It’s a bloody, chaotic mess, but it beats the alternative.

    Get used to it. These are just baby steps. The heavy lifting to clean up the willful mess created over the last year is yet to come.

    But for the first time in more than a year, there’s a clear sense that all parties are moving forward.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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