He might not have been perfect, but he was honest and worked hard.
It’s undeniable that the bill backlog was going down, pensions were funded and the most vulnerable in Illinois didn’t have to worry that the social structure collapsing around them.
I’d take Quinn over Rauner any day of the week. To argue that somehow Rauner is doing ‘better’ is on it’s face impossible. Rauner is redefining failure on a daily basis.
Quinn’s support of the useless former administration and his reckless political appointments to the Board of Trustees at CSU are one of reasons CSU is in such bad financial straits currently.
Try to answer this question, without hitting the google:
When was the last time Pat Quinn did not run in a four-year statewide election cycle?
Hint: Think Reagan Administration.
Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and Pat Quinn’s gotta run statewide. It’s in his nature.
Unlike most politicians, the dude ain’t afraid to lose, and he won the Big One, once, in a historic GOP wave year.
Given that improbable victory, there’s no way anyone could ever convince him not to give it another shot. It’s not like anyone ever asked him to take a shot. He’s the proverbial Nobody Nobody Sent.
When I’m wearing my tinfoil hat, I’m convinced that Durbin came out so early to clear the field for Duckworth to keep Quinn from scratching that itch.
The temptation to take on Kirk in a presidential year must have been fierce.
And I think Quinn would be an excellent senator. Working-class, civil rights and veterans champion, beating the stuff out of the Big Money cheap hustlers and the right-wing knuckle-draggers… and no administrative responsibilities.
The day after he formally announced his 2012 presidential campaign, Newt Gingrich gave the commencement address at Eureka College. His speech had ZERO politics in it. He saved that for the gaggle after the ceremony.
I disagree with a lot of Newt’s policies, but I gained a lot of respect for the man because he kept his own agenda out of a speech meant for those graduating seniors. I wish the former governor had practiced the same restraint for this class.
- Four and a half - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:59 pm:
As a Democrat, I have a terrible fear of Quinn become the nominee in 2018 by default. I know all the party honchos are focused on the election this year, but 2018 is going to be more important (last Guv election before a remap.) Given the amount of financial resources that have to be spent in the Rauner era, it might be smart for Madigan, Cullerton, labor, et al, to try to agree on a consensus candidate. That’s probably too much to hope for, but it’s the best way to avoid being stuck with Quinn again.
I can’t imagine anything Quinn could say or do that wouod get him back into public office. But so what? He wants to give some speeches, rally the faithful, let him. He’s not hurting anyone, and he’s not getting that brick off his political career, either.
Quinn was a terrible governor. Yet, I think he did more of the things Rauner said he would do–took on AFSCME, pension reform, work comp reform, took the arrows over the tax increase and argued to have it continue, balance the state budget, catch up late payments, made the pension payment, cut human services. It scares me to even acknowledge his accomplishments for fear he will want to run again.
Now there’s a way to make sure Rauner is reelected, run someone with the last name Madigan. Quinn would win in a walk if he made it through the primary. I personally know dozens of Rauner voters saying, “I wish I would have voted for Quinn.” That is why I think Quinn would be the most likely person to beat Rauner, voters’ remorse. To the post, Pat Quinn is just doing what ex-office holders do. Rehab tour? Meh, minus the governor’s who went to jail, aren’t most former statewide office holders still relatively public figures?
- Honeybear - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:01 pm:
Stop. just. stop.
I’m sorry what just happened? I blacked out for a moment there.
- @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:02 pm:
He ain’t wrong.
– MrJM
- Archiesmom - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:03 pm:
How can we miss you if you won’t go away?
- Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:07 pm:
The fact is he had 6 years to change this, with a democratic majority. He’s acting as if he had never had a chance to govern. Please go away.
- Doc Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:10 pm:
Well, (slightly) better than having Rauner give your commencement speech, like the whip-smart administrators did down at SIUC last May.
- Mr How Ironic - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:13 pm:
He might not have been perfect, but he was honest and worked hard.
It’s undeniable that the bill backlog was going down, pensions were funded and the most vulnerable in Illinois didn’t have to worry that the social structure collapsing around them.
I’d take Quinn over Rauner any day of the week. To argue that somehow Rauner is doing ‘better’ is on it’s face impossible. Rauner is redefining failure on a daily basis.
- illinoised - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:14 pm:
I cringe at his self-inflicted lost opportunity.
- atsuishin - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:15 pm:
a quinn rematch = a rauner reelected
- ILPundit - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:19 pm:
Keep this man away from the 2018 election at all costs. Get his painting up on the 2nd floor. Whatever it takes.
- Marty Funkhouser - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:21 pm:
Dear Pat:
–Marty Funkhouser
- Fusion - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:25 pm:
+1 Honeybear
Pat Quinn gave us Bruce Rauner. Let’s not forget that.
- Steve - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:28 pm:
Dear Pat:
What kind of tax lie are you ready to tell with sugar on top?
- marrs96 - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:32 pm:
Quinn’s support of the useless former administration and his reckless political appointments to the Board of Trustees at CSU are one of reasons CSU is in such bad financial straits currently.
Seriously, he just needs to go away…
- Precinct Captain - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:36 pm:
The “I told you so” tour continues.
- AC - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:36 pm:
I wonder if a record number of CSU graduates opted to have their diploma mailed to them this year.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:37 pm:
–How can we miss you if you won’t go away?–
Try to answer this question, without hitting the google:
When was the last time Pat Quinn did not run in a four-year statewide election cycle?
Hint: Think Reagan Administration.
Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and Pat Quinn’s gotta run statewide. It’s in his nature.
Unlike most politicians, the dude ain’t afraid to lose, and he won the Big One, once, in a historic GOP wave year.
Given that improbable victory, there’s no way anyone could ever convince him not to give it another shot. It’s not like anyone ever asked him to take a shot. He’s the proverbial Nobody Nobody Sent.
When I’m wearing my tinfoil hat, I’m convinced that Durbin came out so early to clear the field for Duckworth to keep Quinn from scratching that itch.
The temptation to take on Kirk in a presidential year must have been fierce.
And I think Quinn would be an excellent senator. Working-class, civil rights and veterans champion, beating the stuff out of the Big Money cheap hustlers and the right-wing knuckle-draggers… and no administrative responsibilities.
That’s the gig he should have gotten.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:44 pm:
Sounds like someone who really wants to fix things if given the chance and a supportive legislature. He should consider running for Governor.
- Responsa - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:47 pm:
PQ political rehab tour?? For what? In the immortal words of Hawk Harrelson, “He gone”!
- Flabby - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:48 pm:
=He might not have been perfect, but he was honest and worked hard.=
‘He might not have been perfect, and he was phoney and worked hard to support Squeezy.’ There, fixed it.
- Very fed up - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:49 pm:
Short of Mike Madigan himself running it is hard to imagine a candidate more likely to lose against Rauner in 2018
- Jackie - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:52 pm:
Is rehab work part of the NRI program?
- Dirty Red - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:59 pm:
The day after he formally announced his 2012 presidential campaign, Newt Gingrich gave the commencement address at Eureka College. His speech had ZERO politics in it. He saved that for the gaggle after the ceremony.
I disagree with a lot of Newt’s policies, but I gained a lot of respect for the man because he kept his own agenda out of a speech meant for those graduating seniors. I wish the former governor had practiced the same restraint for this class.
- Four and a half - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 2:59 pm:
As a Democrat, I have a terrible fear of Quinn become the nominee in 2018 by default. I know all the party honchos are focused on the election this year, but 2018 is going to be more important (last Guv election before a remap.) Given the amount of financial resources that have to be spent in the Rauner era, it might be smart for Madigan, Cullerton, labor, et al, to try to agree on a consensus candidate. That’s probably too much to hope for, but it’s the best way to avoid being stuck with Quinn again.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 3:08 pm:
If Calhoun considers Quinn’s performance ’stellar’, he must set his student expectations very low
- Ghost - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 3:09 pm:
Four I am speculatng it is more likely gonna be Durbin or Lisa Madigan……
- burbanite - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 3:14 pm:
Not Durbin, Lisa Madigan. But…Mike would have to be ready to step down. Or maybe Jesse White, he would win! LOL
- Elo Kiddies - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 3:16 pm:
I can’t imagine anything Quinn could say or do that wouod get him back into public office. But so what? He wants to give some speeches, rally the faithful, let him. He’s not hurting anyone, and he’s not getting that brick off his political career, either.
- Earnest - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 3:19 pm:
Quinn was a terrible governor. Yet, I think he did more of the things Rauner said he would do–took on AFSCME, pension reform, work comp reform, took the arrows over the tax increase and argued to have it continue, balance the state budget, catch up late payments, made the pension payment, cut human services. It scares me to even acknowledge his accomplishments for fear he will want to run again.
- Saluki - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 3:32 pm:
Lisa Madigan. Please run. Not just for the sake of sending Rauner back to the south of France, but to spare us from another term from The Might Quinn.
- Dr X - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 3:40 pm:
Good morning students. Let me first get this rubber band of this chunk of paper in my pocket and find my speech.
By the way, there was a sale on post it notes at target yesterday.
- Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 3:41 pm:
Now there’s a way to make sure Rauner is reelected, run someone with the last name Madigan. Quinn would win in a walk if he made it through the primary. I personally know dozens of Rauner voters saying, “I wish I would have voted for Quinn.” That is why I think Quinn would be the most likely person to beat Rauner, voters’ remorse. To the post, Pat Quinn is just doing what ex-office holders do. Rehab tour? Meh, minus the governor’s who went to jail, aren’t most former statewide office holders still relatively public figures?
- SAP - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 4:01 pm:
Did he hand out business cards?
- Mouthy - Thursday, Apr 28, 16 @ 4:15 pm:
If this is the best the Democrats have for governor in 2018 then they deserve to lose and will…