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Kristen McQueary discovers her inner Poindexter

Friday, May 6, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Chicago Tribune editorial board, February 18, 2016

Gov. Bruce Rauner addressed the Illinois General Assembly on Wednesday, outlining his plans for next year’s state budget. The poindexters whipped out their calculators.

But the crucial takeaway was broader than an exercise in number-crunching: We’re at the end of the road in Springfield. No more pavement, nothing but dirty orange barricades and languid yellow warning lights.

They said the same thing a year earlier. We were supposed to ignore Gov. Rauner’s actual budget proposal and instead focus on the big picture of our dear leader’s glorious agenda.

* But a member of that editorial board broke ranks today

What [Rauner] should have done this year was introduce a budget that reflects actual state revenues. Show the austere budget. Lay out the cuts. The Democrats are going to make Rauner the bad guy no matter what, so he might as well just do his job.

On that, we’re in total agreement, at least on the policy of presenting a real budget.

* Unfortunately, she is also way behind the times with much of the rest of her column, which dredges up stuff from months ago that we’ve endlessly discussed here, including Rauner’s stupid attacks on Senate President John Cullerton and the snarky frat boy attitude of some of his top staff. Better late than never, I suppose, but I believe things have changed.

The current reality is that Rauner and his staff have been working overtime to stay calm and be reasonable behind the scenes. Some Democratic legislators are actually praising Rich “Prince of Snarkness” Goldberg. And as I mentioned earlier today, Senate President Cullerton is working cooperatively with the governor, despite their history. Also, while we don’t yet know where Speaker Madigan’s heart is, he has sent his staff to budgeteer meetings, which is at least a sign of good faith.

* I’ve actually seen some real “growth” and discipline by the governor and his people lately. Maybe I’m wrong. I could be. Maybe he’ll blow everything up again with a ridiculous press conference today or tomorrow or sometime before the end of the month. It ain’t gonna be easy for him to keep a sock in that yappy “I’m the real victim here” motormouth of his.

But, to my eyes (and unlike some Chicago pundits, I regularly go to the Statehouse and talk to people on every possible side during and after session days and even on some weekends - hey, it’s not just my job, it’s my life) things are improving. A lot.

Some of the Madigan folks think I’m a bit tetched these days. But if the governor and his people can maintain this level of reasonableness and professionalism, then the Statehouse could very well tilt against Madigan by the end of this month. That already clearly happened with the stopgap funding bill for higher education, whether another Tribune columnist wants to believe it or not. Madigan needs to meet Rauner’s olive branch with his own and try to end this nightmare, not prolong it.

Find. Another. Way.


  1. - wordslinger - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 11:19 am:


    I’d never seen that word before. Had to look it up.

  2. - What the What - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 11:21 am:

    Was shocked to see McQueary write that. Perhaps she is softening up the masses for the Governor’s pivot?

    As to the changes we have seen from the Governor and his staff - time will tell whether they are exceptions, or the new rule.

  3. - Mr How Ironic - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 11:30 am:

    Sure hope she isn’t sent to the Trib’s ‘reeducation camp’ for criticizing the dear leader.

  4. - Wensicia - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 11:32 am:

    McQueary good, Zorn bad?

    Cats and dogs, living together…

  5. - Beaner - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 11:33 am:

    We can not blame the Speaker for holding out for the Governor to ask for the revenue increase. He is “the Decider” and was a jerk for not presenting a balanced budget, for the first time in about 200 years. That is the rub.
    Given the Governor’s *cough* sketchy background, erratic behavior, his inability to communicate the truth, his diatribe discussions with himself in public with cameras rolling about Straw Men he has met, and phone calls which only existed in his pharmaceutical delusions, his clownish costumes, repeated calling Cullerton and Madigan crooks in public, the nasty primary against the Speaker I’d trust him no more than a skittish horse with a case of rabis.
    Hey Democrats, open yer eyes and grow a pair. Have a presser and say youz are all going home for the summer until Radogno and Durkin present the Governor’s Revenue ASK. Either show us the cuts you want, or the ASK. I disagree the Ds need to speak to any Rs until the Revenue ASK is made public.
    Come November 2016 Voter will know that “Shakin up Springfield” includes a 40% cut to Higher Education. So it means deep cuts to numerous communities around the State, Champaign, Carbondale, Charleston, Chicago, ect. Great, now we know. Please let us know whose pocket, Sham Governor Rauner wants to get into and for how much.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 11:36 am:

    To the Post,

    If you ever read Kristen McQueary during her Daily Southtown days, you would’ve read a thoughtful reporter, framing her articles around facts, and using strong institutional knowledge to bring the reader in to the battles of Pat O’Malley, Maureen Murphy, Jack O’Connor and Mike Madigan.

    McQueary had talent. She understood the game, she actually had the chops, then, to call… herself… “Statehouse Chick”


    What this column did was wake up that inner “Statehouse Chick” like 6 months too late, and accept things, like Rich Miller said, have been discussed here for weeks and months.

    What I did like, and I thought refreshing, was finally taking a 180 degree turn, based on the history she ignored all these weeks and months. What I liked and found refreshing was onus being placed on the decisions and Rauner and his Crew brought SOME things on themselves.

    I really Liked what I read.

    I would’ve liked it when “Statehouse Chick” actually saw it …weeks and months ago, but …”baby steps” is the order of the day, even with Ms. McQueary.

  7. - From the 'Dale to HP - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 11:37 am:

    Remaining doubtful (and pessimistic) until the Governor either puts revenue on the table or pulls his turnaround agenda.

  8. - MSIX - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 11:38 am:

    She’s still touting the Rauner line about the AFSCME contract.

    =Under no circumstances should he set aside his demands for reform, especially taking an ironclad position against the unaffordable contract demanded by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.=

    The “ironclad” position is what has brought them to their impasse. AFSCME is willing to talk business. Rauner is not. His offer to them is patently ludicrous. Ironclad and ludicrous is not a winning combo.

  9. - Jimmy H - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 11:42 am:

    “But, to my eyes (and unlike some Chicago pundits, I regularly go to the Statehouse and talk to people on every possible side during and after session days and even on some weekends - hey, it’s not just my job, it’s my life) things are improving. A lot. ”

    Thank you Rich! Just what I needed. I can now head into the weekend with renewed optimism.

  10. - Diana - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 11:44 am:

    When will this end? So tired of the finger pointing, meanwhile the people who go to work every day and do the job asked of them get slapped on the face. Rock Island Co Health Department will eliminate 16 jobs and cut 6 services from their Health Dept. We all do our jobs and services have been rendered but what about the powers that be. I say take away salaries and retirement plans of those who can’t seem to make a decision and see how quickly we can get a budget. It’s shameful to look senior citizens in the eye and tell them they won’t receive any more help. Not proud to live in Illinois!

  11. - Honeybear - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 12:05 pm:

    Oh Here’s my take from that article.

    1) McQueary lays blame for not working with the GA to produce a budget on the superstars. Frat boys under the bus!

    Nope Rauner owns this. Nobody wipes their behind without permission. I have friends who have to clear things all the time with them. No Rauner is responsible for this.

    But here is the passage that blew me away.

    Under no circumstances should he set aside his demands for reform, especially taking an ironclad position against the unaffordable contract demanded by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. AFSCME is asking for a salary and benefit package that taxpayers simply cannot afford, nor should they tolerate. That’s precisely where Rauner should be applying his muscle.

    Game. Right there. The Great Labor War. This passage is signaling intent to form a Grand Bargain or at least a passable budget so that Rauner can have all obstacles out of the way for the Great Labor War of the 21rst century.

    So no I don’t see McQueary as making any kind of 180. She is signaling about the next great battle. It is a tactical withdrawal in the center of the line to draw in forces while the forces arrayed against Labor are swooping in from the rear. This is a classic pincer move.

    McQueary is sending the message to the faithful Raunerites to focus their sins upon the bread placed upon the corpse of the ILGOP. “Come sin eater AFSCME. Eat and know our revulsion”.

    The Trib is saying to make a deal on a budget. Then when impasse is declared on the AFSCME contract AFSCME will be blamed from ruining the state for striking or blamed with the workforce collapses (greedy stateworkers won’t work without their privileges and perks), or have their grave danced upon with glee for vanquishing the evil of unionized public workers when the poison contract kills AFSCME.

  12. - Someone you should know - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 12:25 pm:

    Oh, Rich I’ve thought you’ve been tetched for about 20 some odd years man :)

  13. - G'Kar - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 12:27 pm:


    I’d never seen that word before. Had to look it up. ”

    My mother used that word all the time when we were kids. If one of us did something silly or stupid she would say we were “tetched in the head.”

  14. - Norseman - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 12:29 pm:

    The only thing dependable about Trib editorials is that they’ll switch direction in a bit.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    ===Madigan needs to meet Rauner’s olive branch with his own and try to end this nightmare, not prolong it.===

    That’s the new reality. At some point, it will come down to deciding to end the war.

    - Honeybear -

    With respect,

    While you look through your prism of Labor and see the McQueary column as almost a “doubling down” or moving forces against Labor and the battle ahead…

    … nothing new there. That was going to happen no matter what. That’s the micro of what McQueary wrote, and you picked up on it.

    What IS the 180 degree turn is what you may be dismissing as you look to your own worries. Acknowledging what has been discussed here for weeks and months as now a truth, that is a big step, not just cover for an assult you and labor already know WILL happen, budget and compromise, or not.

    Your points are valid, but valid to the micro of “your own” struggles with Gov. Rauner. I get it, I understand it, I coujd argue your points for you.

    However, in the macro, this 180 degrees puts into place 1) McQueary is still far behind the curve, but is coming around the bend. 2) Admitting mistakes allows room for growth, and in this case, it’s conpromise for Higher Ed, Social Services, and a budget for agencies and their missions.

    You’re not “wrong” - Honeybear -, but keep in mind you are going to face the foe Rauner no matter what, but the state also needs conpromise on oh so many fronts. McQueary, late as she is, is allowing room by admitting the Rauner mistakes.

    With respect.

  16. - Precinct Captain - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 12:53 pm:

    A new day (or old one as Oswego Willy points out) for McQueary? Or a new editor not forcing the crazy line?

  17. - Zonker - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 12:55 pm:



    I’d never seen that word before. Had to look it up.=

    You’re obviously not a Bugs Bunny fan. I remember his “Easter Bunny” song:

    “Here’s the Easter Rabbit, Hooray!
    Happiest Rabbit, Hooray!
    Everyone thinks that he’s TETCHED in the head, This whole thing is screwy, I should have stayed in bed……”

    Come to think of it, couldn’t anyone following the Rauner or the Illinois GA say the same thing?LOL

  18. - Honeybear - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 12:56 pm:

    I sit at your knee OW.

    Please grant me a question. Will AFSCME be sold down the river by the GA?

  19. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 1:07 pm:

    ===I sit at your knee…===

    We ALL stand together and learn from each other, that why Rich’s Place here works. It’s with the respect we all have here I say that.

    ===Will AFSCME be sold down the river by the GA?===

    I dunno, but up to November of 2016, Democrats in the GA “turning” on you, or Madigan and Cullerton “turning” on you might be the slight of hand (worry) the Administration might want your focus to be, as your struggle with the Governor continues.

    I don’t know what the GA might decide that will effect you. The results of November 2014 are your challenges more that what’s happening in May of 2016.

    That’s the best I have. Respectfully.

  20. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 1:11 pm:

    Read “Getting to Yes”.

    Re-read “Getting to Yes.”

    Re-reread “Getting to Yes.”

    That’s my advice to Team Rauner and to everyone else hoping to find a big enough piece of common ground to get us out of this mess.

    Step One: Separate the people from the problem. Obama says “Just because we disagree doesn’t mean we have to be disagreeable.” He right. By the same token, just because Goldberg has started acting like a professional doesn’t mean Democrats should change there positions.

    As for McQueary, it’s hard to remember that the positions of the editorial board are not always the verbatim positions of each and every member. And I could probably do a much better job of heeding my own advice to be hard on the problems and kind to the people. Okay, not “probably.” Wherever she was, and however she got to where she is today, I will take it. More of the old Statehouse Chick for sure.

  21. - Annonin' - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 1:13 pm:

    Katrina must be workin’ clips for the exit interview
    BTW she missed two BigBrain events that signal they want more budget impasse. First BigBrain tells Durkie and House GOP he will start big budget negative ads soon. Then he bales on Trump and the convention so he can work on the budget impasse. Convention in July. Budget should be down.
    BTW Mr/Mrs OW when Katrina was at the South town she had plenty of whack job stuff. But she was overshadowed by Kadner.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 1:28 pm:

    ===…when Katrina was at the South town she had plenty of whack job stuff. But she was overshadowed by Kadner.===

    LOL, A fair point, and comparing the Statehouse Chick to Katrina, Statehouse Chick of the Southtown days was a saner, more engaged person who COULD put a self-created name like Statehouse Chick on and it would “fit”, for argument’s sake.

  23. - Grandson of Man - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 1:36 pm:

    “The “ironclad” position is what has brought them to their impasse. AFSCME is willing to talk business. Rauner is not. His offer to them is patently ludicrous. Ironclad and ludicrous is not a winning combo.”

    Agreed. McHurricane had to slip in an AFSCME attack, just to show her contempt and her willingness for chaos to get an outcome that could cause vast harm, piled on top of the damage that’s been already caused by the budget crisis.

    I don’t know anybody in his or her right mind who wants to strike. There is a solution to this potentially devastating scenario, and it’s arbitration. It’s about trying to put out the powder keg’s lit wick instead of wishing for it to blow up.

  24. - Nothin's easy... - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 1:39 pm:

    Nothin’s changed. People are just now realizing he meant what he said. “I’m going to shake up Springfield”, and “I may have to shut it down awhile.” Sheesh.

  25. - Harold's Left-wing Dinner - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 2:59 pm:

    I’m struck by the parallel between Rich’s remark about the pundits and an eye-popping passage from David Samuel’s piece on Ben Rhodes in the NYT Magazine (reprinted below). How sad that at a moment when the stakes are high, the public is poorly served by so many of its institutions.

    RM: “unlike some Chicago pundits, I regularly go to the Statehouse and talk to people on every possible side during and after session days and even on some weekends”

    DS: “Rhodes singled out a key example to me one day, laced with the brutal contempt that is a hallmark of his private utterances. “All these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus,” he said. “Now they don’t. They call us to explain to them what’s happening in Moscow and Cairo. Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.””

  26. - Mark Shandlee - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 3:41 pm:

    In today’s Washington Post Fareed Zakiria has an good column that I think is a good explanation of the differences between running the government, and running a business. This is why our Governor is a failure to date. The jury is still out on the presumptive nominee for the Republican party.

    I support and have no problem with so-called establishment politicians as they have a good idea of how to get things done. Are there improvements that can be made…yes?

  27. - zatoichi - Friday, May 6, 16 @ 4:52 pm:

    ‘What [Rauner] should have done this year was introduce a budget that reflects actual state revenues. Show the austere budget. Lay out the cuts.’
    What year is this? Isn’t this exactly what Quinn did with the doomsday and preferred budget options he presented?

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