Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - Rauner audio *** Rauner to comment on collapse of negotiations
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*** UPDATED x2 - Rauner audio *** Rauner to comment on collapse of negotiations

Friday, May 27, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This ought to be interesting… will broadcast it live. Click here. And keep an eye on our live coverage post.

*** UPDATE 1 ***  Not surprising…

It appears that we crashed the BlueRoomStream feed. It turns out that the Statehouse lost its Internet service. So, I’m waiting for audio. Hold tight.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Here’s the raw audio

Rauner said working groups met late into the night last night. He asked working group members to stay in town over the weekend.

He also asked that Democratic rank and file stand up to their leaders.


  1. - Keyrock - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 9:59 am:

    Oh, can’t Wordslinger ask a few questions? Please?

  2. - Winnin' - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:00 am:

    He shouldn’t be afraid of questions.
    He just doesn’t want to get pinned down on why he won’t use the line item veto.

  3. - Ghost - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:02 am:

    everytime he says Madigan you have to take a drink…..

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:03 am:

    If “reforms” is in the statement, that will signal how close everyone “may” be.

    No questions also leave room to be on either end of looking for conpromise (”what compromises do you want, Governor?) or holding out (”what are you demanding, Governor?)

    Vague to informing everyone?


  5. - Anonymous - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:09 am:

    Hi Rich,

    Gov Rauner wanted me to get you an advanced copy of his prepared remarks. Of course, there will be no questions as Gov Rauner is terrible at unrehearsed answers.

    Remarks- “Thank you for coming today. It’s all Madigan’s and the Unions he controls fault. Thank you”.


  6. - Oldman - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:10 am:

    Why doesn’t Rauber present his own budget proposal?

  7. - bwana63 - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:11 am:

    Of course, he won’t take any questions. Of course.

  8. - How Ironic - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:12 am:

    Comments at 10:09 are mine.

  9. - Ghost - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:14 am:

    Oldman he did, with a 7billion dollar hole…. tribune keeps forgetting to mention that.

  10. - Norseman - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:17 am:

    Here comes the old Rauner rhetoric.

  11. - Hieronymus - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:27 am:

    Winnin’ @10:00 +1
    Oldman @10:10 +1

  12. - Fusion - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:27 am:

    ==We are never going to give up on my ideas for change==

    That’s too bad. By the way, the longer we wait to raise taxes, the higher they will have to be. If we wait until after the election, 5.5% personal and 7.7% corporate may not be enough. Might have to go to 6.0% and 8.4%. Fun times!

  13. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:28 am:

    To the Update.

    Ron Sandack had it right… all along…

    @RonSandack: I’m frustrated 2, but taking steps towards reforming IL more important than short term budget stalemate. - Ron Sandack, 9/28/15

    Remember, you can’t hold up progress, then not be held accountable.

    Rauber is saying… Exactly the Sandack tweet.

    Make no mistake

  14. - Honeybear - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:29 am:

    You know when I took 4 classes on Political Realism under the late Jean Bethke Elschtain, I never really thought I would use the knowledge much. Holy crap, I can’t believe this.

  15. - tobor - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    So much for compromise.

  16. - wordslinger - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    –Rauner: We are never going to give up on my ideas for change, there should be no short term fixes.–

    There should, however, be a rational and quantitative explanation as to the ROI on the proposals, and a projection of when they will cover the nut of the dear price they’ve extracted already in higher debt, lost jobs and serious damage to higher ed and the social service infrastructure.

    Governor, you said you were a salesman. Your sales pitch has been all sizzle and no steak since Jan. 2015, and really, that says it all.

    If you had real economic and fiscal selling points, you would have been banging the drum for months.

    It’s a political agenda, and serious damage is being done to core state responsibilities in its name.

  17. - JS Mill - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    How come Rauner didn’t ask GOP rank and file to stand up to their leader?

    Oh yeah, he writes all of those checks. Never mind.

  18. - Rabid - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:33 am:

    Only the insane equates pain with success (Cheshire Cat)

  19. - From the 'Dale to HP - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:33 am:

    ===Rauner: We are never going to give up on my ideas for change, there should be no short term fixes.===

    He never wanted a deal. That might very well be true for Madigan too. But Rauner never wanted a deal. What odds could you get that Illinois won’t have a FY17, FY18, or FY19 budget?

  20. - WIU is imploding - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    Going nowhere, very fast.

  21. - Nick Name - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    “I ask democrats and republicans in the Legislature: do the right thing, stand up for people in your districts…”

    You mean like Rep. Jimenez on the override vote?

  22. - Annonin' - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    Did media let BigBrain dodge questions?

  23. - tobor - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    That is the Rauner compromise. Where does that leave Madigan.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:39 am:

    If you’re…

    …a social service
    …college town
    …MAP recipient
    …have kids in K-12
    …a student at a state university.
    …in any way a state employee
    …a state vendor
    …a school district
    …an Illinois municipality…

    Remember this…

    ===Rauner: We are never going to give up on my ideas for change, there should be no short term fixes.===

    is exactly this…

    RonSandack: I’m frustrated 2, but taking steps towards reforming IL more important than short term budget stalemate. - Ron Sandack, 9/28/15

    Rauner is holding you hostage for something even he can’t quantify.

    Vote. Accordingly.

  25. - WIU is imploding - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:43 am:

    ###- tobor - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:37 am:
    That is the Rauner compromise. Where does that leave Madigan.###

    Madigan is fine. He did his job, again, passing an appropriation so the State can function. Rauner remains the keeper of hostages, and they are all [figuratively, please God] being shot in the head. Eventually Rauner’s term will end and we’ll try pick up the pieces of this pointless, stupid destruction of our State.

  26. - Former hillrod - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:45 am:

    So Madigan pulls the plug on budget talks and essentially declared an “impasse” while the GOP says they are negotiating closer to a deal. Gee, that sure sounds like how things went down between Rauner and AFSCME. Food for thought.

  27. - The Muse - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:46 am:

    @OW 10:39am

    Let’s hope people show up. 2 out of every 5 union households voted for Rauner. I wonder if they’re going to own up and realize they voted against themselves and the state. Good insight as usual, OW.

  28. - Trolling Troll - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:46 am:

    WE are never going to give up on MY ideas for change.

    That says it all.

  29. - burbanite - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    Nothing new to see here folks! Ugh. Same thing different day. Reforms blablabla, bring higher wages blablabla. No specifics, tell the folks what your proposed reforms are governor, tell them how these reforms will increase wages, revenue etc. Show your work. Give the numbers to Biss, let him run them. The numbers Governor, where are your numbers?

  30. - Handle Bar Mustache - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    Bravo OW.

    Rauner - the most inept and ineffective Gov in America. Hope he’ll prove me wrong.

  31. - RNUG - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:48 am:

    ==Rauner: We are never going to give up on my ideas for change, there should be no short term fixes.==

    More proof this is a religious crusade for Rauner.

  32. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:49 am:

    “It turns out that the Statehouse lost its Internet service.”

    That happens when you don’t pay the bill.

  33. - Langhorne - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:50 am:

    See OW 10:39

    Words–reform, growth, jobs

    Actions–OW list of hostages ready for slaughter

  34. - Winnin' - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    Per Madigan, Bruce is just not all that “persuasive”.

    Bruce was not persuasive in the last primary elections either.

    Bruce,some management consultants have made lots of money giving the following advice:

    “When the horse you are riding is dead, get off.”

    That advice was free. But your actions are costing others so much.
    Please get off the horse.

  35. - Anonymous - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 10:57 am:

    Rank and file Democrats should stand up to their leaders to advocate for items also opposed by rank and file Democrats…and a few Republican ones too?

  36. - Macbeth - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:00 am:

    This seems to be a significant turning point for Rauner. If he can’t turn statesman with all this — there’s not much hope moving forward.

    Pivotal moment here — and Rauner seems incapable of working through it successfully.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:00 am:

    Thanks to all for the kind words, I just wish this’d kind words were married to wonderful governing.


    ===Also, please try to be a little bit original.===

    Tensions are high, please pick a name.

  38. - Saluki Matt - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:01 am:

    I’ve only lived in this state for a few years, so much of this epic dysfunction is new to me. But given Hinz’s article, will it ever reach a point where House Dems are so fed up with Madigan that they vote against his nonsense?

  39. - Annonin' - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    We think this is about the 3rd or 4th time Greg has written on Madigan’s demise …can someone be charged with plagiarism when they rewrite themselves?

  40. - The Equalizer - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    Democrats, stand up to your leaders!

    Republicans, stand up to me in the slightest and I will crush you.

  41. - DuPage Dave - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:20 am:

    Re: RNUG “More proof this is a religious crusade for Rauner.” True that. But where does this come from? The guy has everything. His friends have everything. So what’s his beef with other people having a decent standard of living???

  42. - Skeptical - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:20 am:

    #taxhikemike - we may have to shut it down - willing to treat state employees like the air traffic controllers. The gov has never wanted a budget. This is a political crusade. No chance of progress until after the elections and maybe not even then depending on the results. Vote accordingly

  43. - TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:22 am:

    Did he just say, “bidness?”

  44. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    Anonnin +1 (what is happening to me?)

    Greg’s writing on this and Rauner’s actions seem to be similar-doing the same thing over and over and somehow expecting different results.

  45. - TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    He’s goin’ after a whole new demographic.

  46. - RNUG - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:32 am:

    == we may have to shut it down - willing to treat state employees like the air traffic controllers. ==

    Everybody keeps comparing it to the air traffic controller strike and firing them. You’re missing one big point; the ATC’s were forbidden to strike. AFSCME still has the right to strike.

  47. - JS Mill - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:34 am:

    =Re: RNUG “More proof this is a religious crusade for Rauner.” True that. But where does this come from? The guy has everything. His friends have everything. So what’s his beef with other people having a decent standard of living??? =

    A very good question.

  48. - A guy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:37 am:

    IF, a big if; this is a step in the process (talks break down) as it has been at times in the past, the less he says, the better. Hopefully, he’s allowing to let the channels of communication that are in effect; work. For the time being, we have no option but to wait and see. He doesn’t set the terms of how this gets negotiated. Not in the minority.

  49. - RNUG - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 11:43 am:

    At this point, given Rauner’s apparent inability to compromise, if had a GOP Senator or Representative, before I made any more contributions, I would ask if they would sign a recall petition. That’s the only way I’m seeing out of this before 2019.

  50. - Ree - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:06 pm:

    From 2010-2014, 60.6% of adults in Illinois over the age of 25 possessed some college or above (Source: The 2010-2014 American Community Surveys). TOO MANY EDUCATED WORKERS EQUALS HIGHER WAGES. Businessmen like Rauner want to turn the clock back on Illinois workers. However, most of us are well educated and not willing to accept his phony turnaround agenda. Rauner needs to take his trickle up, union-busting policies to a less educated state. Illinoisans aren’t buying it. We know better.

  51. - Anonymous - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:13 pm:

    =So what’s his beef with other people having a decent standard of living= I’d put this answer forth: pure meanness. It seems that Rauner would just delight in firing people, ruining their health insurance, keeping kids from going to college — his idea of fun. What does that make him?

  52. - Skeptical - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:21 pm:

    It was the gov who made the air traffic controllers comparison .

  53. - Rabid - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:27 pm:

    Only a few find the way, some don’t recognize it when they do, some…don’t ever want to(Cheshire Cat)

  54. - Anonymous - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:18 pm:

    == It was the gov who made the air traffic controllers comparison . ==

    Point taken. I sometimes miss things when skimming on the phone.

  55. - Anonymous - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 4:11 pm:

    “But where does this come from? The guy has everything. His friends have everything. So what’s his beef with other people having a decent standard of living???”

    In order for a business to earn more money, the owners have to be able to cut costs. What is one of the largest cost centers of a business - labor/employees. There are 2 ways to cut labor costs: 1. Pay a lower wage or 2. Lay people off.

  56. - Huh? - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 4:14 pm:

    4:11 was me.

    1.4% is trying to help his business buddies by using the power of the government. If 1.4% can lower wages, his buddies have more cash in their pockets.

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